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خدمات جامعة عين شمس الإلكترونية
يمكنك الوصول إلى خدماتنا الإلكترونية من خلال البوابات التالية
إعلان: لطلاب البكالوريوس للائحة 2003
تعليمات التسجيل للفصل الدراسي خريف 2024
تعرف على قادتنا
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Moneeb Elsabbagh
Vice Dean for Community and Environment
Preparation distinguished graduate capable of keep pace with global technological in various disciplines that meet the needs of local and regional markets, and can conduct scientific research and applied through the creation of appropriate conditions for faculty members and their assistants and students, and to provide educational programs in advanced undergraduate and graduate studies and continuing education, and the establishment of advisory centers and research labs, including sophisticated contribute to community service and to meet its needs.
Prof. Dr. Amr Shaat
Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Preparation distinguished graduate capable of keep pace with global technological in various disciplines that meet the needs of local and regional markets, and can conduct scientific research and applied through the creation of appropriate conditions for faculty members and their assistants and students, and to provide educational programs in advanced undergraduate and graduate studies and continuing education, and the establishment of advisory centers and research labs, including sophisticated contribute to community service and to meet its needs.
Prof. Dr. Moustafa Refaat Ahmed
Vice President for Student Affairs
Preparation distinguished graduate capable of keep pace with global technological in various disciplines that meet the needs of local and regional markets, and can conduct scientific research and applied through the creation of appropriate conditions for faculty members and their assistants and students, and to provide educational programs in advanced undergraduate and graduate studies and continuing education, and the establishment of advisory centers and research labs, including sophisticated contribute to community service and to meet its needs.
Prof. Dr. Omar Mohamed Elhusseiny
Dean of Faculty
Preparation distinguished graduate capable of keep pace with global technological in various disciplines that meet the needs of local and regional markets, and can conduct scientific research and applied through the creation of appropriate conditions for faculty members and their assistants and students, and to provide educational programs in advanced undergraduate and graduate studies and continuing education, and the establishment of advisory centers and research labs, including sophisticated contribute to community service and to meet its needs.
تعرف على بعض هيئة التدريس
التميز التعليمي
مركز التصميم العالمي
تقدم استوديوهات تصميم تعاونية تعمل في نفس المشروع في ثلاث جامعات دولية.
منحة هندسة الطاقة
منحة أكاديمية أنشأها معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا.
جامعة شرق لندن
شهادة مزدوجة مقدمة من جامعة شرق لندن وجامعة عين شمس.