انجى رضا عبد الحى محمد على الدمك

انجى رضا عبد الحى محمد على الدمك

أستاذ مساعد في هندسة الإلكترونيات والإتصالات

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ مساعد في : 2021-06-28
مدرس في : 2014-11-24
مدرس مساعد في : 2006-10-04
معيد في : 2002-11-25

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : angie.eldamak@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 2002

نبذة مختصرة

Associate Professor with blended experience in Microwave and Photonics looking to capitalize innovative ideas & concepts in sensing for telecom & biomedical applications

Research Interest:
• Antennas Design, Modeling & Measurements
• Microwave Biosensing, Electromagnetics
• Microwave Components & Systems
• CW & Pulsed Fiber Lasers, Fiber Sensors
• Higher Education Pedagogy & Courses Development

الجوائز التقديرية

• Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ontario, Canada (Academic years: 2012-2013, 2011-2012).
• Access to Opportunity Program (ATOP) awards for Engineering Doctoral Students, Ryerson University (Sep. 2010 - Aug. 2011).
• Ryerson Graduate Awards, Ryerson University (Sep. 2010 - Aug. 2011).
• Ryerson International Student Scholarship for Engineering Doctoral Students, Ryerson University, (Sep. 2009 - Aug.2010).
• Access to Opportunity Program (ATOP) awards for Engineering Doctoral Students, Ryerson University (Sept 2009 - Aug. 2010).
• Partnership & Ownership (PAROWN) Scholarship, Ministry of Higher Education, Cairo, Egypt (2006).
• Student Scholarship Support, European Microwave Association (2005).
• Ain Shams University Graduate Studies Scholarship, Egypt (2003-2006 (Three times)).
• Academic Distinction Award, Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt (1997-2002 (Five times)).


  1. Michael M. Y. R. Riad, A. R. Eldamak, " Coplanar Waveguide Based Sensor Using Paper Superstrate for Non-Invasive Sweat Monitoring ", IEEE Access, 2020
  2. Rabie, M.M., S. El-Gendy, M., R. Eldamak, A., Ibrahim, F., El-Henawy, H., " A compact wideband circularly polarized fractal slot antenna with rectangular island for X-band satellite applications ", Cogent Engineering, 2024
  3. Elsheakh, D.N., Fahmy, O.M., Farouk, M., Ezzat, K., Eldamak, A.R., " An Early Breast Cancer Detection by Using Wearable Flexible Sensors and Artificial Intelligent ", IEEE Access, 2024
  4. Rabie, M.M., El-Gendy, M.S., Eldamak, A.R., Ibrahim, F., El-Henawy, H., " Circularly Polarized Double-Walled SIW Fractal Slot and Hexagonal Ring Slot Antenna Array for X-Band Satellite Applications ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2024
  5. Zahran, A., Ayman, Y., Eldamak, A.R., Elsheakh, D.N., " Microwave Antenna Based For Sensing Glucose Changes In Blood ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2024
  6. Elsibaie, S.S., Eldamak, A.R., Elsheakh, D.N., " Multiband Complementary Split Ring Resonators For Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2024
  7. Rabie, M.M., El-Gendy, M.S., Eldamak, A.R., Ibrahim, F., El-Henawy, H., " Wideband Circularly Polarized Exponential Slot Antenna with Rectangular Island for X-Band Satellite Applications ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2024
  8. Akmal, M., Alieldin, A., Eldamak, A.R., " A High-Power Sandwiched Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Antenna for GNSS Systems ", IEEE Access, 2023
  9. Akmal, M., Alieldin, A., Eldamak, A.R., " A Printed Helical Circular Polarization Antenna for GNSS Anti-Attacking System ", 2023 International Microwave and Antenna Symposium, IMAS 2023, 2023
  10. Elsheakh, D.N., Elgendy, Y.K., Elsayed, M.E., Eldamak, A.R., " Circularly Polarized Textile Sensors for Microwave-Based Smart Bra Monitoring System ", Micromachines, 2023
  11. Elsheakh, D.N., Mohamed, R.A., Fahmy, O.M., Ezzat, K., Eldamak, A.R., " Complete Breast Cancer Detection and Monitoring System by Using Microwave Textile Based Antenna Sensors ", Biosensors, 2023
  12. Michael M.Y.R. Riad, Mariam A. Ateyya, Angie R. Eldamak, Amr M. E. Safwat, " Highly Sensitive Bi-Transmission Line-based Sensors for Liquid Characterization ", 2023 International Microwave and Antenna Symposium (IMAS), 2023
  13. Abdelmawgood, Z., Abdalawy, S., Mohamed, H., Eldamak, A., Fahmy, O., Elsheakh, D., " Modeling of Textile Antenna Sensors for Breast Cancer Detection Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques ", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Intelligent Computing, MoSICom 2023, 2023
  14. Elsheakh, D.M., Alsherif, S.A., Eldamak, A.R., " Textile monopole sensors for breast cancer detection ", Telecommunication Systems, 2023
  15. Salem, E.M., Elsheakh, D.N., Eldamak, A.R., " Microwaves Based Sensors For Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2022
  16. Riad, M.M.Y.R., Eldamak, A.R., " Low-Cost Wi-Fi-based System Using Passive Microwave Sensors for Liquid Characterization ", 2021 28th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2021
  17. Elsheikh, D., Eldamak, A.R., " Microwave Textile Sensors for Breast Cancer Detection ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2021
  18. Elsheakh, D.M.N.M.K., Alsherif, S.A., Eldamak, A.R., " Textile Monopole Sensors for Breast Cancer Detection ", Research Square, 2021
  19. Ismail, M.S., Eldamak, A.R., Ghali, H.A., " Bandwidth Enhancement for Meander Dipole Antenna in MHz range ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2020
  20. Eldamak, A.R., Fear, E.C., " Flexible Patch Antennas on Filter Paper Substrate for Biosensing Applications ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2020
  21. Ismail, M.S., Eldamak, A.R., Ghali, H.A., " Meander Dipole Antenna for Low Frequency Applications ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2020
  22. Eldamak, A.R., Thorson, S., Fear, E.C., " Study of the dielectric properties of artificial sweat mixtures at microwave frequencies ", Biosensors, 2020
  23. Eldamak, A.R., Ibrahim, K.M., Elkattan, M., " Implementation of printed small size dual frequency antenna in mhz range ", International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2019
  24. Eldamak, A.R., Fear, E.C., " Conformal and disposable antenna-based sensor for non-invasive sweat monitoring ", Sensors, 2018
  25. Ibrahim, K.M., Elkattan, M., Eldamak, A.R., " Design of Low Frequency Meander Line Antenna with Efficient Size Reduction ", ICARES 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology, 2018
  26. Afifi, A.E., El-Damak, A.R., Ramadan, T.A., Ahmed, M.H., " Fiber Optical Coherence Domain Polarimetry for PM Fiber Measurements ", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2017
  27. El-Damak, A.R., Chang, J., Sun, J., Xu, C., Gu, X., " Dual-wavelength, linearly polarized all-fiber laser with high extinction ratio ", IEEE Photonics Journal, 2013
  28. Zhang, L., El-Damak, A.R., Feng, Y., Gu, X., " Experimental and numerical studies of mode-locked fiber laser with large normal and anomalous dispersion ", Optics Express, 2013
  29. Xue, D., El-Damak, A.R., Gu, X., " All-fiber single polarized Yb-doped fiber laser with a high extinction ratio ", Optics Communications, 2010
  30. Eldamak, A., Raahemifar, K., " Multi-variable optimization for Q-swtiched double clad fiber laser sytsems ", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010
  31. El-Damak, A.R., Safwat, A.M.E., Tretyakov, S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Patch antenna on a high impedance wire ", Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008
  32. El-Damak, A.R., Ghali, H., Ragaie, H.F., " Circularly polarized fractal slot antenna ", 35th European Microwave Conference 2005 - Conference Proceedings, 2005
  33. El-Damak, A.R., Ghali, H., Ragaie, H.F., " Wideband modified Sierpinski slot antenna ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2005