المعتز يوسف عبد العزيز محمد الملف الشخصى

المعتز يوسف عبد العزيز محمد

أستاذ متفرغ في هندسة القوى والآلات الكهربية

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2023-09-13
أستاذ في : 2007-03-28
أستاذ مساعد في : 2001-12-31
مدرس في : 1996-06-24
مدرس مساعد في : 1990-03-25
معيد في : 1985-09-04

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : almoataz_abdelaziz@eng.asu.edu.eg
الدكتوراه : 1996-05-29 من هندسة عين شمس
الماجستير : 1990-02-13 من هندسة عين شمس
التخرج : 1985

نبذة مختصرة

Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1985 and 1990, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering according to the channel system between Ain Shams University, Egypt, and Brunel University, U.K., in 1996.
He is a professor of electrical power engineering at Ain Shams University since 2007. He has authored or coauthored more than 525 refereed journal and conference papers, 45 book chapters and 6 edited books with Elsevier, Springer and CRC Press in his research areas which include the applications of artificial intelligence, evolutionary and heuristic optimization techniques to power systems power system operation, planning, and control.
Dr. Abdelaziz is the chair of IEEE Education Society chapter in Egypt, editor of Electric Power Components & Systems Journal, Editorial Board member, Editor, Associate Editor, and Editorial Advisory Board member for many international journals.
He is also a senior member in IEEE, a member in IET and the Egyptian Sub-Committees of IEC and CIGRE’. He has been awarded many prizes for distinct researches and for international publishing from Ain Shams University and Future University in Egypt.

الجوائز التقديرية

• Egyptian Government Undergraduate Scholarship, October 1980 – June 1985.
• 1985 Distinction Award from Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
• University of Ain-Shams Graduate Scholarship, 1986 – 1990.
• 1994 - 1996 Channel Grant in Brunel University, England from the Egyptian Government.
• Winner of Ain Shams University Prize for Distinct Researches in 2002.
• Prize of Ain Shams University for international publishing in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021.
• Acknowledgement letter for the top ten cited papers in Electric Power Components and Systems Journal for the 2008-2010 time period.
• Prize of best researcher in Electrical Power and Machines Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University for the period 2009-2012.
• Listed in Who's Who in the World® 2016 (33rd Edition).
• Best Paper Award in 19th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Paris, 2017.
• Prize of best researcher in Future University in Egypt, 2019.
• Best Paper Award in 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Tunisia, 2020.
• Recognized among the top 2% Scientists Worldwide according to Stanford University Study, 2020.
• Recognized among the top 2% Scientists Worldwide according to Stanford University Study, 2021.


13 Books (Author).
6 Books (Editor)
45 Book chapter.

المقالات والدوريات

340 Journal paper


  1. , " Network distribution Power loss Reconfiguration Whale optimization ", international journal of applied power and engineering, 2020
  2. S. Khadar, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Zakaria Elbarbary, Mahmoud Mohamed, " An Improved Sensorless Nonlinear Control Based on SC-MRAS Estimator of Open-End Winding Five-Phase Induction Motor Fed by Dual NPC Inverter: Hardware-in-the-Loop Implementation ", Machines, 2023
  3. Manish Kumar Singla, Jyoti Gupta, Beant Singh, Parag Nijhawan, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " Parameter Estimation of Fuel Cells Using a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm ", Sustainability, 2023
  4. Ahmed G. Mahmoud A. Aziz, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ziad Ali, Ahmed A. Zaki Diab, " A Comprehensive Examination of Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Drive Techniques ", Energies, 2023
  5. Solomon Aklilu, satish raavi, Balamurali Pydi, Degarege Anteneh, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " Damping of Frequency and Power System Oscillations with DFIG Wind Turbine and DE Optimization ", Sustainability, 2023
  6. Solomon Feleke, Degarege Anteneh, Balamurali Pydi, satish raavi, Adel El-Shahat, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " Feasibility and Potential Assessment of Solar Resources: A Case Study in North Shewa Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia ", Energies, 2023
  7. Mahmoud Aref, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Zong Woo Geem, Junhee Hong, Farag K. Abo-Elyousr, " Oscillation Damping Neuro-Based Controllers Augmented Solar Energy Penetration Management of Power System Stability ", Energies, 2023
  8. Mohammed Hamouda Ali, Ahmed Mohammed Attiya Soliman,Ahmed Mohamed Attia Soliman,A.M.AttiyaSoliman,Ahmed M. A. Soliman, Mohamed Abdeen, Tarek Kandil, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " A Novel Stochastic Optimizer Solving Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem Considering Renewable Energy Resources ", Energies, 2023
  9. Mahmoud Aref, Vladislav Oboskalov, Adel El-Shahat, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " Modified Analytical Technique for Multi-Objective Optimal Placement of High-Level Renewable Energy Penetration Connected to Egyptian Power System ", Mathematics, 2023
  10. Samrat Chakraborty, Debottam Mukherjee, PABITRA KUMAR GUCHHAIT, Somudeep Bhattacharjee, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " Optimum Design of a Renewable-Based Integrated Energy System in Autonomous Mode for a Remote Hilly Location in Northeastern India ", Energies, 2023
  11. Saswati Mishra, Shubhrata Gupta, Anamika Yadav, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " Traveling Wave-Based Fault Localization in FACTS-Compensated Transmission Line via Signal Decomposition Techniques ", Energies, 2023
  12. Alaa M. Abdel-hamed, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " Design of a 2DOF-PID Control Scheme for Frequency/Power Regulation in a Two-Area Power System Using Dragonfly Algorithm with Integral-Based Weighted Goal Objective ", Energies, 2023
  13. Preeti Ranjan Sahu, Kumaraswamy Simhadri, Banaja Mohanty, Prakash Kumar Hota, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Fahad Albalawi, Sherif Ghoneim, Mahmoud Elsisi, " Effective Load Frequency Control of Power System with Two-Degree Freedom Tilt-Integral-Derivative Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm ", Sustainability, 2023
  14. Pampa Sinha, Kaushik Paul, Chidurala Saiprakash, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed I. Omar, Chun-Lien Su, Mahmoud Elsisi, " Identification of Cross-Country Fault with High Impedance Syndrome in Transmission Line Using Tunable Q Wavelet Transform ", Mathematics, 2023
  15. Fanidhar Dewangan, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Monalisa Biswal, " Load Forecasting Models in Smart Grid Using Smart Meter Information: A Review ", Energies, 2023
  16. Abdolhamid Mazloumi, Alireza Poolad, MohmmadSadegh Mokhtari, Morteza Babaee Altman, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Mahmoud Elsisi, " Optimal Sizing of a Photovoltaic Pumping System Integrated with Water Storage Tank Considering Cost/Reliability Assessment Using Enhanced Artificial Rabbits Optimization: A Case Study ", Mathematics, 2023
  17. mohamed metwally, Basiony Shehata Atia, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Noura A. Nour Aldin, " Dynamic Performance Assessment of PMSG and DFIG-Based WECS with the Support of Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer Considering MPPT, Pitch Control, and FRT Capability Issues ", Processes, 2022
  18. Amr Khaled, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Makram R. Eskaros, Mahmoud A. Attia, Mariam A. Sameh, " Optimal Power Flow with Stochastic Renewable Energy Using Three Mixture Component Distribution Functions ", Sustainability, 2022
  19. Mohana Alanazi, Abdulaziz Alanazi, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Pierluigi Siano, " Power Flow Optimization by Integrating Novel Metaheuristic Algorithms and Adopting Renewables to Improve Power System Operation ", Applied Sciences, 2022
  20. Saeed Behzadpoor, Iraj Faraji Davoudkhani, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Zong Woo Geem, Junhee Hong, " Power System Stability Enhancement Using Robust FACTS-Based Stabilizer Designed by a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm ", Energies, 2022
  21. Amr Khaled Khamees, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Makram R. Eskaros, Mahmoud A. Attia, Ahmed Badr, " The Mixture of Probability Distribution Functions for Wind and Photovoltaic Power Systems Using a Metaheuristic Method ", Processes, 2022
  22. Mohsen Khalili, Touhid Poursheykh Aliasghari, Ebrahim Seifi Najmi, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed Abu-Siada, saber arabi nowdeh, " Optimal Allocation of Distributed Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators in Power System Considering Overload, Voltage, and Losses with Reliability Effect ", Energies, 2022
  23. Abdulaziz Alanazi, Mohana Alanazi, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Hossam Kotb, Ahmad H. Milyani, Abdullah Ahmed Azhari, " Stochastic Allocation of Photovoltaic Energy Resources in Distribution Systems Considering Uncertainties Using New Improved Meta-Heuristic Algorithm ", Processes, 2022
  24. Abdulaziz Alanazi, Mohana Alanazi, Saber Arabi Nowdeh, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed Abu-Siada, " Stochastic-Metaheuristic Model for Multi-Criteria Allocation of Wind Energy Resources in Distribution Network using Improved Equilibrium Optimization Algorithm ", Electronics, 2022
  25. Ahmed M. Mahmoud, Shady H. E. Abdel Aleem, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Mohamed Ezzat, " Towards Maximizing Hosting Capacity by Optimal Planning of Active and Reactive Power Compensators and Voltage Regulators: Case Study ", Sustainability, 2022
  26. SUBRAT KUMAR DASH, Sivkumar Mishra, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " A Critical Analysis of Modeling Aspects of D-STATCOMs for Optimal Reactive Power Compensation in Power Distribution Networks ", Energies, 2022
  27. Solomon Feleke, Raavi Satish, Workagegn Tatek, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " DE-Algorithm-Optimized Fuzzy-PID Controller for AGC of Integrated Multi Area Power System with HVDC Link ", Energies, 2022
  28. Adel El-Shahat, Joshua Danjuma, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Shady Abdel Aleem, " Human Exposure Influence Analysis for Wireless Electric Vehicle Battery Charging ", Clean Technologies, 2022
  29. Dhananjaya Mudadla, Devendra Potnuru, Raavi Satish, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " New Class of Power Converter for Performing the Multiple Operations in a Single Converter: Universal Power Converter ", Energies, 2022
  30. Prabodh Khampariya, Sidhartha Panda, Hisham Alharbi, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Sherif Ghoneim, " Coordinated Design of Type-2 Fuzzy Lead–Lag-Structured SSSCs and PSSs for Power System Stability Improvement ", Sustainability, 2022
  31. SUBRAT KUMAR DASH, Sivkumar Mishra, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Junhee Hong, Zong Woo Geem, " Optimal Planning of Multitype DGs and D-STATCOMs in Power Distribution Network Using an Efficient Parameter Free Metaheuristic Algorithm ", Energies, 2022
  32. Nishant Patnaik, Richa Pandey, Raavi Satish, Balamurali Surakasi, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " Single-Phase Universal Power Compensator with an Equal VAR Sharing Approach ", Energies, 2022
  33. SUBRAT KUMAR DASH, Sivkumar Mishra, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Mamdouh L. Alghaythi, Ahmed Allehyani, " Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generators in Active Distribution Networks Using a New Oppositional Hybrid Sine Cosine Muted Differential Evolution Algorithm ", Energies, 2022
  34. Ekata Kaushik, Vivek Prakash, Om Prakash Mahela, baseem khan, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Junhee Hong, Zong Woo Geem, " Optimal Placement of Renewable Energy Generators Using Grid-Oriented Genetic Algorithm for Loss Reduction and Flexibility Improvement ", Energies, 2022
  35. Asmamaw sewnet, Baseem Khan, Issaias Gidey, Om Prakash Mahela, Adel El-Shahat, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " Mitigating Generation Schedule Deviation of Wind Farm Using Battery Energy Storage System ", Energies, 2022
  36. Ekata Kaushik, Vivek Prakash, Om Prakash Mahela, baseem khan, Adel El-Shahat, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " Comprehensive Overview of Power System Flexibility during the Scenario of High Penetration of Renewable Energy in Utility Grid ", Energies, 2022
  37. Aleena Swetapadma, Shobha Agarwal, Satarupa Chakrabarti, Soham Chakrabarti, Adel El-Shahat, Almoataz Abdelaziz, " Locating Faults in Thyristor-Based LCC-HVDC Transmission Lines Using Single End Measurements and Boosting Ensemble ", Electronics, 2022
  38. fathalla selim, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ibrahim B. M. Taha, " Economic Design of Hybrid Pico-Hydraulic/Photovoltaic Generation System: A Case Study in Egypt ", Electronics, 2021
  39. Raavi Satish, Kanchapogu Vaisakh, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " A Novel Three-Phase Harmonic Power Flow Algorithm for Unbalanced Radial Distribution Networks with the Presence of D-STATCOM Devices ", Electronics, 2021
  40. Raavi Satish, Kanchapogu Vaisakh, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Adel El-Shahat, " A Novel Three-Phase Power Flow Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Impact of Renewable Energy Sources and D-STATCOM Devices on Unbalanced Radial Distribution Networks ", Energies, 2021
  41. Amr Khaled Khamees, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Makram R. Eskaros, Adel El-Shahat, Mahmoud A. Attia, " Optimal Power Flow Solution of Wind-Integrated Power System Using Novel Metaheuristic Method ", Energies, 2021
  42. Sunil Kumar Mishra, Amitkumar V. Jha, Vijay Kumar Verma, Bhargav Appasani, Almoataz Abdelaziz, N Bizon, " An Optimized Triggering Algorithm for Event-Triggered Control of Networked Control Systems ", Mathematics, 2021
  43. Dina Emara, Mohamed Ezzat, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Karar Mahmoud, Matti Lehtonen, M. M. F. Darwish, " Novel Control Strategy for Enhancing Microgrid Operation Connected to Photovoltaic Generation and Energy Storage Systems ", Electronics, 2021
  44. Ahmed F. Bendary, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Mohamed M. Ismail, Karar Mahmoud, Matti Lehtonen, M. M. F. Darwish, " Proposed ANFIS Based Approach for Fault Tracking, Detection, Clearing and Rearrangement for Photovoltaic System ", Sensors, 2021
  45. Ashraf Ramadan, Mohamed Ebeed, Salah Kamel, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Hassan Haes Alhelou, " Scenario-Based Stochastic Framework for Optimal Planning of Distribution Systems Including Renewable-Based DG Units ", Sustainability, 2021
  46. Ziad Ali, Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin, Shady Abdel Aleem, Ahmed El-Rafei, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Francisco Jurado, " Scenario-Based Network Reconfiguration and Renewable Energy Resources Integration in Large-Scale Distribution Systems Considering Parameters Uncertainty ", Mathematics, 2020
  47. Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin, Shady Abdel Aleem, Ahmed El-Rafei, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed F Zobaa, " Enhancement of Hosting Capacity with Soft Open Points and Distribution System Reconfiguration: Multi-Objective Bilevel Stochastic Optimization ", Energies, 2020
  48. Omnia S. Elazab, Hany Hasanien, Ibrahim Alsaidan, Almoataz Abdelaziz, S M Muyeen, " Parameter Estimation of Three Diode Photovoltaic Model Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm ", Energies, 2020
  49. Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin, Shady Abdel Aleem, Ahmed El-Rafei, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed F Zobaa, " A Novel Graphically-Based Network Reconfiguration for Power Loss Minimization in Large Distribution Systems ", Mathematics, 2019
  50. Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin, Shady Abdel Aleem, Ahmed El-Rafei, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed F Zobaa, " Optimal Network Reconfiguration in Active Distribution Networks with Soft Open Points and Distributed Generation ", Energies, 2019
  51. , " MODWT-based fault detection and classification scheme for cross-country and evolving faults ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2019
  52. , " Optimal configuration and energy management scheme of an isolated micro-grid using Cuckoo search optimization algorithm ", Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019
  53. , " Intelligent schemes for fault classification in mutually coupled series-compensated parallel transmission lines ", Neural Computing and Applications, 2019
  54. , " Fuzzy multi-objective placement of renewable energy sources in distribution system with objective of loss reduction and reliability improvement using a novel hybrid method ", Applied Soft Computing, 2019
  55. Sherif Mohsen Ismael, Shady Abdel Aleem, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed F. Zobaa, " Probabilistic Hosting Capacity Enhancement in Non-Sinusoidal Power Distribution Systems Using a Hybrid PSOGSA Optimization Algorithm ", Energies, 2019
  56. , " State-of-the-art of hosting capacity in modern power systems with distributed generation ", Renewable Energy, 2019
  57. , " A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Application Using Secant Incremental Gradient Based on Newton Raphson ", Power Systems, 2019
  58. , " A Planning Framework for Optimal Partitioning of Distribution Networks Into Microgrids ", IEEE Systems Journal, 2019
  59. , " Energy Management for Medium-Voltage Direct Current Networks ", Medium Voltage Direct Current Grid, 2019
  60. , " Micro-Small-Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Design and Performance Analysis for Micro-Grids Applications ", Smart Microgrids, 2019
  61. , " Power Extraction from PV Module Using Hybrid ANFIS Controller ", Power Systems, 2019
  62. , " Protection Schemes for Sustainable Microgrids ", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2019
  63. Mosaad, A.M., Attia, M.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Comparative Performance Analysis of AVR Controllers Using Modern Optimization Techniques ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018
  64. , " Integration of Renewable Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks Including a Practical Case Study Based on a Hybrid PSOGSA Optimization Algorithm ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018
  65. , " Fault Analysis and Detection in Total Cross Tied Photovoltaic Arrays ", 2018 Twentieth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2018
  66. , " Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage System for Improving Performance of Microgrid Using Symbiotic Organisms Search ", 2018 Twentieth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2018
  67. , " Grey-Wolf Optimization Scenario for Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem ", 2018 Twentieth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2018
  68. Youssef Mahmoud, H., Hussien Besheer, A., Mohamed Hasanien, H., Youssef Abdelaziz, A., " Different Control Strategies for Converter Based DC Energy Transmission in Offshore Wind Power: A Literature Survey ", 2018 20th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2018 - Proceedings, 2019
  69. , " Time-Efficient Load Flow Technique for Radial Distribution Systems with Voltage-Dependent Loads ", International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON), 2018
  70. , " Sliding-mode control of power converters: AC/DC converters & DC/AC inverters ", International Journal of Control, 2018
  71. , " Optimal PI microcontroller-based realization for technical trends of single-stage single-phase grid-tied PV ", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2018
  72. , " Optimal design of fuzzy PID controller for deregulated LFC of multi-area power system via mine blast algorithm ", Neural Computing and Applications, 2018
  73. , " Detailed Investigation and Performance Improvement of the Dynamic Behavior of Grid-Connected DFIG-Based Wind Turbines Under LVRT Conditions ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018
  74. , " LVCI approach for optimal allocation of distributed generations and capacitor banks in distribution grids based on moth–flame optimization algorithm ", Electrical Engineering, 2018
  75. , " Single and multi-objective operation management of micro-grid using krill herd optimization and ant lion optimizer algorithms ", International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2018
  76. , " An adaptive algorithm to prevent distance relay overreach during CCVT transient ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2018
  77. , " Dynamic performance enhancement for wind energy conversion system using Moth-Flame Optimization based blade pitch controller ", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2018
  78. , " Unsynchronized fault-location technique for two- and three-terminal transmission lines ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2018
  79. , " Multi-Area Hydrothermal Interconnected Load Frequency Control with Double-Fed Induction-Generator-Based Wind Turbine via Improved Harmony Algorithm ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018
  80. , " The Optimal Planning and Operation of Energy Storage Systems for Minimizing Cost of Energy Losses and Maximizing Arbitrage Benefit in the Presence of Wind Generation ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018
  81. , " Single-objective optimal power flow for electric power systems based on crow search algorithm ", Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018
  82. , " Optimal allocation and sizing of renewable distributed generation using ant lion optimization algorithm ", Electrical Engineering, 2018
  83. , " Optimal sizing and placement of distributed generation in Egyptian radial distribution systems using crow search algorithm ", 2018 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering (ITCE), 2018
  84. Mohamed A. Tolba, Hegazy Rezk, Vladimir Tulsky, Ahmed A. Zaki Diab, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Artem Vanin, " Impact of Optimum Allocation of Renewable Distributed Generations on Distribution Networks Based on Different Optimization Algorithms ", Energies, 2018
  85. , " VLCI approach for optimal capacitors allocation in distribution networks based on hybrid PSOGSA optimization algorithm ", Neural Computing and Applications, 2018
  86. , " A Probabilistic Modeling Strategy for Wind Power and System Demand ", Soft Computing Systems, 2018
  87. , " Classical and Recent Aspects of Power System Optimization ", [], 2018
  88. , " Design of hybrid power generation systems connected to utility grid and natural gas distribution network ", Engineering review, 2018
  89. , " Optimal Allocation of Compensators ", Electric Distribution Network Planning, 2018
  90. , " Practical Considerations for Optimal Conductor Reinforcement and Hosting Capacity Enhancement in Radial Distribution Systems ", IEEE Access, 2018
  91. , " A new fuzzy framework for the optimal placement of phasor measurement units under normal and abnormal conditions ", Resource-Efficient Technologies, 2017
  92. Zaki, D.A., Hasanien, H.M., El-Amary, N.H., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Crow search algorithm for improving the performance of an inverter-based distributed generation system ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
  93. , " Enhancement of power system operation using grey wolf optimization algorithm ", 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
  94. Ahmed, A.S., Attia, M.A., Hamed, N.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Comparison between genetic algorithm and whale optimization algorithm in fault location estimation in power systems ", 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
  95. , " Optimal selection of conductors in Egyptian radial distribution systems using sine-cosine optimization algorithm ", 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
  96. Osama, R.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Swief, R., Ezzat, M., Zobaa, A.F., " A probabilistic approach for maximizing the islanding success of microgrids ", 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
  97. , " Simulation of large thermal power plant for protection purposes using ATP/EMTP ", 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
  98. , " A comprehensive approach for energy storage systems optimal planning and operation in presence of wind power generation ", 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
  99. , " Double-layer Firefly Algorithm for Simultaneous Optimal Sizing and Operation of Energy Hubs ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2017
  100. , " Optimal reclosing time to improve transient stability in distribution system ", CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, 2017
  101. , " An optimal/adaptive reclosing technique for transient stability enhancement under single pole tripping ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2017
  102. Sanad Ahmed, A., Attia, M.A., Hamed, N.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Modern optimization algorithms for fault location estimation in power systems ", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2017
  103. , " Synchrophasors assisted protection scheme for the shunt-compensated transmission line ", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017
  104. , " Firefly Optimization Algorithm for the Reactive Power Control of an Isolated Wind-Diesel System ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2017
  105. , " Optimal PMUs placement for full observability of electrical power systems using flower pollination algorithm ", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), 2017
  106. , " Distribution system performance enhancement using power filter/compensator device ", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), 2017
  107. , " A comparison of different global MPPT techniques based on meta-heuristic algorithms for photovoltaic system subjected to partial shading conditions ", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017
  108. , " A non-unit protection scheme for double circuit series capacitor compensated transmission lines ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2017
  109. , " A novel single end measuring system based fast identification scheme for transmission line faults ", Measurement, 2017
  110. , " Grey Wolf Optimizer for Optimal Sizing and Siting of Energy Storage System in Electric Distribution Network ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2017
  111. , " Electrical energy management in unbalanced distribution networks using virtual power plant concept ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2017
  112. , " A directional protection scheme during single pole tripping ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2017
  113. , " Energy hub optimization using modified firefly algorithm ", 2017 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 2017
  114. , " An Accurate Technique for Discrimination between Transient and Permanent Faults in Transmission Networks ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2017
  115. , " Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm for optimal location and sizing of renewable distributed generations ", Renewable Energy, 2017
  116. Sayed Moustafa, F., El-Rafei, A., Badra, N.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Application and performance comparison of variants of the firefly algorithm to the Economic Load Dispatch problem ", 2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), 2017
  117. Sobhy, M.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ezzat, M., Elkhattam, W., Yadav, A., Kumar, B., " Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Fault Section Estimation ", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017
  118. , " Egyptian Grid Code of Wind Farms and Power Quality ", Handbook of Distributed Generation, 2017
  119. , " A novel Monte Carlo based modeling strategy for wind based renewable energy sources ", 2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2016
  120. , " Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm for Renewable Distributed Generations ", Energy, 2016
  121. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Elkhattam, W., Ezzat, M., Sobhy, M.A., " Fault section estimation in power systems Based on improved honey-bee mating optimization ", 2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2016
  122. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, E.S., Abd Elazim, S.M., " Combined economic and emission dispatch solution using Flower Pollination Algorithm ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2016
  123. Adly, A.R., El Sehiemy, R.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ayad, N.M.A., " Critical aspects on wavelet transforms based fault identification procedures in HV transmission line ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2016
  124. Othman, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Enhanced Backtracking Search Algorithm for Optimal Coordination of Directional Over-current Relays Including Distributed Generation ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2016
  125. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, E.S., Abd Elazim, S.M., " Flower Pollination Algorithm and Loss Sensitivity Factors for optimal sizing and placement of capacitors in radial distribution systems ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2016
  126. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, E.S., Abd Elazim, S.M., " Flower Pollination Algorithm for Optimal Capacitor Placement and Sizing in Distribution Systems ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2016
  127. Ali, E.S., Abd Elazim, S.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Improved Harmony Algorithm and Power Loss Index for optimal locations and sizing of capacitors in radial distribution systems ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2016
  128. Osama, R.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Swief, R.A., Ezzat, M., Saket, R.K., Anand Kumar, K.S., " Optimum Clustering of Active Distribution Networks Using Back Tracking Search Algorithm ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2016
  129. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " A New Strategy for Selection of Switching Instant to Reduce Transformer Inrush Current in a Single-phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic System ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  130. Abdelaziz, A.Y., El-Sharkawy, M.A., Attia, M.A., Hegazy, Y.G., " A genetic algorithm for optimal allocation of FACTS to enhance power system performance with wind penetration ", ICET 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology, 2015
  131. Kassem, A.M., Besheer, A.H., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " A linear quadratic gaussian approach for power transfer maximization of a point absorber wave energy converter ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  132. Othman, M.M., Hegazy, Y.G., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " A modified firefly algorithm for optimal sizing and siting of voltage controlled distributed generators in distribution networks ", Periodica Polytechnica, Electrical Engineering, 2015
  133. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y.G., El-Khattam, W., Othman, M.M., " A multi-objective optimization for sizing and placement of voltage-controlled distributed generation using supervised big bang-big crunch method ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  134. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ezzat, M., Sameh, W., Saket, R.K., Anand Kumar, K.S., " An Integrated Passive Islanding Detection Method for Grid Connected PV Distributed Generators ", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015
  135. Hasanien, H.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " An adaptive-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage unit for stabilizing a grid-connected wind generator ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  136. Othman, M.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazi, Y.G., El-Khattam, W., " Approach for modelling stochastically dependent renewable energy-based generators using diagonal band copula ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015
  137. Kassem, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " BFA optimization for voltage and frequency control of a stand-alone wind generation unit ", Electrical Engineering, 2015
  138. Atallah, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, M., Saket, R.K., Anand Kumar, K.S., " Cable Laying Precautions in Offshore Wind Farms with Reactive Power Compensation ", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015
  139. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, E.S., " Cuckoo Search algorithm based load frequency controller design for nonlinear interconnected power system ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2015
  140. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, E.S., " Load Frequency Controller Design via Artificial Cuckoo Search Algorithm ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  141. Osama, R.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Swief, R.A., Ezzat, M., " Microgrid self adequacy optimization using back tracking search algorithm ", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2015
  142. Swief, R.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Nagy, A., " Optimail strategy for over Current relay coordination using Genetic Algorithm ", ICET 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology, 2015
  143. Abdelaziz, A.Y., El-Sharkawy, M.A., Attia, M.A., " Optimal Location of Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation and Static VAR Compensator to Enhance Steady-state Performance of Power System with Wind Penetration ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  144. Othman, A.M., El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Optimal Reconfiguration Comprising Voltage Stability Aspect Using Enhanced Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  145. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y.G., El-Khattam, W., Othman, M.M., " Optimal allocation of stochastically dependent renewable energy based distributed generators in unbalanced distribution networks ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2015
  146. Kassem, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Optimal control of an autonomous variable-speed wind generation system based on a bacterial foraging optimization technique ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  147. Othman, M.M., El-Khattam, W., Hegazy, Y.G., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators in unbalanced distribution systems using supervised big bang-big crunch method ", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015
  148. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y.G., El-Khattam, W., Othman, M.M., " Optimal planning of distributed generators in distribution networks using modified firefly method ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  149. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ali, E.S., " Static VAR Compensator Damping Controller Design Based on Flower Pollination Algorithm for a Multi-machine Power System ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  150. Othman, M.M., El-Khattam, W., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y.G., " A firefly based optimization algorithm for optimal planning of voltage controlled distributed generators ", Engineering Optimization 2014, 2014
  151. Besheer, A.H., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " A comparative analysis for different kinds of single diode model photovoltaic module ", 2014 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT ASIA 2014, 2014
  152. Othman, M.M., El-Khattam, W., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y.G., " A firefly based optimization algorithm for optimal planning of voltage controlled distributed generators ", Engineering Optimization IV - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, ENGOPT 2014, 2014
  153. El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Artificial bee colony algorithm to allocate fixed and switched static shunt capacitors in radial distribution networks ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014
  154. El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Capacitor allocations in radial distribution networks using cuckoo search algorithm ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2014
  155. El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Capacitor placement for net saving maximization and system stability enhancement in distribution networks using artificial bee colony-based approach ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2014
  156. El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Efficient heuristic-based approach for multi-objective capacitor allocation in radial distribution networks ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2014
  157. Kassem, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Functional predictive control for voltage stability improvements of autonomous hybrid wind-diesel power system ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014
  158. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., Salem, R.H., " Impact of distribution system reconfiguration on optimal placement of phasor measurement units ", 2014 Clemson University Power Systems Conference, PSC 2014, 2014
  159. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Letter to the editor: A brief overview of nanotechnology applications in smart power grid ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014
  160. El-Fergany, A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Multi-objective capacitor allocations in distribution networks using artificial bee colony algorithm ", Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2014
  161. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mukherjee, V., " Optimal PMU placement in a distribution network considering network reconfiguration ", 2014 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT 2014, 2014
  162. Abdelaziz, A.Y., El-Sharkawy, M.A., Attia, M.A., El-Saadany, E.F., " Optimal location of series FACTS to improve the performance of power system with wind penetration ", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2014
  163. Hegazy, Y.G., Othman, M.M., El-Khattam, W., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Optimal sizing and siting of distributed generators using Big Bang Big Crunch method ", Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2014
  164. El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Reactive power compensation in distribution networks using cuckoo search algorithm ", International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 2014
  165. Kassem, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Reactive power control for voltage stability of standalone hybrid wind-diesel power system based on functional model predictive control ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2014
  166. Besheer, A.H., Kassem, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Single-diode model based photovoltaic module: Analysis and comparison approach ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014
  167. El-Fergany, A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Panigrahi, B.K., " Artificial Bee Colony-Based Approach for Optimal Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2013
  168. El-Fergany, A.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Cuckoo search-based algorithm for optimal shunt capacitors allocations in distribution networks ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2013
  169. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., Elkhodary, S.M., " Distribution systems reconfiguration using ant colony optimization and harmony search algorithms ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2013
  170. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., Panigrahi, B.K., " Effect of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Variations in Distribution System Reconfiguration for Loss Reduction Using Ant Colony Algorithm ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2013
  171. Naiem, A.F., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y.G., Elsharkawy, M.A., El-Shahat, I.A., " Effect of distributed generation modelling on performance of distribution systems ", International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, 2013
  172. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Ezzat, M., " Fault location of uncompensated/series-compensated lines using two-end synchronized measurements ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2013
  173. Kamel, A., Alaam, M.A., Azmy, A.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Protection coordination for distribution systems in presence of distributed generators ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2013
  174. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Use of nanotechnology in smart power grid ", Journal of Bionanoscience, 2013
  175. Abdelsalam, H.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Wide-area automatic voltage regulators controller for damping oscillations based on inter-area modes ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2013
  176. Naiem, A.F., Hegazy, Y., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Elsharkawy, M.A., " A classification technique for recloser-fuse coordination in distribution systems with distributed generation ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2012
  177. Osama, R.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Elkhodary, S.M., " Ant colony optimization and harmony search algorithms for distribution networks reconfiguration ", 2012 8th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, INFOS 2012, 2012
  178. Mekhamer, S.F., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ezzat, M., Abdel-Salam, T.S., " Fault location in long transmission lines using synchronized phasor measurements from both ends ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2012
  179. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Khattab, H.M., Badr, M.L.A., Panigrahi, B.K., " Gene Expression Programming Algorithm for Transient Security Classification ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2012
  180. Khattab, H.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., El-Saadany, E.F., " Gene expression programming for static security assessment of power systems ", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012
  181. Abdelaziz, A.Y., El-Sharkawy, M.A., Attia, M.A., Panigrahi, B.K., " Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Optimal Allocation of TCSC for Power System Loadability Enhancement ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2012
  182. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ibrahim, A.M., Asim, A.M., Razek, A.H.A., Hegazy, Y.G., " Investigation of electrical dynamics of DFIG-based wind turbines during severe symmetrical grid voltage dips ", International Conference on Engineering and Technology, ICET 2012 - Conference Booklet, 2012
  183. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Ezzat, M., El-Saadany, E.F., " Line outage detection using support Vector Machine (SVM) based on the Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) technology ", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012
  184. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., El-Khodary, S.M., " Reconfiguration of distribution systems for loss reduction using the hyper-cube ant colony optimisation algorithm ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2012
  185. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., Elkhodary, S.M., El-Saadany, E.F., " Reconfiguration of distribution systems with distributed generators using Ant Colony Optimization and Harmony Search algorithms ", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012
  186. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Rahman, M.A., Moussa, M.S., " Distance protection for multi-terminal transmission lines ", 2011 2nd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, EPECS 2011, 2011
  187. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., El-Khodary, S.M., Panigrahi, B.K., " Distribution Systems Reconfiguration Using the Hyper-Cube Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2011
  188. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Elkhodary, S.M., Osama, R.A., " Distribution networks reconfiguration for loss reduction using the hyper cube ant colony optimization ", Proceedings - ICCES'2011: 2011 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2011
  189. Abdelaziz, A.Y., El-Sharkawy, M.A., Attia, M.A., " Optimal location of thyristor-controlled series compensators in power systems for increasing loadability by genetic algorithm ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2011
  190. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., Khattab, H.M., " Probabilistic neural network classifier for static voltage security assessment of power systems ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2011
  191. Naiem, A.F., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Hegazy, Y., Elsharkawy, M.A., " Recloser-fuse coordination assessment by classification technique for distribution systems with distributed generation ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2011
  192. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Osama, R.A., El-Khodary, S.M., Panigrahi, B.K., " Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems for Loss Reduction Using the Harmony Search Algorithm ", Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2011
  193. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Nada, M.H., " A fuzzy expert system for loss reduction and voltage control in radial distribution systems ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2010
  194. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mohamed, F.M., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., " Distribution system reconfiguration using a modified Tabu Search algorithm ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2010
  195. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., Mohamed, F.M., El-Saadany, E.F., " A modified particle swarm algorithm for distribution systems reconfiguration ", 2009 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES '09, 2009
  196. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mohammed, F.M., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., " Distribution Systems Reconfiguration using a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2009
  197. Mekhamer, S.F., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Kamh, M.Z., Badr, M.A.L., " Dynamic economic dispatch using a hybrid hopfield neural network quadratic programming based technique ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2009
  198. Kamh, M.Z., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., " Modified augmented hopfield neural network for optimal thermal unit commitment ", 2009 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES '09, 2009
  199. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Kamh, M.Z., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., " A hybrid HNN-QP approach for dynamic economic dispatch problem ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2008
  200. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Kamh, M.Z., Badr, M.A.L., " A hybrid hopfield neural network-quadratic programming approach for dynamic economic dispatch problem ", 2008 12th International Middle East Power System Conference, MEPCON 2008, 2008
  201. Mekhamer, S.F., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mohammed, F.M., Badr, M.A.L., " A new intelligent optimization technique for distribution systems reconfiguration ", 2008 12th International Middle East Power System Conference, MEPCON 2008, 2008
  202. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mekhamer, S.F., Badr, M.A.L., Kamh, M.Z., " Economic dispatch using an enhanced Hopfield neural network ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2008
  203. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Badr, M.A.L., Younes, A.H., " Dynamic load modeling of an Egyptian primary distribution system using neural networks ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2007
  204. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Badr, M.A.L., Younes, A.H., " Artificial neural network for load modeling of an Egyptian primary distribution system ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2006
  205. Mekhamer, S.F., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Badr, M.A.L., Kamh, M.Z., " Enhancing the performance of hopfield neural network applied to the economic dispatch problem ", Proceedings of the 11th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON'2006, 2006
  206. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Abbas, A.A., Naiem, A.F., Elsharkawy, M.A., " Transient stability assessment using an adaptive fuzzy classification technique ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2006
  207. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Abu-Elnaga, M.M., Elsharkawy, M.A., Elbahrawy, K.M., " Voltage stability assessment of multi-machine power systems using energy function and neural networks techniques ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2006
  208. Mohamed, E.A., Abdelaziz, A.Y., Mostafa, A.S., " A neural network-based scheme for fault diagnosis of power transformers ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2005
  209. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ibrahim, A.M., Mansour, M.M., Talaat, H.E., " Modern approaches for protection of series compensated transmission lines ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2005
  210. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Talaat, H.E.A., Nosseir, A.I., Hajjar, A.A., " An adaptive protection scheme for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2002
  211. El-Kady, F.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Voltage stability assessment of electrical power systems using artificial neural networks ", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 2001
  212. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Irving, M.R., Mansour, M.M., El-Arabaty, A.M., Nosseir, A.I., " Adaptive protection strategies for detecting power system out-of-step conditions using neural networks ", IEE Proceedings: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 1998
  213. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Irving, M.R., Mansour, M.M., El-Arabaty, A.M., Nosseir, A.I., " Neural network-based adaptive out-of-step protection strategy for electrical power systems ", International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 1997
  214. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Irving, M.R., Mansour, M.M., El-Arabaty, A.M., Nosseir, A.I., " Adaptive detection of generator out-of-step conditions in power systems using an artificial neural network ", IEE Conference Publication, 1996
  215. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Irving, M.R., Mansour, M.M., El-Arabaty, A.M., " Fast prediction of out-of-step condition by artificial neural networks for power system transient stability assessment ", Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1995
  216. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Irving, M.R., El-Arabaty, A.M., Mansour, M.M., " Out-of-step prediction based on artificial neural networks ", Electric Power Systems Research, 1995
  217. El-Arabaty, A.M., Talaat, H.A., Mansour, M.M., Abd-Elaziz, A.Y., " Out-of-step detection based on pattern recognition ", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1994