احمد هشام عيسى احمد مرشد

احمد هشام عيسى احمد مرشد

أستاذ متفرغ في هندسة الإلكترونيات والإتصالات

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2021-02-12
أستاذ في : 2011-11-02
أستاذ مساعد في : 2005-05-30
مدرس في : 1997-10-27
مدرس مساعد في : 1986-11-27
معيد في : 1984-09-17

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : ahmed_morshed@eng.asu.edu.eg
الماجستير : 1989-11-04 من Ain shams University
التخرج : june / 1984

نبذة مختصرة

I made a positive contribution to the education of our students at The Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in the different fields of electronics, electromagnetics and optical technologies.
I contributed to the development of the characterization and fabrication facilities for optical waveguides at the Optical Communication and Lasers Lab, the development of MEMS-based variable optical attenuators for MEMScAP Egypt, and the establishment of an optical communication and optoelectronic technology center of excellence at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University for which I served as a manager for about three years.
I conducted research and supervised many graduate student theses in cooperation with other faculty members, and published more than 30 refereed papers on modeling of ion-exchanged waveguides and multimode interference devices, optical MEMs, optical lithography, fiber gyroscopes and multimode optical fiber sensors.

الجوائز التقديرية

Secondary School Honorary Certificate from North-Cairo Educational Administration, Ranked 24th of the successful students of Egypt on High School Completion Exams, 1979.

Distinction Fellowship for 5 consecutive years at Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, from 1979 to 1984.

Distinction with Honors B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, 1984, Ranked 4th of 99 successful students.

NSERC (Canada) travel grant for presentation of research paper at the First Graduate Student Conference on Opto-Electronic Materials, Devices, and Systems, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, June 1991.

NSF (USA) grant for presentation of research paper at the International Conference for Defects in Insulating Materials, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC, July 1996.

Senior Member, IEEE, since 2007

Senior Member, Optical Society of America, since 2015

المقالات والدوريات

A. H. Morshed, R. Atta and M. Packirisamy, “Fluidic Flow Measurement Using Single Mode–Multimode–Single Mode Optical Fiber Sensor”, IEEE Sensors J., VOL. 21, NO. 12, JUNE 15, 2021, pp. 13316- 13326, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3069363.

A. H. Morshed and R. Atta, “Monitoring of pressurized pipes using optical fiber sensors,” Opt. Eng. 57(5), 054114 (2018), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.57.5.054114.

A. H. Morshed and R. Atta, “Strain Monitoring of Pressurized Pipes Using Optical Fiber Bragg Gratings”, Journal of the North for Basic and Applied Sciences (JNBAS). (2018/1439 H), Vol. (3), Issue (1), 34-43.

A. H. Morshed, “Intensity Based Optical Fiber Intrusion Detector”, Optical Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 03, March 2012, Art. ID. 034402.

A. H. Morshed and M. H. El-Shafey, “Relaxing the Requirements on FOG Digital Processing Hardware Using Analog Integration”, Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, June 2010, pp. 43-53.

Tamer M. Tawfik, A. H. Morshed and Diaa Khalil, “Modeling the Field Diffracted From Photo Mask at Oblique Incidence”, Applied Optics, Vol. 49, No. 22, 1 August 2010, pp. 4207- 4216.

Maurine Malak, A. H. Morshed, Diaa Khalil, Khaled Hassan, Hanan Anis and Tarik Bourouina, “Design of CWDM Multiplexers Based on Series Coupled Ring Resonators: Analysis, Potential and Prospects on MEMS Fabrication Technologies”, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 16, No. 7, 19 Feb. 2010, pp. 1139-1156.

Mohamed A Swillam, Diaa A Khalil and A. H. Morshed, “Effect of the fabrication and design parameters on the performance of multimode interference devices made by ion exchange: a detailed study”, Journal of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt., Vol. 10, 125301, 2008.

A. H. Morshed, M. Moussa, S. Bedair, R. Leonard, S. X. Liu and N. El-Masry, “Violet/Blue Emission from Epitaxial Cerium Oxide Films on Silicon Substrates”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 70, pp. 1647-1649, 1997.

A. H. Morshed and D. Irvine-Halliday “Intensity Modulated Optical Fibre Vortex Shedding Flowmeter“, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 19, pp. 75-79, 1994.


  1. Karim D. Khalil, Alaa Fathy, Yasser M. Sabry, Diaa Khalil, Ahmed Hisham Morshed, " Modeling of photonic MEMS Michelson interferometers comprising curved micromirrors under partially coherent light excitation ", MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XXIII, 2024
  2. Noha S. Aboqara, Yasser M. Sabry, Ahmed Hisham Morshed, " Time-dependent magneto-optical transmission maximization and determination of critical concentration of the delocalization-localization transition ", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2024

المشاريع البحثية

Multimode Optical Fiber Sensors. 2 years
Optical Fiber Rotation Sensing. 2 years
Establishment of Optical Communication and Optoelectronic Engineering Technology Education and Consultation Center of Excellence at The Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. 2 years
Developing MEMS-based variable optical attenuators for MEMScAP Egypt. 2 years
Assembly and Characterization of Optical MEMS. 1 year
Fabrication and Characterization of Optical Waveguides prepared by Ionic Exchange on Glass slides. 2 years
Epitaxial Thin Film Deposition by Pulsed Laser Ablation and Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition. Electrical and Optical Characterization of Thin Films. 3 years
Developing a Fiber-Optic Flow Sensor: theoretical analysis and prototype experimental evaluation. 2 years