محمد حامد ابراهيم ابو جازية

محمد حامد ابراهيم ابو جازية

مدرس مساعد في الهندسة الإنشائية

المعلومات المهنية

مدرس مساعد في : 2016-12-14
معيد في : 2013-02-13

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : mohamed.abo-gazia@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : june / 2012

نبذة مختصرة

Mohamed AbuGazia (Gazia) is currently a double degree Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario & Tongji university. Gazia specializes in advanced concrete design, especially prestressed concrete structures. He is currently working on a multi-disciplinary project related to both Structural and wind engineering; specifically studying the effect of tornado wind loads on wind turbines.

Check my academic profiles here:

المقالات والدوريات

Selected Publications:

[1]. AbuGazia, M., El Damatty, A., Dai, K., Lu, W., Ibrahim, A., (2020), “Numerical Model for Analysis of Wind Turbines under Tornadoes, Eng Struct, 2020, 223: 111157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111157

[2]. AbuGazia, M., El Damatty, A., Dai, K., Lu, W., (2020), “Assessing Behavior of Horizontal-Axis-Three-Blade Wind Turbines Under Tornadoes”, The 2020 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research (ACEM20), 25-28, August, 2020, GECE, Seoul, Korea. http://www.i-asem.org/publication_conf/acem20/1.WS/3.General/18.WS1119_6606.pdf

[3]. AbuGazia, M., El Damatty, A., Dai, K., Lu, W., (2020), “Numerical Investigation of a Horizontal-Axis Three-Blade Wind Turbine Tower Under Different Tornadoes”, The Annual conference of the Canadian society for civil engineering, Canada. May 26-29, 2021. [Accepted paper].

[4]. AbuGazia, M., El-Sefy, M., El-Kateb, M., Elafandy, T., & Abdelrahman, A. (2020). Flexural Strengthening of RC Continuous Slabs Using External Prestressing Systems. The Annual conference of the Canadian society for civil engineering, Canada. May 26-29, 2021. [Accepted paper].

[5]. AbuGazia, M., El-Kateb, M., Elafandy, T., & Abdelrahman, A. (2015). Behavior of RC Continuous Slabs Strengthened by External Prestressing Steel Strands. In 14th international conference on structural & geotechnical Engineering. Ain Shams University.

[6]. AbuGazia, M., (2016). Behavior of RC Continuous Slabs Strengthened by External Prestressing Systems. M.Sc. thesis, Structural Department, Ain Shams University.

[7]. AbuGazia, M., El-Sefy, M., El-Kateb, M., Elafandy, T., & Abdelrahman, A. (2021), Experimental investigation of Flexural Behavior of RC Continuous Slabs Strengthened by External Prestressing Systems. Eng Struct. [Submitted – Under review].

[8]. AbuGazia, M., El Damatty, A., Dai, K., Lu, W., (2021), “Evaluation of Horizontal-Axis-Three-Blade Wind Turbines’ Behavior Under Different Tornado Wind Fields”, Wind and Structures, [Submitted – Under review].