مروة أبو الفتوح السيد خليفة
مروة أبو الفتوح السيد خليفة
أستاذ في التخطيط العمرانى
المعلومات المهنية
المعلومات الدراسية
نبذة مختصرة
Prof. Khalifa has obtained her B.Sc. (1995) & M.Sc. (2000), "Urban Planning" specialization from Ain Shams University (ASU), Egypt while her PhD (2007) was a joint supervision between ASU and the University of Sheffield, UK. She has been affiliated to the Department of Urban Design & Planning since 1996, and promoted to a full Professor in 2017. Currently, Prof. Khalifa acts as a Director of the Graduate Engineering School for Research (GESR) and a coordinator for 2 programs: B.Sc “Environmental Architecture & Urbanism” (ENVR) and the Interdisciplinary Master on “Resource Efficient Cities” (IMaREC). Prof. Khalifa has major interest in informal settlements upgrading, participatory planning approaches, environmental assessment & risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and resource efficient cities. She combines the advantages of having both the theoretical grounds and practical application experience. She has been teaching and supervising multidisciplinary topics, both undergraduate and postgraduate since 1996 to date. Simultaneously, she had provided consultancy services to national and international organizations in Egypt related to her area of expertise. Additionally, since 2007 she has participated in and coordinated 3 international cooperation projects with partner universities in EU, Latin America, South Asia, Africa and the MENA Region related to higher education reform in the fields of participatory planning and natural resources management.
الجوائز التقديرية
Best Researcher representing the Department of Urban Planning (2013)
• Hendawy, M., Eid, Y., Khalifa, M., (2019). Connecting Urban Policy Making and Implementation; Case of Maspero, Cairo, Egypt. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN-13:978-3-659-80217-1, ISBN-10:3659802174
• Abou-Ziyan, E., Khalifa, M. & Hassan, G. (2018). Metabolism of Urban Food Systems. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 3659706728; ISBN-13: 978-3659706721
- Aya A. Hemida, Marwa Khalifa, Morad Abdelsalheen & Samy Afifi, " A systematic review of coastal vulnerability assessment methods in the Egyptian context: the case study ", HBRC, 2023
- Badawy, O.A., Khalifa, M.A., Elshater, A., " City identity and singularity: people's preferences about development projects in Cairo ", Open House International, 2024
- Mai M. Abdelkader, Marwa Khalifa, Abeer Elshater, " Lessons from COVID-19 outbreaks for spaces between buildings using tactical urbanism ", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 2023
- Esraa Elmarakby, Marwa Khalifa, Abeer Elshater, Samy Afifi, " Tailored methods for mapping urban heat islands in Greater Cairo Region ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2022
- Sarah Eid, Marwa Khalifa, Ahmed S. Abd Elrahman, " Biophilic perceptions in the urban waterfront: analytical study of the Nile waterfront in Central Cairo ", HBRC Journal, 2021
- El-Metwally, Y., Khalifa, M., Elshater, A., " Quantitative study for applying prospect-refuge theory on perceived safety in Al-Azhar Park, Egypt ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
- Asaad, M., Khalifa, M., Abd Elrahman, A.S., " Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in the Urban Design Process: Towards Multidisciplinary Success Considerations ", Urban and Transit Planning, 2020
- Elaf Raslan, Marwa Khalifa, Abeer Elshater, " Mapping Arts and Urban Development in Cairo’s Downtown ", Architecture and Urbanism: A Smart Outlook, 2020
- Esraa Elmarakby, Marwa Khalifa, Abeer Elshater, Samy Afifi, " Spatial Morphology and Urban Heat Island: Comparative Case Studies ", Architecture and Urbanism: A Smart Outlook, 2020
- Elsisy, A., Ashour, A.M., Khalifa, M.A., Khodeir, L.M., " Decision making ideology: Correlation analysis between informal settlements growth and upgrading policies in Egypt ", New Cities and Community Extensions in Egypt and the Middle East: Visions and Challenges, 2018
- Khalifa, M.A., " Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt: From negligence to participatory development ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
- Khalifa, M.A., " A critical review on current practices of the monitoring and evaluation in the preparation of strategic urban plans within the Egyptian context ", Habitat International, 2012
- Khalifa, M.A., Sandholz, S., " Breaking barriers and building bridges through networks: An innovative educational approach for sustainability,Aǧlar aracılıǧı ile köprüleri oluşturma ve engelleri ortadan kaldırma: Sürdürülebilirlik için yenilikçi, eǧitsel bir yaklaşım ", International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2012
- Khalifa, M.A., " Redefining slums in Egypt: Unplanned versus unsafe areas ", Habitat International, 2011
- Khalifa, M.A., Connelly, S., " Monitoring and guiding development in rural Egypt: Local sustainable development indicators and local human development indices ", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2009
- Swelam, R., Khalifa, M., Mohareb, N., Moustafa, Y., Affifi, S., " A Comprehensive Study of Travel Mode Captivity: A Nuanced Perspective on Car Captivity in New Cairo, Egypt ", Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, 2024
- Hemida, A.A., Khalifa, M.A., Abdelsalheen, M., Afifi, S., " Coastal Vulnerability Assessment in Urban Planning: A Comparative Tool-Based Selection Approach for the Egyptian Context ", Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, 2024
- Ghanem, S., El-Fiki, S., Khalifa, M., Afifi, S., " District branding: content analysis toward identifying brand dimensions at the district scale ", Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2024
- Azouz, N., Khalifa, M.A., El-Fayoumi, M., " Mobility Inequality of Disadvantaged Groups in Greater Cairo Region ", Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, 2024
- Aya Hemida, Marwa Khalifa, Morad Abdelsalheen, Samy Afifi, " A systematic review of coastal vulnerability assessment methods in the Egyptian context: the case study ", HBRC Journal, 2023
- Noseir, D.M.A., Khalifa, M.A., Serag, Y.M., El Fayoumi, M.A., " Investigating the influence of land use mix and built environment elements on travel time perception and subjective wellbeing ", HBRC Journal, 2023
- Atta, A.A.A.A., Khalifa, M.A.E.E., Mostafa, A.S.A.E.M., " THE FEASABILITY OF LAND READJUSTMENT FOR INFORMAL AREAS’ UPGRADING STRATEGIES IN EGYPT. ", Journal of Engineering Research, 2019
- Abou El Ezz, N.M., Eid, Y.Y., Khalifa, M.A., Hamhaber, J., " Governance Models of Successful Urban Public Spaces: Reflections on the Case of Cairo, Egypt ", SSRN, 2018
- AbouZiyan, E.H., Hassan, G.F., Khalifa, M.A., " Insight into the Metabolism of Urban Food System Flows for Sustainable Development: The Case of Cairo, Egypt ", SSRN, 2018
- Hemida, A.A., Khalifa, M.A., Fayoumi, M.A., " Proactive Coastal Resilience: Vulnerability of the Northern Nile Delta Built Environment ", SSRN, 2018
- Mustafa, N.A., Khalifa, M.A., Abd Elrahman, A.S., " Safety and Security of Cities and Their Impact on the City Life ", SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
- Ahmed, O.A., Khalifa, M.A., Abdel Rahman, A.S., " The Affordability of the Provided Housing Units in Egypt; Case Study of the National Housing Program (NHP) ", SSRN, 2018
- Ibrahim, A.H., Eid, Y.Y., Khalifa, M.A., El Fayoumi, M.A., " The Impact of Congested Mobility on the Functions of Public Spaces in Cities, Ramses Square Case Study ", SSRN, 2018
المشاريع البحثية
• 2019 - present: Co-PI of STDF project “Measuring the Impact of Urban Morphology on Urban Heat Islands in Cairo”, Project ID: BARG 37234, Grant type: Call 7 / STDF Basic & Applied Research
• 2019 - 2021: Project manager for “Competencies towards Entrepreneurship and Employability Opportunities (CEO)” project. Programme Line 1: German-Egyptian University Progress Partnership: university partnerships with partner universities in Egypt. TH Köln & Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, funded by the DAAD.
• 2012 - 2015: Project manager for project "Participatory Planning and Natural Resources Management-Curricular Development (PartNaR)", within the German- Arab Transformation Partnership program, supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office. Local partners include GOPP, UN-Habitat, ISDF and WFP.
• 2009 - present: Local coordinator for the Centre of Excellence: CNRD-Centre for Natural Resources and Development project, coordinated by Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS - Germany) and includes 13 universities partners from (Indonesia, Chile, Mexico, Nepal, Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Brazil). CNRD is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Exceed and DAAD.