هادية محمد سعيد الحناوى
أستاذ متفرغ في هندسة الإلكترونيات والإتصالات
المعلومات المهنية
أستاذ متفرغ في : 2010-08-01
أستاذ في : 1992-09-28
أستاذ مساعد في : 1987-06-29
مدرس في : 1982-06-29
مدرس مساعد في : 1976-11-02
معيد في : 1972-10-19
المعلومات الدراسية
البريد الإلكتروني : hadia.elhennawy@eng.asu.edu.eg
الدكتوراه : 1982-04-19 من جامعة براونشفايج - ألمانيا
الماجستير : 1976-09-20 من كلية الهندسة جامعة عين شمس
التخرج :
- Ali Refaai, Mohamed Fathi Abo Sree, Fatma Newagy, Moustafa H. Aly, Hadia Elhennawy, Mohamed Abaza, " Cooperative relay orbital satellite optical communication under turbulent channels: Performance analysis ", Optics & Laser Technology, 2023
- Rasha Samir, Hadia El-Hennawy, Hesham Elbadawy, " Cluster-Based Multi-User Multi-Server Caching Mechanism in Beyond 5G/6G MEC ", Sensors, 2023
- Yara Ashraf Kamel, Hesham A. Mohamed, Hala ELsadek, Hadia Mohamed ELhennawy, " Miniaturized Triple-Band Circular- Polarized Implantable Patch Antenna for Bio-Telemetry Applications ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2023
- Mohamed Atef Abbas, Mehmet Faruk Cengiz, A. M. M. A. Allam, Diaa E. Fawzy, Hadia M. Elhennawy, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, " A Novel Circular Reconfigurable Metasurface-Based Compact UWB Hybrid Coupler for Ku-Band Applications ", IEEE Access, 2022
- Rasha Samir, Hadia El-Hennawy, Hesham M. El-Badawy, " Orchestration of MEC Computation Jobs and Energy Consumption Challenges in 5G and Beyond ", IEEE Access, 2022
- El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A Compact Highly Efficient Π-Section CRLH Antenna Loaded with Textile AMC for Wireless Body Area Network Applications ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021
- El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A compact flexible textile artificial magnetic conductor-based wearable monopole antenna for low specific absorption rate wrist applications ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2021
- El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A fully-textile wideband AMC-backed antenna for wristband WiMAX and medical applications ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2021
- Afifi, W.S., El-Moursy, A.A., Saad, M., Nassar, S.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A novel scheduling technique for improving cell-edge performance in 4G/5G systems ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
- Abbas, A., Elsaid, M., Mahmoud, S.F., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Decoupling of closely stacked patch antennas for airborne radio altimeter applications ", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021
- Hassan, A.Y., El Beshry, M.O., Harb, K.T., El Hennawy, H., " Design and Performance Evaluation of a Multiuser OFDM System Based on Differential Quadrature Chaos-Shift-Keying Spread Spectrum ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2021
- Amar, A.S.I., Mamidanna, M., Darwish, M., El-Hennawy, H., " High Gain Broadband Power Amplifier Design Based on Integrated Diplexing Networks ", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2021
- Abbas, A., Elsaid, M., Mahmoud, S.F., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Link Budget Analysis for FMCW Radio Altimeter ", 2021 International Telecommunications Conference, ITC-Egypt 2021 - Proceedings, 2021
- Eltresy, N.A., Abd Elhamid, A.E.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Elhennawy, H.M., Abdallah, E.A., " Silver sandwiched ITO based transparent antenna array for RF energy harvesting in 5G mid-range of frequencies ", IEEE Access, 2021
- Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Abdallah, E.A., " Single-fed dual wideband filtenna for 4G/5G mobile applications ", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021
- Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Abdallah, E.A., " Ultra-wideband bandstop filter with multiple transmission zeros using in-line coupled lines for 4G/5G mobile applications ", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021
- Afifi, W.S., El-Moursy, A.A., Saad, M., Nassar, S.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A Dynamic Clustering Approach for Increasing User Throughput in 5G Wireless Networks ", Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2020: Management in the Age of Softwarization and Artificial Intelligence, NOMS 2020, 2020
- Eltresy, N.A., Abd Elhamid, A.M., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " AgITO for high-performance semi-transparent wideband antenna applications ", Electronics Letters, 2020
- El-Din, M.S.H.S., El-Hennawy, H., Allam, A.M.M.A., Shams, S.I., Sree, M.F.A., Gaafar, A., " Approach for Determination of the Stop Band for Ridge Gap Waveguide ", 2020 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2020, 2020
- Abass, E.S., Halim, J.V.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Coded-beam Strategy for High Throughput Satellites - A Path Toward Terahertz Communications - System Model, Realization and Performance Assessment ", 2020 12th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEENG 2020, 2020
- Fathy, S.A., Ibrahim, M., El-Agooz, S., El-Hennawy, H., " Low-complexity SLM PAPR reduction approach for UFMC systems ", IEEE Access, 2020
- Sultan, K., Abdullah, H., Abdallah, E., El-Hennawy, H., " MOM/GA-based virtual array for radar systems ", Sensors (Switzerland), 2020
- Sultan, K.S., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Metasurface-based dual polarized MIMO antenna for 5G smartphones using CMA ", IEEE Access, 2020
- Eldesoky, A., Kamel, A.M., Elhabiby, M., Elhennawy, H., " Real time localization solution for land vehicle application using low-cost integrated sensors with GPS ", Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2020
- EL-Mokadem, E.S., El-Kassas, A.M., Elgarf, T.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Throughput enhancement of cognitive M2M networks based on NOMA for 5G communication systems ", International Journal of Communication Systems, 2020
- Shawky, I.M., Sadek, M., Elhennawy, H.M., " Uplink Multiuser Scheduling Using Machine Learning ", Proceedings of ICCES 2020 - 2020 15th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2020
- Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., El-Henawy, H., " Wideband slow phase loaded inductor-composite right/left-handed transmission line for compact UWB power divider ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2020
- Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " 2×2 Circularly Polarized Antenna Array with Equal Phases for RF Energy Harvesting in IoT System ", 2019 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2019, 2019
- Dardeer, O.M.A., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " 4x4 circularly polarized antenna array for ambient RF energy harvesting ", 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
- Abd El-Halim, M.A., Said, A.M., El-Hennawy, H., " A New Statistical Received Signal Strength (RSS) Model Based Fingerprint Approach for WLAN Indoor Localization Application ", International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2019
- El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A Wearable Dual-Band Low Profile High Gain Low SAR Antenna AMC-Backed for WBAN Applications ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2019
- Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A dual band circularly polarized rectenna for RF energy harvesting applications ", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2019
- El-Akhdar, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., El-Tager, A.M., Engineering, E., " A simple graphical user interface based program to calculate SIW effective width ", 2018 Proceedings of the Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computations, JAC-ECC 2018, 2019
- Sree, M.F.A., Swelam, W., Hassan, M., El-Hennawy, H., " An Inverted F with Dual Frequency for Radar 5G Applications above 85 GHz ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2019
- El-Mokadem, E.S., Mahmoud El-Kassas, A., Elgarf, T.A., El-Hennawy, H., " BER performance evaluation for the downlink NOMA system over different fading channels with different modulation schemes ", Proceedings - 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology, ICST 2019, 2019
- Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " CPW DC Pass Filters for RF Energy Harvesting ", ACCS/PEIT 2019 - 2019 6th International Conference on Advanced Control Circuits and Systems and 2019 5th International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics and Information Technology, 2019
- Yassin, M.E., Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Circularly Polarized Wideband-to-Narrowband Switchable Antenna ", IEEE Access, 2019
- Fathy, S.A., Ibrahim, M.N.A., Elagooz, S.S., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Efficient SLM Technique for PAPR Reduction in UFMC Systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2019
- Ouf, E.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., Mohra, A.S., Elhennawy, H.M.S., " Electronically switchable ultra-wide band/dual-band bandpass filter using defected ground structures ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2019
- Moharam, M.H., Gouda, M., Elhennawy, H., " Enhanced linear equalization using PSO in FBMC MIMO systems ", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 2019
- El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Gain enhancement of a compact thin flexible reflector-based asymmetric meander line antenna with low SAR ", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2019
- Maged, M., Elhefnawi, F., Akah, H., El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Half-arrow miniaturized antenna for inter-satellite communications using HMSIW ", 2018 Proceedings of the Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computations, JAC-ECC 2018, 2019
- Elsheikh, M.A.G., Safwat, A.M.E., Elhennawy, H., " High-efficiency AMC loaded dipole above FR4 substrate ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2019
- Moharam, M.H., Gouda, M., El Hennawy, H.M., " Hybrid clipping-PTS using enhanced PSO with Cauchy mutation to reduce PAPR of FBMC 5G systems ", International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2019
- Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Multi-Bands Dual Linearly Polarized × 2 Antenna Array for Powering Sensors in IoT System ", 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things, GCIoT 2018, 2019
- Gaber Swalem, A.H., Maher Halim, J.V., Elhennawy, H., " Performance analysis of MIMO AF CDMA hybrid satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks using multiple relays strategy for downlink ", IET Communications, 2019
- El Dyasti, S.K., Hagras, E.A.A., El-Hennawy, H., " QSM-IDM – A novel quadrature spatial modulation based on interleaving division multiplexing for multiple antenna system ", Digital Communications and Networks, 2019
- Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " RF Energy Harvesting Using Transparent Antenna for IoT Application ", Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering, ITCE 2019, 2019
- Yassin, M.E., Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Single-fed 4G/5G multiband 2.4/5.5/28 GHz antenna ", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2019
- Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Tri-Band Antenna for Energizing IoT Low Power Devices ", 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things, GCIoT 2018, 2019
- Abo Sree, M.F., Ibrahim, M.A., Swelam, W., Abd El-Azeem, M.H., El Hennawy, H., " Ultra-wide band microstrip antenna for 4G applications ", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
- Sultan, K.S., Basha, M.A., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " A 60-GHz CMOS quasi-Yagi antenna with enhanced radiation properties ", IET Conference Publications, 2018
- Sultan, K.S., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., Basha, M.A., El-Hennawy, H.H., " A 60-GHz Gain Enhanced Vivaldi Antenna On-Chip ", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018
- Safwat, A.M.E., Abuelfadl, T.M., Mahmoud, A.M., Elhennawy, H., " A Glimpse of Microwave Education and Research Activities in Egypt [Around the Globe] ", IEEE Microwave Magazine, 2018
- Mohanna, M.M., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Kamel, M.M., " A novel high directive willis-sinha tapered slot antenna for GPR application in detecting landmine ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2018
- Mohanna, M.M., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Attia, M.A., " Design and analysis of a novel low loss ultra-wideband coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strips (CPS) transition for tapered slot antennas (TSA) in ground penetrating radar (GPR) application ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2018
- Maged, M., Elhefnawi, F., Akah, H., El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Design and realization of circular polarized SIW slot array Antenna for cubesat intersatellite links ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2018
- Sultan, K.S., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., Basha, M.A., El-Hennawy, H.H., " Dielectric Resonator Antenna with AMC for Long Range Automotive Radar Applications at 77 GHz ", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018
- Soliman, J.N., Mageed, T.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Digital signature and authentication mechanisms using new customized hash function for cognitive radio networks ", Proceedings of ICCES 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2018
- Maged, M., Elhefnawi, F., Akah, H., El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Half-arrow slot antenna for inter-satellite communications ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2018
- Rabie, M.M., El-Henawy, H., El-Hefnawy, F., Ibrahim, F., " Meshed conductor and meshed substrate GPS L1 band microstrip antenna for Cubesat applications ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2018
- Yassin, M.E., Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Modified CMRC LPF using novel fractal patches ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2018
- Gaber, A.H., Halim, J.V.M., El Hennawy, H., " Outage probability of AF CDMA hybrid satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks using multiple relays over shadowed-rician fading channels ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2018
- Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Powering sensors in IoT system by using compact seven band PIFA rectenna ", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2018
- Abdelbar, A.M., El-Tager, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Radio frequency power amplifier for green communications based on 10W GaN HEMT ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2018
- Soliman, J.N., Mageed, T.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Taxonomy of security attacks and threats in cognitive radio networks ", 2017 Proceedings of the Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computers, JAC-ECC 2017, 2018
- Soliman, J.N., Mageed, T.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Countermeasures for layered security attacks on cognitive radio networks based on modified digital signature scheme ", 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems, ICICIS 2017, 2017
- Ibrahim, M.I., Ahmed, M.G., El-Nozahi, M., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Design and Performance Analysis of a Miniature, Dual-Frequency, Millimeter Wave Linear Phased Array Antenna ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017
- Mohassieb, S.A., Kirah, K., Dörsam, E., Khalil, A.S.G., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Effect of silver nanoparticle ink drop spacing on the characteristics of coplanar waveguide monopole antennas printed on flexible substrates ", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2017
- El-Desouki, E.M., Hussien, K.F.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Electromagnetic simulation for land imaging using fully polarimetric SAR system ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2017
- Ahmed, S., Sadek, M., Zekry, A., Elhennawy, H., " Hybrid analog and digital beamforming for space-constrained and energy-efficient massive MIMO wireless systems ", 2017 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2017, 2017
- Mohassieb, S.A., Kirah, K., Dörsam, E., Khalil, A.S.G., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Inkjet printing of a 20 GHz coplanar waveguide monopole antenna using copper oxide nanoparticles on flexible substrates: Effect of drop spacing on antenna performance ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2017
- El-Henawy, S.I., Omar, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Multi-band CRLH unit cell-loaded patch antenna ", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2017
- Eldesoky, A., Kamel, A.M., Elhabiby, M., Elhennawy, H., " Performance enhancement of low-cost MEMS inertial sensors using extensive calibration technique ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2017
- Ouf, E.G., Mohra, A.S., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H., " Ultra-wideband bandpass filter with sharp tuned notched band rejection based on CRLH transmission-line unit cell ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2017
- Nasr, A.M.H., Safwat, A.M.E., Elhennawy, H., " Via-free microstrip to slotline baluns using slotted microstrip cross-junction ", European Microwave Week 2017: "A Prime Year for a Prime Event", EuMW 2017 - Conference Proceedings; 47th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2017, 2017
- El-Akhdar, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., El-Tager, A.M., " A study on double via row configuration for SIW based structures ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM, 2016
- Mehaseb, M.A., Gadallah, Y., Elhamy, A., Elhennawy, H., " Classification of LTE Uplink Scheduling Techniques: An M2M Perspective ", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2016
- Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Compact dual wide band D-CRLH three way power divider ", 2016 IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2016, 2016
- Torad, M.A., El-Kassas, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Cooperative wideband spectrum sensing over Rician and Nakagami fading channels ", 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2015, 2016
- Elkholy, M.M., El Hennawy, H.M., Elkouny, A., " Design and implementation of hyper chaotic masking system for secured audio transmission ", Proceedings - 2015 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2015, 2016
- Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Dual-band divider has rejection band at 5 GHz ", Microwaves and RF, 2016
- Anis, M., Gadallah, Y., Elhennawy, H., " Machine-to-machine communications over the Internet of Things: Private Wi-Fi access prospects ", IFIP Wireless Days, 2016
- Ahmed, M.I., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Mutual coupling reduction in UWB slotted antenna array using UCEBG structures for wireless applications ", Proceedings of the 2016 4th International Japan-Egypt Conference on Electronic, Communication and Computers, JEC-ECC 2016, 2016
- Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " New configuration for multiband ultra compact gap resonator based D-CRLH ", 2016 IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2016, 2016
- Elkholy, M.M., El Hennawy, H.M., Elkouny, A., " Real time implementation of secure communication system based on synchronization of hyper chaotic systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2016
- El-Henawy, S.I., Safwat, A.M.E., EL-Hennawy, H.S., " Reconfigurable pattern beam steering loop antenna ", 2016 IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2016, 2016
- Ibrahim, M.I., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Single/dual-band CSRR-loaded differential-fed square patch antenna with monopolar radiation pattern ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2016
- Elkholy, M.M., EL Hennawy, H.M., Elkouny, A., Zahran, S., " Using hyper chaos in secure video transmission ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM, 2016
- Torad, M.A., El-Kassas, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Wide-band sensing and optimization for cognitive radio networks using multi-rate sub-Nyquist spectrum sensing (MS<sup>3</sup>) ", 2016 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking, MoWNeT 2016, 2016
- El-Desouki, E.M., Hussien, K.F.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " B3. Dual polarized channel strip-map SAR system for land imaging ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2015
- Daw, A.F., El Rahman Abdallah, M.A., El Hennawy, H.M., " B6. Multiband sharp-skirt compact gap resonator based D-CRLH ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2015
- Gamal, M., El-Nozahi, M., El-Hennawy, H., " Concurrent dual-band LNA for automotive application ", Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2015
- Mansour, I., Elhennawy, H., Tag El-Dien, A.S., " Design of X-band power amplifier for leo satellite transmitter ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015
- Soliman, A.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Design of planar inverted-F antenna over uniplanar EBG structure for laptop mimo applications ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015
- Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Frequency-reconfigurable microstrip filter with dual-mode resonators using RF PIN diodes and DGS ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2015
- Soliman, A.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Inspired metamaterial quad-band printed inverted-F (IFA) antenna for USB applications ", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2015
- El Hennawy, H.M.S., Omar, A.E.A., Kholaif, S.M.A., " LEA: Link Encryption Algorithm Proposed Stream Cipher Algorithm ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
- Soliman, A., Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., El-Hennawy, H., " Multiband printed metamaterial inverted-F antenna (IFA) for USB applications ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015
- Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " New inductor loaded composite right left hand impedance transformer for UWB wireless applications ", 2015 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2015, 2015
- Ahmed, M.I., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Novel wearable eagle shape microstrip antenna array with mutual coupling reduction ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2015
- Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A very compact novel multi-band BPF for recent mobile/satellite communication systems ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2014
- Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., Soliman, A., El-Henawy, H., " Design of planar inverted F-antenna over uniplanar EBG structure for laptop MIMO applications ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2014
- Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Dual band high selective compact transmission line gap resonator ", 2014 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, LAPC 2014, 2014
- Zamel, H.M., El Diwany, E., El Hennawy, H., " Electromagnetic scattering by approximately cloaked cylindrical bodies with nonhomogeneous anisotropic cloaking material ", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2014
- Zamel, H.M., El Diwany, E., El Hennawy, H., " Electromagnetic scattering by approximately cloaked dielectric cylinder ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2014
- Soliman, A.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Reconfigurable independent multiband CPW-fed printed F-antenna for USB applications ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2014
- Shafee, M., Nahar, S., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., Hella, M.M., " Stacked resonator patch antenna for wide bandwidth THz detection ", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2014
- Safwat, A.M.E., Eshrah, I.A., Abuelfadl, T.M., El-Hennawy, H., " University research on antenna design and scattering problems in Egypt ", European Microwave Week 2014: "Connecting the Future", EuMW 2014 - Conference Proceedings; EuRAD 2014: 11th European Radar Conference, 2014
- Safwat, A.M.E., Eshrah, I.A., Abuelfadl, T.M., El-Hennawy, H., " University research on antenna design and scattering problems in Egypt ", European Microwave Week 2014: Connecting the Future, EuMW 2014 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2014: 44th European Microwave Conference, 2014
- Ibrahim, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " All planar compact size microstrip CRLH arbitrary coupling directional coupler ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2013
- Soliman, A., Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., El-Henawy, H., " CPW fed planar IFA with applied electromagnetic band-gap ground plane ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2013
- Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Compact dual mode switchable BPF - BSF using RF PIN diodes and DGS ", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC, 2013
- Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Compact reconfigurable dual mode resonator with switchable band using RF PIN diodes ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013
- Mohamed, H.A.E., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A., El-Henawy, H.M., " Design of reconfigurable miniaturized UWB-BPF with tuned notched band ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2013
- El-Hadidy, M., Fawky, A., Nagy, B., Khaliel, M., Abdallah, E., Elhennawy, H., Kaiser, T., " Evaluation of UWB chipless RFID system performance considering indoor multipath propagation channel and real world aspects ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013
- Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., El-Hennawy, H., " Miniaturized and reconfigurable 2U-shaped DGS based UWB-BPF with notched band ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2013
- El-Hadidy, M., Nagy, B., Khaliel, M., Fawky, A., Abdallah, E., Elhennawy, H., Kaiser, T., " Novel methodology for increasing the reading range of the UWB passive RFID chipless tags considering power regulations ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013
- Soliman, A., Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., El-Henawy, H., " Reconfigurable independent multiband printed inverted F-antenna for wireless USB applications ", European Microwave Week 2013, EuMW 2013 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2013: 43rd European Microwave Conference, 2013
- Mehaseb, M.A., Gadallah, Y., El-Hennawy, H., " WSN application traffic characterization for integration within the internet of things ", Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, MSN 2013, 2013
- El-Henawy, H., Abdoul-Fattah, E., Gamal, M., Attala, M., Hafez, A.S., " A new fuzzy CFAR processor for radar MTD systems ", IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2012
- El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., El-Tager, A., " A novel design of Quad-band power divider for 3G and 4G applications ", European Microwave Week 2012: "Space for Microwaves", EuMW 2012, Conference Proceedings - 42nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2012, 2012
- El-Tager, A.M.E., El-Akhdar, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Analysis of coupled microstrip lines for quad-band equal power dividers/combiners ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2012
- Zamel, H.M., El-Diwany, E., El-Hennawy, H., " Approximate electromagnetic cloaking of a conducting sphere using homogeneous isotropic multi-layered materials ", 2nd Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2013, 2012
- Zamel, H.M., El Diwany, E., El Hennawy, H., " B2. Approximate electromagnetic cloaking of spherical bodies ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2012
- El-Ghitani, F.H., El-Badawy, H.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " C3. Teletraffic performance modeling of cellular communication with heavy-tailed distributed cellular dwell time ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2012
- Elkattan, M., Salem, A., Osman, A.S., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Magnetic gradient and neutron backscattering fusion for landmine detection ", 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2012, 2012
- Elkattan, M., Salem, A., Solima, F., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Microcontroller based neural network for landmine detection using magnetic gradient data ", Sensors and Transducers, 2012
- Elkattan, M., Salem, A., Soliman, F., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Microcontroller based neural network for landmine detection using magnetic gradient data ", ICIAS 2012 - 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems: A Conference of World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON) - Conference Proceedings, 2012
- Ahmed, M.I., Sebak, A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H., " Mutual coupling reduction using defected ground structure (DGS) for array applications ", 2012 15th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, ANTEM 2012, 2012
- Attia, E.O., Amin, A.S., El Henawy, H.M., " Novel IEEE 802.16 mesh node architecture to achieve QoS in coordinated distributed mode ", International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2012
- Halim, J.V.M., El-Badawy, H., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Performance analysis of adaptive polarized MIMO Pre-RAKE Combined Transmit Diversity system in FDD ", Wireless Personal Communications, 2012
- Ibrahim, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Uniplanar bridgeless CPW-to-slotline transition and its application to CPW balun ", Electronics Letters, 2012
- Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Universal hilbert folded UHF RFID tag antenna ", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, 2012
- Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Analysis and design of universal compact flexible UHF RFID tag antenna ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2011
- Mohanna, M.M., Salem, D.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Henawy, H.M.S., " Circularly polarized elliptical slot antenna with enhanced gain using EBG structure ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011
- Ouf, E.G.E., Saker, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Design of a bandpass filter using parallel coupled stepped impedance resonator using the novel method of lines ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011
- Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Novel flexible compact modified Minkowski shape UHF RFID tag antenna ", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, 2011
- Mohanna, M.M., Salem, D.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Henawy, H.M.S., " Novel shape of UWB microstrip patch antenna with enhanced gain using EBG structure ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011
- Messiha, N.T., Ghuniem, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Numerical investigation of equivalent circuit models for complementary omega-like structures loaded microstrip line ", 2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011, 2011
- Abass, E.S., El-Badawy, H.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " On the design of Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time-Frequency block code over MIMO OFDM channel ", 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2011, 2011
- Ibrahim, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Triple-band microstrip-fed monopole antenna loaded with CRLH unit cell ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2011
- Elsheakh, D.N., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Iskander, M.F., " Ultra-wide bandwidth microstrip monopole antenna by using electromagnetic band-gap structures ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2011
- Mohassieb, S.A., Barseem, I.M., Abdallah, E.A.-F., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A compact microstrip power divider using periodic DGS and HIOS ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2010
- Nasr, A.A., El-Badawy, H.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Connection admission control reward optimization for different priority classes in homogeneous wireless network ", Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2010, 2010
- Abdallah, E.A.F., Abo-Elnaga, T.G., El-Hennawy, H., " Ground slotted landa shape single feed UWB circular polarized antenna for 2.4GHz RFID reader ", PIERS 2010 Cambridge - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings, 2010
- Abdallah, E.A.F., Abo-Elnaga, T.G., El-Hennawy, H., " Ground slotted phi shape UWB stacked circular polarized antenna for 5.8GHz RFID reader ", PIERS 2010 Cambridge - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings, 2010
- Shaker, M., Abdallah, E.A.F., Taher, H., El-hennawy, H., " Modern isolation of dual-band proximity coupled microstrip antenna front-end transceiver ", MECAP'10, 1st Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2010
- Fouda, A.E., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " On the applications of the coupled-line composite right/left-handed unit cell ", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2010
- Harb, H.M., El-Mohsen, O.A., El Henawy, H.M., " Optimizing multicast operation in Ethernet carrier networks ", 2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2010, 2010
- Elabyad, I.A., Eldessouki, M.S., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Space-charge plane-wave interaction at semiconductor substrate boundary ", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2010
- El-Hennawy, H.M., Gomaa, H.H., Amin, A.S., " The effectiveness of transmitting voice traffic over IPv6 convergence sublayer of WiMAX mesh networks ", ICT 2010: 2010 17th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2010
- Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " UWB circular polarization RFID reader antenna for 2.4GHz band ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2010
- Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Universal UHF RFID rose reader antenna ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2010
- Akah, H.M., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Adaptive pulse shaped CP-OFDM for remote sensing satellites ", RAST 2009 - Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Recent Advances Space Technologies, 2009
- Sayed, D., Badwy, H., El Hennawy, H., " Comparison between the actual microwave terrestrial links performance and different models ", Proceedings - 2009 3rd International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, SENSORCOMM 2009, 2009
- Abas, A.A., Saker, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., El-Henawy, H.M., " Design of a periodically nonuniform coupled microstrip lines (PNCML) filter using the novel method of lines ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009
- Akah, H.M., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " OFDM pulse shape generation using artificial neural networks ", IEEE EUROCON 2009, EUROCON 2009, 2009
- El-Deeb, W.S., Moselhy, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.S., " The design of 2 GHz LNA for ISM RF receivers ", 2009 4th International Design and Test Workshop, IDT 2009, 2009
- Darwish, M.M., EL-Tager, A.M., Ahmed, H.N., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Design of in-line dual-mode rectangular waveguide bandpass filters using multiple inductive circular posts ", Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008
- El-Damak, A.R., Safwat, A.M.E., Tretyakov, S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Patch antenna on a high impedance wire ", Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008
- Halim, J.V.M., El-Badawy, H., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Performance assessment for the selection transmit Diversity in adaptive polarized MIMO Pre-RAKE system ", Proceedings - 4th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2008, 2008
- Messiha, N.T., Ghuniem, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Planar transmission line medium with negative refractive index based on complementary omega-like structure ", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2008
- El-Abyad, I., Eldessouki, M., El-Hennawy, H., " Wave reflection from semiconductor half-space based on charge transport model ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, 2008
- El-Abyad, I.A., Eldessouki, M.S., El-Badawy, E.S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Wave reflection from semiconductor substrate with a ground plane based on charge transport analysis ", WMSCI 2008 - The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2008 - Proc., 2008
- El-Abyad, I.A., Eldessouki, M.S., El-Badawy, E.S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Wave reflection investigation from semiconductor surfaces using first-order impedance boundary condition ", WMSCI 2008 - The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2008 - Proc., 2008
- Yang, S., Elsherbini, A., Lin, S., Fathy, A.E., Kamel, A., Elhennawy, H., " A highly efficient vivaldi antenna array design on thick substrate and fed by SIW structure with integrated GCPW feed ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2007
- Song, L., Elsherbini, A., Yang, S., Fathy, A., Kamel, A., Elhennawy, H., " Experimental development of a circularly polarized antipodal tapered slot antenna using SIW feed printed on thick substrate ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2007
- Awida, M., Boutejdar, A., Safwat, A., El-Hennawy, H., Omar, A., " Multi-bandpass filters using multi-armed open loop resonators with direct feed ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2007
- Elsherbini, A., Kamel, A.H., Elhennawy, H., " Optimization of an antipodal vivaldi antenna using synthesis neural networks and a novel genetic algorithms approach ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2007
- Elsherbini, A., Zhang, C., Lin, S., Kuhn, M., Kamel, A., Fathy, A.E., Elhennawy, H., " UWB antipodal vivaldi antennas with protruded dielectric rods for higher gain, symmetric patterns and minimal phase center variations ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2007
- Awida, M., Balaiem, A., Safwat, A., El-Hennawy, H., Omar, A., " Combined low-pass and bandpass filter response using microstrip dual-mode resonators ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006
- Awida, M.H., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Compact rat-race hybrid coupler using meander space-filling curves ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2006
- Fouli, A.R., El-Kharashi, M.W., El-Henawy, H.M., " Serial ATA host controller: A hardware implementation ", Proceedings - The 6th IEEE International Workshop on System on Chip for Real Time Applications, IWSOC 2006, 2006
- Awida, M.H., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Dual-mode microstrip bandpass filter using ring of arrows resonator ", Electronics Letters, 2005
- Galal, O.M., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H.M., " On the improvement of planar multisection balun ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2004
- Halim, J.V.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Performance of multicarrier spread spectrum CDMA system with transmit diversity ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2004
- Nofal, M., Reheem, E.A., El Henawy, H., Kader, N.A., " The development of acoustic models for command and control arabic speech recognition system ", Proceedings - 2004 International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, ICEEC'04, 2004
- Fouad, H., Sharaf, K., El-Diwany, E., El-Hennawy, H., " A comparison of CMOS and BJT RF-LNAs ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2002
- Fouad, H., El-Diwany, E., Sharaf, K., El-Hennawy, H., " High frequency noise simulations of MOSFET's short channel effects using PSpice ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2002
- Fouad, H., Sharaf, K., El-Diwany, E., El-Hennawy, H., " An RF CMOS cascode LNA with current reuse and inductive source degeneration ", Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2001
- Mokhtar, M., Gamil, A., El-Henawy, H., El-Ramly, S., " Arbitrary spherical array in superresolution direction finding systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2001
- Al Anwar, H.I.M., Hashish, E.A., El Hennawy, H.M.S., El Said, M., " Computer aided design of broadband microwave diode detectors using filter approximations ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2001
- Abdulla, Y.A., El-Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., " The effect of base stations configurations on the accuracy of hyperbolic position location in macrocellular and microcellular GSM systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2001
- Al Anwar, H.I.M., El Hennawy, H.M.S., Hashish, E.A., El Said Mostafa, M., " A new proposed method for the design of broadband microwave planar diode detectors ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2000
- Nofal, Maged, Abdel-Reheem, Esam, El Henawy, Hadia, " Arabic/English automatic spoken language identification ", IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 1999
- El-Muslimany, M.Assem, El-Diwany, Essam, El-Hennawy, Hadia, " Analysis of circular cylindrical dielectric rod leaky wave antenna with periodic strips and TE circularly symmetric wave ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 1998
- Al-Anwar, H.I.M., El Hennawy, H., Motawe, I.M., Mahrous, S., " New method for the design and synthesis of broadband constant phase shift microwave hybrid couplers ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 1998
- Mayhoub, M., El Zanfally, R., El Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., " Performance analysis of synchronous DS-CDMA in mobile nonlinear satellite channel ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 1998
- El-Motaafy, H.A., El-Badawy, El-S.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., Ibrahim, S.H., " Computer-aided analysis and design of microwave mixers using a modified time-domain method ", IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Proceedings, ICSE, 1997
- Safwat, A.M.E., Haidar, J., Khalil, D.A.M., Vilcot, A., Bouthinon, M., Elhennawy, H., Ragaie, H.F., " An optically controlled microwave matching technique ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1996
- Naguib, M., Ghali, H., El Hennawy, H., " Mixed analytical-numerical calculations of microstrip antenna Green's function using personal computers C-language ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1995
- Soliman, F.A.S., El-Hennawy, H., Marzouk, K., " Operation of microwave Gunn devices under the influence of nuclear radiation ", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 1994
- Koraitim, H., EL-Zanfally, R., EL-Hennawy, H., EL-Sayed, O.L., " Transponder non-linearities and propagation channel effects in land mobile satellite links ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1994
- El-Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., Sakr, N., " DESIGN OF BROADBAND QPSK REFLECTION MODULATOR FOR A DIGITAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING FINLINE TECHNIQUES. ", Proceedings of the Colloquium on Microwave Communication, 1986
- Azeim, A.Abdel, El Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., " ANALYSIS OF FIN LINES ON SEMICONDUCTOR SUBSTRATE. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1984
- Aziz, Y.Abdel, El Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., Schunemann, K., " DESIGN OF VIVALDI ANTENNA FOR MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS APPLICATIONS. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1984
- Omar, A.S., El Hennawy, H., Schuenemann, K., " FILTER REALIZATIONS WITH FIN-LINES. ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 1983
- El Hennawy, Hadia, Knoechel, Reinhard, Schuenemann, Klaus, " WIDEBAND BRANCHLINE COUPLERS IN FIN-LINE TECHNOLOGY. ", AEU. Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, 1983
- El Hennawy, Hadia, Schuenemann, Klaus, Salerno, M., " ACCURATE DESIGN OF FIN-LINE CIRCUITS. ", Proceedings of the Colloquium on Microwave Communication, 1982
- El Hennawy, H., Schuenemann, K., " COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF ACTIVE FIN-LINE CIRCUITS. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1982
- El Hennawy, Hadia, Schuenemann, Klaus, " COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF FIN-LINE DETECTORS, MODULATORS, AND SWITCHES. ", AEU. Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, 1982
- El Hennawy, H., Schunemann, K., " Hybrid Fin-Line Matching Structures ", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 1982
- Erichsen, K., Schuenemann, K., El Hennawy, H., " MM-WAVE FIN-LINE OSCILLATOR WITH ELECTRONIC MATCHING AND TUNING. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1982
- El Hennawy, Hadia, Schuenemann, Klaus, " COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF SEMICONDUCTOR MOUNTS IN FIN-LINE TECHNOLOGY. ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 1981