هادية محمد سعيد الحناوى

أستاذ متفرغ في هندسة الإلكترونيات والإتصالات

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2010-08-01
أستاذ في : 1992-09-28
أستاذ مساعد في : 1987-06-29
مدرس في : 1982-06-29
مدرس مساعد في : 1976-11-02
معيد في : 1972-10-19

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : hadia.elhennawy@eng.asu.edu.eg
الدكتوراه : 1982-04-19 من جامعة براونشفايج - ألمانيا
الماجستير : 1976-09-20 من كلية الهندسة جامعة عين شمس
التخرج : 1972


  1. Ali Refaai, Mohamed Fathi Abo Sree, Fatma Newagy, Moustafa H. Aly, Hadia Elhennawy, Mohamed Abaza, " Cooperative relay orbital satellite optical communication under turbulent channels: Performance analysis ", Optics & Laser Technology, 2023
  2. Rasha Samir, Hadia El-Hennawy, Hesham Elbadawy, " Cluster-Based Multi-User Multi-Server Caching Mechanism in Beyond 5G/6G MEC ", Sensors, 2023
  3. Yara Ashraf Kamel, Hesham A. Mohamed, Hala ELsadek, Hadia Mohamed ELhennawy, " Miniaturized Triple-Band Circular- Polarized Implantable Patch Antenna for Bio-Telemetry Applications ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2023
  4. Mohamed Atef Abbas, Mehmet Faruk Cengiz, A. M. M. A. Allam, Diaa E. Fawzy, Hadia M. Elhennawy, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, " A Novel Circular Reconfigurable Metasurface-Based Compact UWB Hybrid Coupler for Ku-Band Applications ", IEEE Access, 2022
  5. Rasha Samir, Hadia El-Hennawy, Hesham M. El-Badawy, " Orchestration of MEC Computation Jobs and Energy Consumption Challenges in 5G and Beyond ", IEEE Access, 2022
  6. El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A Compact Highly Efficient Π-Section CRLH Antenna Loaded with Textile AMC for Wireless Body Area Network Applications ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021
  7. El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A compact flexible textile artificial magnetic conductor-based wearable monopole antenna for low specific absorption rate wrist applications ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2021
  8. El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A fully-textile wideband AMC-backed antenna for wristband WiMAX and medical applications ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2021
  9. Afifi, W.S., El-Moursy, A.A., Saad, M., Nassar, S.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A novel scheduling technique for improving cell-edge performance in 4G/5G systems ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
  10. Abbas, A., Elsaid, M., Mahmoud, S.F., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Decoupling of closely stacked patch antennas for airborne radio altimeter applications ", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021
  11. Hassan, A.Y., El Beshry, M.O., Harb, K.T., El Hennawy, H., " Design and Performance Evaluation of a Multiuser OFDM System Based on Differential Quadrature Chaos-Shift-Keying Spread Spectrum ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2021
  12. Amar, A.S.I., Mamidanna, M., Darwish, M., El-Hennawy, H., " High Gain Broadband Power Amplifier Design Based on Integrated Diplexing Networks ", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2021
  13. Abbas, A., Elsaid, M., Mahmoud, S.F., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Link Budget Analysis for FMCW Radio Altimeter ", 2021 International Telecommunications Conference, ITC-Egypt 2021 - Proceedings, 2021
  14. Eltresy, N.A., Abd Elhamid, A.E.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Elhennawy, H.M., Abdallah, E.A., " Silver sandwiched ITO based transparent antenna array for RF energy harvesting in 5G mid-range of frequencies ", IEEE Access, 2021
  15. Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Abdallah, E.A., " Single-fed dual wideband filtenna for 4G/5G mobile applications ", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021
  16. Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Abdallah, E.A., " Ultra-wideband bandstop filter with multiple transmission zeros using in-line coupled lines for 4G/5G mobile applications ", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021
  17. Afifi, W.S., El-Moursy, A.A., Saad, M., Nassar, S.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A Dynamic Clustering Approach for Increasing User Throughput in 5G Wireless Networks ", Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2020: Management in the Age of Softwarization and Artificial Intelligence, NOMS 2020, 2020
  18. Eltresy, N.A., Abd Elhamid, A.M., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " AgITO for high-performance semi-transparent wideband antenna applications ", Electronics Letters, 2020
  19. El-Din, M.S.H.S., El-Hennawy, H., Allam, A.M.M.A., Shams, S.I., Sree, M.F.A., Gaafar, A., " Approach for Determination of the Stop Band for Ridge Gap Waveguide ", 2020 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2020, 2020
  20. Abass, E.S., Halim, J.V.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Coded-beam Strategy for High Throughput Satellites - A Path Toward Terahertz Communications - System Model, Realization and Performance Assessment ", 2020 12th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEENG 2020, 2020
  21. Fathy, S.A., Ibrahim, M., El-Agooz, S., El-Hennawy, H., " Low-complexity SLM PAPR reduction approach for UFMC systems ", IEEE Access, 2020
  22. Sultan, K., Abdullah, H., Abdallah, E., El-Hennawy, H., " MOM/GA-based virtual array for radar systems ", Sensors (Switzerland), 2020
  23. Sultan, K.S., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Metasurface-based dual polarized MIMO antenna for 5G smartphones using CMA ", IEEE Access, 2020
  24. Eldesoky, A., Kamel, A.M., Elhabiby, M., Elhennawy, H., " Real time localization solution for land vehicle application using low-cost integrated sensors with GPS ", Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2020
  25. EL-Mokadem, E.S., El-Kassas, A.M., Elgarf, T.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Throughput enhancement of cognitive M2M networks based on NOMA for 5G communication systems ", International Journal of Communication Systems, 2020
  26. Shawky, I.M., Sadek, M., Elhennawy, H.M., " Uplink Multiuser Scheduling Using Machine Learning ", Proceedings of ICCES 2020 - 2020 15th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2020
  27. Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., El-Henawy, H., " Wideband slow phase loaded inductor-composite right/left-handed transmission line for compact UWB power divider ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2020
  28. Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " 2×2 Circularly Polarized Antenna Array with Equal Phases for RF Energy Harvesting in IoT System ", 2019 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2019, 2019
  29. Dardeer, O.M.A., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " 4x4 circularly polarized antenna array for ambient RF energy harvesting ", 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
  30. Abd El-Halim, M.A., Said, A.M., El-Hennawy, H., " A New Statistical Received Signal Strength (RSS) Model Based Fingerprint Approach for WLAN Indoor Localization Application ", International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2019
  31. El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A Wearable Dual-Band Low Profile High Gain Low SAR Antenna AMC-Backed for WBAN Applications ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2019
  32. Dardeer, O.M., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " A dual band circularly polarized rectenna for RF energy harvesting applications ", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2019
  33. El-Akhdar, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., El-Tager, A.M., Engineering, E., " A simple graphical user interface based program to calculate SIW effective width ", 2018 Proceedings of the Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computations, JAC-ECC 2018, 2019
  34. Sree, M.F.A., Swelam, W., Hassan, M., El-Hennawy, H., " An Inverted F with Dual Frequency for Radar 5G Applications above 85 GHz ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2019
  35. El-Mokadem, E.S., Mahmoud El-Kassas, A., Elgarf, T.A., El-Hennawy, H., " BER performance evaluation for the downlink NOMA system over different fading channels with different modulation schemes ", Proceedings - 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology, ICST 2019, 2019
  36. Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " CPW DC Pass Filters for RF Energy Harvesting ", ACCS/PEIT 2019 - 2019 6th International Conference on Advanced Control Circuits and Systems and 2019 5th International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics and Information Technology, 2019
  37. Yassin, M.E., Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Circularly Polarized Wideband-to-Narrowband Switchable Antenna ", IEEE Access, 2019
  38. Fathy, S.A., Ibrahim, M.N.A., Elagooz, S.S., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Efficient SLM Technique for PAPR Reduction in UFMC Systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2019
  39. Ouf, E.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., Mohra, A.S., Elhennawy, H.M.S., " Electronically switchable ultra-wide band/dual-band bandpass filter using defected ground structures ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2019
  40. Moharam, M.H., Gouda, M., Elhennawy, H., " Enhanced linear equalization using PSO in FBMC MIMO systems ", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 2019
  41. El Atrash, M., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Gain enhancement of a compact thin flexible reflector-based asymmetric meander line antenna with low SAR ", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2019
  42. Maged, M., Elhefnawi, F., Akah, H., El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Half-arrow miniaturized antenna for inter-satellite communications using HMSIW ", 2018 Proceedings of the Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computations, JAC-ECC 2018, 2019
  43. Elsheikh, M.A.G., Safwat, A.M.E., Elhennawy, H., " High-efficiency AMC loaded dipole above FR4 substrate ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2019
  44. Moharam, M.H., Gouda, M., El Hennawy, H.M., " Hybrid clipping-PTS using enhanced PSO with Cauchy mutation to reduce PAPR of FBMC 5G systems ", International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2019
  45. Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Multi-Bands Dual Linearly Polarized × 2 Antenna Array for Powering Sensors in IoT System ", 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things, GCIoT 2018, 2019
  46. Gaber Swalem, A.H., Maher Halim, J.V., Elhennawy, H., " Performance analysis of MIMO AF CDMA hybrid satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks using multiple relays strategy for downlink ", IET Communications, 2019
  47. El Dyasti, S.K., Hagras, E.A.A., El-Hennawy, H., " QSM-IDM – A novel quadrature spatial modulation based on interleaving division multiplexing for multiple antenna system ", Digital Communications and Networks, 2019
  48. Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " RF Energy Harvesting Using Transparent Antenna for IoT Application ", Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering, ITCE 2019, 2019
  49. Yassin, M.E., Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Single-fed 4G/5G multiband 2.4/5.5/28 GHz antenna ", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2019
  50. Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.N., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Tri-Band Antenna for Energizing IoT Low Power Devices ", 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things, GCIoT 2018, 2019
  51. Abo Sree, M.F., Ibrahim, M.A., Swelam, W., Abd El-Azeem, M.H., El Hennawy, H., " Ultra-wide band microstrip antenna for 4G applications ", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
  52. Sultan, K.S., Basha, M.A., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " A 60-GHz CMOS quasi-Yagi antenna with enhanced radiation properties ", IET Conference Publications, 2018
  53. Sultan, K.S., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., Basha, M.A., El-Hennawy, H.H., " A 60-GHz Gain Enhanced Vivaldi Antenna On-Chip ", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018
  54. Safwat, A.M.E., Abuelfadl, T.M., Mahmoud, A.M., Elhennawy, H., " A Glimpse of Microwave Education and Research Activities in Egypt [Around the Globe] ", IEEE Microwave Magazine, 2018
  55. Mohanna, M.M., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Kamel, M.M., " A novel high directive willis-sinha tapered slot antenna for GPR application in detecting landmine ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2018
  56. Mohanna, M.M., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Attia, M.A., " Design and analysis of a novel low loss ultra-wideband coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strips (CPS) transition for tapered slot antennas (TSA) in ground penetrating radar (GPR) application ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2018
  57. Maged, M., Elhefnawi, F., Akah, H., El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Design and realization of circular polarized SIW slot array Antenna for cubesat intersatellite links ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2018
  58. Sultan, K.S., Abdullah, H.H., Abdallah, E.A., Basha, M.A., El-Hennawy, H.H., " Dielectric Resonator Antenna with AMC for Long Range Automotive Radar Applications at 77 GHz ", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018
  59. Soliman, J.N., Mageed, T.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Digital signature and authentication mechanisms using new customized hash function for cognitive radio networks ", Proceedings of ICCES 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2018
  60. Maged, M., Elhefnawi, F., Akah, H., El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Half-arrow slot antenna for inter-satellite communications ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2018
  61. Rabie, M.M., El-Henawy, H., El-Hefnawy, F., Ibrahim, F., " Meshed conductor and meshed substrate GPS L1 band microstrip antenna for Cubesat applications ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2018
  62. Yassin, M.E., Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Modified CMRC LPF using novel fractal patches ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2018
  63. Gaber, A.H., Halim, J.V.M., El Hennawy, H., " Outage probability of AF CDMA hybrid satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks using multiple relays over shadowed-rician fading channels ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2018
  64. Eltresy, N.A., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Powering sensors in IoT system by using compact seven band PIFA rectenna ", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2018
  65. Abdelbar, A.M., El-Tager, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Radio frequency power amplifier for green communications based on 10W GaN HEMT ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2018
  66. Soliman, J.N., Mageed, T.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Taxonomy of security attacks and threats in cognitive radio networks ", 2017 Proceedings of the Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computers, JAC-ECC 2017, 2018
  67. Soliman, J.N., Mageed, T.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Countermeasures for layered security attacks on cognitive radio networks based on modified digital signature scheme ", 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems, ICICIS 2017, 2017
  68. Ibrahim, M.I., Ahmed, M.G., El-Nozahi, M., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Design and Performance Analysis of a Miniature, Dual-Frequency, Millimeter Wave Linear Phased Array Antenna ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017
  69. Mohassieb, S.A., Kirah, K., Dörsam, E., Khalil, A.S.G., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Effect of silver nanoparticle ink drop spacing on the characteristics of coplanar waveguide monopole antennas printed on flexible substrates ", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2017
  70. El-Desouki, E.M., Hussien, K.F.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Electromagnetic simulation for land imaging using fully polarimetric SAR system ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2017
  71. Ahmed, S., Sadek, M., Zekry, A., Elhennawy, H., " Hybrid analog and digital beamforming for space-constrained and energy-efficient massive MIMO wireless systems ", 2017 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2017, 2017
  72. Mohassieb, S.A., Kirah, K., Dörsam, E., Khalil, A.S.G., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Inkjet printing of a 20 GHz coplanar waveguide monopole antenna using copper oxide nanoparticles on flexible substrates: Effect of drop spacing on antenna performance ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2017
  73. El-Henawy, S.I., Omar, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Multi-band CRLH unit cell-loaded patch antenna ", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2017
  74. Eldesoky, A., Kamel, A.M., Elhabiby, M., Elhennawy, H., " Performance enhancement of low-cost MEMS inertial sensors using extensive calibration technique ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2017
  75. Ouf, E.G., Mohra, A.S., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H., " Ultra-wideband bandpass filter with sharp tuned notched band rejection based on CRLH transmission-line unit cell ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2017
  76. Nasr, A.M.H., Safwat, A.M.E., Elhennawy, H., " Via-free microstrip to slotline baluns using slotted microstrip cross-junction ", European Microwave Week 2017: "A Prime Year for a Prime Event", EuMW 2017 - Conference Proceedings; 47th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2017, 2017
  77. El-Akhdar, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., El-Tager, A.M., " A study on double via row configuration for SIW based structures ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM, 2016
  78. Mehaseb, M.A., Gadallah, Y., Elhamy, A., Elhennawy, H., " Classification of LTE Uplink Scheduling Techniques: An M2M Perspective ", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2016
  79. Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Compact dual wide band D-CRLH three way power divider ", 2016 IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2016, 2016
  80. Torad, M.A., El-Kassas, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Cooperative wideband spectrum sensing over Rician and Nakagami fading channels ", 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2015, 2016
  81. Elkholy, M.M., El Hennawy, H.M., Elkouny, A., " Design and implementation of hyper chaotic masking system for secured audio transmission ", Proceedings - 2015 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2015, 2016
  82. Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Dual-band divider has rejection band at 5 GHz ", Microwaves and RF, 2016
  83. Anis, M., Gadallah, Y., Elhennawy, H., " Machine-to-machine communications over the Internet of Things: Private Wi-Fi access prospects ", IFIP Wireless Days, 2016
  84. Ahmed, M.I., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Mutual coupling reduction in UWB slotted antenna array using UCEBG structures for wireless applications ", Proceedings of the 2016 4th International Japan-Egypt Conference on Electronic, Communication and Computers, JEC-ECC 2016, 2016
  85. Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " New configuration for multiband ultra compact gap resonator based D-CRLH ", 2016 IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2016, 2016
  86. Elkholy, M.M., El Hennawy, H.M., Elkouny, A., " Real time implementation of secure communication system based on synchronization of hyper chaotic systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2016
  87. El-Henawy, S.I., Safwat, A.M.E., EL-Hennawy, H.S., " Reconfigurable pattern beam steering loop antenna ", 2016 IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2016, 2016
  88. Ibrahim, M.I., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Single/dual-band CSRR-loaded differential-fed square patch antenna with monopolar radiation pattern ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2016
  89. Elkholy, M.M., EL Hennawy, H.M., Elkouny, A., Zahran, S., " Using hyper chaos in secure video transmission ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM, 2016
  90. Torad, M.A., El-Kassas, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Wide-band sensing and optimization for cognitive radio networks using multi-rate sub-Nyquist spectrum sensing (MS<sup>3</sup>) ", 2016 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking, MoWNeT 2016, 2016
  91. El-Desouki, E.M., Hussien, K.F.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " B3. Dual polarized channel strip-map SAR system for land imaging ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2015
  92. Daw, A.F., El Rahman Abdallah, M.A., El Hennawy, H.M., " B6. Multiband sharp-skirt compact gap resonator based D-CRLH ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2015
  93. Gamal, M., El-Nozahi, M., El-Hennawy, H., " Concurrent dual-band LNA for automotive application ", Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2015
  94. Mansour, I., Elhennawy, H., Tag El-Dien, A.S., " Design of X-band power amplifier for leo satellite transmitter ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015
  95. Soliman, A.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Design of planar inverted-F antenna over uniplanar EBG structure for laptop mimo applications ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015
  96. Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Frequency-reconfigurable microstrip filter with dual-mode resonators using RF PIN diodes and DGS ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2015
  97. Soliman, A.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Inspired metamaterial quad-band printed inverted-F (IFA) antenna for USB applications ", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2015
  98. El Hennawy, H.M.S., Omar, A.E.A., Kholaif, S.M.A., " LEA: Link Encryption Algorithm Proposed Stream Cipher Algorithm ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
  99. Soliman, A., Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., El-Hennawy, H., " Multiband printed metamaterial inverted-F antenna (IFA) for USB applications ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015
  100. Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " New inductor loaded composite right left hand impedance transformer for UWB wireless applications ", 2015 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2015, 2015
  101. Ahmed, M.I., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Novel wearable eagle shape microstrip antenna array with mutual coupling reduction ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2015
  102. Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A very compact novel multi-band BPF for recent mobile/satellite communication systems ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2014
  103. Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., Soliman, A., El-Henawy, H., " Design of planar inverted F-antenna over uniplanar EBG structure for laptop MIMO applications ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2014
  104. Daw, A.F., Abdalla, M.A., Elhennawy, H.M., " Dual band high selective compact transmission line gap resonator ", 2014 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, LAPC 2014, 2014
  105. Zamel, H.M., El Diwany, E., El Hennawy, H., " Electromagnetic scattering by approximately cloaked cylindrical bodies with nonhomogeneous anisotropic cloaking material ", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2014
  106. Zamel, H.M., El Diwany, E., El Hennawy, H., " Electromagnetic scattering by approximately cloaked dielectric cylinder ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2014
  107. Soliman, A.M., Elsheakh, D.M., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Reconfigurable independent multiband CPW-fed printed F-antenna for USB applications ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2014
  108. Shafee, M., Nahar, S., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., Hella, M.M., " Stacked resonator patch antenna for wide bandwidth THz detection ", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2014
  109. Safwat, A.M.E., Eshrah, I.A., Abuelfadl, T.M., El-Hennawy, H., " University research on antenna design and scattering problems in Egypt ", European Microwave Week 2014: "Connecting the Future", EuMW 2014 - Conference Proceedings; EuRAD 2014: 11th European Radar Conference, 2014
  110. Safwat, A.M.E., Eshrah, I.A., Abuelfadl, T.M., El-Hennawy, H., " University research on antenna design and scattering problems in Egypt ", European Microwave Week 2014: Connecting the Future, EuMW 2014 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2014: 44th European Microwave Conference, 2014
  111. Ibrahim, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " All planar compact size microstrip CRLH arbitrary coupling directional coupler ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2013
  112. Soliman, A., Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., El-Henawy, H., " CPW fed planar IFA with applied electromagnetic band-gap ground plane ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2013
  113. Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Compact dual mode switchable BPF - BSF using RF PIN diodes and DGS ", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC, 2013
  114. Mohamed, H.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A., El-Hennawy, H., " Compact reconfigurable dual mode resonator with switchable band using RF PIN diodes ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013
  115. Mohamed, H.A.E., El-Shaarawy, H.B., Abdallah, E.A., El-Henawy, H.M., " Design of reconfigurable miniaturized UWB-BPF with tuned notched band ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2013
  116. El-Hadidy, M., Fawky, A., Nagy, B., Khaliel, M., Abdallah, E., Elhennawy, H., Kaiser, T., " Evaluation of UWB chipless RFID system performance considering indoor multipath propagation channel and real world aspects ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013
  117. Mohamed, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., El-Shaarawy, H.B., El-Hennawy, H., " Miniaturized and reconfigurable 2U-shaped DGS based UWB-BPF with notched band ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2013
  118. El-Hadidy, M., Nagy, B., Khaliel, M., Fawky, A., Abdallah, E., Elhennawy, H., Kaiser, T., " Novel methodology for increasing the reading range of the UWB passive RFID chipless tags considering power regulations ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013
  119. Soliman, A., Elsheakh, D., Abdallah, E., El-Henawy, H., " Reconfigurable independent multiband printed inverted F-antenna for wireless USB applications ", European Microwave Week 2013, EuMW 2013 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2013: 43rd European Microwave Conference, 2013
  120. Mehaseb, M.A., Gadallah, Y., El-Hennawy, H., " WSN application traffic characterization for integration within the internet of things ", Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, MSN 2013, 2013
  121. El-Henawy, H., Abdoul-Fattah, E., Gamal, M., Attala, M., Hafez, A.S., " A new fuzzy CFAR processor for radar MTD systems ", IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2012
  122. El-Akhdar, A., El-Hennawy, H., El-Tager, A., " A novel design of Quad-band power divider for 3G and 4G applications ", European Microwave Week 2012: "Space for Microwaves", EuMW 2012, Conference Proceedings - 42nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2012, 2012
  123. El-Tager, A.M.E., El-Akhdar, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Analysis of coupled microstrip lines for quad-band equal power dividers/combiners ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2012
  124. Zamel, H.M., El-Diwany, E., El-Hennawy, H., " Approximate electromagnetic cloaking of a conducting sphere using homogeneous isotropic multi-layered materials ", 2nd Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, MECAP 2013, 2012
  125. Zamel, H.M., El Diwany, E., El Hennawy, H., " B2. Approximate electromagnetic cloaking of spherical bodies ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2012
  126. El-Ghitani, F.H., El-Badawy, H.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " C3. Teletraffic performance modeling of cellular communication with heavy-tailed distributed cellular dwell time ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2012
  127. Elkattan, M., Salem, A., Osman, A.S., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Magnetic gradient and neutron backscattering fusion for landmine detection ", 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2012, 2012
  128. Elkattan, M., Salem, A., Solima, F., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Microcontroller based neural network for landmine detection using magnetic gradient data ", Sensors and Transducers, 2012
  129. Elkattan, M., Salem, A., Soliman, F., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H., " Microcontroller based neural network for landmine detection using magnetic gradient data ", ICIAS 2012 - 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems: A Conference of World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON) - Conference Proceedings, 2012
  130. Ahmed, M.I., Sebak, A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H., " Mutual coupling reduction using defected ground structure (DGS) for array applications ", 2012 15th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, ANTEM 2012, 2012
  131. Attia, E.O., Amin, A.S., El Henawy, H.M., " Novel IEEE 802.16 mesh node architecture to achieve QoS in coordinated distributed mode ", International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2012
  132. Halim, J.V.M., El-Badawy, H., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Performance analysis of adaptive polarized MIMO Pre-RAKE Combined Transmit Diversity system in FDD ", Wireless Personal Communications, 2012
  133. Ibrahim, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Uniplanar bridgeless CPW-to-slotline transition and its application to CPW balun ", Electronics Letters, 2012
  134. Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Universal hilbert folded UHF RFID tag antenna ", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, 2012
  135. Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Analysis and design of universal compact flexible UHF RFID tag antenna ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2011
  136. Mohanna, M.M., Salem, D.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Henawy, H.M.S., " Circularly polarized elliptical slot antenna with enhanced gain using EBG structure ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011
  137. Ouf, E.G.E., Saker, H.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Design of a bandpass filter using parallel coupled stepped impedance resonator using the novel method of lines ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011
  138. Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Novel flexible compact modified Minkowski shape UHF RFID tag antenna ", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, 2011
  139. Mohanna, M.M., Salem, D.A., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Henawy, H.M.S., " Novel shape of UWB microstrip patch antenna with enhanced gain using EBG structure ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011
  140. Messiha, N.T., Ghuniem, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Numerical investigation of equivalent circuit models for complementary omega-like structures loaded microstrip line ", 2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011, 2011
  141. Abass, E.S., El-Badawy, H.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " On the design of Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time-Frequency block code over MIMO OFDM channel ", 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2011, 2011
  142. Ibrahim, A.A., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Triple-band microstrip-fed monopole antenna loaded with CRLH unit cell ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2011
  143. Elsheakh, D.N., Elsadek, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., Elhennawy, H.M., Iskander, M.F., " Ultra-wide bandwidth microstrip monopole antenna by using electromagnetic band-gap structures ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2011
  144. Mohassieb, S.A., Barseem, I.M., Abdallah, E.A.-F., El-Hennawy, H.M., " A compact microstrip power divider using periodic DGS and HIOS ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2010
  145. Nasr, A.A., El-Badawy, H.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Connection admission control reward optimization for different priority classes in homogeneous wireless network ", Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2010, 2010
  146. Abdallah, E.A.F., Abo-Elnaga, T.G., El-Hennawy, H., " Ground slotted landa shape single feed UWB circular polarized antenna for 2.4GHz RFID reader ", PIERS 2010 Cambridge - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings, 2010
  147. Abdallah, E.A.F., Abo-Elnaga, T.G., El-Hennawy, H., " Ground slotted phi shape UWB stacked circular polarized antenna for 5.8GHz RFID reader ", PIERS 2010 Cambridge - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings, 2010
  148. Shaker, M., Abdallah, E.A.F., Taher, H., El-hennawy, H., " Modern isolation of dual-band proximity coupled microstrip antenna front-end transceiver ", MECAP'10, 1st Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2010
  149. Fouda, A.E., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " On the applications of the coupled-line composite right/left-handed unit cell ", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2010
  150. Harb, H.M., El-Mohsen, O.A., El Henawy, H.M., " Optimizing multicast operation in Ethernet carrier networks ", 2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2010, 2010
  151. Elabyad, I.A., Eldessouki, M.S., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Space-charge plane-wave interaction at semiconductor substrate boundary ", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2010
  152. El-Hennawy, H.M., Gomaa, H.H., Amin, A.S., " The effectiveness of transmitting voice traffic over IPv6 convergence sublayer of WiMAX mesh networks ", ICT 2010: 2010 17th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2010
  153. Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " UWB circular polarization RFID reader antenna for 2.4GHz band ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2010
  154. Abo-Elnaga, T.G., Abdallah, E.A.F., El-Hennawy, H., " Universal UHF RFID rose reader antenna ", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2010
  155. Akah, H.M., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Adaptive pulse shaped CP-OFDM for remote sensing satellites ", RAST 2009 - Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Recent Advances Space Technologies, 2009
  156. Sayed, D., Badwy, H., El Hennawy, H., " Comparison between the actual microwave terrestrial links performance and different models ", Proceedings - 2009 3rd International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, SENSORCOMM 2009, 2009
  157. Abas, A.A., Saker, H.A., Abdallah, E.A., El-Henawy, H.M., " Design of a periodically nonuniform coupled microstrip lines (PNCML) filter using the novel method of lines ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009
  158. Akah, H.M., Kamel, A., El-Hennawy, H.M., " OFDM pulse shape generation using artificial neural networks ", IEEE EUROCON 2009, EUROCON 2009, 2009
  159. El-Deeb, W.S., Moselhy, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.S., " The design of 2 GHz LNA for ISM RF receivers ", 2009 4th International Design and Test Workshop, IDT 2009, 2009
  160. Darwish, M.M., EL-Tager, A.M., Ahmed, H.N., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Design of in-line dual-mode rectangular waveguide bandpass filters using multiple inductive circular posts ", Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008
  161. El-Damak, A.R., Safwat, A.M.E., Tretyakov, S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Patch antenna on a high impedance wire ", Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008
  162. Halim, J.V.M., El-Badawy, H., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Performance assessment for the selection transmit Diversity in adaptive polarized MIMO Pre-RAKE system ", Proceedings - 4th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2008, 2008
  163. Messiha, N.T., Ghuniem, A.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Planar transmission line medium with negative refractive index based on complementary omega-like structure ", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2008
  164. El-Abyad, I., Eldessouki, M., El-Hennawy, H., " Wave reflection from semiconductor half-space based on charge transport model ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, 2008
  165. El-Abyad, I.A., Eldessouki, M.S., El-Badawy, E.S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Wave reflection from semiconductor substrate with a ground plane based on charge transport analysis ", WMSCI 2008 - The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2008 - Proc., 2008
  166. El-Abyad, I.A., Eldessouki, M.S., El-Badawy, E.S.A., El-Hennawy, H.S., " Wave reflection investigation from semiconductor surfaces using first-order impedance boundary condition ", WMSCI 2008 - The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2008 - Proc., 2008
  167. Yang, S., Elsherbini, A., Lin, S., Fathy, A.E., Kamel, A., Elhennawy, H., " A highly efficient vivaldi antenna array design on thick substrate and fed by SIW structure with integrated GCPW feed ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2007
  168. Song, L., Elsherbini, A., Yang, S., Fathy, A., Kamel, A., Elhennawy, H., " Experimental development of a circularly polarized antipodal tapered slot antenna using SIW feed printed on thick substrate ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2007
  169. Awida, M., Boutejdar, A., Safwat, A., El-Hennawy, H., Omar, A., " Multi-bandpass filters using multi-armed open loop resonators with direct feed ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2007
  170. Elsherbini, A., Kamel, A.H., Elhennawy, H., " Optimization of an antipodal vivaldi antenna using synthesis neural networks and a novel genetic algorithms approach ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2007
  171. Elsherbini, A., Zhang, C., Lin, S., Kuhn, M., Kamel, A., Fathy, A.E., Elhennawy, H., " UWB antipodal vivaldi antennas with protruded dielectric rods for higher gain, symmetric patterns and minimal phase center variations ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2007
  172. Awida, M., Balaiem, A., Safwat, A., El-Hennawy, H., Omar, A., " Combined low-pass and bandpass filter response using microstrip dual-mode resonators ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006
  173. Awida, M.H., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Compact rat-race hybrid coupler using meander space-filling curves ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2006
  174. Fouli, A.R., El-Kharashi, M.W., El-Henawy, H.M., " Serial ATA host controller: A hardware implementation ", Proceedings - The 6th IEEE International Workshop on System on Chip for Real Time Applications, IWSOC 2006, 2006
  175. Awida, M.H., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H., " Dual-mode microstrip bandpass filter using ring of arrows resonator ", Electronics Letters, 2005
  176. Galal, O.M., Safwat, A.M.E., El-Hennawy, H.M., " On the improvement of planar multisection balun ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2004
  177. Halim, J.V.M., El-Hennawy, H.M., " Performance of multicarrier spread spectrum CDMA system with transmit diversity ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2004
  178. Nofal, M., Reheem, E.A., El Henawy, H., Kader, N.A., " The development of acoustic models for command and control arabic speech recognition system ", Proceedings - 2004 International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, ICEEC'04, 2004
  179. Fouad, H., Sharaf, K., El-Diwany, E., El-Hennawy, H., " A comparison of CMOS and BJT RF-LNAs ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2002
  180. Fouad, H., El-Diwany, E., Sharaf, K., El-Hennawy, H., " High frequency noise simulations of MOSFET's short channel effects using PSpice ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2002
  181. Fouad, H., Sharaf, K., El-Diwany, E., El-Hennawy, H., " An RF CMOS cascode LNA with current reuse and inductive source degeneration ", Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2001
  182. Mokhtar, M., Gamil, A., El-Henawy, H., El-Ramly, S., " Arbitrary spherical array in superresolution direction finding systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2001
  183. Al Anwar, H.I.M., Hashish, E.A., El Hennawy, H.M.S., El Said, M., " Computer aided design of broadband microwave diode detectors using filter approximations ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2001
  184. Abdulla, Y.A., El-Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., " The effect of base stations configurations on the accuracy of hyperbolic position location in macrocellular and microcellular GSM systems ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2001
  185. Al Anwar, H.I.M., El Hennawy, H.M.S., Hashish, E.A., El Said Mostafa, M., " A new proposed method for the design of broadband microwave planar diode detectors ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2000
  186. Nofal, Maged, Abdel-Reheem, Esam, El Henawy, Hadia, " Arabic/English automatic spoken language identification ", IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 1999
  187. El-Muslimany, M.Assem, El-Diwany, Essam, El-Hennawy, Hadia, " Analysis of circular cylindrical dielectric rod leaky wave antenna with periodic strips and TE circularly symmetric wave ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 1998
  188. Al-Anwar, H.I.M., El Hennawy, H., Motawe, I.M., Mahrous, S., " New method for the design and synthesis of broadband constant phase shift microwave hybrid couplers ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 1998
  189. Mayhoub, M., El Zanfally, R., El Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., " Performance analysis of synchronous DS-CDMA in mobile nonlinear satellite channel ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 1998
  190. El-Motaafy, H.A., El-Badawy, El-S.A., El-Hennawy, H.M., Ibrahim, S.H., " Computer-aided analysis and design of microwave mixers using a modified time-domain method ", IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Proceedings, ICSE, 1997
  191. Safwat, A.M.E., Haidar, J., Khalil, D.A.M., Vilcot, A., Bouthinon, M., Elhennawy, H., Ragaie, H.F., " An optically controlled microwave matching technique ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1996
  192. Naguib, M., Ghali, H., El Hennawy, H., " Mixed analytical-numerical calculations of microstrip antenna Green's function using personal computers C-language ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1995
  193. Soliman, F.A.S., El-Hennawy, H., Marzouk, K., " Operation of microwave Gunn devices under the influence of nuclear radiation ", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 1994
  194. Koraitim, H., EL-Zanfally, R., EL-Hennawy, H., EL-Sayed, O.L., " Transponder non-linearities and propagation channel effects in land mobile satellite links ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1994
  195. El-Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., Sakr, N., " DESIGN OF BROADBAND QPSK REFLECTION MODULATOR FOR A DIGITAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING FINLINE TECHNIQUES. ", Proceedings of the Colloquium on Microwave Communication, 1986
  196. Azeim, A.Abdel, El Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., " ANALYSIS OF FIN LINES ON SEMICONDUCTOR SUBSTRATE. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1984
  197. Aziz, Y.Abdel, El Hennawy, H., Mahrous, S., Schunemann, K., " DESIGN OF VIVALDI ANTENNA FOR MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS APPLICATIONS. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1984
  198. Omar, A.S., El Hennawy, H., Schuenemann, K., " FILTER REALIZATIONS WITH FIN-LINES. ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 1983
  199. El Hennawy, Hadia, Knoechel, Reinhard, Schuenemann, Klaus, " WIDEBAND BRANCHLINE COUPLERS IN FIN-LINE TECHNOLOGY. ", AEU. Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, 1983
  200. El Hennawy, Hadia, Schuenemann, Klaus, Salerno, M., " ACCURATE DESIGN OF FIN-LINE CIRCUITS. ", Proceedings of the Colloquium on Microwave Communication, 1982
  201. El Hennawy, H., Schuenemann, K., " COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF ACTIVE FIN-LINE CIRCUITS. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1982
  202. El Hennawy, Hadia, Schuenemann, Klaus, " COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF FIN-LINE DETECTORS, MODULATORS, AND SWITCHES. ", AEU. Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, 1982
  203. El Hennawy, H., Schunemann, K., " Hybrid Fin-Line Matching Structures ", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 1982
  204. Erichsen, K., Schuenemann, K., El Hennawy, H., " MM-WAVE FIN-LINE OSCILLATOR WITH ELECTRONIC MATCHING AND TUNING. ", Conference Proceedings - European Microwave Conference, 1982
  205. El Hennawy, Hadia, Schuenemann, Klaus, " COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF SEMICONDUCTOR MOUNTS IN FIN-LINE TECHNOLOGY. ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 1981