حمدى احمد حسين محمد أبو طالب

أستاذ مساعد في هندسة القوى الميكانيكية

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ مساعد في : 2020-02-24
مدرس في : 2012-11-25
مدرس مساعد في : 2007-11-01
معيد في : 2002-11-25

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : habotaleb@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 2002

نبذة مختصرة

Hamdy Ahmed is an Associate Professor in Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Egypt. He has been working in teaching and scientific research since 2002 and till now. His area of expertise is in Mechanical Power Engineering.


1. A.M.R. Elbaz, M. A.Nosier, And H.A. Abotaleb, 2008, "Characteristics Of Jet Issuing From Circular Cylinder In Cross-Air Stream", Proceedings of ICFDP9: Ninth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion, December 18-21, 2008, Alexandria, Egypt
2. M. M. Abo El-Nasr, M. A. Abidou, H. A. Hussein, 2012, "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Cylinder Cooling Under Single Impinging Water Jet", Int. Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, pages 287–301.
3. M. M. Abo El-Nasr, M. A. Abidou, H. A. Hussein, 2012, "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Cylinder Cooling Under Triple Impinging Water Jet", Journal of Al-Azhar University.
4. M. M. Abo El-Nasr, and, H. A. Hussein Abotaleb, 2013, "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Cylinder Cooling Under Single and Triple Impinging Water Jet ", International Journal of Engineering Research-Online, Vol.1.Issue.1:2013
5. M. M. Abo El-Nasr, M.M. Kamal, H. A. Abotaleb and Ahmed S. Saber, 2014, "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Cylinder Quenching by Impingement of Sub-cooled Liquid Slot Jet", Al-Azhar Engineering Thirteenth International Conference December 23-25, 2014, Vol. 9, No. 2, Dec. 2014
6. A. Fahmy, H.A. Abotaleb, and M.M. Kamal, 2016, "Combustion Characteristics of Inverse Diffusion Flames with Elliptic Swirlers", IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 06, Issue 04 (April. 2016), V3, PP 27-44.
7. A Azam, M Kamal, and H. Abotaleb, 2016, "Combustion performance of triple flames issuing from elliptical Swirlers", IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 06, Issue 05 (May. 2016), V1, PP 34-47
8. A. S. Mansour, and H.A. Abotaleb, 2017, "A 2D Numerical and Experimental Investigation On The Pressure Fluctuations Inside A "Double Volute Centrifugal Pump At Three Different Radial Gaps", Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector JAUES, Vol.12, 2017, PP 907-931
9. H.A. Abotaleb, M.Y. Abdelsala, M.M. Aboelnasr, and M.A. Teamah, 2018, "Wet Front Propagation for Water Jet Impingement on Flat Surface", Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ); hosted by ELSEVIER, (2018) 57, 2641–2648
10. H.A. Abotaleb, M.Y. Abdelsala, and M.M. Aboelnasr, 2018, "Effect of Wire Mesh on the Heat Transfer from a Flat Plate under Free Water Jet Impingement Quenching", Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ); hosted by ELSEVIER, (2018) 57, 3841–3850
11. H.A. Abotaleb, 2018, "Numerical Study on Smoke Exhaust System in a Mall with Mechanical Make-up Techniques", Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ); hosted by ELSEVIER, (2018) 57, 2961–2974
12. Tarek Safwat, H. A. Abotaleb, and M.M. Abo ElNasr, 2019, "Studying of the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Circular Water Jets Impinging Hot Plate", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 8, August-2019, PP 932- 939
13. H. Z. Barakat, H. A. Abotaleb, and M. M. Hussein, 2019, "Effect of Aluminum Fin on the performance of Stratified Chambers Gas to Gas Heat Exchanger with Porous Medium", IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 09, Issue 10, October. 2019, Series -I, PP 01-15