فتح الله محمد فتح الله النحاس

أستاذ متفرغ في الهندسة الإنشائية

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2009-08-01
أستاذ في : 1993-03-29
أستاذ مساعد في : 1988-01-25
مدرس في : 1982-12-03
مدرس مساعد في : 1975-10-04
معيد في : 1972-10-19

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : fathalla_elnahhas@eng.asu.edu.eg
الدكتوراه : 1984-06-01 من Alberta - Canada
الماجستير : 1975-07-28 من Ain shams University
التخرج : june / 1972

نبذة مختصرة

• Forty-eight years of experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as professional training programs in Egypt and Canada on geotechnical engineering, foundations, tunnelling, underground structures, rock mechanics, engineering geology and numerical methods for geotechnical engineering.

• Supervised eightteen Ph. D. theses and 40 M. Sc. theses on various geotechnical engineering topics.

• Author (or co-author) of 100 papers on different aspects of geotechnical engineering, tunnelling, underground structures and geological engineering.

الجوائز التقديرية

The Merit Prize of Ain Shams University in Engineering Sciences (2012)

The Egyptian Pendant of Excellence (1997)

The Egyptian State Prize in the Engineering Sciences (1996)

Undergraduate Distinction Award, Ain Shams University (1969-1972)


El-Nahhas, F. (1975) Contact pressure under rectangular plates loaded at the edges. M. Sc. Thesis, Department of Structural Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

El-Nahhas, F. (1977) Field measurements in two tunnels in Edmonton, Canada. M. Sc. Thesis, Geotechnical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada, 85 p.

El-Nahhas, F. (1981) Behaviour of tunnels in stiff soils. Ph. D. Thesis, Geotechnical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada, 305 p.

Eisenstein, Z.; El-Nahhas, F.; and Shalaby, A. (1987) Cairo Metro Research Project-Final Research Report. Submitted to International Development Research Centre, Ottawa and National Authority for Tunnels, Cairo.

El-Nahhas, F.; Sherif, M.; Abdullah, W.; Hadi, K. and Ghoneim, H. (2000) Long-term operation, monitoring and assessment of the drainage system at Shamiyah and Kaifan (Final Main Research Report). Report submitted to the Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity and Water, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 202 p.


  1. , " Inverse Design of NATM Tunnels By Neural Networks ", 12th International Colloquium on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt., 2007
  2. Mohamed F. Mansour, Fathalla M. El-Nahhas, Amr M. Elshanawany, " Short and Long-term Behaviours of Bored Tunnels in Port-Said Clay ", Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2021
  5. , " Mutual seismic interaction between tunnels and the surrounding granular soil ", HBRC Journal, 2014
  6. , " Tunnelling and Underground Structures in Egypt: Past, Present and Future ", , 2013
  7. , " Soft ground tunnelling in Egypt: Geotechnical challenges and expectations ", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 14 (3), 245-256, 1999
  8. , " Prediction of ground subsidence above tunnels in Cairo ", , 1997
  9. , " Strain field around a tunnel in stiff soil ", , 1981

المشاريع البحثية


1978-1980 Geotechnical In-Situ Performance of an Experimental Tunnel in Edmonton, Canada (Part of the research program for the Ph. D. degree at the University of Alberta). Funding agencies: The National Research Council of Canada, The City of Edmonton, and The University of Alberta, Canada.

1984-1987 Geotechnical In-Situ Performance of the Diaphragm Walls during Construction of the Regional Line of Cairo Metro; Principal Egyptian Investigator. Funding agencies: International Development Research Centre, Canada with in-kind contributions from the Egyptian National Authority for Tunnels, the University of Alberta and the Ain Shams University.

1987-1990 Geotechnical Behaviour of Tunnels in Some Egyptian Soils; (Part of the research program for the Ph. D. degree of Dr. A. G. Shalaby at Ain Shams University); Project Leader. Funding provided by Ain Shams University.

1997-2000 A Pilot Drainage Project for Lowering Groundwater Table under the Kuwait City: Long-term operation, monitoring and assessment of the drainage system at Shamiyah and Kaifan; Project Leader. Project conducted at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and funded by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity and Water.

2004-2006 Stability Assessment of the Southern Cliff of Mokkatum Plateau; Project Manager. Project conducted at the Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Ain Shams University and funded by El-Nasr Company for Construction and Development.


1. Review and technical approval of repair works of the existing Ahmed Hamdi Highway Tunnel under Suez Canal. Also, supervision of in-situ monitoring system for assessment of new lining during canal deepening & widening (1992-1996 for The Suez Canal Authority).

2. Assessment of the problems encountered during the development of the New City of El-Minia (1993 for the Ministry of New Urban Communities).

3. Geotechnical evaluation of the sand dunes areas around El-Obour City and proposing general guidelines of the foundation recommendations for the new developments in these areas (1994 for the Ministry of New Urban Communities).

4. Investigation of the problems encountered during the construction of El-Salam Syphon under Suez Canal (1997 for the Ministry of Public Works and Irrigation).

5. Conducting studies on the needed rehabilitation engineering works for Saqqara Archaeological Sites: the step pyramid and the southern tomb at Saqqara as well as three main sites at Memphis (Mit Rahina) the capital of ancient Egypt with formal proposals to perform detailed studies and tender documents (2000-2003 for the Ministry of Culture).

6. Assessment of the geological and engineering aspects of the northern cliffs stability of the Mokkatum Plateau, Cairo (2008-2009 for the Cairo Governorate).

7. Final technical review of all conducted studies on the crossing of Line 3 Tunnel of Cairo Metro under the Wastewater Spine Tunnel at Bab Sharia Square, Cairo (2010 for the Ministry of Transport).

8. Dispute Review Board-Mediation Committee on Line 3, Phases 1 and 2 of Cairo Metro (2013-2014 for the Ministry of Transport).