سالم محمودالحنفي سالم الخضرى

أستاذ متفرغ في هندسة القوى والآلات الكهربية

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2021-08-21
أستاذ في : 2010-12-27
أستاذ مساعد في : 2004-04-26
مدرس في : 1995-09-25
مدرس مساعد في : 1988-03-27
معيد في : 1984-09-17

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : salem_elkhodary@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 1984

نبذة مختصرة

Professor Dr. Eng. Salem M. ElKhodary is a full Professor at the Electrical Power and Machines Department, Ain Shams University, in Cairo, Egypt. Prof. Elkhodary had his Ph.D Degree in the year of 1995, from the University of Windsor, Canada, major in Electrical Power Engineering. He has an extensive practical experience in various electrical power fields in different countries.
Prof. Dr. Elkhodary is the consultant for several projects belong to different International firms (the European Union Commission EU, the European Investment Bank EIB, The USAID, the World Bank, The United Nation Development Plan UNDP, African Institute of South Africa) and others. Prof. Salem Elkhodary is the Consultant for General Authority for Construction & Housing Cooperatives, which belong to the Ministry of Housing & Urban Development. This Authority is the responsible Authority for developing several projects, each project is in the order of 180-220 Feddans. He also provides Consultancy Services for several projects in Egypt, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Government of Libya, Kingdom of Jordan, Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, United Arab Emirates. Now, he is responsible of writing and modifying the Electrical Code for the Egyptian Sewage and Water Treatment Plants.
He is also affiliated with International Electrical Code IEC, International Cigree Committee, the Egyptian Society of Engineers (ESE), and the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate (EES). He is Certified Energy Manager from the Association of Energy Engineers (Georgia USA), and Certified Electrical Engineer Consultant.
Dr. Salem had various technical visits around the globe for trainings, seminars & conferences such as Alstom Company Transformer Factory & Schneider Electric Factories, Grenoble, France, EASI Company for Energy Conservation in Tennessee USA, University of British Columbia & its laboratories, University of Vancouver British Columbia, University of California San Diego and its laboratories. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Salem has various publications and participated in Research concerned with the High Voltage, Electrical Distribution Networks, Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy, High Voltage Networks, Dielectrics, GIS Substations, Load Forecast, Reactive Power Management, Mitigation of Electromagnetic Fields, Loss Reduction, Energy Savings, Networks Stability, Networks Reconfiguration, Standardization of Switchgear and Networks Planning. He has invited talks from different institutions, from which (the Arab Electricity Regulators Forum at the council of Arab State League, the Climate Change Conference (Africa Institute of South Africa) in Durban, South Africa, IEEE, Power Engineering Society Seminars, THE UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR, Canada, the DAL-HOUSEY UNIVERSITY, Halifax, Canada), and others.
Dr. Salem deliver and holding large number of research thesis (Master & Ph.D Thesis).
The above mentioned practical field experiences of Eng. Salem, in addition to his academic knowledge leads him to be one of the leading electrical engineering academics, practitioners, and trainers.

الجوائز التقديرية

جائزة الأداء المتميز 01-10-2013 الشركة السعودية للكهرباء
10/2013 The Saudi Electricity Company Award for the Distinct Performance
1991-1995 University of Windsor Postgraduate Tuition Scholarship.
1990-1991 University of Windsor Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship.
1979-1984 Ain Shams University Undergraduate Scholarship for Five Academic Years.
05/1988 Faculty of Engineering Award - Ain Shams University.
01/1979 The Ministry of Education Award (جائزة المتفوقون بالثانوية العامة).


“Electric Distribution Networks Reconfiguration, New Evolutionary Heuristic Optimization Approaches” - 01-09-2012 - LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING.
"Circuit Analysis" - أكاديمية طيبة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا.
"Electromagnetics" - 01-01-1998 - أكاديمية طيبة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا

المقالات والدوريات

- L.S. Nasrat and Salem M. Elkhodary “Behavior of Porcelain Insulator with Polymer Coatings Under High Voltage Application” Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 45 (2006), No. 3, pp. 325-330 01-05-2006.
- Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Reham A. Osama, Salem M. Elkhodary, and E. F. El-Saadany “Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems with Distributed Generators using Ant Colony Optimization and Harmony Search Algorithms” Journal of IEEE, 978-1-4673-2729-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE. 01-02-2012.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, Hassan Mahmoud Mostafa “Active Role of Nuclear Power in the Egyptian Power System” Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector, ISSN1110-6409 01-12-2011.
- A.Y. Abdelaziz R.A. Osama S.M. El-Khodary “Reconfiguration of distribution systems for loss reduction using the hyper-cube ant colony optimisation algorithm” Journal of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 16-08-2011.
- H.K. Temraz, E.A. Mohamed, K.I. Saleh, and S. M. ElKhodary “ANN and Fuzzy Modeling Applications for 3-Phase I M Load Dynamics Identification” The Scientific Bulletin of Ain Shams University 02-12-2003.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, and M. Khafagy “Application of Proposed Distribution Network Planning Rules on Fast Developing Countries” The Journal of American Science, Vol. 11, ISSN: 1545-1003, 39-3161am0611, pp. 327-335 01-07-2010.
- H.K. Temraz, E.A. Mohamed, K.I. Saleh, and S. M. ElKhodary “ANN and Fuzzy Modeling Applications for 3-Phase I M Load Dynamics Identification” The Scientific Bulletin of Ain Shams University 02-12-2003.
- H.M. Ismail, Ahmed M. Amin, Salem Alkhodary “Comparative Study of the Effect of HVTL Electrostatic Fields on Gas Pipelines Using the ATP-LCC & CSM Methods” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, in IJERT, Vol. 2, Issue 9, IJERTV2IS90978, 01-09-2013.
- H.K. Temraz, E.A. Mohamed, K.I. Saleh, and S. M. ElKhodary “ANN and Fuzzy Modeling Applications for 3-Phase I M Load Dynamics Identification” The Scientific Bulletin of Ain Shams University 02-12-2003.
- Salem M. Elkhodary and L.S. Nasrat “Effects of Polymeric Insulators Sheds Design on Their Flashover Voltages and Surface Temperature Distribution” The Scientific Bulletin of Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering ASJEE, Vol. 1, pp. 189-201 01-06-2010.
- Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Salem M. Elkhodary, and Reham A. Osama, “Reconfiguration of distribution systems for loss reduction using the hyper-cube ant colony optimisation algorithm” Journal IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 2, pp. 176–187 01-02-2012.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, and Ali S. Abd El-Munem “New Proposed Method of Damping Temporary Overvoltages on Power System Interconnections” The Journal of American Science, Vol. 11, ISSN: 2545-1003, 40-3162am0611, pp. 336-342 01-06-2010.
- H.K. Temraz, S.M. Elkhodary “Application of Estimation Algorithms To Electric Load Forecasting Models with Different Type of Measurements” The Scientific Bulletin of Ain Shams University, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 535-552 01-06-2003.
- Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Reham A. Osama & Salem M. Elkhodary “Distribution Systems Reconfiguration Using Ant Colony Optimization and Harmony Search Algorithms” Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems EPCS, ISSN:1532-5008print/1532-5016online, 41:5, pp. 537-554 01-03-2013.


- A. Nossier, and S.M. Elkhodary Electrical Pressures Produced In Dielectric Liquids Under High Direct Electrical Stresses 5th International Symposium On High Voltage Engineering, PUB. 23.19, pp. 272-275, Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany 01-04-1987.
- S.M. Elkhodary and R. Hackam Surface Charge decay under the influence of Prior Applied Voltage in Freon CEIDP, Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, 94CH3456-1, pp. 749-754, Texas 01-05-1994.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, Soliman El-Debeiky, Ali S. Abdel Munem, F.Tahoun, Kamel Yassen, Mohamed Awad “Effect of Network Reconfiguration on Damping Temporary Overvoltage at Power System Interconnection” XVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering “ISH”, T2-16, University of Ljubljana, Elektroin?titut Milan Vidmar, Ljubljana, Slovenia 27-08-2007.
- S.M. EL-Khodary and R. Hackam Generation of Surface Charges on an Insulator in SF6 CEIDP, Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, 93CH3269-8, pp. 336-342, Pennsylvania 01-03-1993.
- G. M. Boghdady, H. M. Mahmood, S. El-khodary and A. S. Attia “The Role of The Distributed Generation in Electricity Supplying for a Remote Area Required to be Reclaimed and Cultivated; a Techno-Economic Egyptian Case Study” CIGRE, GCC Power 2010: The 8th Regional Conference For National Committees of Cigre in Arab Countries, Doha, Qatar 18-10-2010.
- S. M. Elkhodary, and R. Hackam "Influence Of Freon On Charge Density Build-up In A Solid Insulator" IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Pittsburgh, PA., pp.550-553 01-09-1994.
- Salem M. Elkhodary “The Electric Field Distortion and The Corona Current Pulse Calculations for CF4 Gas” MEPCON’2001, The Eighth International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, pp. 425-430 01-12-2001.
- Reham A. Osama, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Salem M. Elkhodary “Ant Colony Optimization and Harmony Search Algorithms for Distribution Networks Reconfiguration” The 8th International Conference on INF Ormatics and Systems 14-05-2012.
- Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Salem M. Elkhodary, and Reham A. Osama “Distribution Networks Reconfiguration for Loss Reduction using the Hyper Cube Ant Colony Optimization” The 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES'2011), Cairo, Egypt, November 2011, IEEE-Xplore Digital Library 01-10-2011.
- T.S.Abdel-Salam and Salem M. Elkhodary “The Application of A Modified Heuristic Technique to Solve Load Growth Problem” MEPCON’2003, The ninth International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, pp. 25-30, 01-12-2003.
- A. Soliman, H.K. Temraz, S.M. Elkhodary “Power System Voltage Stability Margin Identification Using Local Measurements” LESCOPE’03, IEEE Conference of Large Engineering Systems Conference of Power Engineering Society PES, IEEE 2003, pp. 100-104, Monterial 01-05-2003.
- T.S.Abdel-Salam, Salem M. Elkhodary For More Loss Reduction on Distribution Systems MEPCON’2000, Seventh International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, Volume I, pp. 275-278 01-03-2000
M. Abdel Aal, Ahmed Attalla, Salem M. Elkhodary “Voltage Stability Using Modal Analysis With A Practical Application” MEPCON’2001, The Eighth International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, pp. 541-548 01-12-2001.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, Hassan M. Mahmoud, Soliman El-Debeiky, Medhat Khafagy, Abdul Rahman Twijry “Special Features of Energy Forecast Methodology In Fast Growing Countries” MEPCON’08, The Twelfth International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, 978-1-4244-1933-3/08/$25.00©2008IEEE, pp. 555-558 01-03-2008.
- Reham A. Osama, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Salem M. Elkhodary “Ant Colony Optimization and Harmony Search Algorithms for Distribution Networks Reconfiguration” The 8th International Conference on INF Ormatics and Systems 14-05-2012.
- S. Elkhodary, and L. S. Nasrat “The Use of Experimental and Artificial Neural Network Technique to Estimate Age against Surface Leakage Current for Non-ceramic Insulators” Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, LESCOPE’06, 1-4244-0557-2/06/$20.00©2006IEEE, pp. 84-89 Halifax, Canada 01-07-2006.
- T.S.Abdel-Salam, A.S.Attia, Salem M. Elkhodary, A. Nosseir “ELF Magnetic Field Emitted From TV Sets” MEPCON’2000, Seventh International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, Volume II, pp. 475-479 01-03-2000.
- S.M. Elkhodary, and A. Nossier Measurement of induced Electrical Pressures In Insulating Liquids Under High Electrical Fields IEEE 10th International Conference On Conduction And Breakdown In Dielectric Liquids, Grenoble, France 01-03-1990.
- S.M. Elkhodary, and A. Nossier Effect of Applied High Electric Fields On Air Bubble In Liquid Dielectric" , 28th Annual CAGE Club, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 01-05-1990.
- Salem M. Elkhodary and A. Yousouf “Capacity Development Of Rural Distribution Networks With Local Constrictions In Developing Countries” MEPCON’2003, The ninth International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, pp. 787-792 01-12-2003.
- N. Heggy, Bahaa A. Arafa, M. Samir, Salem Elkhodary, and S. El-Debeiky, “Deterioration of Fiber Reinforced Material under Chemical and Coastal Pollutions” CIGRE, GCC Power 2010, F-75008 Paris, D1-301-2010 01-08-2010.
- Reham A. Osama, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Salem M. Elkhodary “Ant Colony Optimization and Harmony Search Algorithms for Distribution Networks Reconfiguration” The 8th International Conference on INF Ormatics and Systems 14-05-2012.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, Hassan M. Mahmoud, Soliman El-Debeiky, Medhat Khafagy Distribution Network Planning in Fast Developing Countries Based on an Investigated Accurate Cost Function The 44th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2009, Glasgow, Scotland, 02-09-2009.
- H.M. Ismail, Ahmed.M.Amin and Salem Elkhodary “Comparative study of the Effect of HVTL Electrostatic Fields on Gas Pipelines Using the ATP-LCC & CSM Method” MEPCON’14, The Sixteen International Middle-East Power Systems Conference 01-03-2014.
- S.M. EL-Khodary and R. Hackam “Effect of ac Voltage on Charge Density in a Spacer” CEIDP, Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, 95CH35842, pp. 500-503, Pennsylvania 01-02-1995.
- Soliman El-Debeiky, Salem El-Khodary, May Mohamed Ali and Mazen Abdel-Salam “Onset voltage of negative corona in wire-meshed cylinder configurations” MEPCON’14, The Sixteen International Middle-East Power Systems Conference 01-03-2014.
- G. M. Boghdady, H. M. Mahmood, S. El-khodary and A. S. Attia “Impact of The Existing Distribution Generation on The Interruption of The Unified Power System; as The Key Factor of Power Quality Indices” CIGRE, GCC Power 2010: The 7th Regional Conference For National Committees of Cigre in Arab Countries 01-04-2010.
- Salem M. Elkhodary, Hassan M. Mahmoud, Soliman El-Debeiky, Medhat Khafagy Distribution Network Planning in Fast Developing Countries Based on an Investigated Accurate Cost Function The 44th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2009, Glasgow, Scotland, 02-09-2009.

المشاريع البحثية

- Participated in Technical report (The Team Leader & Author) for “Energy Efficiency in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector (EEWS)”, sponsored by the German Financial Cooperation (via KfW Development Bank) supports the Egyptian government. Project No. 201066380.
- Co-Author in the Technical Book “Electrical Distribution Networks Reconfiguration”, the New Evolutionary Heuristic Optimization Approaches, Published by Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
- Co- Advisor in the Technical Book “Investigating the Renewable Energy in Africa”, African Institute of South Africa.
- Participated in the Technical report (Lead Energy Expert & Author) for “Study on the Financing of Renewable Energy Investments in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region”, (in 9 Countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon)), sponsored by The European Union Commission & the European Investment Bank, (Project EUROPEAID/FWC BENEFICIARIES 2009 LOT Nr 4 - EuropeAID/127054/C/SER/multi).
- Participated in Technical report (The Energy Consultant & Author) for “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies for Abo Rawash and The 6th of October WWTP Project”, sponsored by USAID.
- Participated in Technical report (The Team Leader & Author) for “Industrial Application of Energy Efficiency in Water Cycle Management”, sponsored by the European Union Commission. The project number (EUROPEAIDl119860lClSVlmulti, Lot No.2: Transport and infrastructure, Request No. : 2008l 163-217).
- Participated in Technical report (Consultant Engineer & Author) for “The Electrical and Telecommunication Infrastructure for The Alexandria Growth Pole City Project”, sponsored by the World Bank & Government of Japan, In Cooperation with Ehaf Consultancy Firm.
- Researcher & Co-Author in the “Standardization of Switch-Gear Appropriate For Egyptian Electrical Substations” research, Foreign Relations Coordination Unit, Vol. I-III, FRCU 830213, 1988.
- Supervisor of many Master & Ph.D Reports, in the following fields of High Voltage Engineering, Protection, Magnetic fields, Transient over Voltage, Distributed Generation (Fuel cells, micro turbines, and energy storage systems), Renewable Energy (Wind and Photovoltaic), Electric drives and Hybrid Electric Vehicles.