مصطفى محمد سليمان عبد الرحمن

أستاذ متفرغ في الرى والهيدروليكا

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 1989-08-01
أستاذ في : 1972-12-31
أستاذ مساعد في : 1967-03-01
مدرس في : 1960-01-01

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : mostafa_soliman@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 1953

نبذة مختصرة

To whom it may concern

Prof. Dr. Mostafa M. Soliman., has been a leader in Hydraulic research , engineering consultation , and teaching at national and international levels . He has authored or co-authored texts in the field of irrigation and its water management , drainage , hydraulics, and hydrology in our arid regions. In the fields of advanced education , he has served as the main research director for many Ph.D graduate students., many M. Sc. and Diploma recipients . He has also been the course director of the International Post Graduate Course on Environmental Hydrology of Arid Region in Cairo – Egypt for more than 20 years. This course was and still serving participants from Developing countries and particularly from Arab and African countries.

In applied research arid application to solution of water resources problems in'
arid regions , Dr. Soliman has developed numerous mathematical models to study
many hydrological problems in many arid regions inside and outside Egypt. He is a
member of many National and International societies . He has been an active member
in the Water Research Center Board of Directors of the Egyptian Ministry of Public
Works for several years . This is beside his membership in the Water Resources
Committee of the Egyptian Academy of Science , the National Committee of the
International Hydrological Program , and the President of the Egyptian
Society of Irrigation Engineers This is beside his Honorary membership in the ASCE and
president of its Section in Egypt.

Dr. Soliman initiated his academic career as a Faculty member at the Faculty of
Engineering , Ain Shams.JJniversity in Cairo , then a visiting professor at Washington
State University for about three years after which he has served as an associate professor,
then professor and Chairman of Irrigation and Hydraulics Dept. at Ain Shams University .He also served as the Chairman of The Environmental Engineering Department in the same University and delivering lectures in his field of specialty in many Egyptian European, and American Universities.

Dr. Soliman received his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Cairo University . He has published many papers in the ASCE Journals , and International Conferences . His latest edition is a book on Environmental Hydrogeology published by CRC of New York From his past experience I Consider him an outstanding professor. University , his M.Sc. from Colorado State University and his Ph. D. from Utah State. He has been awarded many awards from National and International Organizations all over the world.

الجوائز التقديرية


1ـ ميدالية المهندس المثا لى من نقابة المهندسين المصرية (1986)
2ـ الجائزه الدولية فى الهيدروليكا من جمعية المهندسين المدنيين الامريكيه (1998)
3ـ الزمالة المتميزة(Distinguished Member ) عام 2000 من جمعية المهندسين الامريكيه ولاتعطى هذه الزماله الا للمهندسين ذوى الكفاءه العلمية فى محيط الهندسه وهى الوحيدة فى الشرق الاوسط
4 ـ الجائزه التقديريه فى العلوم الهندسيه من جامعة عين شمس 2003
5- جائزة الدولة للابداع العلمي للعلوم الهندسية من اكاديمية البحث العلمي 2007

شهادات التقدير (جميهعا مرفقه)

1 ـ شهادة عضويه فى جمعية البحوث العلميه من جامعة وأشنجطن بامريكا 1964
2ـ شهادة تقدير من مدينة فورت كلن بكلوراود بأمريكا بمناسبة قيامى بعمل سمنار بجامعة كلورادو بالمدينة 1982
3 ـ شهادة مشارك فى ورشة العمل الدوليه بجامعة كلورادو عن أدارة المياه 1984
4ـ شهادة من معهد الهيدرولوجيا بامريكا ( AIH ) فى مجال علم الهيدرولوجيا أعطيت هذه الشهادة كخبير فى الهيدرولوجيا 1986
5 ـ شهادة غضوية مدى الحياه من جمعية المهندسين المدنيين الامريكيه 1993
6 ـ شهادة تقدير وتكريم من جمعية المهندسين المصريه للمجهود المبذول فى سبيل تحقيق رسالة الحمعية لخدمة المهندسين فى علم الهندسه المدنيه 1993
7 ـ شهادة تقدير وتكريم من جمعية المهندسين المصرية 1994
8 ـ شهادة زمالة من جمعية المهندسين المصرية وتقدير وتكريم1996
9 ـ شهادة تقدير وتكريم من جمعية المهندسين المصريه تقديرا للخدمات فى العلوم الهندسيه 1997
10 ـ شهادة تقدير من مركز العلوم الهيدرولوجيه والكمبيوتر بجامعة مسيسبى عن الانجازات العلمية الهندسيه حتى 1997بالمعهد
11-شهادة الجائزة الدولية فى الهيدروليكا من جمعية المهندسين المدنيين الأمريكية 1998
12 ـ شهادة تقدير من جامعة هوارد بامريكا وذلك لاعطانى سمنار عن الموارد المائيه 1999
13ـ شهادة أعزاز وتقدير من معهد الدراسات والبحوث البئيه بجامعة عين شمس 1999وذلك تقديرا لجهدالممتاز الذى بذل على الاشراف لقسم هندسة البئيه بالمعهد
14 ـ شهادة ترقيه الى رتبة زميل مميز بجمعية المهندسين الامريكيه 2000
15 ـ شهادة تقدير من منظمة أكساد لمشاركة فى ندوة الموارد المائيه 2002
16 ـ شهادة تقدير للجائزه التقديرية المنوحة من جامعة عين شمس 2003
17 ـ شهادة عن نشر الحياه الذاتيه لى فى مجلة البيوجرافى بانجلترا 2005 والتى تنشر الحياه الذاتية للعلماء المتميزين بالعالم .
18- شهادة الدولة للابداع العلمي للعلوم الهندسية من اكاديمية البحث العلمي 2007


Published Books

1-. Soliman Mostafa M., "Irrigation Engineering " Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt 1983.
2-. Soliman Mostafa M, "Groundwater Management for Arid Regions", Volumes I and II, UNESCO Publication, 1983.
Soliman Mostafa M., "Environmental Hydrology for Arid Regions", Volumes III, UNESCO Publication, 1985.
4- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Proceedings of the 1st Regional Conference and 1stInternational Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", AS'CE Egypt Section, Cairo Egypt 1995
5-. Soliman Mostafa M. et al., "Environmental Hydrogeology" LewJs/CRC Publishers, New York, N.Y., 1998
6- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Proceedings of the II-Regional Conference and II-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", AS'CE Egypt Section, Cairo Egypt 1999
7. Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Water Shed Hydrology " Inter national Course on Environmental Hydrolgy UNESCO, Cairo Egypt 1999
8- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Proceedings of the III-Regional Conference and III-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ESIE & AS'CE Egypt Section, Cairo Egypt 2002
9- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), " Surface Water Hydrology " Inter national Course on Environmental Hydrolgy UNESCO, Cairo Egypt July 2005
10- Soliman M.M. ( Editor ), " Proceedings of the IV Regional Conference and IV-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ASCE Egypt Section, & Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers Cairo Egypt 2005..
11- Soliman M.M. ( Editor ), " Proceedings of the V Regional Conference and V-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ASCE Egypt Section, & Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers Cairo Egypt 2007..
12- P.E. LaMoreaux, Soliman M.M. , ..et al “ Environmental Hydrogeology “ CRC Publishers , New York.., 2008
13-Soliman M.M. et al.." MULTILINGUAL TECHNICAL DICTIONARY ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE" (English Arabic ) Requested by the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage from the Egyptian National Committee for Irrigation and Drainage.
14- Soliman M.M. ( Editor ), " Proceedings of the VI -International Conference on Environmental Hydrology", ASCE Egypt Section, & Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers Cairo Egypt 2009..
15- Mostafa M. Soliman 2010 “ Engineering Hydrology for Arid and semi arid regions” published by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Fl., London, New York.

المقالات والدوريات

Papers 2000- 2007

1. Soliman, M. M.., et al" Rainfall-Runoff Relationship for Wade Sudr" III -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
2. - Kamel S., Soliman M. M. et al" A study in phereatic line with time due to water level variation through embankment" III -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
3. - Soliman, M. et al" Groundwater pollution in multi-layer aquifers" III -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
4. - Soliman M.M. " Watershed Modeling of the Western coast Wad is in Egypt "The Second International Conference on Wadi Hydrology; Amman -Jordan 2003
5. Soliman MM et al: "Routing of abnormal floods through HAD lake" III Int'l conf. On hydrology, May 2004, Australia
6. -Soliman, M.M. " Two Dimensional model for Aswan High Dam reservoir for flood management" IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt 2005.
7. - Khattab, S.& Soliman, M., et al "A strategy for an irrigation water cost recovery" IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt 2005.
8. - Soliman,M.M., et al "Nile River morphology expected changes due to abnormal flows " IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt 2005.
9. -Moghith , S. M, Soliman. M., M., et al" Assessment of the shallow aquifer behavior in the
Water logged area in the Nubaria Agricultural Project. Egypt" IV International Symposium, on Environmental Hydrology. Cairo-Egypt 2005.
10. - Soliman ,M.M. Gad ,M. Mos , M. “Two-D Hydraulic Model of Aswan High Dam Reservoir”, Presented at World Environmental &Water Resources Congress; EWRI-ASCE Omaha-Neb May 2006.
11. Soliman. M .M., Iman El Azizi., Engy M. Raouf. “Control irrigation works for irrigation water management in arid areas (With case study in Toushka area).V- International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology Cairo, Egypt 2007.

12. Soliman M. M., M. A. Gad., Ashraf M. El-Moustafa “Two hydrodynamic model for reservoirs: case study high aswan dam reservoir.” V- International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology Cairo, Egypt 2007.

Published Books

1-. Soliman Mostafa M., "Irrigation Engineering " Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt 1983.
2-. Soliman Mostafa M, "Groundwater Management for Arid Regions", Volumes I and II, UNESCO Publication, 1983.
Soliman Mostafa M., "Environmental Hydrology for Arid Regions", Volumes III, UNESCO Publication, 1985.
4- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Proceedings of the Regional Conference and International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", AS'CE Egypt Section, Cairo Egypt 1995
5-. Soliman Mostafa M. et al., "Environmental Hydrogeology" LewJs/CRC Publishers, New York, N.Y., 1998
6- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Proceedings of the II-Regional Conference and II-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", AS'CE Egypt Section, Cairo Egypt 1999
7. Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Water Shed Hydrology " Inter national Course on Environmental Hydrolgy UNESCO, Cairo Egypt 1999
8- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), "Proceedings of the III-Regional Conference and III-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ESIE & AS'CE Egypt Section, Cairo Egypt 2002
9- Soliman Mostafa M. (Editor), " Surface Water Hydrology " Inter national Course on Environmental Hydrolgy UNESCO, Cairo Egypt July 2005
10- Soliman M.M. ( Editor ), " Proceedings of the IV Regional Conference and IV-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ASCE Egypt Section, & Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers Cairo Egypt 2005..
11- Soliman M.M. ( Editor ), " Proceedings of the V Regional Conference and V-International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology", ASCE Egypt Section, & Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers Cairo Egypt 2007..
12- P.E. LaMoreaux, Soliman M.M. , ..et al “ Environmental Hydrogeology “ CRC Publishers , New York.., 2008
Soliman M.M. et al.." MULTILINGUAL TECHNICAL DICTIONARY ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE" (English Arabic ) Requested by the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage from the Egyptian National Committee for Irrigation and Drainage.


List of Publications
1) “Discharge from partially penetrating wells in unconfined aquifer “. Thesis in partial fulfillment of the Ph .D at Utah State University, 1959 USA
2) Soliman Mostafa M. “Coefficient of Discharge of screen with slotted openings." 1962 Bulletin. College of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
3) Soliman Mostafa M. Arce " Fishway Model study wells Dam " W.S.U. Engineering Bulletin 287, 1964.
4) Soliman Mostafa M. Boundary flow considerations in the Design of wells “Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineering Vol. 91 No. LRL, March 1965.
5) Soliman Mostafa M. and Eroy Tinney “Flow around 180° Bends in Open Rectangular Channels “Journal of the Hydraulics Division Proceedings of ASCE, Vol. 94NO.HY, Jul. 1968.
6) Soliman Mostafa M. and Jensen “Discharge of water in the negative pressure region above the water table “Presented at the International Congress of Irrigation and Drainage at Mexico City , March 1969.
7) Soliman Mostafa M., and M. Jensen “Boundary effect on tile Drain System “College of Engineering Bulletin, Ain.Shams University 1968.
8) Soliman Mostafa M. and Others. “Velocity Distribution along -the Pumping well using Radio active tracers " Presented at Radio isotope conference at Beirut 1970 .
9) Soliman Mostafa M. and others. “Ground water Utilization of Dakhla Oases” Egypt. Report presented to Ministry of Land Reclamation in Egypt. 1970.
10) Soliman Mostafa M. and others "Ground water Utilization in Ed Duiem Area in Sudan” Paper presented at the Arab Engineer conference at Cairo, 1972.
11) Soliman Mostafa M. and M. and F, Nicola Water Resources Planning in the Western Presented at the International Congress of Irrigation and Drainage at Varna 1972
13) Soliman Mostafa M. " Design of Ground water Resources in the Sahara Desert" Presented at the First World Congress on Water Resources, Chicago, 1973.
14) Soliman Mostafa M. “Urbanization and the Process of Erosion and Sedimentation in the River Nile “Paper presented at the Tercentenary of Scientific Hydrology Symposium sponsored by UNESCO Sept. 1974 Paris.
15)Soliman Mostafa M. and others “Seepage Velocity through gravel pack of pumped Wells” Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 1974.
16) Soliman Mostafa M. and others, “Effect of Gravel Packs on water well production capacity” Bulletin No. Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University 1975.

17) Soliman Mostafa M. et al ..."Recent Technique for Tile Drainage Design in the Nile Delta “X International Congress on Irrigation
18) Soliman Mostafa M. “Water Resources in the North coastal Urban areas of Egypt "IHP/Med. Rome 9 ... 13 October 1978.
19) Soliman Mostafa M. and A. Shata "Karst Aquifers in Siwa Area” IHP/Med. Rome9-3 October 1978. •
20) Soliman Mostafa M. “The Hydrologic Characteristics of River Confluences “Q-37 XI - International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Grenoble, France, 1981.
21) Soliman Mostafa M. “Groundwater Quality model of Cairo City “Report presented to the Egyptian Academy of Science 1983.
22) Soliman Mostafa M. '* Drainage by Intercepting Groundwater pumping station" ASCE Specialty Conference Jackson Wyo. 1983.
23) Soliman Mostafa M. “Effluent water Management factors ..." XII International congress on Irrigation & Drainage Ft. Collins. 1984.
24) Soliman Mostafa M. “Sedimentation Model of Lake Aswan Dam ...” International Workshop on Hydrologic Application of Space Technology, Coca Beach Fl. USA 1985.
25) Soliman Mostafa M., A. Ali “The Drainage of High Table Lands in Upper Egypt " Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University ,1985
26) Soliman Mostafa. M. & El-Badry, H. " Water Management in the newly
Reclaimed area “Bulletin pf the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University 1986.
27) Soliman Mostafa M. & El - Sheshtawy, A. “Standing wave weir as a Tidal Outlet
for Coastal Marshes " Bulletin, of die Faculty of Engineering , Ain Shams
University 1986.
28) Soliman Mostafa M. “The Environmental Impact of Irrigation by Sewage Water
on Groundwater Reservoir " Paper presented at the international Symposium on
the Impact of Large water projects on The Environment , Oct. 1986, Paris,
29) Soliman Mostafa M. & Hussein, A. “Recycling of Used Lubricating Oil ....."
Paper Presented in Recycling congress, West Berlin, Nov. 1986.
30) Soliman Mostafa M. & El- Shanawany , M. “The Hydraulic conductivity of
Calcareous Soils “Bulletin of The Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
31) Soliman Mostafa M. & Armanios , S. D. " Selection of Sprinkler Irrigation for Sandy Soil in Egypt " Presented at the 2ntl International conference on Desert Development January 1987 , Cairo , Egypt. 1
32) Soliman Mostafa M. “Stream Flow Modeling in The Coastal zone of Egypt " paper presented at XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IAHS) Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 1987.
33) Soliman Mostafa M. “Groundwater Modeling of contaminated Aquifers.” Paper presented in the water pollution conference, sponsored by the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Cairo, Egypt. Dec. 19S7
34) Soliman Mostafa M. & Mowafy, M. M. “Water Table Movement and its Effect on Pipe Network Leakage Detection " Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain.Shams University 1988.
35) Soliman Mostafa M., et al.” The Effect of Cracked Sheet Pile Wall on The
pressure Distribution Under Floors Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering .Ain Shams University 1989.
36) Soliman , M. M. , A. Zaki and M. Motasem "Reservoir sedimentation Mathematical
Modeling "International symposium on sediment Transport Modeling, New Orleans,
LA. USA, August 1989.
37) Soliman M. M, et a. “Practical Engineering Design of Modern Irrigation System “
National conference on land Reclamation, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, March 1990.
38) Soliman, M. M., et al “Groundwater Quality Model with Applications to various Aquifers”
VII International conference on computational Methods in water Resources.
Venice Italy, June 1990.
39) Soliman , M. M. "Water Resources Modeling for The North Western coast of Egypt "
International Symposium on the Hydraulics/Hydrology of Arid Lands, San Diego California, USA. August 1990.
40) Soliman , M. M. " Groundwater Management in The Main Aquifer of High Aswan Dam ASCE Conference, Nashville Ten USA. 1991.
41) Soliman , M. M. & A. A. Hassan " Groundwater Quality Model with Application t o Various Aquifers " .ASCE water forum .1992
42) Soliman , M. M. & A. A. Hassan " Adjustment of Groundwater Quality models" ASCE Int. Symposium , San Francisco , CA, USA. 1993
43) Soliman , M. M. " Groundwater Recharge of High Aswan Dam aquifer " paper presented at international Groundwater Symposium Orlando, CA, USA.1994.
44) Soliman , M. M. & N. A. Hassan " Remediation of contaminated aquifer with ' Reclaimed Sewage water " Int. Symp., Of G. W. Hyd., ASCE Conference, San Antonio, Tx, USA. 1995.
45) Soliman , M. M. , et al " Determination of Methods for Sewage Treatment in Egyptian Villages " P.P. Int., Symp., On Environmental Hydrology, Cairo, 1995 .
46) Soliman M. M. , et al" Experimental studies in porous media " P.P. Int., Symp., On Environmental Hydrology, Cairo -,' 1995 ."
47) Soliman, M. M. “Morphological changes of the Nile River " Seminar presented at Mississippi University Oxford and presented in the International congress of IAHR in San Francisco USA Aug. .1997
48) Soliman M.M. et al “Aquifer storage in southern Sinai “International Water Resources Engineering. Memphis, TN. USA, 1998.
49- Sadek N., Soliman, M., & El-bary, R." Nile River morphological changes" II-Int. Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo- Egypt. 1999.
50- Soliman, M. M., & Hazek. A . "Linear programming- a tool for management of pollutant in rivers" .
II-Int., Symposium on Environmental Hydrology. Cairo-Egypt. 1999.
51- Mostafa, E., Soliman, M.,.M.,. et al "Numerical modeling for multiphase flow through unsaturated zone" II-Int., Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt. 1999.
52- Soliman, M.. M ., et al "Bend Improvement of the River Nile After High Aswan Dam" International Association of Hydraulic Research Conference 1999, Seattle USA
53- Soliman, M M. & Ali, A.H. " BOD-DC model for a River Nile Reach" International conference
On Hydro-informatics. IAHR 2000,Iowa,USA.
54- Soliman, M.M. el al "The Environmental Impact of Rainfall-Runoff Upon Water Quality on Wadi Sudr" 29 th IAHR Congress Sept. 2001, Beijing-China.
55-Soliman M.M. et al" Routing of Abnormal Floods Through H.A.D." in -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
56- Soliman, M. M.., et al" Rainfall-Runoff Relationship for Wade Sudr" III -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
57- Kamel S., Soliman M. M. et al" A study in phereatic line with time due to water level variation through embankment" III -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
58- Soliman, M. et al" Groundwater pollution in multi-layer aquifers" III -International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology: April 2002 Cairo Egypt.
59- Soliman M.M. " Watershed Modeling of the Western coast Wad is in Egypt "The Second International Conference on Wadi Hydrology; Amman -Jordan 2003
60- Soliman MM et al: "Routing of abnormal floods through HAD lake" III Int'l conf. On hydrology, May 2004, Australia
61-Soliman, M.M. " Two Dimensional model for Aswan High Dam reservoir for flood management" IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt 2005.
62- Khattab, S.& Soliman, M., et al "A strategy for an irrigation water cost recovery" IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt 2005.
63- Soliman,M.M., et al "Nile River morphology expected changes due to abnormal flows " IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Cairo-Egypt 2005.
64-Moghith , S. M, Soliman. M., M., et al" Assessment of the shallow aquifer behavior in the
Water logged area in the Nubaria Agricultural Project. Egypt" IV International Symposium, on Environmental Hydrology. Cairo-Egypt 2005.
65- Soliman ,M.M. Gad ,M. Mos , M. “Two-D Hydraulic Model of Aswan High Dam Reservoir”, Presented at World Environmental &Water Resources Congress; EWRI-ASCE Omaha-Neb May 2006.
66- Soliman. M .M., Iman El Azizi., Engy M. Raouf. “Control irrigation works for irrigation water management in arid areas (With case study in Toushka area).V- International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology Cairo, Egypt 2007.

67-. Soliman M. M., M. A. Gad., Ashraf M. El-Moustafa “Two hydrodynamic model for reservoirs: case study high aswan dam reservoir.” V- International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology Cairo, Egypt 2007.
68- Soliman M. M., M. A. Gad., Ashraf M. El-Moustafa “Hydrological model for the high Aswan dam reservoir management” ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Honolulu, 2008.
69- Soliman,M.M. “Over land flow process in urban watershed with impervious ground surface” VI International conference on environmwntal hydrology & 1st symp. on coastal and port engineering September 28-30; 2009. Cairo, Egypt
70- Soliman,M.M,..et al “ Groundwater management in golf city area east of cairo
city Egypt”, VI International conference on environmental hydrology & 1st symp. on coastal and port engineering September 28-30; 2009. Cairo Egypt.
71- Soliman,M.M. ' Flood Hydrograph Formulation For Big Catchments Using The Gis
VII International conference on environmental hydrology September 25-27; 2012. Cairo Egypt

المشاريع البحثية

م عنوان المشروع الجهه الممولة
(يقدم منها خطاب) الجهة المستفيدة
(يقدم منها خطاب ) تاريخ تنفيذ المشروع التكلفه
الكلية دور المرشح
(باحث رئيسى ـ مناوبـ ـمشارك) ملحوظة
1 الدراسات المائيه لاستتصلاح 500000(خمسمائة الف فدان شرق الدلتا) وزارة أستصلاح الاراضى وزارة أستصلاح الاراضى 1969ـ1972 بالمكافأه للخبراء مشارك أنظر خطاب (1)
2 النموذج الرياضى لدراسة أستغلال المياه الجوفية بالحجر الرملى النوبى بالصحراء الغربية وزارة أستصلاح الاراضى وزارة أستصلاح الاراضى 1972ـ1973 بالمكافاه للخبراء رئيسى أنظر الخطاب (1)
3 دراسات السيول والمؤارد المائيه غرب اليمن لاستغلالهاالاستغلال الامثل حكومة اليمن حكومة اليمن 1980 20000دولار رئيسي أجازه خاصة بمرتب لليمن *
4 مشروع التنميه المتكاملة لمنطقة شرق الدلتا بالاشتراك مع مكتبي درويش ومكتب الخبرة البريطاني Hunting- London برنامج الامم المتحدة للتنميه وزارة التعمير 1980 1،3مليون دولار مشارك مع مكتب درويش أنظر خطاب (2)
5 دراسات أحلال وتجديد توربينات السد العالى وزارة الكهرباء وزارة الكهرباء 1981 بالمكافاه مشارك أنظر خطاب (3)
6 مشروع تنمية غرب الدلتا وتصميم شبكات الرى المتطور بمطقة البستان وزارة التعمير وزارة التعمير 1982 1،8مليون دولار مشارك مع مكتب درويش أنظر خطاب (2)
7 مشروع حصاد الامطار بالساحل الشمالى الغربى المجلس الاعلى للجامعات قطاع التنمية بمطروح محافظة مطروح 1984ـ1986 20000عشرون ألف دولار رئيسى خطاب (4)
8 مشروع المسح البيئى لمحافظة الفيوم بالاشتراك مع خبراء من هولاندا محافظة الفيوم+الجانب الهولاندي محافظة الفيوم 1989 400،000 دولار مشارك مع مكتب درويش أنظرخطاب(2)
9 دراسة تحسين شبكات الرى والصرف بمحافظة الفيوم وزارة الرى +الجانب الهولندى وزارة الرى 1991 320،000 دولار مشارك مع مكتب درويش أنظرخطاب(2)
10 الدراسات الخاصة بمشروع المزرعة التجربيية للرى من مياه الصرف الصحى أكاديمية البحث العلمى محافظة القاهرة 1992 بالمكافاه مشارك أنظرخطاب(5)

11 تاثير أستخدام مياه الصرف الصحى للرى على الخزان الجوفى لمنطقة الجبل الاصفر أكاديمية البحث العلمى محافظة القاهرة 1994 بالمكافاه مشارك أنظر خطاب (5)

12 الدراسات الهيدرولوجيا للوديان لساحل البحر الاحمر الهيئه العامة للتخطيط العمرانى الهئية العامة للطخطيط العمرانى 1995 بالمكافأه رئيسي أنظرخطاب (5)

13 الدراسة التفصلية لوادى عربه لحماية المجتمعات الساحلية من أخطار السيول وزارة التعمير الهئيه العامة للتخطيط العمرانى 1996 بالمكافاه رئيسي أنظرخطاب(5)

14 الدراسات الهيدرولوجيه لوادى الاربعين ووادى سانت كاترين ووادى الاسباعية لانشاء أعمال حماية من السيول وزارة التعمير الهئيه العامة للتخطيط العمرانى 1997 بالمكافأه رئيسي خطاب(5)
15 الدراسات البئيه نتيجة حفر أبار البترول لشركة ابيدكو اليابنية شركة ابيدكو الهئيه العامة للبترول 1999 10،000دولار رئيسي خطاب(7)
16 الدراسة البئيه الخاصة بئر أستكشافى فى الصحراء الغربية لشركة خالده للبترول شركة خالده الهئيه العامة للبترول 2000 6000دولار رئيسي خطاب(8)
17 الدراسة البيئية الخاصة بالمسح السيزمي بالمنزلة شركة سنتوريون للبترول الهئيه العامة للبترول 2001 5000 دولار رئيسي خطاب(9)
18 مشروع دراسة صرف مياه الصرف الصحى بمدينة بيروت وتصميم محطات الصرف اللازمة لذلك والاشراف على التنفيذ البنك الاسلامى مدينة بيروت 2002الى2006 400،000دولار رئيسي خطاب(10) *
19 مشروع عمل نموذج هيدروليكى لدراسة أفضل مخارج محطات مياه مشروع توشكى صندوق أبو ظبى وزارة الرى 2005ـ2007 200000دولار مشارك مع مكتب دروىش خطاب(2)
20 تصميم أعمال الحماية للقناطر بجمهورية مصرالعربية باستخدام النموذج الهيدروليكي وزارة الرى وزارة الرى 2012 160،000دولار مشارك مع مكتب درويش خطاب (2)

ملحظة :
1- بالنسبة لمشروع اليمن تم الانتداب لمدةشهرين لليمن كخبير هيدرولوجي لبدء المشروع وتمت تكملة التقارير بالقاهرة
2- بالنسبة لمشروع بيروت تم التنسيق مع مكتب لبناني لعملية الاشراف والدراسات تتم بالقاهرة وبالتنسيق مع مكتب بيروت وكان حضوري اثناء الاشراف علي فترات لمتابعة العمل وكل فترة لا تزيدعلي ثلاث ايام حسب لوائح مزاولة المهنة لجامعة عين شمس بالنسبة للمشاريع خارج الجمهورية.
3- [جميع الخطابات بالنسخة الورقية