جمال الدين محمد على سيد

أستاذ متفرغ في هندسة الحاسبات والنظم

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2005-08-01
أستاذ في : 1984-06-25
أستاذ مساعد في : 1978-11-25
مدرس في : 1973-06-26
مدرس مساعد في : 1972-12-04
معيد في : 1960-09-04

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : gamal.aly@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 1965


  1. Elsayed, H., Abdullah, B.A., Aly, G., " Fuzzy Logic Eased Collision Avoidance System for Autonomous Navigation Vehicle ", Proceedings - 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2018, 2019
  2. Samir, H., El Munim, H.E.A., Aly, G., " Suspicious Human Activity Recognition using Statistical Features ", Proceedings - 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2018, 2019
  3. Nashed, N.N., Eldawlatly, S., Aly, G.M., " A deep learning approach to single-trial classification for P300 spellers ", Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, MECBME, 2018
  4. Samir, H., Abdelmunim, H., Aly, G.M., " Human activity recognition using shape moments and normalized fourier descriptors ", Proceedings of ICCES 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2018
  5. Meshriky, M.R., Eldawlatly, S., Aly, G.M., " An Intermixed Color Paradigm for P300 Spellers: A Comparison with Gray-Scale Spellers ", Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2017
  6. Elsawy, A.S., Eldawlatly, S., Taher, M., Aly, G.M., " MindEdit: A P300-based text editor for mobile devices ", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2017
  7. Elsawy, A.S., Eldawlatly, S., Taher, M., Aly, G.M., " Enhancement of mobile development of brain-computer platforms ", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2016
  8. Elsawy, A.S., Eldawlatly, S., Taher, M., Aly, G.M., " Performance analysis of a Principal Component Analysis ensemble classifier for Emotiv headset P300 spellers ", 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2014, 2014
  9. Abu Elnasr, O.M., Rashad, M.Z., Abo-Elsoud, M.A., Aly, G.M., " Towards a framework empowering software testing process for better quality ", International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2014
  10. Elsawy, A.S., Eldawlatly, S., Taher, M., Aly, G.M., " A principal component analysis ensemble classifier for P300 speller applications ", International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA, 2013
  11. Nabih, A.K., Osman, H., Gomaa, M., Aly, G.M., " New fuzzy-based indoor positioning scheme using ZigBee wireless protocol ", Proceedings - ICCES 2012: 2012 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2012
  12. Zaki, A.M., El-Shafey, M.H., Bahaa-Eldin, A.M., Aly, G.M., " Accurate floating-point operation using controlled floating-point precision ", Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, 2011
  13. Mahjoub, W.H., Osman, H., Aly, G.M., " H.264 deblocking filter enhancement ", Proceedings - ICCES'2011: 2011 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2011
  14. Nabih, A.K., Gomaa, M.M., Osman, H.S., Aly, G.M., " Modeling, simulation, and control of smart homes using petri nets ", International Journal of Smart Home, 2011
  15. Ahmad M. Zaki, Ayman M. Bahaa Eldin, Mohamed H. El-Shafey, Gamal M. Aly, " A New Architecture for Accurate Dot Product of Floating Point Numbers ", The 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES'10), 2010
  16. Hamza, H.S., Aly, G.M., " Using product line architectures to leverage systematic reuse of business knowledge: An industrial experience ", Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Knowledge-Oriented Product Line Engineering, KOPLE'10, 2010
  17. Mahjoub, W.H., Osman, H., Aly, G.M., " Video player parallelization and optimization for embedded asymmetric dual-core architecture ", Proceedings, ICCES'2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2010
  18. Aly, G.M., Mahdi, H.K., Salem, A.E.-F., El-Kharashi, M.W., Taher, M., El-Din, A.M.B., Sobh, M.A., " Greetings from the chairs ", Proceedings - The 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES'09, 2009
  19. El-Fouly, T.M., Shtay, A., Aly, G.M., " Modeling Of the exhaust box assembly workshop using neural networks ", 2008 4th International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, IS 2008, 2008
  20. Zaki, A.M., El-Shafey, M.H., Ali, G.M., " Fuzzy controller for mobile robots using evolvable hardware ", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2007
  21. Osman, H., Mahjoup, W., Nabih, A., Aly, G.M., " JPEG encoder for low-cost FPGAs ", ICCES'07 - 2007 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2007
  22. Rabil, B.S., Fahmy, M.A., Aly, G.M., " Task allocation using inherited area density multiobjective particle swarm optimization ", 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2007, 2007
  23. Hamed, B.A., Salem, A., Aly, G.M., " A multi-engine LUT-based synthesis framework ", 2006 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES'06, 2006
  24. Aly, G.M., El-Zeftawy, A.A., Eraky, S.A., Abo-El-Azem, A.M., " Optimizing of alternative PV design methods for pumping load applications ", Proceedings of the 11th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON'2006, 2006
  25. Hamed, B.A., Salem, A., Aly, G.M., " Area estimation of LUT based designs ", Proceedings - 2004 International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, ICEEC'04, 2004
  26. Shtay, A., El-Fauly, T., Aly, G.M., " Modeling of manufacturing systems using neural networks ", 2003 International Conference Physics and Control, PhysCon 2003 - Proceedings, 2003
  27. El-Nadi, N., Aly, G.M., Fayed, Z.T., Faheem, H.M., " AMAP for Typecasting ", IEEE Potentials, 2001
  28. Aly, G.M., El-Nadi, N.M., Fayed, Z.T., Faheem, H.M., " A design of an associative memory array processor for ultrasonograph image acquisition and processing ", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 2000
  29. Ai-Akhras, M.A., Aly, G.M., Green, R.J., " Neural network learning approach of intelligent multimodel controller ", IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications, 1996
  30. Aly, G.M., Tayeb, M.A., " Fuzzy logic-based variable structure controllers ", Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1995
  31. Al-Akhras, Mohammad A., Aly, Gamal M., Green, Roger J., " Multi-model neural network-based intelligent controller ", IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industrial Automation and Control, Proceedings, 1995
  32. Aly, G.M., Mahgoub, H., Zakzouk, E., El-Assar, M., " Design of 2-D model reference adaptive systems based on the second method of Lyapunov ", Control, theory and advanced technology, 1994
  33. Aly, Gamal M., Aldeen, Rafiq M.Jamal, " Expert data acquisition for intelligent control systems ", Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1994
  34. Aly, G.M., Aldeen, R.M.J., " Expert data acquisition for intelligent control systems ", Conference Proceedings - 10th Anniv., IMTC 1994: Advanced Technologies in I and M. 1994 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1994
  35. Aly, G.M., Swief, A.S., " Adaptive Decentralized auotpilot controller of tactical missile ", Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Control and Instrumentation - Proceedings, 1992
  36. Aly, G.M., Swief, A.S., " Design and validation of robust controller for maneuvering target ", Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Control and Instrumentation - Proceedings, 1992
  37. Aly, G.M., Ali, W.G., " Digital design of variable structure control systems ", International Journal of Systems Science, 1990
  38. Ali, G., Badr, A., Binder, Z., " Multi-model control of MIMO systems: Location and control algorithms ", International Journal of Systems Science, 1988
  40. Aly, G., Abdel-Magid, Y.L., Wali, M.A., " Load frequency control of interconnected power systems via minimum variance regulators ", Electric Power Systems Research, 1984
  42. Aly, Gamal M., Al-Mulhem, M.S., " TWO-LEVEL COMPUTATIONAL METHOD OF NONLINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS. ", Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference, 1983
  43. Abdel-Magid, Y.L., Aly, G.M., " Two-level optimal stabilization in multi-machine power systems ", Electric Power Systems Research, 1983
  44. Aly, Gamal M., Aziz, M.M., " ESTIMATION AND CONTROL OF LARGE SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATION TO INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES. ", Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference, 1981
  45. Abo El-Ela, S.I., Aly, Gamal, " SIMULATION OF FIXED FILM BIOLOGICAL REACTOR FOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT. ", Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference, 1981
  46. Aly, G., Abdel-Megeed, A.H., " Multilevel technique for the computation of optimal singular control ", International Journal of Control, 1979
  47. Aly, G.M., " The computation of optimal singular control ", International Journal of Control, 1978
  48. Aly, G.M., Chan, W.C., " Numerical computation of optimal control problems with unknown final time ", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1974
  49. Chan, W.G., Aly, G.M., " A computational method for optimal control problems with a free final time using the modified quasilinearization and the gradient method ", International Journal of Control, 1973
  50. Aly, G.M., Chan, W.C., " A modified quasilinearization technique for optimal control problems with unspecified final time ", International Journal of Control, 1973
  51. Aly, G.M., Chan, W.C., " Application of a modified quasilinearization technique to totally singular optimal control problems ", International Journal of Control, 1973
  52. Ghonaimy, M.A.R., Aly‡, G.M., " A phase-plane method for the analysis of pulse-width-modulated control systems ", International Journal of Control, 1972
  53. Zaki, A.M., El-Shafey, M.H., Bahaa-Eldin, A.M., Aly, G.M., " Accurate floating-point operation using controlled floating-point precision ", IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2011
  54. Zaki, A.M., Bahaa Eldin, A.M., El-Shafey, M.H., Ali, G.M., " A new architecture for accurate dot product of floating point numbers ", Proceedings, ICCES'2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2010