هشام على عبد الحميد سنبل

أستاذ متفرغ في التصميم وهندسة الإنتاج

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ متفرغ في : 2016-11-23
أستاذ في : 2006-07-31
أستاذ مساعد في : 2001-01-29
مدرس في : 1991-03-25
مدرس مساعد في : 1984-03-29
معيد في : 1979-07-30

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : hesham_senbel@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 1979

نبذة مختصرة

Head of Design and Production Engineering Department


1- Principals of Machine Design
2- Theory of Structures and Stress Analysis " Solved Examples & useful Data " Part I
3- Theory of Structures and Stress Analysis " Solved Examples & useful Data " Part II
4- Engineering Drawing, (Ain Shams University)
5- Mechanical and Electrical Drawing, (Ain Shams University)
6- Principals of Assembly Drawing, (Ain Shams University)
7- Computer Graphics (Ain Shams University)
8- Engineering Drawing, (Obour High Institute for Engineering and Technology
9- Graphics I, Graphics II (MSA University)
10- الرسم الهندسى - الجامعه العمالية
11- الرسم الهندسى - الكلية التكنولوجية بالصحافة و المطرية
12- الرسم الهندسى والصناعى ( الصف الثانى) بالمدارس الثانوية الفنية الصناعية للمعدات الثقيلة
13- مبادئ الرسم الفنى لطلبة المدارس الفنية الصناعية المتقدمة نظام الخمس سنوات
14- الرسم الفنى للصف الثانى لطلبة المدارس الفنية الصناعية المتقدمة نظام الخمس سنوات للتخصصات الميكانيكية – تبريد وتكييف الهواء – المركبات )200.
15- الرسم الفنى للصف الأول لطلبة المدارس الثانوية الفنية للتعليم والتدريب المزدوج (مبارك / كول)
16 – الرسم الفنى للصف الثالث للمدارس الفنية الصناعية المتقدمة نظام الخمس سنوات للتخصصات الميكانيكية
17- الرسم الفنى للصف الثانى لطلبة المدارس الثانوية الفنية للتعليم والتدريب المزدوج (مبارك / كول)
18- الرسم الفنى للصف الثالث لطلبة المدارس الثانوية الفنية للتعليم والتدريب المزدوج (مبارك / كول)

المقالات والدوريات

1-" Flexible Feed Control system for Producing Predefined Shapes by Electrochemical Machining", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 30, pp 235-246, 1995.
2-"On The Machinability Criteria of Stainless Steel", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 31, pp 305-315, 1996.
3-“Electrochemical Machining Performance Using Super Conductive Electrolytes”, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 32, pp 591-601,1997
4-“Electrochemical Machining by Using a Compound Tool “, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 34,1999.
5-“Water-Jet Cutting of Meat Products” “, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 37,2002.
6-"Characteristics of Waterjet Cutting for The Offshore Industry", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 39, 2005.
7-"Towards Higher Productivity and Accuracy for ECM Hybridized with Laser Beam Machining", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 39, 2005.
8-"Experimental Investigation on Cutting Egyptian Marble Using Hacksawing and Abrasive Water-jet Techniques", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 39, 2005.
9-"Process Analysis and Dynamic Modeling of Electrochemical Inter-electrode Gap Using a Simple Wire Tool-cathode", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 40, 2005.
10-"Mechanism of Metal Removal Rate in Electrochemical Grinding Process: a Theoretical Model and Experimental Verification", Ain Shams University –Faculty of Engineering, Scientific Bulletin, vol.40 - No.4, December 31, 2005.
11- "Effects of wire-EDM variables on surface roughness, micro hardness, kerf thickness and rate of metal removal", El-Azhar University –Faculty of Engineering, Scientific Bulletin, vol.30 - No.4, December 2011.
12- "Prediction of Electrochemical Machining Process Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks", International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), (125-132), Vol. 4 No. 01 January 2012.
13- “Experimental investigation on the performance of vacuum re-infused composites”, El-Azhar University –Faculty of Engineering, Scientific Bulletin, vol.32 - No.6, December 2015.


1."Electrochemical Broaching and Stationary Cutting - A Comparative Study", 3rd MDP Conference, pp.477-483, Cairo, Egypt, 1985.
2."Effect of Variable Feed Rate on Electrochemical Shaping", 6th AMME conference, pp.443- 452, Cairo, Egypt, 1994.
3.“Measurement of Residual Stress in Autofrettaged Thick-Walled Tubes Using Electrochemical Boring Technique”, 7th AMME conference, Cairo, Egypt, pp 145-155, May, 1996.
4.“Electrochemical Machining Performance Using Super Conductive Electrolytes”, 5th International Conference on Production Engineering and Design for Development PEDD5 , Cairo, Egypt, pp 113-122, 1998.
5.“Factor Affecting Electrochemical Honing”, The 33 MATADOR Conference, Manchester, UK, 2000.
6.“Experimental and computational Analyses of Ultrasonic Cutting of Frozen Foods”, 2nd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, ICME 2000, Capri, Italy.
7.“Optimization of Electrochemical Grinding Process for titanium Alloys”, 16th International Conference- CAPE 2000, Edinburgh, UK, 2000.
8.“Wheel Dressing and discharge effects in electrochemical grinding (ECG) of Titanium Alloy”, 13th International Symposium for Electromachining ISEM XIII, Spain, 2001.
9.“Effect of Electrochemical Machining Parameters on Wear Resistance and Friction Coefficient of Machined Steel Surface”, 3rd Assiut University International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Advanced Technology for Industrial Production, 2002.
10. "Improvement of Electrochemical Machining Accuracy by Using Electrochemical Lapping Technique", 7th International Conference on Production Engineering and Design for Development, (7-9)-2-2006.
11. “Electrochemical Machining by Using a Compound Tool “,8th International Conference on Production Engineering and Design for Development, (34-40)-2-2010..
12. "Improvement of Electrochemical Machining Accuracy by Using Electrochemical boring Technique", 8th International Conference on Production Engineering and Design for Development, (9-10)-3-2010.
13. "An experimental investigation into the effect of CNC-EDM wire cutting parameters for cross-feed turning process", 16th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AMME-16), Cairo, Egypt, May 2014.