تامر محمد عبد الفتاح النادى

أستاذ في التصميم وهندسة الإنتاج

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ في : 2016-06-27
أستاذ مساعد في : 2011-06-27
مدرس في : 2005-02-28
مدرس مساعد في : 2000-07-29
معيد في : 1997-09-17

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : tamer.elnady@eng.asu.edu.eg
الدكتوراه : 2004-09-14 من Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
الماجستير : 2000-05-30 من Ain Shams University
التخرج : 1997

نبذة مختصرة

- Member of the Council of Advisors for the President in Education and Scientific Research
- A member of the EU ERASMUS+ National Higher Education Reform Expert team (the HERE – Egypt team).
- Expert member of the Engineering Sector Committee, Supreme Council of Universities. Author of the 2020 Terms of Reference for Undergraduate Engineering Education in Egypt.
- Member of the Equivalence Committee, Engineering Sector, Supreme Council of Universities.
- Member of review committee of the 2020 Programs Quality Standards, National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE).
- Project Manager for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam for Egyptian Engineers at the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate.
- Founder and President of the Acoustical Society of Egypt.
- One of the developers of SIDLAB Software, a 1D simulation code for the propagation of sound waves inside ducts.
- Previous Member of the Board of Directors for the International Institute for Acoustics and Vibrations (IIAV).
- Member of the Editorial Board of “Advances of Acoustics and Vibration” Journal.
- Member of the Editorial Board of “SAE International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration” Journal.
- Chair of the organizing committee of the 1st COMSOL Users Conference in the Arab Countries, Dhahran, 12-13 January, 2009.
- Member of the MEMEC EXPO International Advisory Committee, held regularly in Bahrain, 1st one held in 2007 and second one to be held in 2009.
- Member of the scientific committee International Conference on Advanced Materials for Application in Acoustics and Vibration (AMAAV), organized by the British University in Cairo, 4-6 Jan 2009.
- Reviewer at several international and national journals: The International Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations (IJAV), AIAA Journal, Applied Acoustics, Journal of Environmental Sciences.
- Chair of the local organizing committee of the 17th International Congress of Sound and Vibration (ICSV), 18-22 July 2010.
- Member of the technical committee at the Egyptian Ministry for Environmental Affairs, whose job is to revise the noise regulations in the Egyptian Law for Environment.
- Member of the technical committee at the Housing and Building Research Center (HBRC), whose job is to develop a new code for acoustics and vibrations in buildings.

الجوائز التقديرية

Egyptian State Incentive Award in Engineering Sciences for 2010


1. T. Elnady 2009. Modeling and Characterization of Perforates in Lined Ducts and Mufflers. VDM-Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-15699-7
2. T. Elnady and H. Bodén 2007, Sound and Vibration. Edited a translated version of the Swedish Course Book “Liud och Vibrationer”.

المقالات والدوريات

1. A. Abdulaziz, A. Elsabbagh and T. Elnady, 2019. Testing and validation of a novel segmented wind turbine blade, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 47 (5), doi:10.1520/JTE20170238.
2. M. Kani, A. Abosrea, A. Makni, M. Taktak, M. Chabaane, T. Elnady and M. Haddar, 2019. Acoustic performance evaluation for ducts containing porous media, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 147, pp. 15-22.
3. M. Nashed, T. Elnady and M. Åbom, 2018. Modeling of duct acoustics in the high frequency range using two-ports, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 135, pp. 37-47.
4. K. Morishima, M. Kuno, A. Nishio, N. Kitagawa, Y. Manabe, M. Moto, F. Takasaki, H. Fujii, K. Satoh, H. Kodama, K. Hayashi, S. Odaka, S. Procureur, D. Attié, S. Bouteille, D. Calvet, C. Filosa, P. Magnier, I. Mandjavidze3, M. Riallot, B. Marini, P. Gable, Y. Date, M. Sugiura, Y. Elshayeb, T. Elnady, M. Ezzy, E. Guerriero, V. Steiger, N. Serikoff, J.-B. Mouret, B. Charlès, H. Helal and M. Tayoubi, 2017. Discovery of a big void in Khufu’s pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons, Nature, Vol. 552, pp. 386-390
5. A. Abosrea, W. El-Sallamy, T. Osman and T. Elnady, 2017. Production cost development for commercial exhaust systems, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Available online doi:10.1016/j.asej.2017.09.003
6. C. Othmani, M. Taktak, A. Zein, T. Hantati, N. Dauchezc, T. Elnady, T. Fakhfakh and M. Haddar, 2017. Acoustic characterization of a porous absorber based on recycled sugarcane wastes, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 120, pp. 90–97.
7. M. Farooqui, T. Elnady and W. Akl, 2016. Validation of low frequency noise attenuation using locally resonant patches, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 139(6), pp. 3267-3276.
8. M. Farooqui, T. Elnady and W. Akl, 2016. Sound attenuation in ducts using locally resonant periodic aluminum patches, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 139(6), pp. 3277-3287.
9. A. Okasha, T. Elnady and M. Åbom, 2016. Analysis of Pipeline Networks using Two-ports, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 109, pp. 44-53.
10. C. Othmani, A. Zein, T. Hantati, M. Taktak, T. Elnady, T. Fakhfakh and M. Haddar, 2016. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the acoustic performance of sugarcane wastes based material, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 109, pp. 90-96.
11. M. Farooqui, T. Elnady, R. Glav and T. Karlsson, 2015. Modeling and Characterization of a Novel Porous Metallic Foam Inside Ducts, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, Vol. 8(3), pp. 937-945.
12. W. Elsahar and T. Elnady, 2015. Measurement and Simulation of Two-Inlet Single-Outlet Mufflers, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars– Mechanical Systems, Vol. 8(3), pp. 1026-1033.
13. C. Othmani, T. Hentati, M. Taktak, T. Elnady, T. Fakhfakh and M. Haddar, 2015. Effect of Liner Characteristics on the Acoustic Performance of Duct Systems, Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 40(1), pp. 117–127.
14. T. Elnady, M. Åbom and Y. Yang, 2014. Systematic Optimization of an Exhaust System to Meet Noise Radiation Criteria at Idle, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars– Mechanical Systems, Vol. 7(3). doi:10.4271/2014-01-0006.
15. D. Herrin, X. Hua, Y. Zhang and T. Elnady, 2014. The Proper Use of Plane Wave Models for Muffler Design, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars– Mechanical Systems, Vol. 7(3). doi:10.4271/2014-01-0016.
16. X. Hua, D.W. Herrin, T.W. Wu, and T. Elnady, 2013. Simulation of diesel particulate filters in large exhaust systems, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 74(12), pp. 1326–1332.
17. T. Elnady, S. Elsaadany, and D. W. Herrin, 2011. Investigation of the Acoustic Performance of After Treatment Devices, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars– Mechanical Systems, Vol. 4(2).
18. T. Elnady, S. Elsaadany, and M. Åbom, 2011. Flow and Pressure Drop Calculation using Two-ports, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 133(4), pp. 041016/1-8.
19. M. Ramadan, W. Akl, T. Elnady, and A. Elsabbagh, 2011. Finite Element Modeling of an Acoustic Cloak for Three Dimensional Flexible Shells with Structural Excitation. Journal of Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, DOI 10.1007/s00339-011-6247-x.
20. T. Elnady, M. Åbom, and S. Allam, 2010. Modeling Perforated Tubes in Mufflers using Two-ports, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 132(6).
21. T. Elnady, H. Bodén, and B. Elhadidi, 2009. Validation of an Inverse Semi-Analytical Technique to Educe Liner Impedance, AIAA Journal, Vol. 47(12).
22. T. Elnady, A. Elsabbagh, W Akl, V. Garcia-Chocano, D. Torrent, F. Cervera and J. Sanchez-Dehesa 2009. Quenching of acoustic bandgaps by flow noise, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 134104, April 2009.


  1. Othmani, C., Taktak, M., Zain, A., Hantati, T., Dauchez, N., Elnady, T., Fakhfakh, T., Haddar, M., " Acoustic characterization of a porous absorber based on recycled sugarcane wastes ", Applied Acoustics, 2017
  2. Abosrea, A., Elnady, T., " Measurement of Flow-Generated Noise inside Mufflers ", SAE Technical Papers, 2017
  3. Okasha, A., Elnady, T., Åbom, M., " Analysis of pipeline networks using two-ports ", Applied Acoustics, 2016
  4. Othmani, C., Taktak, M., Zein, A., Hentati, T., Elnady, T., Fakhfakh, T., Haddar, M., " Experimental and theoretical investigation of the acoustic performance of sugarcane wastes based material ", Applied Acoustics, 2016
  5. Farooqui, M., Elnady, T., Åbom, M., " Measurement of perforate impedance with grazing flow on both sides ", 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016, 2016
  6. Farooqui, M., Elnady, T., Akl, W., " Sound attenuation in ducts using locally resonant periodic aluminum patches ", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016
  7. Farooqui, M., Elnady, T., Akl, W., " Validation of low frequency noise attenuation using locally resonant patches ", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016
  8. Zein, A., Elnady, T., Elsabbagh, A., Bodén, H., " E-laboratories for sound and vibration education ", 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2015, 2015
  9. Othmani, C., Hentati, T., Taktak, M., Elnady, T., Fakhfakh, T., Haddar, M., " Effect of liner characteristics on the acoustic performance of duct systems ", Archives of Acoustics, 2015
  10. Elsahar, W., Elnady, T., " Measurement and Simulation of Two-Inlet Single-Outlet Mufflers ", SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2015
  11. Farooqui, M., Elnady, T., Glav, R., Karlsson, T., " Modeling and Characterization of a Novel Porous Metallic Foam Inside Ducts ", SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 2015
  12. Abdulaziz, A.H., Elsabbagh, A., Elnady, T., " Using acoustics emission in validating a new design and manufacturing concepts of a horizontal axis wind turbine blade ", 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2015, 2015
  13. Zhou, L., Bodén, H., Lahiri, C., Bake, F., Enghardt, L., Busse-Gerstengarbe, S., Elnady, T., " Comparison of impedance eduction results using different methods and test rigs ", 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
  14. Kabral, R., Bodén, H., Elnady, T., " Determination of liner impedance under high temperature and grazing flow conditions ", 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
  15. Elnady, T., Abom, M., Yang, Y., " Systematic Optimization of an Exhaust System to Meet Noise Radiation Criteria at Idle ", SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2014
  16. Herrin, D.W., Hua, X., Zhang, Y., Elnady, T., " The Proper Use of Plane Wave Models for Muffler Design ", SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2014
  17. Okasha, A., Elnady, T., Åbom, M., " Acoustic response analysis of pipeline networks using two-ports ", 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013, INTER-NOISE 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life, 2013
  18. Wagih, M., Elnady, T., Åbom, M., " Analysis of duct networks at high frequencies using two-ports ", 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013, INTER-NOISE 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life, 2013
  19. Hua, X., Herrin, D.W., Wu, T.W., Elnady, T., " Simulation of diesel particulate filters in large exhaust systems ", Applied Acoustics, 2013
  20. Elnady, T., Elsahar, W., Åbom, M., " Estimation of temperature drop in exhaust systems ", 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012, 2012
  21. Elsahar, W., Elnady, T., Herrin, D.W., " Modeling DPF units beyond the plane wave range ", 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012, 2012
  22. Hua, X., Herrin, D.W., Wu, T.W., Elnady, T., " Simulation of diesel particulate filters in large exhaust systems ", 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012, 2012
  23. Ramadan, M., Akl, W., Elnady, T., Elsabbagh, A., " Finite-element modeling of an acoustic cloak for three-dimensional flexible shells with structural excitation ", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2011
  24. Elnady, T., Elsaadany, S., Åbom, M., " Flow and pressure drop calculation using two-ports ", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 2011
  25. Elnady, T., Elsaadany, S., Herrin, D.W., " Investigation of the Acoustic Performance of After Treatment Devices ", SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2011
  26. Hua, X., Liu, J., Herrin, D.W., Elnady, T., " Numerical simulation of diesel particulate filters in exhaust systems ", SAE Technical Papers, 2011
  27. Elsaadany, S.M., Elnady, T.M., Boij, S., Åbom, M., " Optimization of exhaust systems to meet the acoustic regulations and the engine specifications ", 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2011, ICSV 2011, 2011
  28. Akl, W., Elnady, T., Elsabbagh, A., Ramadan, M., " Improving acoustic cloak bandwidth using nonlinear coordinate transformations ", 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2010, ICSV 2010, 2010
  29. Elsaadany, S., Elnady, T., Åbom, M., Boij, S., " Insight into exhaust systems optimization techniques ", 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2010, ICSV 2010, 2010
  30. Elnady, T., Åbom, M., Allam, S., " Modeling perforates in mufflers using two-ports ", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 2010
  31. Elsabbagh, A., Elnady, T., Akl, W., " Using virtual reality environment in the teaching of acoustics ", 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2010, ICSV 2010, 2010
  32. Elnady, T., Rizk, M., Elsabbagh, A., Hussein, A., " Dynamic analysis of Ramses II statue ", 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2009, ICSV 2009, 2009
  33. Elnady, T., Elsaadany, S., Åbom, M., " Investigation into modeling of multi-perforated mufflers ", 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2009, ICSV 2009, 2009
  34. Elnady, T., " Operational modal analysis of ramses II statue ", IOMAC 2009 - 3rd International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, 2009
  35. Elnady, T., Elsabbagh, A., Akl, W., Mohamady, O., Garcia-Chocano, V.M., Torrent, D., Cervera, F., Sánchez-Dehesa, J., " Quenching of acoustic bandgaps by flow noise ", Applied Physics Letters, 2009
  36. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., Elhadidi, B., " Validation of an inverse semi-analytical technique to educe liner impedance ", AIAA Journal, 2009
  37. Elnady, T., Elsaadany, S., Abom, M., " Flow and pressure drop calculation using two-ports ", 15th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2008, ICSV 2008, 2008
  38. Elnady, T., " A platform to measure transmission loss of mufflers with flow ", Turkish Acoustical Society - 36th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2007 ISTANBUL, 2007
  39. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., " A tempus experience: New curriculum in sound and vibration control in Egypt ", 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2007, ICSV 2007, 2007
  40. Elnady, T., " Vibration measurements during the relocation of Ramses II statue ", Turkish Acoustical Society - 36th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2007 ISTANBUL, 2007
  41. Fairbrother, R., Åbom, M., Elnady, T., Ollivier, F., " Linear acoustic simulation and experimental characterisation of a modular automotive muffler ", 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2006, ICSV 2006, 2006
  42. Elnady, T., Åbom, M., " SIDLAB: New 1D sound propagation simulation software for complex duct networks ", 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2006, ICSV 2006, 2006
  43. Elnady, T., Musharrof, M., Bodén, H., Elhadidi, B., " Validation of an inverse analytical technique to educe liner impedance with grazing flow ", Collection of Technical Papers - 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2006
  44. Elnady, T., Åbom, M., " Modelling perforates in mufflers using two-ports ", 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2005, ICSV 2005, 2005
  45. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., " An inverse analytical method for extracting liner impedance from pressure measurements ", Collection of Technical Papers - 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2004
  46. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., Kontio, T., " Impedance of SDOF perforated liners at high temperatures ", Collection of Technical Papers - 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2004
  47. Elnady, T., Elbardisi, M., " Effect of machine defects on its radiated noise ", Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2003
  48. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., " Mode scattering by hard strips in lined ducts ", Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2003
  49. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., " On semi-empirical liner impedance modeling with grazing flow ", 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2003
  50. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., " Hard strips in lined ducts ", 8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2002
  51. Elnady, T., Bodén, H., Glav, R., " Application of the point matching method to model circumferentially segmented non-locally reacting liners ", 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2001
  52. Omar Zamzam, Aly A. Ramzy, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Tamer Elnady & Ayman A. Abd El-Wahab, " Structural performance evaluation of electric vehicle chassis under static and dynamic loads ", Scientific Reports, 2025

المشاريع البحثية

I have been involved in the following projects as part of the research and education activities at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University since 2004 to Present. These projects were under the umbrella of ASU Sound and Vibration Lab., ASU Virtual Reality Lab., ASU Group for Advanced Research in Dynamic Systems (ASU-GARDS), and the Center of Sound, Vibration and Smart Systems (CVS3).
1. 2019 - Reframing Cultural Heritage Educaiton in Egypt [Re-HeED], Erasmus+, KA2.
2. 2019 - Center of Excellence for Energy with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USAID.
3. 2019 - Improving Air Handling Units at Tanta Motors to Meet Exportation Norms, Science and Technology Development Fund.
4. 2019 - Development of Communication Facilities to Support Search and Rescue in the Sea, Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research.
5. 2018 - Academic System Resource Planning: A Fully-Automated Smart Campus [ASRP] – ASU is the Grant Holder, Erasmus+, KA2.
6. 2018 - Development of OpenBTS (Open Base Transceiver Station) for Remote Applications, Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research.
7. 2017 - Innovative Lifelong e-Learning for Professional Engineers [eProfEng], Erasmus+, KA2.
8. 2017 - Integrative Multidisciplinary People-centered Architectural Qualification & Training [IMPAQT], Erasmus+, KA2.
9. 2017 - Progression of Accessibility Centres in higher Education for Students with disabilities in North Africa [PACES], Erasmus+, KA2.
10. 2017 - Wind Engineering Skills in Egypt and Tunisia [WESET], Erasmus+, KA2.
11. 2017 - ICT Framework to enhance Egypt as a Touristic destination [ICT FET], Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research.
12. 2016 - Education and Capacity Building in Museum Studies [EduMust] – ASU is the Grant Holder, Erasmus+, KA2.
13. 2016 - International E-based Diploma and Professional Certificates in Special Education and Inclusion [Sp-Edu], Erasmus+, KA2.
14. 2016 - Blended Vocational-Engineering-Industry Shared Learning Environment for Stream of Socially- and Technically-Competent Technicians and Engineers [VET-ENG], Erasmus+, KA2.
15. 2016 - Acoustic design of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, Science and Technology Development Fund.
16. 2016 - Development of Communication Facilities to Support Search and Rescue by the Roads, Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research.
17. 2015 - International Diploma for School Teachers in STEM Education [eSTEM] – ASU is the Grant Holder, Erasmus+, KA2.
18. 2015 - IT-Based International Diploma and Professional Certificate in Clinical Toxicology [ITCT], Erasmus+, KA2.
19. 2015 - Integrating Blended Entrepreneurial and Manufacturing Technology Competency into Socioeconomic Development in Egypt [BEMT], Erasmus+, KA2.
20. 2015 - Smart Control Systems for Energy Management: New Master’s Degree [SEM-SEM], Erasmus+, KA2.
21. 2015 - Control of sound recording inside studios, Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research
22. 2015 - Presence in the Past: Preservation of Egyptian maritime archaeological sites through 3D digital modelling and Virtual Reality presentation in the laboratory for modern day exploration of lost heritage, STDF-British Council (Newton-Mosharafa, Institutional Links).
23. 2014 - e-Laboratories for Chemistry Education, EU-Egypt Innovation Fund (RDI).
24. 2013 - Academic-Industry Partnership towards Development of Trainers and Educators for Technicians in Egypt [AIP], Tempus
25. 2012 - Capacity Building Grant: Research Center for Acoustics, Vibration and Smart Structures, Science and Technology Development Fund.
26. 2012 - Using Virtual Reality in Cultural Heritage Education [VirCult] – ASU is the Grant Holder, Tempus.
27. 2012 - Acoustical characterization of acoustic liner materials from agriculture wastes. Cooperation project with National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia, Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research.
28. 2011 - Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) on Silent Air Flows in transport, buildings, and power generation [FlowAirS], European Commission (FP7).
29. 2011 - e-Laboratories for Physics and Engineering Education [eLab], Tempus.
30. 2011 - Clean Energy and Research in Environmental Studies [CERES], Tempus.
31. 2010 - Prototyping Metamaterial Antennas, Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA).
32. 2010 - Advanced Engineering Systems, and Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry [AES], Tempus.
33. 2010 - X-Noise EV. This is a continuation of the FP6 project X3-Noise which is a Network of Excellence, European Commission (FP7).
34. 2010 - Innovative Techniques for Design and Manufacturing of Wind Turbine Blades. The study covers a new technique to manufacture wind turbine blades and its effect on flutter and acoustics, Science and Technology Development Fund.
35. 2009 - Acoustic Response Analysis of Oil & Gas Pipeline Networks to Prevent their Fatigue and Failure, EU-Egypt Innovation Fund (RDI).
36. 2009 - Simulation of Diesel Particulate Filters in Exhaust Systems. Cooperation project with the University of Kentucky, USA, US-Egypt Joint Research Grants.
37. 2009 - Modeling and Optimization of Thermo Acoustic Heat Engine. Cooperation project with the University of Madrid, Spanish Agency for Intl. Cooperation.
38. 2009 - Swedish Research Links: Simulation of High Frequency Sound in Ducts. Cooperation project with the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Swedish Research Council.
39. 2009 - Development of a Masters of Engineering Program in Sound and Vibration [MSV], Tempus.
40. 2009 - Optimization for low Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft [OPENAIR]. A large project with 47 partners from all over Europe. Ain Shams University role is to develop and characterize a new paint sensor, European Commission (FP7).
41. 2008 - Acoustic Control using Phononic Crystals. Cooperation project with the University of Valencia, Spanish Agency for Intl. Cooperation.
42. 2007 - Using Virtual Reality in Engineering Education. Establishment of the first Virtual Reality Lab in Egypt [VRLab], Tempus.
43. 2006 - X3-Noise: Aircraft External Noise Research Network and Coordination. The ASU Sound & Vibration Lab is the Regional Focal Point for this network in the Arab-Mediterranean Countries, European Commission (FP6).
44. 2006 - Swedish Research Links: Reduction of noise using microperforates. Cooperation project with the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Swedish Research Council.
45. 2004 - Development of new curricula for sound and vibration control [SvibCon], Tempus. Establishment of a Sound and Vibration Laboratory at Ain Shams University with cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research in Southampton.

I have been involved in the following projects during the period I was a PhD student at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) from 2000 to 2004.
46. 2003 - Reduction of Aircraft Jet Engine Noise Using Liners, Swedish Research Council.
47. 2001 - Modeling of inlet/outlet noise from turbo-charged diesel engines [ARTEMIS], European Commission (FP6). Modeling of a complicated Renault Laguna perforated silencer.
48. 2000 - NFFP: Hot stream acoustic liners, Swedish Defense Material Administration FMV.
49. 2000 - Basic research on duct acoustics and radiation [DUCAT], European Commission (FP5). Modeling of non-locally reacting liners and added a model for spliced liners.