Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generation in Distribution Systems

Integrating distributed generators (DGs) in radial distribution networks plays a vital role in improving the system performance via enhancing the bus voltage and minimizing the system losses. Nonetheless, uncoordinated DGs integration may cause technical issues if they are not efficiently planned, controlled, and operated. Therefore, recent heuristic and evolutionary optimization algorithms are proposed to identify DGs’ optimal allocations and rated powers. This objective function is minimizing the total active power loss of the network; the considered constraints are load flow, buses’ voltages, and transmission lines. The proposed algorithms are characterized by ease of implementation, high convergence rate, and avoiding stuck in local optima. The proposed algorithms are applied on different radial distribution networks, moreover two modes of DGs, unity power factor (DGs generate only active power) and non-unity power factor (DGs generate active and reactive powers), are studied. The results obtained are compared to other reported approaches. The obtained results confirm the superiority and reliability of the proposed methodologies in achieving a minor power loss via installing the DGs in the correct sites.

Research Team

  1. Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz

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