عثمان احمد محمد عمر سعيد

عثمان احمد محمد عمر سعيد

مدرس في الفيزيقا والرياضيات الهندسية

المعلومات المهنية

مدرس في : 2022-06-01
مدرس مساعد في : 2019-01-10
معيد في : 2015-10-04

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : osman_ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg
الدكتوراه : 2022-04-20 من Ain shams University
الماجستير : 2018-12-03 من Ain shams University
التخرج : 2014

نبذة مختصرة

Othman Ahmed Omar received the B.Sc. , M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Ain Shams University, Egypt, in 2014, 2018, and 2022, respectively. He is now an assistant professor at Physics and Engineering Mathematics department, Faculty of Engineering at Ain Shams University. His research interests include Renewable energy modelling, Applied probability, Stochastic dynamics and Numerical optimization algorithms.

المقالات والدوريات

1- Novel Fractional Order and Stochastic Formulations for the Precise Prediction of Commercial Photovoltaic Curves. Omar OAM, Badr AO, Diaaeldin IM. Mathematics. 2023; 11(21):4417.
2- Investigation of Egyptian Banks’ Competition through a Riesz–Caputo Fractional Model. Omar OAM, Ahmed HM, Hamdy W. Fractal and Fractional. 2023; 7(6):473.
3- Comparative Study of AVR Control Systems Considering a Novel Optimized PID-Based Model Reference Fractional Adaptive Controller. Omar OAM, Marei MI, Attia MA. Energies. 2023; 16(2):830.
4- A Novel Multiobjective Formulation for Optimal Wind Speed Modeling via a Mixture Probability Density Function. Diaaeldin IM, Attia MA, Khamees AK, Omar OAM, Badr AO. Mathematics. 2023; 11(6):1463.
5- Fractional stochastic modelling of COVID-19 under wide spread of vaccinations: Egyptian case study. OAM Omar, RA Elbarkouky, HM Ahmed, Alexandria Engineering Journal 2022, 61 (11), 8595-8609.
6- COVID-19 deterministic and stochastic modelling with optimized daily vaccinations in Saudi Arabia. OAM Omar, Y Alnafisah, RA Elbarkouky, HM Ahmed, Results in Physics 2021, 28,104629.
7- Fractional stochastic models for COVID-19: Case study of Egypt. OAM Omar, RA Elbarkouky, HM Ahmed, Results in Physics 2021, 23,104018.
8- Models for COVID-19 Daily confirmed cases in different countries. HM Ahmed, RA Elbarkouky, OAM Omar, MA Ragusa. Mathematics 2021, 9 (6), 659.
9- Wind turbines new criteria optimal site matching under new capacity factor probabilistic approaches. OAM Omar, HM Ahmed, RA Elbarkouky. Energy Systems 2021, 1-26.
10- Commercial wind turbines modeling using single and composite cumulative probability density functions. OAM Omar, HM Ahmed, RA Elbarkouky. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2021, 11 (1), 47.
11- Experimental and numerical investigation of alumina trihydrate effect for improvement of polymer flashover voltage strength. LS Nasrat, OAM Omar, MA Attia. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 2020, 23 (2), 316-324.
12- Optimized Dynamic Operation of Fixed-Speed Wind Farms Using Classical and Advanced Controllers OA Omar, NM Badra, MA Attia, A Gad. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 2020, 21 (2).
13- Enhancement of on-grid pv system under irradiance and temperature variations using new optimized adaptive controller. OAM Omar, NM Badra, MA Attia. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2018, 8 (5), 2650.
14- Optimization Technique for Dynamic Voltage Response Improvement in a Fixed Speed Wind Farm with PIA Controller. OA Omar, NM Badra, MA Attia. i-Manager's Journal on Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2017, 5 (2), 1.


  1. Othman A. M. Omar, Ahmed O. Badr, Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin, " Novel Fractional Order and Stochastic Formulations for the Precise Prediction of Commercial Photovoltaic Curves ", Mathematics, 2023
  2. Othman A. M. Omar, Hamdy Ahmed, Walid Hamdy, " Investigation of Egyptian Banks’ Competition through a Riesz–Caputo Fractional Model ", Fractal and Fractional, 2023
  3. Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin, Mahmoud A. Attia, Amr Khaled, Othman A. M. Omar, Ahmed Badr, " A Novel Multiobjective Formulation for Optimal Wind Speed Modeling via a Mixture Probability Density Function ", Mathematics, 2023
  4. Othman A. M. Omar, Mostafa I. Marei, Mahmoud A. Attia, " Comparative Study of AVR Control Systems Considering a Novel Optimized PID-Based Model Reference Fractional Adaptive Controller ", Energies, 2023
  5. , " Fractional stochastic modelling of COVID-19 under wide spread of vaccinations: Egyptian case study ", Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2022
  6. , " COVID-19 deterministic and stochastic modelling with optimized daily vaccinations in Saudi Arabia ", Results in Physics, 2021
  7. , " Wind turbines new criteria optimal site matching under new capacity factor probabilistic approaches ", Energy Systems, 2021
  8. , " Fractional stochastic models for COVID-19: Case study of Egypt ", Results in Physics, 2021
  9. Hamdy Ahmed, Reda A. Elbarkouky, Othman A. M. Omar, Maria Alessandra Ragusa, " Models for COVID-19 Daily Confirmed Cases in Different Countries ", Mathematics, 2021
  10. Omar, O.A.M., Ahmed, H.M., Elbarkouky, R.A., " Commercial wind turbines modeling using single and composite cumulative probability density functions ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021
  11. Nasrat, L.S., Omar, O.A.M., Attia, M.A., " Experimental and numerical investigation of alumina trihydrate effect for improvement of polymer flashover voltage strength ", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2019
  12. Omar, O.A., Badra, N.M., Attia, M.A., Gad, A., " Optimized Dynamic Operation of Fixed-Speed Wind Farms Using Classical and Advanced Controllers ", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2020
  13. Omar, O.A., Badra, N.M., Attia, M.A., " Proper selection of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine Using Several Optimization Techniques ", IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy, CPERE 2019, 2019
  14. Omar, O.A.M., Badra, N.M., Attia, M.A., " Enhancement of on-grid PV system under irradiance and temperature variations using new optimized adaptive controller ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2018