Silicon Photonics Filters and Sensors
Silicon photonics passive devices, such as filters and sensors, provide a competitive alternative to the traditional Silicon electronics. With many advantages, such as the compatibility with the CMOS fabrication process, high speed of operation and compactness, such devices attracted magnitudes of reseach efforts over the past two decades. The shift of the interest from the traditional communications wavelength at 1550 nm to the mid-infrared range is the new trend in this technology and comes as a result of many factors. The most important of these are the less sensitivity of performance to fabrication errors at higher wavlengths besides the fact that the imprint of gas absoprtion is usually found in this range. Out work in this area includes both theoretical designs and experimental results for circuits fabricated using IMEC technology.
Research Team
Related Journal Publication List
- Rabab A Shalaby, George Adib, Yasser M Sabry, Michael Gad, Diaa Khalil , “Silicon photonic coupled-ring resonator in nested configuration comprising different length scales,” IEEE 14th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), pp. 432-437, 2019.
- Mina Sobhy, Michael Gad, Yasser M Sabry, Diaa Khalil , “Optimization of silicon on silica waveguides for mid-infrared applications at 4.28 um, ” Silicon Photonics XIV, vol. 10923, pp.109231H, 2019.
- Mina Labib, Michael Gad, Yasser M Sabry, Diaa Khalil , “Strip waveguide enabling low loss for silicon on silica technology in the MIR,” IEEE 13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES) , 2018.
- Michael Gad, Aya Zaki, Yasser M Sabry , “Silicon photonic mid-infrared grating coupler based on silicon-on-insulator technology ,” IEEE Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 2017 34th National, pp. 400-406, 2017.