Reconfiguration of Electrical Distribution Systems

This study addresses the application of optimization techniques to generate optimal switching topology along radial distribution networks. The objective function is the active power loss minimization, voltage profile improvement, and enhancements of fast voltage stability indices. Various S- and V-shaped transfer functions are attempted and analyzed to guarantee good performance of the proposed approaches. The proposed approaches are applied to different well-known distribution systems to validate their significance and applicability.

Research Team

  1. Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz 
  2. Ibrahim Mohamed Diaaeldin

Related Journal Publication List

  1. “Equilibrium Optimization Algorithm for Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation Allocation in Power Systems” A. M. Shaheen, A. M. Elsayed, Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Vol. 98, 2021, Article 106867.
  2. “A Novel Graphically Based Network Reconfiguration for Power Loss Minimization in Large Distribution Systems” Ibrahim M. Diaaeldin, Shady H. E. Abdel Aleem, Ahmed El-Rafei, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz and Ahmed F. Zobaa, Mathematics 2019, 7(12), 1182.
  3. “Optimal reconfiguration comprising voltage stability aspect using enhanced binary particle swarm optimization algorithm” Ahmed M. Othman, Attia A. El-Fergany and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, Vol. 43, Issue 14, August 2015, pp. 1656-1666.