فصول من كتب علمية

الأوراق البحثية لقسم هندسة الحاسبات والنظم المنشورة فى صورة فصول من كتب

  1. W. G. A. Abdelaal, “Piezoelectric energy harvesting for wireless sensor nodes,” Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, IGI-Global, 2014 (to appear).
  2. J. Kim, M. M. S. Aly, M. Ruggiero, and D. A. Alonso, “Power-thermal modeling and control of energy-efficient servers and datacenters,” Data Center, Springer, 2014 (to appear).
  3. A. M. Bahaa-Eldin, “A bio-inspired comprehensive distributed correlation approach for intrusion detection alerts and events in complex computer networks,” Bio-Inspired Computing in Cyber Security, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer, 2014 (to appear).
  4. A. M. Bahaa-Eldin, “TARA: Trusted Ant colony based Routing Algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks,” Bio-Inspired Computing in Cyber Security, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer, 2014 (to appear).
  5. A. A. Farag, A. Shalaby, H. Abd El Munim, and A. Farag, “Variational shape representation for modeling, elastic registration and sSegmentation,” in Shape Analysis in Medical Image Analysis, ser. Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, Springer, Berlin, S. Li and J. M. R. S. Tavares, Eds., vol. 14, 2014, pp. 95–122.