مصطفى ابراهيم محمد مصطفى مرعى
أستاذ في هندسة القوى والآلات الكهربية
المعلومات المهنية
المعلومات الدراسية
نبذة مختصرة
* Director of Center of Excellency for Energy (CoEE).
* My research interests include power electronics, distributed and renewable generation, microgrids, power quality, custom power, electrical drives, and artificial intelligent applications in power systems.
* Senior Member; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
* Vice Chair of Egypt Section Chapter of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) since 2018
* Member in the editorial board of the "Electric Power Components and Systems" Journal (Taylor and Francis).
* Associate Editor for Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Elsevier)
* Reviewer for many international journals such as:
-IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
-IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
-IEEE transaction on Smart Grid.
-IEEE transaction on Sustainable Energy.
-IEEE transaction on Energy Conversion.
-IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
-IEEE Transactions on Power System.
-IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution.
-IET Renewable Power Generation.
-IET Power Electronics.
-The international Journal of electric power and energy systems (Elsevier).
-Electric Power System Research (Elsevier).
-Renewable energy (Elsevier).
-The international Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor and Francis).
-Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology (Elsevier)
-Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers.
الجوائز التقديرية
1) Shield of the Graduates Association of the Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University to honor scholars who hold scientific production awards, Dec 2022.
2) Listed in the world's top 2% scientists list by Stanford University (V4).
3) Encouraging State Prize (State Incentive Award) - Academy of Scientific Research and Technology - Egypt, 2013.
4) Symbol of Faculty of engineering - Ain Shams University for the standing youth researcher from the stuff of the electrical power and machines department, June 2013.
5) My biography is listed in the 2013 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World, August 2012.
6) International publications award from Ain Shams University (6 times), 2008 to 2011.
7) My biography is listed in the 2009 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World, August 2008.
8) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research of Canada (NSERC) Post Doctoral Fellowship (from the Canadian Government), May 2004 – April 2006.
9) Ontario Graduate Scholarship, May 2003 – April 2004.
10) University of Waterloo, Canada, E&CE Graduate Scholarship, May 2001 – April 2003.
11) Faculty of Engineering Scholarship (FOE), by University of Waterloo (5 times), Sept. 2001 – Sept. 2003.
1) The Speed-Sensorless Control For Linear Generator Based WECS: Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS) based Wave Energy Conversion System. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. ISBN: 978-613-9-58456-7
2) Reviewer of the book titled “Programmable logic control” for third-year industrial-secondary schools, Ministry of Education, Cairo, Egypt, 2011-2013.
المقالات والدوريات
[J1] M. I. Marei, E.F. El-Saadany, and M.M.A. Salama, “A Novel Control Algorithm for the DG Interface to Mitigate Power Quality Problems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No. 3, July 2004, pp. 1384 - 1392. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.829922
[J2] M. I. Marei, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, “A Processing Unit for Symmetrical Components and Harmonics Estimation Based on a New Adaptive Linear Combiner Structure,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No. 3, July 2004, pp. 1245 - 1252. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.829110
[J3] M. I. Marei, E.F. El-Saadany, and M.M.A. Salama, “Envelope Tracking Techniques for Flicker Mitigation and Voltage Regulation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No.4, Oct. 2004, pp. 1854-1861. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.835050
[J4] M. I. Marei, E.F. El-Saadany, and M.M.A. Salama, “Estimation Techniques for Voltage Flicker Envelope Tracking,” Electric Power Systems Research Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 70, June 2004, pp. 30-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2003.11.001
[J5] M. I. Marei, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, “A Novel Current Regulated PWM Technique for ADALINE based Active Power Line Conditioner,” International Journal of Engineering Intelligent systems for Electrical Engineering & Communication (IJEIS), UK, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2004, pp. 127- 134.
[J6] M. I. Marei, T. K. Abdel-Galil, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, “Hilbert Transform Based Control Algorithm of the DG Interface for Voltage Flicker Mitigation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2005, pp. 1129-1133. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.843461
[J7] M. I. Marei, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, “A New Approach to Control DVR based on Symmetrical Components Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No. 4, Oct. 2007, pp. 2017-2024. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2007.905537
[J8] M. I. Marei and R. El-Shatshat, “Fast Envelope Estimation Technique for Monitoring Voltage fluctuations,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET), Vol. 2, No. 4, 2007, pp. 445- 451. DOI: 10.5370/JEET.2007.2.4.445.
[J9] A. M. Ibrahim, M. I. Marei, M.M. Mansour, and S. F. Mekhamer, “ANN-Based Approach Using TLS-ESPRIT for Protection of Series Compensated (TCSC) Transmission Lines,” The Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Vol. 42, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 767-783.
[J10] I. El-samahy, M. I. Marei, and E. F. El-Saadany, “Modeling of a Four-Quadrant Switched Reluctance Motor Drive on EMTDC/PSCAD,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008, pp. 68- 78. DOI: 10.5370/JEET.2008.3.1.068
[J11] Y. Montasser, M. I. Marei, and S. H. Jayaram, “Low-Power High-Voltage Power Modulator for Motor Insulation Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 44, No. 4, July/Aug 2008, pp. 1059- 1066. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2008.926234
[J12] A. A. El-Sattar, M. I. Marei, and E. A. Mahmoud, “A new sensorless control scheme for medium voltage drive based on induction motor,” Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering (ASJEE), Vol. 2, Dec. 2008, pp. 109-118.
[J13] M. I. Marei, A. A. El-Sattar, and E. A. Mahmoud, “A comparison between reduced order kalman filters and a recursive least square algorithm for sensorless induction motor drive,” Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering (ASJEE), Vol. 1, June 2009, pp. 215-226.
[J14] M. I. Marei, M. F. Shaaban, and A. A. El-Sattar, “A speed estimation unit for induction motors based on adaptive linear combiner,” Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), Vol. 50, No. 7, July 2009, pp. 1664 – 1670. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2009.03.028
[J15] M. H. Soliman, M. I. Marei, M. M. Mansour, and A. M. A. Mahmoud, “Stability improvement of distribution networks using inverter-based distributed generators at different modes of operation,” Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering (ASJEE), Vol. 2, Dec. 2009, pp. 349-360.
[J16] M. I. Marei, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, “Experimental evaluation of envelope tracking techniques for voltage disturbances,” Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier), Vol. 80, No. 3, March 2010, pp. 339 – 344. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2009.09.017
[J17] M. I. Marei, A. A. El-Sattar, and E. A. Mahmoud, “Reduced order models for speed estimation of sensorless induction motor drives based on kalman filter and rls algorithm,” International Journal of Engineering Intelligent systems for Electrical Engineering & Communication (IJEIS), Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2010, pp. 25-33.
[J18] M. I. Marei, “A unified interface system for high-speed generators based on a current controlled matrix converter,” Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering (ASJEE), Vol. 2, Dec. 2010, pp. 45-56.
[J19] A. M. Ibrahim, M. I. Marei, M.M. Mansour, and S. F. Mekhamer, “An artificial neural network based protection approach using total least square estimation of signal parameters via the rotational invariance technique for flexible AC transmission system compensated transmission lines,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 64-79. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2010.513363
[J20] M. I. Marei, I. Abdallah, and H. Ashour, “Transformerless uninterruptible power supply with reduced power device count,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 39, Issue 11, Jan. 2011, pp. 1097-1116. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2011.559187
[J21] M. I. Marei, Ayman B. Eltantawy, and A. A. El-Sattar, “An energy optimized control scheme for a transformerless DVR,” Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier). Vol. 83, No. 1, Feb. 2012, pp. 110 – 118. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2011.09.015
[J22] M. I. Marei, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, “A flexible DG interface based on a new RLS algorithm for power quality improvement,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Mar. 2012, pp. 68-75. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2162930
[J23] M. I. Marei and H. S. K. El-Goharey, “Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Gearless Variable-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System,” Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), No. 10, April 2012, pp. 1597-1602. DOI: 10.24084/repqj10.773.
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ), March 28-30, 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
[J24] M. I. Marei, “A unified control strategy based on phase angle estimation for matrix converter interface system,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 278-286.
DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2163010
[J25] H. S. El-Goharey, M. I. Marei, and M. G. S. Zaghloul, “Low Voltage Ride Through Characterization of Wind Energy Conversion Systems,” Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), No. 11, Mar 2013, pp. 1178-1183. DOI: 10.24084/repqj11.570
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ), March 20-22, 2013, Bilbao, Spain.
[J26] S. A. M. Shehata, H. S. El-Goharey, M. I. Marei, A. K. Ibrahim, “Detection of Induction Motors Rotor/Stator Faults Using Electrical Signatures Analysis,” Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), No. 11, Mar 2013, pp. 382-387. DOI: 10.24084/repqj11.318
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ), March 20-22, 2013, Bilbao, Spain.
[J27] M. I. Marei and M. H. Soliman “A coordinated voltage and frequency control of inverter based distributed generation and distributed energy storage system for autonomous microgrids,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 41, Issue 4, Feb. 2013, pp. 383-400. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2012.749550
[J28] O. El-Nakeeb, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar “A high frequency modular resonant converter for the induction heating,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 432-438.
[J29] M. I. Marei, M. M. Abdelmageed, and A. M. Asaad, “A simple adaptive control technique for shunt active power filter based on clamped-type multilevel inverters,” Consumer Electronics Times, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 85-95.
[J30] M. I. Marei, M. A. Allam, and A. A. El-Sattar “A Simple Control Scheme for the High Performance Z-Source Inverter,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 42, Issue 14, Oct. 2014, pp. 1623-1631. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2014.943440
[J31] M. I. Marei, N. El-Sayad, and A. A. El-Sattar “PV interface system with LVRT capability based on a current controlled HFAC link converter,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (Elsevier),Vol. 9, Mar. 2015, pp. 55-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2014.12.006
[J32] M. I. Marei, M. Mokhtar, and A. A. El-Sattar “MPPT Strategy based on Speed Control for AWS-based Wave Energy Conversion System,” Renewable Energy (Elsevier),Vol. 83, Nov. 2015, pp. 305-317. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2015.04.039
[J33] M. I. Marei, A. Mohy, and A. A. El-Sattar “An Integrated Control System for Sparse Matrix Converter Interfacing PMSG with the Grid,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), Vol. 73, Dec. 2015, pp. 340-349. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.05.022
[J34] H. Y. Diab, M. I. Marei, and S. Tennakoon, “Operation and control of an insulated gate bipolar transistor-based current controlling device for power flow applications in multi-terminal high-voltage direct current grids,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 2, February 2016, pp. 305 –315. DOI: 10.1049/iet-pel.2015.0525
[J35] M. Abdelsalam, M. I. Marei, S. Tennakoon, Alison Griffiths, “Capacitor Voltage Balancing Strategy Based on Sub-module Capacitor Voltage Estimation for Modular Multilevel Converters,” IEEE-CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 2, No.1, March 2016, pp. 65-73.
[J36] M. I. Marei, H. S. K. El-Goharey, R.M. Toukhy “Fault ride-through enhancement of fixed speed wind turbine using bridge-type fault current limiter,” Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology (Elsevier), Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2016, pp. 119-126.
[J37] H.M. El-Helw, M. Al-Hasheem, and M. I. Marei, “Control strategies for the DAB based PV interface system,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, No. 8, August 2016, pp. 1-19. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161856
[J38] H. Y. Diab, M. I. Marei, and S. Tennakoon, “A Reduced Switch Count Topology of Current Flow Control Apparatus for MTDC Grids,” Journal of Power Electronics (JPE), Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2016, pp. 1743-1751. DOI: 10.6113/JPE.2016.16.5.1743
[J39] S. Mansour, M. I. Marei, A. A. El-Sattar, “Droop based Control Strategy for a Microgrid,” Global Journal of Researches in Engineering :F, Vol. 16, Issue 7, 2016, pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.17406/GJRE
[J40] M. Abdelsalam, M. I. Marei, and S. Tennakoon, “An Integrated Control Strategy with Fault Detection and Tolerant Control Capability Based on Capacitor Voltage Estimation for Modular Multilevel Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 53, No. 3, May/June 2017, pp. 2840-2851. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2016.2608940
[J41] H.M. El-Helw, A. Magdy, and M. I. Marei, “A Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Arrays,” IEEE Access, Vol. 5, July 2017, pp. 11900-11908. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2717540
[J42] M. Abdelsalam, M.I. Marei, S.A. Tennakoon, H. Y. Diab, “A Fault Tolerant Control Technique for Hybrid Modular Multi-Level Converters with Fault Detection Capability,” Journal of Power Electronics (JPE), Vol. 18, No. 2, March 2018, pp. 558-572. DOI: 10.6113/JPE.2018.18.2.558
[J43] P. Magdy, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar, “A Fault-Tolerant Strategy Based on Sliding Mode Control For Current Controlled AC-DC Converters,” International journal of electronics (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 105, No. 5, May 2018, pp. 817-835. DOI: 10.1080/00207217.2017.1409808
[J44] Mostafa Ibrahim, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar, “A grid-connected PV system based on multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-dc converter,” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), Vol. 4, No. 6, June 2018, pp. 151-161.
[J45] Dina Khaled, Amr Magdy, and M. I. Marei, “Adaptive Protection Scheme for Low-Voltage DC-Bus Microgrid Systems,” International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS), Vol. 2, No. 9, Sept. 2018, PP. 33-42.
[J46] A. K. Ibrahim, M. I. Marei, and Hamdy S. El-Goharey, “Transient Model of Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine using ABC Reference Frame,” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), Vol. 4, No. 11, Nov. 2018, pp. 26-32.
[J47] A. K. Ibrahim, M. I. Marei, and Hamdy S. El-Goharey, “Dynamic Responses Comparison of Control Techniques of BDFRG based WECS,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol. 9, No. 11, Nov. 2018, pp. 1672-1678.
[J48] M. Mokhtar, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar, “Improved Current Sharing Techniques for DC Microgrids,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 46, No. 7, April 2018, pp. 757-767. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2018.1512176
[J49] M. Mokhtar, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar, “An Adaptive Droop Control Scheme for DC Microgrids Integrating Sliding Mode Voltage and Current Controlled Boost Converters,” IEEE transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 10, No. 2, Mar. 2019, pp. 1685-1693. DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2017.2776281
[J50] I. Abdelsalam, B. Alajmi, M. Alhajri, and M. I. Marei, “Wind energy conversion system based on open-end winding three-phase PMSG coupled with AC-DC buck-boost converter,” IET Journal of Engineering. Vol. 2019, No. 17, 2019, pp. 4336-4340. DOI: 10.1049/joe.2018.8168
[J51] A. K. Ibrahim, M. I. Marei, and H. S. El-Goharey, “Sensorless Direct Torque Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Generators based on the LMS Algorithm,” International journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives (InderScience). Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.1504/IJIED.2019.10023993.
[J52] F. H. Awad, A. A. Mansour, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar, “Simplified Methods of the 3D-SVPWM for Four-Wire Three-Leg Inverter,” Journal of Power Electronics (Springer), Vol. 20, No. 6, Nov. 2020, pp. 1405-1416. DOI: 10.1007/s43236-020-00133-4.
[J53] M. M. El-sotouhy, A. A. Mansour, M. I. Marei, A. M. Zaki, and A. A. El-Sattar, “A comparative study Between Type-1 and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers for 4-Leg Active power Filter,” International Journal of control and automation (IJCA), Vol. 13, No. 2, Jun. 2020, pp. 1657-1670. Scopus Q4 @ 2019 then out.
[J54] B. Alajmi, M. I. Marei, and I. Abdelsalam, “A Multiport DC/DC Converter based on Two- Quadrant Inverter Topology for PV Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, No. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 522-532. DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3002504
[J55] M. A. Sameh, M. I. Marei, M. A. Badr, and M. A. Attia, “An optimized PV control system based on the Emperor Penguin Optimizer,” Energies (MDPI), Vol. 14, Feb. 2021, 751. DOI: 10.3390/en14030751
[J56] A. Ragab, M. I. Marei, A. A. El-Sattar, and M. Mokhtar, “Design and Performance Evaluation of a PV interface system based on Inductive Power Transfer,” international journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), Vol. 12, No.1, Mar. 2021, pp. 364-373. DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v12.i1.pp364-373.
[J57] B. Alajmi, M. I. Marei, I. Abdelsalam, and M. F. Alhajri, “Analysis and design of a Multi-port DC-DC converter for Interfacing PV Systems,” Energies (MDPI), Vol. 14, April 2021, 1943. DOI: 10.3390/en14071943
[J58] K. M. El-Sharawy, H. Y. Diab, M. O. Abdelsalam, and M. I. Marei, “Unified Control Strategy of Distributed Generation for Grid-Connected and Islanded Operation Conditions using Artificial Neural Network,” Sustainability (MDPI), Vol. 13, June 2021, 6388. DOI: 10.3390/su13116388.
[J59] W. Hatahet, M. I. Marei, and M. Mokhtar, “Adaptive controllers for grid-connected DC microgrids,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), Vol. 130, 2021, 106917. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.106917
[J60] M. M. El-sotouhy, A. A. Mansour, M. I. Marei, A. M. Zaki, and A. A. El-Sattar, “Four-Leg Active Power Filter Control with SUI-PI Controller,” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 11, No. 4, Aug. 2021, pp. 2768-2778. DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v11i4.pp2768-2778. Scopus Q2
[J61] M. M. El-sotouhy, A. A. Mansour, M. I. Marei, A. M. Zaki, and A. A. El-Sattar, “Experimental Verification for Active Power Filter based Four-Leg inverter with SUI-PI Controller,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET), Springer, Vol. 16, No. 5, Sept. 2021. pp. 2543-2552. DOI: 10.1007/s42835-021-00755-z.
[J62] M. K. Abbas, M. Mokhtar, M. I. Marei, and A. A. El-Sattar, “Adaptive Notch Filter based WECS for Unbalance Mitigation,” Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), No. 19, 295, Sept. 2021, pp. 362-367. DOI: 10.24084/repqj19.295. 19th Int. Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’21) Almeria (Spain), 28th to 30th July 2021.
[J63] M. Mokhtar, M. I. Marei, and M. A. Attia, “Hybrid SCA and Adaptive Controller to Enhance Grid- Connected PV System,” Ain Shams Engineering Journal (ASEJ), Vol. 12, Issue 4, Dec. 2021, pp. 3775-3781. DOI: 10.1016/j.asej.2021.03.019
[J64] A. M. Mansour, O. M. Arafa, M. I. Marei, I. Abdelsalam, G. A. Abdel Aziz, and A. A. El-Sattar, “Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Seamless Interactions of Multi-Purpose Grid-Tied PV Inverter Based on SFT-PLL Control Strategy,” IEEE Access, Vol. 9, Sept. 2021, pp. 123465-123483. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3110013
[J65] N. A. Ahmed, B. N. Alajmi, I. Abdelsalam, M. I. Marei, and M. F. Alhajri, “Advanced Maximum Power Point Tracker for PV Systems under Dusty Weather Environments,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Wiely), Vol. 17, 2022, pp. 61-71. DOI:10.1002/tee.23488
[J66] M. Mokhtar, M. I. Marei, M. A. Sameh, and M. A. Attia, “An Adaptive Load Frequency Control for Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources,” Energies (MDPI), Vol. 15, Feb. 2022, 573. DOI: 10.3390/en15020573.
[J67] Nabil A. Ahmed, B. N. Alajmi, I. Abdelsalam, and M. I. Marei, “Soft Switching Multiphase Interleaved Boost Converter with High Voltage Gain for EV Applications,” IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 10, Mar. 2022, pp. 27698- 27716. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3157050.
[J68] B. N. Alajmi, M. I. Marei, I. Abdelsalam, and N. A. Ahmed, “Multiphase Interleaved Converter Based on Cascaded Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter,” IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 10, 2022, pp. 42497-42506. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3168389.
[J69] B. N. Alajmi, M.F. Alhajri, M. I. Marei, and I. Abdelsalam, “An Assessment of Net Metering and Feed-in Tariffs for Grid-Connected PV Systems in the Kuwaiti Market,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Springer, Vol. 47, Issue 3, Mar. 2022, pp. 3055 - 3067. DOI: 10.1007/s13369-021-06052-1
[J70] M. I. Marei, B. Alajmi, I. Abdelsalam, and N. A. Ahmed “An Integrated Topology of Three-Port DC-DC Converter for PV-Battery Power Systems,” IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OAJIES), Vol. 3, June 2022. pp. 409-419. DOI: 10.1109/OJIES.2022.3182977
[J71] S. Mohamed, M. Mokhtar, and M. I. Marei, “An Adaptive Control of Remote Hybrid Microgrid based on the CMPN Algorithm,” Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier), Vol. 213, No. 108793, Dec. 2022, pp.1 – 13. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108793.
[J72] A. H. EL-Ebiary, M. A. Attia, and M. I. Marei, and M. A. Sameh “An Integrated Seamless Control Strategy for Distributed Generators based on a Deep Learning Artificial Neural Network,” Sustainability (MDPI), Vol. 14, No. 20, 13506, Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/su142013506.
[J73] A. H. EL-Ebiary, M. Mokhtar, Atef M. Mansour, Fathy H. Awad, M. I. Marei, and M. A. Attia, “Distributed Mitigation Layers for Voltages and Currents Cyber-Attacks on DC Microgrids Interfacing Converters,” Energies (MDPI), Vol. 15, No. 24, Dec. 2022, 9426. DOI: 10.3390/en15249426.
[J74] Othman A. M. Omar, M. I. Marei, and M. A. Attia, “Comparative Study of AVR Control Systems Considering a Novel Optimized PID-Based Model Reference Fractional Adaptive Controller,” Energies (MDPI), Vol. 16, Issue 2, Jan. 2023, 830. DOI: 10.3390/en16020830.
[J75] B.N. Alajmi, M.F. AlHajri, N.A. Ahmed, I. Abdelsalam, and M. I. Marei, “Multi-objective Optimization of Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generators in Distribution Networks,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Wiely), Vol. 18, Issue 6, May 2023, pp. 817-833. DOI: 10.1002/tee.23784
[J76] M. A. Afifi, M. I. Marei, and A. M. I. Mohamad, “Modelling, Analysis and Performance of a Low Inertia AC-DC Microgrid,” Applied Sciences (MDPI), Vol. 13, No.5, 3197, Mar. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/app13053197.
[J77] A. Zakaria, M. I. Marei, and H. M. Mashaly, “A Hybrid Bridgeless AC-DC Converter Topology,” Int. J. Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiely), 2023.
- Othman A. M. Omar, Mostafa I. Marei, Mahmoud A. Attia, " Comparative Study of AVR Control Systems Considering a Novel Optimized PID-Based Model Reference Fractional Adaptive Controller ", Energies, 2023
- Ahmed EL-Ebiary, Mohamed Mokhtar, Atef Mansour, Fathy H. Awad, Mostafa I. Marei, Mahmoud A. Attia, " Distributed Mitigation Layers for Voltages and Currents Cyber-Attacks on DC Microgrids Interfacing Converters ", Energies, 2022
- Sayed Mohamed, Mohamed Mokhtar, Mostafa I. Marei, " An Adaptive Control of Remote Hybrid Microgrid based on the CMPN Algorithm ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2022
- Ahmed EL-Ebiary, Mahmoud A. Attia, Mostafa I. Marei, Mariam A. Sameh, " An Integrated Seamless Control Strategy for Distributed Generators Based on a Deep Learning Artificial Neural Network ", Sustainability, 2022
- Mohamed Mokhtar, Mostafa I. Marei, Mariam A. Sameh, Mahmoud A. Attia, " An Adaptive Load Frequency Control for Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources ", Energies, 2022
- Ahmed, N.A., Alajmi, B.N., Abdelsalam, I., Marei, M.I., AlHajri, M.F., " Advanced Maximum Power Point Tracker for PV Systems Under Dusty Weather Environments ", IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022
- Mostafa I. Marei, Bader N. Alajmi, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Nabil A. Ahmed, " An Integrated Topology of Three-Port DC-DC Converter for PV-Battery Power Systems ", IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2022
- Bader N. Alajmi, Mostafa I. Marei, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Nabil A. Ahmed, " Multiphase Interleaved Converter Based on Cascaded Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Converter ", IEEE Access, 2022
- Nabil A. Ahmed, Bader N. Alajmi, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Mostafa I. Marei, " Soft Switching Multiphase Interleaved Boost Converter With High Voltage Gain for EV Applications ", IEEE Access, 2022
- Karim M. El-Sharawy, Hatem Y. Diab, Mahmoud O. Abdelsalam, Mostafa I. Marei, " A Unified Control Strategy of Distributed Generation for Grid-Connected and Islanded Operation Conditions Using an Artificial Neural Network ", Sustainability, 2021
- Bader N. Alajmi, Mostafa I. Marei, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Mohamed F. AlHajri, " Analysis and Design of a Multi-Port DC-DC Converter for Interfacing PV Systems ", Energies, 2021
- Bader N. Alajmi, Mostafa I. Marei, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, " A Multiport DC–DC Converter Based on Two-Quadrant Inverter Topology for PV Systems ", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
- Hatahet, W., Marei, M.I., Mokhtar, M., " Adaptive controllers for grid-connected DC microgrids ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2021
- Abbas, M.K., Mokhtar, M., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., " Adaptive notch filter based WECS for unbalance mitigation ", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 2021
- Alajmi, B.N., Ahmed, N.A., Abdelsalam, I., Marei, M.I., " An Assessment of Net Metering and Feed-in Tariffs for Grid-Connected PV Systems in the Kuwaiti Market ", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2021
- Sameh, M.A., Marei, M.I., Badr, M.A., Attia, M.A., " An optimized pv control system based on the emperor penguin optimizer ", Energies, 2021
- Awad, F.H., Mansour, A.A., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., " Correction to: Simplified methods of the 3D-SVPWM for four-wire three-leg inverter (Journal of Power Electronics, (2020), 20, 6, (1405-1419), 10.1007/s43236-020-00133-4) ", Journal of Power Electronics, 2021
- Ragab, A., Marei, M.I., Mokhtar, M., Abdelsattar, A., " Design and performance evaluation of a pv interface system based on inductive power transfer ", International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 2021
- El-sotouhy, M.M., Mansour, A.A., Marei, M.I., Zaki, A.M., EL-Sattar, A.A., " Experimental Verification for Active Power Filter based Four-Leg Inverter with SUI-PI Controller ", Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2021
- El-Sotouhy, M.M., Mansour, A.A., Marei, M.I., Zaki, A.M., EL-Sattar, A.A., " Four-leg active power filter control with SUI-PI controller ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021
- Atef M. Mansour, Osama M. Arafa, Mostafa I. Marei, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Ghada A. Abdel Aziz, Ahmed Abdel Sattar, " Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Seamless Interactions of Multi-Purpose Grid-Tied PV Inverter Based on SFT-PLL Control Strategy ", IEEE Access, 2021
- Mokhtar, M., Marei, M.I., Attia, M.A., " Hybrid SCA and adaptive controller to enhance the performance of grid-connected PV system ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
- Hamouda, M.R., Marei, M.I., Nassar, M.E., Salama, M.M.A., " ANN-supervised Interface System for Microturbine Distributed Generator ", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020
- Awad, F.H., Mansour, A.A., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., " Simplified methods of the 3D-SVPWM for four-wire three-leg inverter ", Journal of Power Electronics, 2020
- El-Ebiary, A.H., Attia, M.A., Marei, M.I., " An Adaptive Unified Seamless Control Strategy for Distributed Generator Inverter ", IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy, CPERE 2019, 2019
- Hatahet, W., Mokhtar, M., Marei, M.I., " Performance Enhancing of Grid-Connected DC Microgrid ", 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE), 2019
- , " Wind energy conversion system based on open-end winding three-phase PMSG coupled with ac−dc buck-boost converter ", The Journal of Engineering, 2019
- Mohamed Mokhtar, Mostafa I. Marei, Ahmed A. El-Sattar, " An Adaptive Droop Control Scheme for DC Microgrids Integrating Sliding Mode Voltage and Current Controlled Boost Converters ", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019
- Mohamed, S., Mokhtar, M., Marei, M.I., " A Control Strategy for Hybrid Islanded Microgrid ", 2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
- El-Zawahry, M.M., Marei, M.I., Sattar, A.A., " A Grid-Connected Current Controlled Granular Multilevel Converter ", 2018 20th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2018 - Proceedings, 2019
- El-Sotouhy, M.M., Zaki, A.M., Mansour, A.A., El-Sattar, A.A., Marei, M.I., " Active Filter Based on Four-Leg Inverter and PQ Theory ", 2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
- Awad, F.H., Mansour, A.A., Marei, M.I., Sattar, A.A., " An Unbalance Mitigation Method based on 3D-SVPWM for Four-Wire Three-Leg Mid Capacitor Point Inverter ", 2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
- Awad, F.H., Mansour, A.A., Marei, M.I., Sattar, A.A., " Compensation the Unbalance of Non-Linear Load Based on Three-Leg Center-Split Inverter Four Wire ", ACCS/PEIT 2019 - 2019 6th International Conference on Advanced Control Circuits and Systems and 2019 5th International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics and Information Technology, 2019
- Sameh, M.A., Badr, M.A., Marei, M.I., Attia, M.A., " Enhancing the performance of photovoltaic systems under partial shading conditions using cuttlefish algorithm ", 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2019, 2019
- Abd-Rabou, A.S., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., Basha, M.A., " Multiobjective Design optimization of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Micromotor Using Response Surface Methodology and Multi-Verse optimization Algorithm ", 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, JEEIT 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
- Mansour, A.M., Arafa, O.M., Marei, M.I., Abdelsalam, I., Aziz, G.A.A., El-Sattar, A.A., " Seamless Control for a PV System during Transitions between Grid Connection and Standalone Operation ", 2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2019 - Proceedings, 2019
- , " Sensorless DTC of BDFRG using LMS algorithm for wind energy conversion systems ", International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives, 2019
- Peter M. Azer, Mostafa I. Marei, Ahmed A. Sattar, " A fault-tolerant strategy based on SMC for current-controlled converters ", International Journal of Electronics, 2018
- Al-Emam, M., Marei, M.I., El-Khattam, W., " A Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for PV under Partial Shading Condition ", India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE, 2018
- Marei, M.I., Alajmi, B.N., Abdelsalam, I., Alhajri, M.F., " A PV interface system based on high-gain high-frequency link converter ", Proceedings - 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2018, 2018
- Abdelkhalek, N.M., Abdelsalam, I., Marei, M.I., " A Reduced Cost Wind Energy Conversion System Based on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with a Parallel Connected AC-DC Buck-Boost Converter ", Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, 2018
- El-Helw, H.M., Khaled, A., Marei, M.I., " A Technique for Protecting the Rotor Side Converter of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator ", Proceedings - 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2018, 2018
- Mokhtar, M., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., " A control scheme for islanded and grid-connected DC microgrids ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
- Abdelsalam, M., Marei, M.I., Diab, H.Y., Tennakoon, S.B., " A fault tolerant control technique for hybrid modular multi-level converters with fault detection capability ", Journal of Power Electronics, 2018
- Khatab, A.M., Marei, M.I., Elhelw, H.M., " An Electric Vehicle Battery Charger Based on Zeta Converter Fed from a PV Array ", Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, 2018
- Mansour, S., Marei, M.I., Sattar, A.A., " Decentralized secondary control for frequency restoration of microgrids with VF and PQ droop controlled inverters ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
- Abd-Rabou, A.S., Marei, M.I., Badr, M.A.L., Basha, M.A., " Design optimization of axial flux permanent magnet brushless DC micromotor using response surface methodology and bat algorithm ", Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2018
- Mohamed Anwar, Mostafa I. Marei, Ahmed A. El-Sattar, " Generalized droop-based control for an islanded microgrid ", 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), 2017
- Mokhtar, M., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., " Improved Current Sharing Techniques for DC Microgrids ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018
- Sameh, M.A., Badr, M.A., Badr, M.A.L., Marei, M.I., Attia, M.A., " Optimized PIA Controller for Photovoltaic System Using Hybrid Particle Swarm optimization and Cuttlefish Algorithms ", 7th International IEEE Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2018, 2018
- El-Naga, A.A.A., Marei, M.I., El-Goharey, H.S.K., " Second order adaptive notch filter based wind power smoothing using flywheel energy storage system ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
- El-Helw, H.M., Magdy, A., Marei, M.I., " A Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Arrays ", IEEE Access, 2017
- Zakaria, A., Marei, M.I., Sattar, A.A., " A fault-tolerant strategy for current controlled PWM rectifier ", 2016 18th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2016 - Proceedings, 2017
- Abdelsalam, M., Marei, M.I., Tennakoon, S.B., " An Integrated Control Strategy with Fault Detection and Tolerant Control Capability Based on Capacitor Voltage Estimation for Modular Multilevel Converters ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2017
- Hamed, A.S., Marei, M.I., Badr, M.A., " PV interfacing system based on dual cascaded inverter ", 2017 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2017, 2017
- Mostafa I. Marei, Hamdy S.K. El-Goharey, Randa M. Toukhy, " Fault ride-through enhancement of fixed speed wind turbine using bridge-type fault current limiter ", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, 2016
- , " Capacitor voltage balancing strategy based on sub-module capacitor voltage estimation for modular multilevel converters ", CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2016
- Diab, H., Tennakoon, S., Abdelsalam, M., Marei, M.I., " A current flow control apparatus for meshed multi-terminal DC grids ", 2016 19th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2016, 2016
- Abdelsalam, M., Tennakoon, S.B., Griffiths, A.L., Marei, M.I., " A smart fault detection and localization strategy of modular multi-level converters for HVDC networks ", IET Conference Publications, 2016
- Abdelsalam, M., Tennakoon, S., Diab, H., Marei, M.I., " An ADALINE based capacitor voltage estimation algorithm for modular multilevel converters ", 2016 19th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2016, 2016
- Diab, H.Y., Tennakoon, S.B., Gould, C., Marei, M.I., " An IGBT based current flow controller for use in meshed HVDC grids ", IET Conference Publications, 2016
- El-Helw, H.M., Al-Hasheem, M., Marei, M.I., " Control strategies for the DAB based PV interface system ", PLoS ONE, 2016
- Abdelsalam, M., Diab, H., Tennakoon, S., Griffiths, A., Marei, M.I., " Detection and diagnosis of sub-module faults for modular multilevel converters ", Proceedings - 2016 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2016, 2016
- , " Droop based Control Strategy for a Microgrid ", Global Journal of Research in Engineering, 2016
- Diab, H.Y., Marei, M.I., Tennakoon, S.B., " Operation and control of an insulated gate bipolar transistor-based current controlling device for power flow applications in multi-terminal high-voltage direct current grids ", IET Power Electronics, 2016
- Diab, H., Abdelsalam, M., Tennakoon, S., Gould, C., Marei, M.I., " Real time simulation of a current flow controller for HVDC grid applications ", Proceedings - 2016 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2016, 2016
- Diab, H.Y., Marei, M.I., Tennakoon, S.B., " Reduced switch count topology of current flow control apparatus for MTDC grids ", Journal of Power Electronics, 2016
- Marei, M.I., El-Helw, H., Al-Hasheem, M., " A grid-connected PV interface system based on the DAB-converter ", 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC 2015 - Conference Proceedings, 2015
- Marei, M.I., Mohy, A., El-Sattar, A.A., " An integrated control system for sparse matrix converter interfacing PMSG with the grid ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2015
- Diab, H., Tennakoon, S., Gould, C., Marei, M., " An investigation of power flow control methods in multi terminal high voltage DC grids ", Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2015
- Abdelsalam, M., Tennakoon, S., Griffiths, A.L., Marei, M., " Investigation of sub-module fault types of modular multi-level converters in HVDC networks ", Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2015
- Marei, M.I., Mokhtar, M., El-Sattar, A.A., " MPPT strategy based on speed control for AWS-based wave energy conversion system ", Renewable Energy, 2015
- Marei, M.I., Elsayad, N., El-Sattar, A.A., " PV interface system with LVRT capability based on a current controlled HFAC link converter ", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2015
- Hamouda, M.R., Marei, M.I., Badr, M.A., " A microturbine interface system with LVRT capability ", 2014 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2014 - Proceedings, 2014
- Marei, M.I., Allam, M.A., Abd El-Sattar, A., " A simple control scheme for the high performance Z-source inverter ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014
- Soliman, H., Wang, H., Zhou, D., Blaabjerg, F., Marie, M.I., " Sizing of the series dynamic breaking resistor in a doubly fed induction generator wind turbine ", 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2014, 2014
- Shehata, S.A.M., El-Goharey, H.S., Marei, M.I., Ibrahim, A.K., " Detection of Induction Motors Rotor/Stator Faults Using Electrical Signatures Analysis ", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 2013
- El-Goharey, H.S.K., Marei, M.I., Zaghloul, M.G.S., " Low Voltage Ride Through Characterization of Wind Energy Conversion Systems ", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 2013
- Marei, M.I., Soliman, M.H., " A coordinated voltage and frequency control of inverter based distributed generation and distributed energy storage system for autonomous microgrids ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2013
- Soliman, H., Marei, M.I., El-Sharkawy, R.M., El-Bahrawy, K.M., " Analysis of the dynamic behavior of a DFIG during grid disturbances using active crowbar protection ", 12th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC 2013, 2013
- Marei, M.I., El-Goharey, H.S.K., " Dynamic performance analysis of a wind farm equipped with STATCOM ", International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, 2013
- Hossam, R.M., Hashem, G.M., Marei, M.I., " Optimized harmonic elimination for cascaded multilevel inverter ", Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2013
- Allam, M.A., Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A.A., " Three-phase uninterruptable power supply based on high performance Z-source inverter ", International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, 2013
- Marei, M.I., El-Goharey, H.S.K., " Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of Gearless Variable-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System ", Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 2012
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A flexible DG interface based on a new RLS algorithm for power quality improvement ", IEEE Systems Journal, 2012
- Marei, M.I., " A unified control strategy based on phase angle estimation for matrix converter interface system ", IEEE Systems Journal, 2012
- Marei, M.I., Eltantawy, A.B., El-Sattar, A.A., " An energy optimized control scheme for a transformerless DVR ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2012
- Ibrahim, A.M., Marei, M.I., Mekhamer, S.F., Mansour, M.M., " An artificial neural network based protection approach using total least square estimation of signal parameters via the rotational invariance technique for flexible AC transmission system compensated transmission lines ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2011
- Marei, M.I., Abdallah, I., Ashour, H., " Transformerless uninterruptible power supply with reduced power device count ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2011
- Sattar, A.A., Marei, M.I., Badr, A.O., " Back-to-back converters with doubly fed induction generators for wind energy scheme ", Proceedings, ICCES'2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2010
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Experimental evaluation of envelope tracking techniques for voltage disturbances ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2010
- Marei, M.I., El-Sattar, A., Mahmoud, E., " Reduced order models for speed estimation of sensorless induction motor drives based on kalman filter and RLS algorithm ", Engineering Intelligent Systems, 2010
- Marei, M.I., Shaaban, M.F., El-Sattar, A.A., " A speed estimation unit for induction motors based on adaptive linear combiner ", Energy Conversion and Management, 2009
- Montasser, Y., Marei, M.I., Jayaram, S.H., " Low-power high-voltage power modulator for motor insulation testing ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2008
- , " Modeling of a Four-Quadrant Switched Reluctance Motor Drive on EMTDC/PSCAD ", Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology , 2008
- Ezzt, M., Marei, M.I., Abdel-Rahman, M., Mansour, M.M., " A hybrid strategy for distributed generators islanding detection ", IEEE PES PowerAfrica 2007 Conference and Exposition, PowerAfrica, 2007
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A new approach to control DVR based on symmetrical components estimation ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2007
- , " Fast Envelope Estimation Technique for Monitoring Voltage Fluctuations ", Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2007
- Marei, M.I., Salama, M.M.A., " Advanced techniques for voltage flicker mitigation ", International Power Electronics Congress - CIEP, 2006
- Marei, M.I., Samborsky, S.J., Lambert, S.B., Salama, M.M.A., " On the characterization of ultracapacitor banks used for HEVs ", 2006 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2006, 2006
- Marei, M.I., Lambert, S., Pick, R., Salama, M.M.A., " DC/DC converters for fuel cell powered hybrid electric vehicle ", 2005 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC, 2005
- El-Samahy, I., Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., " Dynamic simulation of a switched reluctance motor drive on EMTDC/PSCAD software ", 2005 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005
- Marei, M.I., Abdel-Galil, T.K., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Hilbert transform based control algorithm of the DG interface for voltage flicker mitigation ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2005
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A novel control algorithm for the DG interface to mitigate power quality problems ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2004
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A novel control scheme for STATCOM using space vector modulation based hysteresis current controller ", 2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2004
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A novel current regulated PWM technique for ADALINE based active power line conditioner ", Engineering Intelligent Systems, 2004
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A processing unit for symmetrical components and harmonics estimation based on a new adaptive linear combiner structure ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2004
- El-Dery, M.A., Abdel-Galil, T.K., Marei, M., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A virtual instrument for voltage flicker tracking ", 2004 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2004
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Envelope tracking techniques for flicker mitigation and voltage regulation ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2004
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Estimation techniques for voltage flicker envelope tracking ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2004
- Zeineldin, H., Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Safe controlled islanding of inveter based distributed generation ", PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004
- Marei, M.I., El-Fouly, T.H.M., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A Flexible Wind Energy Scheme for Voltage Compensation and Flicker Mitigation ", 2003 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Conference Proceedings, 2003
- , " A study of the dynamic behavior of switched reluctance motor drive ", 2003 IEEE 46th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " An efficient control of the series compensator for sag mitigation and voltage regulation ", PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2003
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " An intelligent control for the DG interface to mitigate voltage flicker ", Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2003
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Dynamic Performance of an Enhanced STATCOM Current Control Scheme for Reactive Power Compensation ", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2003
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A new contribution into performance of active power filter utilizing SVM based HCC technique ", Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, 2002
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " A novel current regulated PWM technique for multi-converter active power line conditioner ", Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, 2002
- Marei, M.I., El-Saadany, E.F., Salama, M.M.A., " Flexible distributed generation: (FDG) ", Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, 2002
- Mohamed A. Afifi, Mostafa I. Marei, Ahmed M. I. Mohamad, " Modelling, Analysis and Performance of a Low Inertia AC-DC Microgrid ", Applied Sciences, 2023
- Mohamed A. Afifi, Mostafa I. Marei, Ahmed M. I. Mohamad, " Reinforcement-Learning-Based Virtual Inertia Controller for Frequency Support in Islanded Microgrids ", Technologies, 2024
- Ahmed H. El-Ebiary, Mahmoud A. Attia, Fathy H. Awad, Mostafa I. Marei, Mohamed Mokhtar, " Kalman Filters Based Distributed Cyber-Attack Mitigation Layers for DC Microgrids ", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2024
- Ahmed Ragab, Mostafa I. Marei, Mohamed Mokhtar, " Comprehensive Study of Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Classification, Topologies, and Control System Comparisons ", Applied Sciences, 2023
- Mohamed A. Afifi, Mostafa I. Marei, Ahmed M. I. Mohamad, " Reinforcement Learning Approach with Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient DDPG-Controlled Virtual Synchronous Generator for an Islanded Microgrid ", 2023 24th International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON), 2023
- Omar M. Ghazal ,Mostafa I. Marie , Ahmed M. I. Mohamed, " Small-signal modeling comparison of dual active bridge converter ", e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 2024
- Mohamed A. Afifi, Mostafa I. Marei, andAhmed M. I. Mohamad, " Reinforcement-Learning-Based Virtual Inertia Controller for Frequency Support in Islanded Microgrids ", Technologies, 2024
- Mohamed Hosny, Mostafa.I.Marei, and Ahmed M.I.Mohamad, " Adaptive hybrid virtual inertia controller for PMSG-based wind turbine based on fuzzy logic control ", Scientific Reports, 2025
المشاريع البحثية
1) “A smart electric-vehicle battery charging system”. (TS-21-09). This is a joint-research project with College of Technological Studies – PAAET, Kuwait, funded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). 2021/2022.
2) “Integrated BESS and PV interface system for power smoothing and voltage regulation”. This is one year joint-research project with College of Technological Studies – PAAET, Kuwait, funded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). 2019- 2020.
3) “A Modular Multi-Terminals PV Interfacing System”. This is one year joint-research project with College of Technological Studies – PAAET, Kuwait, funded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). 2017- 2018.
4) “Connection of Power From Wind Energy to National Grid”. This is a two years research project, funded by Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) – Egypt. Starting date: Oct. 2010 - 2013.
5) Team leader of a students group participated in the ROBOCON contest 2007, Cairo.
6) “Development of an Energy management unit for Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Ultracapaciors for regenerative braking” For NSERC, Canada – 2004 to 2006.
7) “Design of a medium voltage (MV) inverter for the insulation testing of electric motor drives” For the high voltage research group at university of Waterloo, 2005.
8) Designer of an electric vehicle prototype under cooperation with the Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of Waterloo (started from April 2003). The project is funded from AUTO21/ NSERC, Canada.