هانى محمد حسنين محمد

أستاذ في هندسة القوى والآلات الكهربية

المعلومات المهنية

أستاذ في : 2017-05-29
أستاذ مساعد في : 2012-08-02
مدرس في : 2007-07-22
مدرس مساعد في : 2004-05-19
معيد في : 1999-10-10

المعلومات الدراسية

البريد الإلكتروني : hany_mohamed@eng.asu.edu.eg
التخرج : 1999

نبذة مختصرة

Hany M. Hasanien (M 09, SM 11) received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, in 1999, 2004, and 2007, respectively. From 2008 to 2011, he was a Joint Researcher with Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Japan. From 2012 to 2015, he was Associate Professor at College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Currently, he is Professor at the Electrical Power and Machines Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. His research interests include modern control techniques, power systems dynamics and control, energy storage systems, renewable energy systems, and smart grid. Prof. Hasanien is an Editorial Board Member of Electric Power Components and Systems Journal. He is Subject Editor of IET Renewable Power Generation, Frontiers in Energy Research and Electronics MDPI. He has authored, co-authored, and edited three books in the field of electric machines and renewable energy. He has published more than 200 papers in international journals and conferences. His biography has been included in Marquis Who’s Who in the world for its 28 edition, 2011. He was awarded Encouraging Egypt Award for Engineering Sciences in 2012. He was awarded Institutions Egypt Award for Invention and Innovation of Renewable Energy Systems Development in 2014. He was awarded the Superiority Egypt Award for Engineering Sciences in 2019. Currently, he is IEEE PES Egypt Chapter Chair and is Editor in Chief of Ain Shams Engineering Journal.

الجوائز التقديرية

• He was included in the Research Council of Ain Shams University in January 2021.
• He was awarded Superiority Egypt Award for Engineering Sciences in 2019.
• He was included in a Stanford University database (USA) for the best 2% of the scientests worldwide in 2020, 2021.
• He was Editor in Chief of Ain Shams Engineering Journal in April 2021.
• He was awarded Institutions Egypt Award for Invention and Innovation of Renewable Energy Systems Development in 2014.
• He was awarded Encouraging Egypt Award for Engineering Sciences in 2012.
• He is IEEE PES EGYPT Chapter Chairman, April 2020.
• He is an Editor of Electronics Journal, MDPI, Industrial Electronics Section, July 2020.
• He is an Editor of IET Renewable Power Generation since September 2016.
• He is a member of Energy Research Council in Academy of Scientific Research and Technology 2016.
• He is a Guest Editor of Special Issue on: Emerging Technologies for Virtual Plant and Microgrid, of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018.
• He is an Editorial Board Member of Electric Power Components and Systems Journal since 2013.
• He is an Associate Editor of Ain Shams Engineering Journal since 2015.
• His Biography has been included in ‘2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2011’ in International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England.
• His Biography has been included in ‘Great Minds in the 21st Century’ in American Biographical Institute, North Carolina, U.S.A. 2011.
• His Biography has been included in ‘Marquis Who’s Who’ in the world for its 28th edition, 2011.
• Ain Shams University international publications award for 2010.
• Ain Shams University international publications award for 2011.
• Ain Shams University international publications award for 2012.
• Highest distinction in B.Sc., first rank with honor.
• Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University excellent grade award for 5 years (1994-1998).



[1] Hany M. Hasanien and Sayed Abbas Atia, “Control Systems and Applications”, Upgrading of IndustrialSecondary School, Ministry of Education, Egypt, April 2010.
[2] Hany M. Hasanien, S. M. Muyeen, and Junji Tamura, “Switched Reluctance Machine”, Praise Worthy Prize Press, Napoli,Italy, ISBN 978-88-96329-02-3, Feb. 2010.
[3] Hany M. Hasanien, “Digital Control Lab.”,Electrical and Communications Dept., BritishUniversity in Egypt, April 2009.

2) Book Chapters: 1

[1] Hany M. Hasanien, and Ahmed Aldurra,“Grid connection scheme of a variable speed wind turbine driven switched reluctance generator”, Springer Verlag, London, 2011.Book ISBN 978-1-4471-2200-5. Book title ‘Wind Energy Conversion System’.

3) Book Co-Editor: 1

[1] Co-Editor with both of Dr. S.M. Muyeen and Dr. Ahmed Al-Durra. Book Title: Wind Farm, Publisher: InTech, ISBN: 980-953-307-562-9.

المقالات والدوريات

[1] Mahmoud A. Attia, Hany M. Hasanien, and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, “Performance enhancement of power systems with wave energy using gravitational search algorithm based TCSC devices”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1661-1667, December 2016.
[2] Syed Q. Ali and Hany M. Hasanien, “Shuffled frog leaping algorithm for multi-objective design optimization of transverese flux linear motor”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 1307-1315, July 2016. ISI Journal
[3] Gazi Islam, S. M. Muyeen, Ahmed Al-Durra, and Hany M. Hasanien, “RTDS implementation of an improved sliding mode based inverter controller for PV system”, ISA Transactions, vol. 62, pp. 50-59, May 2016. ISI Journal
[4] Hany M. Hasanien, “An adaptive control strategy for low voltage ride through capability enhancement of grid-connected photovoltaic power plants”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3230-3237, July 2016. ISI Journal
[5] Hany M. Hasanien and S. M. Muyeen, “Affine projection algorithm based adaptive control scheme for operation of variable speed wind generator”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 2611-2616, 2015. ISI Journal
[6] Talha A. Taj, Hany M. Hasanien, A. I. Alolah, and S. M. Muyeen, “Transient stability enhancement of a grid-connected wind farm using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controlled-flywheel energy storage system”, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 792-800, 2015. ISI Journal
[7] Attia A. El-Fergany and Hany M. Hasanien, “Single and multi-objective optimal power flow using grey wolf optimizer and differential evolution algorithms”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 43, no. 13, pp. 1548-1559, 2015. ISI Journal
[8] Hany M. Hasanien and S.M. Muyeen, “Particle swarm optimization-based superconducting magnetic energy storage for low-voltage ride-through capability enhancement in wind energy conversion system”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 1278-1288, 2015. ISI Journal
[9] Hany M. Hasanien and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, “An adaptive-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage unit for stabilizing a grid-connected wind generator”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 43, no. 8-10, pp. 1072-1079, 2015. ISI Journal
[10] Hany M. Hasanien, “Shuffled frog leaping algorithm for photovoltaic model identification”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 509-515, April 2015. ISI Journal
[11] M. N. Ambia, Hany M. Hasanien, A. Al-Durra, and S. M. Muyeen, “Harmony search algorithm-based controller parameters optimization for a distributed-generation system,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 246-255, February 2015. ISI Journal
[12] Hany M. Hasanien and Mahmoud Matar, “A fuzzy logic controller for autonomous operation of a voltage source converter-based distributed generation system,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 158-165, January 2015. ISI Journal
[13] Hany M. Hasanien and Syed Qaseem Ali “Bacterial foraging based optimal design of transverse flux linear motor for thrust force improvement”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 95-104, 2015. ISI Journal
[14] Hany M. Hasanien, “A set-membership affine projection algorithm-based adaptive-controlled SMES units for wind farms output power smoothing”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1226-1233, October 2014. ISI Journal
[15] Hany M. Hasanien, “Shuffled frog leaping algorithm-based static synchronous compensator for transient stability improvement of a grid-connected wind farm”, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 722-730, August 2014. ISI Journal
[16] S. M. Muyeen, Hany M. Hasanien, and Ahmed Al-Durra, “Transient stability enhancement of wind farms connected to a multi-machine power system by using an adaptive ANN-controlled SMES”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 412-420, February 2014. ISI Journal
[17] S. Q. Ali, Hany M. Hasanien, and Essam. A. Al-Ammar, “Application of an adaptive artificial neural network controller for improving the dynamic Response of doubly fed induction generator based wind farm”, Journal of Bioinformatics and Intelligent Control, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 83-91, June 2013.
[18] Hany M. Hasanien, “Design Optimization of PID Controller in Automatic Voltage Regulator System Using Taguchi Combined Genetic Algorithm Method”, ”, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 825-831, December 2013. ISI Journal
[19] Hany M. Hasanien, and S. M. Muyeen, “A Taguchi Approach for Optimum Design of Proportional-Integral Controllers in Cascaded Control Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1636-1644, May 2013.
ISI Journal
[20] Hany M. Hasanien, and Essam. A. Al-Ammar, “Dynamic Response Improvement of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Farm Using Fuzzy Logic Controller”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Slovakia, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 281-288, September 2012. ISI Journal
[21] S.M. Muyeen, Hany M. Hasanien, and J. Tamura, “Reduction of frequency fluctuation for wind farm connected power systems by an adaptive artificial neural network controlled energy capacitor system”, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 226-235, July 2012. ISI Journal
[22] Syed Q. Ali, and Hany M. Hasanien,“Frequency control of isolated network with wind and diesel generators by using adaptive artificial neural network controller”, International Review of Automatic Control,vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 179-186, March 2012.
[23] Hany M. Hasanien, and S. M. Muyeen, “Design Optimization of Controller Parameters used in Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion System by Genetic Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 200-208, April 2012. ISI Journal
[24] Hany M. Hasanien, and S. M. Muyeen, “Speed control of grid-connected switched reluctance generator driven by variable speed wind turbine using adaptive neural network controller”, Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 206-213, March 2012. ISI Journal
[25] Eyhab El-Kharashi, and Hany M. Hasanien, “Reconstruction of the switched reluctance motor stator”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Slovakia,vol. 63. no. 1, pp. 1-10, January 2012. ISI Journal
[26] Hany M. Hasanien,“Particle Swarm Design Optimization of Transverse Flux Linear Motor for Weight Reduction and Improvement Thrust Force”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 4048-4056, September 2011. ISI Journal
[27] Hany M. Hasanien, “FPGA Implementation of Adaptive ANN Controller for Speed Regulation of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor Drives”, Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier,vol. 52, issue 2, pp. 1252-1257, Feb. 2011. ISI Journal
[28] Hany M. Hasanien, Ahmed. S. Abd-Rabou, and Sohier. M. Sakr, “Design Optimization of Transverse Flux Linear Motor for Weight Reduction and Performance Improvement Using Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 598-605, September 2010. ISI Journal
[29] Hany M. Hasanien, S. M. Muyeen, and Junji Tamura, “Torque ripple minimization of axial laminations switched reluctance motor provided with digital lead controller”, Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier,vol. 51, issue 12, pp. 2402-2406, Dec. 2010. ISI Journal
[30] Hany M. Hasanien, S. M. Muyeen, and Junji Tamura, “Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Excitation Transverse Flux Linear Motor by Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller”, Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier,vol. 51, issue 12, pp. 2762-2768, Dec. 2010. ISI Journal
[31] Ahmed Abdrabo, Hany M. Hasanien, and Soheir M. Sakr, “Design development of permanent magnet excitation transverse flux linear motor with inner mover type”, IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 4, issue 7, pp. 559-568, August 2010. ISI Journal
[32] Hany M. Hasanien, “Torque ripple minimization of permanent magnet synchronous motor using digital observer controller”, Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier, Science Direct, vol. 51, pp. 98-104, Jan. 2010. ISI Journal
[33] Sayed O. Madbouly, Hussein F. Soliman, Hany M. Hasanien, and M. A. Badr,“A fuzzy logic controller based enhancing the dynamic performance of brushless doubly fed induction generator”, Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering,vol. 2, Dec. 2009.
[34] S. M. Muyeen, Hany M. Hasanien, Rion Takahashi, Toshiaki Murata, and Junji Tamura “Integration of space vector pulse width modulation controlled STATCOM with wind farm connected to multimachine power system”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, American Institute of Physics,vol. 1, no. 013103, pp. 1-15, Jan. 2009. ISI Journal
[35] Hany M. Hasanien “Steady State Performance of Switched Reluctance Generator” Journal of Electrical Engineering, University Politehnica, Timisoara, Romania, vol. 8, no. 1, pp 53-60. April 2008.


  1. Andrew J. Riad, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Ahmed H. Yakout, " Identifying the PEM Fuel Cell Parameters Using Artificial Rabbits Optimization Algorithm ", Sustainability, 2023
  2. Amr Saleh, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Balgynbek Turdybek, Mohammed Alharbi, Francisco Jurado, Walid Omran, " Optimal Model Predictive Control for Virtual Inertia Control of Autonomous Microgrids ", Sustainability, 2023
  3. Ziad Ali, Martin Calasan, Shady Abdel Aleem, Hany Hasanien, " On the Exact Analytical Formulas of Leakage Current-Based Supercapacitor Model Operating in Industrial Applications ", Energies, 2023
  4. Mohamed S. Hashish, Hany Hasanien, Haoran Ji, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Mohammed Alharbi, Akmaral Tlenshiyeva, Rania A. Turky, Francisco Jurado, Ahmed Badr, " Monte Carlo Simulation and a Clustering Technique for Solving the Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Problem for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems ", Sustainability, 2023
  5. Ahmed M. Hussien, Jonghoon Kim, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Mohammed Alharbi, Hany Hasanien, M. Tostado-Véliz, Rania A. Turky, Francisco Jurado, " Adaptive PI Control Strategy for Optimal Microgrid Autonomous Operation ", Sustainability, 2022
  6. Mohamed Shaheen, Zia Ullah, Mohammed Qais, Hany Hasanien, Kian J. Chua, M. Tostado-Véliz, Rania A. Turky, Francisco Jurado, Mohamed R. Elkadeem, " Solution of Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Renewable Energy Uncertainty Using a Novel Circle Search Algorithm ", Energies, 2022
  7. Banaja Mohanty, RAJVIKRAM M, Hany Hasanien, Elangovan D, Rania A. Turky, Rishi Pugazhendhi, " Parameters Identification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Model Based on the Lightning Search Algorithm ", Energies, 2022
  8. Basma Abdelgawad Mohamed, Hany Hasanien, Fadia M. A. Ghali, Yasser M. Alsayed, Shady Abdel Aleem, Adel El-Shahat, " African Vulture Optimization-Based Optimal Control Strategy for Voltage Control of Islanded DC Microgrids ", Sustainability, 2022
  9. Mohamed Shaheen, Hany Hasanien, Said F. Mekhamer, Mohammed Qais, Saad Alghuwainem, Zia Ullah, M. Tostado-Véliz, Rania A. Turky, Francisco Jurado, Mohamed R. Elkadeem, " Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Solution Using a Novel Hybrid Metaheuristic and Machine Learning Algorithm ", Mathematics, 2022
  10. Ghazi A. Ghazi, Hany Hasanien, E. A. Al-Ammar, Rania A. Turky, wonsuk ko, Sisam Park, Hyeong-Jin Choi, " African Vulture Optimization Algorithm-Based PI Controllers for Performance Enhancement of Hybrid Renewable-Energy Systems ", Sustainability, 2022
  11. Hazem Hassan Ellithy, Adel M. Taha, Hany Hasanien, Mahmoud A. Attia, Adel El-Shahat, Shady Abdel Aleem, " Estimation of Parameters of Triple Diode Photovoltaic Models Using Hybrid Particle Swarm and Grey Wolf Optimization ", Sustainability, 2022
  12. Mohammed H. Qais, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Saad Alghuwainem, K.H. Loo, Mohmmed Elgendy, " Optimal PEM Fuel Cell Model Using a Novel Circle Search Algorithm ", Electronics, 2022
  13. Mohammed Qais, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Saad Alghuwainem, M. Tostado-Véliz, Francisco Jurado, " Circle Search Algorithm: A Geometry-Based Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm ", Mathematics, 2022
  14. Amr Saleh, Walid A. Omran, Hany Hasanien, M. Tostado-Véliz, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Francisco Jurado, " Manta Ray Foraging Optimization for the Virtual Inertia Control of Islanded Microgrids Including Renewable Energy Sources ", Sustainability, 2022
  15. heba ali, Adel T. M. Taha, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, S M Muyeen, " Stability Enhancement of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on Optimal Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Systems Using the Archimedes Optimization Algorithm ", Processes, 2022
  16. Ahmed Fathy, dalia yousri, Hegazy Rezk, Sudhakar Babu Thanikanti, Hany Hasanien, " A Robust Fractional-Order PID Controller Based Load Frequency Control Using Modified Hunger Games Search Optimizer ", Energies, 2022
  17. Abdelhady Ramadan, Salah Kamel, Mohamed Hosny Hassan, Emad M. Ahmed, Hany Hasanien, " Accurate Photovoltaic Models Based on an Adaptive Opposition Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm ", Electronics, 2022
  18. Mahmoud Elsisi, Minh-Quang Tran, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Fahad Albalawi, Sherif Ghoneim, " Robust Model Predictive Control Paradigm for Automatic Voltage Regulators against Uncertainty Based on Optimization Algorithms ", Mathematics, 2021
  19. Salwan Ali Habeeb, M. Tostado-Véliz, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Wisam Kaream Meteab, Francisco Jurado, " DC Nanogrids for Integration of Demand Response and Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures: Appraisal, Optimal Scheduling and Analysis ", Electronics, 2021
  20. Martin Calasan, Mihailo Micev, Milovan Radulović, Ahmed F Zobaa, Hany Hasanien, Shady Abdel Aleem, " Optimal PID Controllers for AVR System Considering Excitation Voltage Limitations Using Hybrid Equilibrium Optimizer ", Machines, 2021
  21. Samuel Raafat Fahim, Hany Hasanien, Rania A. Turky, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, A. A. Al-Shamma'a, Abdullah M. Noman, M. Tostado-Véliz, Francisco Jurado, " Parameter Identification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Based on Hunger Games Search Algorithm ", Energies, 2021
  22. Sherif Ghoneim, Mohamed F. Kotb, Hany Hasanien, Mosleh M. Alharthi, Attia El-Fergany, " Cost Minimizations and Performance Enhancements of Power Systems Using Spherical Prune Differential Evolution Algorithm Including Modal Analysis ", Sustainability, 2021
  23. Ibrahim Alsaidan, Mohamed Shaheen, Hany Hasanien, muhannad alaraj, Abrar S. Alnafisah, " Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Modeling Using Chaos Game Optimization Technique ", Sustainability, 2021
  24. Dr. Poushali Pal, Parvathy Ayalur Krishnamoorthy, Devabalaji K R , S. Joseph Antony, Simon Ocheme, Umashankar Subramaniam, RAJVIKRAM M, Narottam Das, Hany Hasanien, " Optimal Dispatch Strategy of Virtual Power Plant for Day-Ahead Market Framework ", Applied Sciences, 2021
  25. Busra Uzum, Ahmet Onen, Hany Hasanien, S M Muyeen, " Rooftop Solar PV Penetration Impacts on Distribution Network and Further Growth Factors—A Comprehensive Review ", Electronics, 2020
  26. Mohamed Shaheen, dalia yousri, Ahmed Fathy, Hany Hasanien, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, S. M. Muyeen, " A Novel Application of Improved Marine Predators Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving the ORPD Problem ", Energies, 2020
  27. Mohammed H. Qais, Hany Hasanien, Saad Alghuwainem, " Optimal Transient Search Algorithm-Based PI Controllers for Enhancing Low Voltage Ride-Through Ability of Grid-Linked PMSG-Based Wind Turbine ", Electronics, 2020
  28. Omnia S. Elazab, Hany Hasanien, Ibrahim Alsaidan, Almoataz Abdelaziz, S M Muyeen, " Parameter Estimation of Three Diode Photovoltaic Model Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm ", Energies, 2020
  29. Soliman, M.A., Hasanien, H.M., Azazi, H.Z., El-Kholy, E.E., Mahmoud, S.A., " An adaptive fuzzy logic control strategy for performance enhancement of a grid-connected PMSG-Based wind turbine ", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019
  30. Youssef Mahmoud, H., Hussien Besheer, A., Mohamed Hasanien, H., Youssef Abdelaziz, A., " Different Control Strategies for Converter Based DC Energy Transmission in Offshore Wind Power: A Literature Survey ", 2018 20th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2018 - Proceedings, 2019
  31. Qais, M.H., Hasanien, H.M., Alghuwainem, S., " Enhanced salp swarm algorithm: Application to variable speed wind generators ", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2019
  32. Muyeen, S.M., Benbouzid, M., Hasanien, H.M., Fernando, T., Guo, Q., Muljadi, E., " Guest editorial: Emerging technologies for virtual power plant and microgrid ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2019
  33. Qais, M.H., Hasanien, H.M., Alghuwainem, S., " Identification of electrical parameters for three-diode photovoltaic model using analytical and sunflower optimization algorithm ", Applied Energy, 2019
  34. Soliman, M.A., Hasanien, H.M., Azazi, H.Z., El-Kholy, E.E., Mahmoud, S.A., " Linear-Quadratic Regulator Algorithm-Based Cascaded Control Scheme for Performance Enhancement of a Variable-Speed Wind Energy Conversion System ", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2019
  35. Hasanien, H.M., El-Fergany, A.A., " Salp swarm algorithm-based optimal load frequency control of hybrid renewable power systems with communication delay and excitation cross-coupling effect ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2019
  36. El-Fergany, A.A., Hasanien, H.M., " Salp swarm optimizer to solve optimal power flow comprising voltage stability analysis ", Neural Computing and Applications, 2019
  37. Hasanien, H.M., " Transient Stability Augmentation of a Wave Energy Conversion System Using a Water Cycle Algorithm-Based Multiobjective Optimal Control Strategy ", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019
  38. El-Fergany, A.A., Hasanien, H.M., " Water cycle algorithm for optimal overcurrent relays coordination in electric power systems ", Soft Computing, 2019
  39. George, R.G., Hasanien, H.M., Badr, M.A., Elgendy, M.A., " A Comparative Study among Different Algorithms Investigating Optimum Design of PID Controller in Automatic Voltage Regulator ", Proceedings - 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2018, 2018
  40. Qais, M.H., Hasanien, H.M., Alghuwainem, S., " A Grey Wolf Optimizer for Optimum Parameters of Multiple PI Controllers of a Grid-Connected PMSG Driven by Variable Speed Wind Turbine ", IEEE Access, 2018
  41. Hasanien, H.M., Hashem, G.M., " A cuckoo search algorithm optimizer for steady-state analysis of self-excited induction generator ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2018
  42. Qais, M.H., Hasanien, H.M., Alghuwainem, S., " Augmented grey wolf optimizer for grid-connected PMSG-based wind energy conversion systems ", Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2018
  43. Zaki, D.A., Hasanien, H.M., El-Amary, N.H., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Crow search algorithm for improving the performance of an inverter-based distributed generation system ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
  44. Mahmoud, E.A., Nasrallah, M., Soliman, H.F., Hasanien, H.M., " Fractional order PI controller based on hill climbing technique for improving MPPT of the BDF-RG driven by wind turbine ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
  45. Soliman, M.A., Hasanien, H.M., Azazi, H.Z., El-kholy, E.E., Mahmoud, S.A., " Hybrid ANFIS-GA-based control scheme for performance enhancement of a grid-connected wind generator ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2018
  46. George, R.G., Hasanien, H.M., Al-Durra, A., Badr, M.A.L., " Model predictive controller for performance enhancement of automatic voltage regulator system ", International Journal on Energy Conversion, 2018
  47. Attia, A.-F., El Sehiemy, R.A., Hasanien, H.M., " Optimal power flow solution in power systems using a novel Sine-Cosine algorithm ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2018
  48. Debouza, M., Al-Durra, A., Hasanien, H.M., Leng, S., Taha, W., " Optimization of switched reluctance motor drive firing angles using grey Wolf optimizer for torque ripples minimization ", Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2018
  49. Elazab, O.S., Hasanien, H.M., Elgendy, M.A., Abdeen, A.M., " Parameters estimation of single- and multiplediode photovoltaic model using whale optimisation algorithm ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2018
  50. Hasanien, H.M., " Performance improvement of photovoltaic power systems using an optimal control strategy based on whale optimization algorithm ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2018
  51. Lei, L., Elgendy, M.A., Wade, N., Ethni, S., Hasanien, H.M., " Power sharing between parallel inverters in microgrid by improved droop control ", Proceedings - 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2018, 2018
  52. Darwish, E.M., Hasanien, H.M., Atallah, A., El-Debeiky, S., " Reactive power control of three-phase low voltage system based on voltage to increase PV penetration levels ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2018
  53. Elgarhy, S.M., Othman, M.M., Taha, A., Hasanien, H.M., " Short term load forecasting using ANN technique ", 2017 19th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
  54. Ali, S.Q., Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., " Three-dimension core loss analysis of transverse flux linear motor based on the improved Steinmetz equation ", 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2017, 2018
  55. El-Fergany, A.A., Hasanien, H.M., " Tree-seed algorithm for solving optimal power flow problem in large-scale power systems incorporating validations and comparisons ", Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2018
  56. Hasanien, H.M., Matar, M., " Water cycle algorithm-based optimal control strategy for efficient operation of an autonomous microgrid ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2018
  57. Hasanien, H.M., " Whale optimisation algorithm for automatic generation control of interconnected modern power systems including renewable energy sources ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2018
  58. Hasanien, H.M., " Gravitational search algorithm-based optimal control of Archimedes wave swing-based wave energy conversion system supplying a DC microgrid under uncertain dynamics ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2017
  59. Muyeen, S.M., Hasanien, H.M., " Operation and control of HVDC stations using continuous mixed p-norm-based adaptive fuzzy technique ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2017
  60. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., Benbouzid, M., " Optimal control of a one-area LFC system including time delay using shuffled frog leaping algorithm ", International Journal on Energy Conversion, 2017
  61. Kalaam, R.N., Muyeen, S.M., Al-Durra, A., Hasanien, H.M., Al-Wahedi, K., " Optimisation of controller parameters for gridtied photovoltaic system at faulty network using artificial neural network-based cuckoo search algorithm ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2017
  62. El-Fergany, A.A., Hasanien, H.M., " Optimized settings of directional overcurrent relays in meshed power networks using stochastic fractal search algorithm ", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2017
  63. Hasanien, H.M., El-Fergany, A.A., " Symbiotic organisms search algorithm for automatic generation control of interconnected power systems including wind farms ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2017
  64. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., Al-Durra, A., " Adaptive control strategy for low voltage ride through capability enhancement of a grid-connected switched reluctance wind generator ", IET Conference Publications, 2016
  65. Hasanien, H.M., " An Adaptive Control Strategy for Low Voltage Ride Through Capability Enhancement of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Plants ", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016
  66. Meer, R., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., " Design development of two phase transverse flux linear motor with permanent-magnet excitation ", Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC 2015, 2016
  67. Hasanien, H.M., Al-Durra, A., Muyeen, S.M., " Gravitational search algorithm-based photovoltaic array reconfiguration for partial shading losses reduction ", IET Conference Publications, 2016
  68. Taj, T.A., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., " Improving the dynamic performance of a grid-connected wind energy conversion system using flywheel energy storage system ", Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC 2015, 2016
  69. Attia, M.A., Hasanien, H.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " Performance enhancement of power systems with wave energy using gravitational search algorithm based TCSC devices ", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2016
  70. Islam, G., Muyeen, S.M., Al-Durra, A., Hasanien, H.M., " RTDS implementation of an improved sliding mode based inverter controller for PV system ", ISA Transactions, 2016
  71. Ali, S.Q., Hasanien, H.M., " Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for Multi-objective Design Optimization of Transverse Flux Linear Motor ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2016
  72. Hasanien, H.M., Matar, M., " A fuzzy logic controller for autonomous operation of a voltage source converter-based distributed generation system ", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015
  73. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., " Affine projection algorithm based adaptive control scheme for operation of variable-speed wind generator ", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2015
  74. Hasanien, H.M., Abdelaziz, A.Y., " An adaptive-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage unit for stabilizing a grid-connected wind generator ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  75. Muyeen, S.M., Al-Durra, A., Hasanien, H.M., " Application of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller for speed control of switched reluctance generator driven by variable speed wind turbine ", Proceedings - International Conference on Modern Electric Power Systems, MEPS 2015, 2015
  76. Hasanien, H.M., Ali, S.Q., " Bacterial foraging based optimal design of transverse flux linear motor for thrust force improvement ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  77. Abbasi, M.H., Al-Ohaly, A., Khan, Y., Hasanien, H.M., " Cascaded control scheme of grid tied PV inverter ", 2015 6th International Renewable Energy Congress, IREC 2015, 2015
  78. Taj, T.A., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., Muyeen, S.M., " Dynamic performance enhancement of a grid-connected wind farm using doubly fed induction machine-based flywheel energy storage system ", 2015 6th International Renewable Energy Congress, IREC 2015, 2015
  79. Taj, T.A., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., Muyeen, S.M., " Erratum: Transient stability enhancement of a gridconnected wind farm using an adaptive neurofuzzy controlled-flywheel energy storage system (IET Renewable Power Generation DOI: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0345) ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015
  80. Ambia, M.N., Hasanien, H.M., Al-Durra, A., Muyeen, S.M., " Harmony search algorithm-based controller parameters optimization for a distributed-generation system ", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2015
  81. Kalaam, R.N., Hasanien, H.M., Al-Durra, A., Al-Wahedi, K., Muyeen, S.M., " Optimal design of cascaded control scheme for PV system using BFO algorithm ", 2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2015, 2015
  82. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., " Particle swarm optimization-based superconducting magnetic energy storage for low-voltage ride-through capability enhancement in wind energy conversion system ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  83. Hasanien, H.M., " Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for Photovoltaic Model Identification ", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2015
  84. El-Fergany, A.A., Hasanien, H.M., " Single and Multi-objective Optimal Power Flow Using Grey Wolf Optimizer and Differential Evolution Algorithms ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015
  85. Khan, T.A., Nouh, A.S., Hasanien, H.M., " Speed control of hybrid stepper motor by using an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system ", Proceedings of the 2014 6th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2014, 2015
  86. Darwish, E.M., Hasanien, H.M., Atallah, A., El-Debeiky, S., " The impact of PV penetration levels on distribution transformer performance and lifetime ", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 2015
  87. Taj, T.A., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., Muyeen, S.M., " Transient stability enhancement of a gridconnected wind farm using an adaptive neurofuzzy controlled-flywheel energy storage system ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015
  88. Hasanien, H.M., " A set-membership affine projection algorithm-based adaptive-controlled SMES units for wind farms output power smoothing ", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2014
  89. Meer, R., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., " Dynamic simulation of single phase transverse flux linear motor ", Proceedings of 2014 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2014, 2014
  90. Kordkheili, R.A., Pourmousavi, S.A., Pillai, J.R., Hasanien, H.M., Bak-Jensen, B., Nehrir, M.H., " Optimal sizing and allocation of residential photovoltaic panels in a distribution network for ancillary services application ", 2014 International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2014, 2014
  91. Hasanien, H.M., " Shuffled frog leaping algorithm-based static synchronous compensator for transient stability improvement of a grid-connected wind farm ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2014
  92. Muyeen, S.M., Hasanien, H.M., Al-Durra, A., " Transient stability enhancement of wind farms connected to a multi-machine power system by using an adaptive ANN-controlled SMES ", Energy Conversion and Management, 2014
  93. Taj, T.A., Hasanien, H.M., Alolah, A.I., Muyeen, S.M., " Transient stability improvement of a grid-connected wind farm using doubly fed induction machine based flywheel energy storage system ", Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC, 2014
  94. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., " A Taguchi approach for optimum design of proportional-integral controllers in cascaded control scheme ", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2013
  95. Hasanien, H.M., " Design optimization of PID controller in automatic voltage regulator system using taguchi combined genetic algorithm method ", IEEE Systems Journal, 2013
  96. Hasanien, H.M., " Speed control of switched reluctance motor using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller ", Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2013
  97. Islam, F., Hasanien, H., Al-Durra, A., Muyeen, S.M., " A new control strategy for smoothing of wind farm output using short-term ahead wind speed prediction and Flywheel energy storage system ", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2012
  98. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., " Design optimization of controller parameters used in variable speed wind energy conversion system by genetic algorithms ", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2012
  99. Hasanien, H.M., Al-Ammar, E.A., " Dynamic response improvement of doubly fed induction generator-based wind farm using fuzzy logic controller ", Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2012
  100. Ali, S.Q., Hasanien, H.M., " Frequency control of isolated network with wind and diesel generators by using adaptive artificial neural network controller ", International Review of Automatic Control, 2012
  101. Hasanien, H.M., Aldurra, A., " Grid Connection Scheme of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine Driven Switched Reluctance Generator ", Green Energy and Technology, 2012
  102. El-Kharashi, E., Hassanien, H.M., " Reconstruction of the switched reluctance motor stator ", Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2012
  103. Muyeen, S.M., Hasanien, H.M., Jamura, J., " Reduction of frequency fluctuation for wind farm connected power systems by an adaptive artificial neural network controlled energy capacitor system ", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2012
  104. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., " Speed control of grid-connected switched reluctance generator driven by variable speed wind turbine using adaptive neural network controller ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2012
  105. Hasanien, H.M., Ali, S.Q., Muyeen, S.M., " Wind generator stability enhancement by using an adaptive artificial neural network-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage ", ICEMS 2012 - Proceedings: 15th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2012
  106. Hasanien, H.M., " FPGA implementation of adaptive ANN controller for speed regulation of permanent magnet stepper motor drives ", Energy Conversion and Management, 2011
  107. Hasanien, H.M., " Particle swarm design optimization of transverse flux linear motor for weight reduction and improvement of thrust force ", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011
  108. Ali, B.S., Hasanien, H.M., Galal, Y., " Speed control of switched reluctance motor using artificial neural network controller ", Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011
  109. Abd-Rabou, A.S., Hasanien, H.M., Sakr, S.M., " Design development of permanent magnet excitation transverse flux linear motor with inner mover type ", IET Electric Power Applications, 2010
  110. Hasanien, H.M., Abd-Rabou, A.S., Sakr, S.M., " Design optimization of transverse flux linear motor for weight reduction and performance improvement using response surface methodology and genetic algorithms ", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2010
  111. Madbouly, S.O., Soliman, H.F., Hasanien, H.M., Badr, M.A., " Fuzzy logic control of brushless doubly fed induction generator ", IET Conference Publications, 2010
  112. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., Tamura, J., " Speed control of permanent magnet excitation transverse flux linear motor by using adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller ", Energy Conversion and Management, 2010
  113. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., Tamura, J., " Torque ripple minimization of axial laminations switched reluctance motor provided with digital lead controller ", Energy Conversion and Management, 2010
  114. Hasanien, H.M., " Torque ripple minimization of permanent magnet synchronous motor using digital observer controller ", Energy Conversion and Management, 2010
  115. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., Tamura, J., " Frequency control of isolated network with wind and diesel generators by using fuzzy logic controller ", Proceedings - The 12th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2009, 2009
  116. Hasanien, H.M., Muyeen, S.M., Tamura, J., " Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using digital pole placement controller ", 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech: Innovative Ideas Toward the Electrical Grid of the Future, 2009
  117. Kamel, H.M., Hasanien, H.M., Ibrahim, H.E.A., " Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using fuzzy logic controller ", 2009 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC '09, 2009
  118. Hasanien, H.M., Saad, N.H., Mostfa, M.A., Badr, M.A., " Steady state performance of axial laminations switched reluctance motor ", Proceedings of the 11th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON'2006, 2006
  119. Hend M. Fahmy, Ayedh H. Alqahtani, Hany M. Hasanien, " Precise modeling of lithium-ion battery in industrial applications using Walrus optimization algorithm ", Energy, 2024
  120. Akmaral Tlenshiyeva, Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Hany M. Hasanien, Nima Khosravi, Francisco Jurado, " A data-driven methodology to design user-friendly tariffs in energy communities ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2024
  121. Zhiying Wang, Yang Wang, Haoran Ji, Hany M. Hasanien, Jinli Zhao, Lei Yu, Jiafeng He, Hao Yu, Peng Li, " Distributionally robust planning for data center park considering operational economy and reliability ", Energy, 2024
  122. Martin Ćalasan, Mihailo Micev, Hany M. Hasanien, Shady H.E. Abdel Aleem, " PEM fuel cells: Two novel approaches for mathematical modeling and parameter estimation ", Energy, 2024
  123. Mohamed R. Elkadeem, Kotb M. Kotb, Mohamed A. Abido, Hany M. Hasanien, Eman G. Atiya, Dhafer Almakhles, Mahmoud F. Elmorshedy, " Techno-enviro-socio-economic design and finite set model predictive current control of a grid-connected large-scale hybrid solar/wind energy system: A case study of Sokhna Industrial Zone, Egypt ", Energy, 2024
  124. Hany M. Hasanien, Ibrahim Alsaleh, Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Miao Zhang, Ayoob Alateeq, Francisco Jurado, Abdullah Alassaf, " Hybrid particle swarm and sea horse optimization algorithm-based optimal reactive power dispatch of power systems comprising electric vehicles ", Energy, 2024
  125. Hazem Hassan Ellithy, Hany Hasanien, Mohammed Alharbi, Mohamed A. Sobhy, Adel M. Taha, Mahmoud A. Attia, " Marine Predator Algorithm-Based Optimal PI Controllers for LVRT Capability Enhancement of Grid-Connected PV Systems ", Biomimetics, 2024
  126. Ghazi A. Ghazi, Essam A. Al-Ammar, Hany M. Hasanien, Wonsuk Ko, Seongkwan Mark Lee, Rania A. Turky, Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Francisco Jurado, " Circle Search Algorithm-Based Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control for MPPT of Different Commercial PV Modules ", IEEE Access, 2024
  127. Ghazi A. Ghazi, Essam A. Al-Ammar, Hany M. Hasanien, Wonsuk Ko, Jaesung Park, Dongsu Kim, Zia Ullah, " Dandelion Optimizer-Based Reinforcement Learning Techniques for MPPT of Grid- Connected Photovoltaic Systems ", IEEE Access, 2024
  128. Ahmed M. Hussien, Hany M. Hasanien, Mohammed H. Qais, Saad Alghuwainem, " Hybrid Transient Search Algorithm With Levy Flight for Optimal PI Controllers of Islanded Microgrids ", IEEE Access, 2024
  129. Ziad Ali, Ahmed Mahdy, Hany Hasanien, Shady Abdel Aleem, " Optimal Design of Fractional-Order PID Controllers for a Nonlinear AWS Wave Energy Converter Using Hybrid Jellyfish Search and Particle Swarm Optimization ", Fractal and Fractional, 2023
  130. Hany M. Hasanien, Ibrahim Alsaleh, Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Abdullah Alassaf, Ayoob Alateeq, Francisco Jurado, " Optimal parameters estimation of lithium-ion battery in smart grid applications based on gazelle optimization algorithm ", Energy, 2023
  131. Fatma El Zahraa Magdy, Hany M. Hasanien, Waheed Sabry, Zia Ullah, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Ahmed H. Yakout, " Mountain Gazelle Algorithm-Based Optimal Control Strategy for Improving LVRT Capability of Grid-Tied Wind Power Stations ", IEEE Access, 2023

المشاريع البحثية

[1] Hany M. Hasanien, “Design optimization of PID controller in automatic voltage regulator system using Taguchi combined genetic algorithm method”, The Deanship of Scientific Research, Research Center, College of Engineering, King Saud University, 1 June 2012-1 April 2013.
[2] Hany M. Hasanien and Syed Q. Ali, “Wind generator stability improvement by adaptive neural network controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage”,Sustainable Energy Technology (SET), King Saud University, S.A. SP12/A1/010. 15 Jan. 2012-15 July 2012.
[3] Hany M. Hasanien, Syed Q. Ali, and Essam A. Al-Ammar “Transient stability enhancement of DFIG based Wind farm using advanced controllers”, Saudi Aramco Chair of Electrical Power, King Saud University, S.A. 1 Jan. 2012-30 Oct. 2012.
[4] Hany M. Hasanien, “Speed control of grid-connected switched reluctance generator driven by variable speed wind turbine using adaptive neural network controller”, The Deanship of Scientific Research, Research Center, College of Engineering, King Saud University, 1 October 2011-1 October 2012.