Irrigation and Hydraulics
Area of Study and Career Opportunities
The department handles the following main courses in three academic years : civil drawings, fluid mechanics, irrigation & drainage systems, hydraulics, design of irrigation structures, groundwater hydrology, environmental hydrology, networks, harbor, navigation & shore engineering, modern irrigation systems, water resources engineering, management & maintenance of irrigation Projects, pump stations, dams, environmental impact assessment for water projects, coastal environmental engineering and water management.
The graduates have a great job opportunities to lead all sustainable water-related projects, including improving water resources, implementing ongoing massive infrastructure projects, securing a water supply for Egypt’s citizens, upgrading irrigation systems, developing the needed ports, saving coastal and marine environment, protecting the water sources against pollution, and designing the adequate structures for protection against the dangers of unexpected floods, storms, and wave actions. Many governmental authorities can employ our graduates within the Ministries of Water Resources and Irrigation, the Ministry of Housing and New Communities, the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, etc. The private sector also attracts many graduates to do design and execution works inside and outside Egypt.