Consultancy Units
Highway Engineering Consultancy Unit
Dr. Ahmed Atef Soliman

Unit's Objectives
The unit aims to serve the community and contribute to all studies and consultations, and executive and field work in all disciplines of highways and airports engineering. The unit provides advisory services to governmental or private entities, or to executing companies and natural persons.
Beneficiary Categories
- Graduate students and college students.
- Urban Communities Authority – Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities.
- New Cities Authorities (New Administrative Capital - New Obour City – New Cairo – El-Sheikh Zayed - ... etc.).
- Research and Reconstruction Studies Authority.
- General Authority of Roads and Bridges (GARB).
- The Egyptian Army Corps of Engineers.
- Contracting companies of roads and airports construction.
Engineering Services Provided by the Unit
- Quality Control/ Third Party.
- Evaluation of Construction and Deduction Values calculations for new projects.
- Pavement Evaluation and assessment.
- Laboratory tests.
Unit's Prequalification
- Quality control projects such as (High speed rail, New capital internal roads, El-Dabaa road, Wady El-Natroun El-Alamein Road, Oyon Mousa- Sharm El-sheikh road, … etc.).
- Roads evaluation by the end of the project for many projects inside Cairo and Giza governors.
- Feasibility studies for some projects such as (Qena/ Qift road, Shebin Elkom/ Tamlay road).
- Research Projects for Graduate students.
Unit's Website/Link
Marshall Test