Use of Artificial Intelligence Instructions
In recognition of the Faculty of Engineering's commitment to keeping pace with developments and modern tools that may impact the educational process, the following are some instructions and guidelines regarding the use of artificial intelligence applications: Do not assume that the course instructor permits the use of artificial intelligence applications for exercises, report writing, etc. Therefore, before using these applications, you must consult the course instructor to determine if and under what conditions their use is permissible. If you are permitted to use artificial intelligence applications, you must carefully evaluate and critique the content. Outputs from these applications may contain inaccurate or biased information, making them unreliable. Additionally, such use may constitute a violation of student privacy (e.g., data collection and sharing). Exercise caution when using any of these applications. Remember to rely on credible and secure sources instead. If you are allowed to use content generated by artificial intelligence applications, be sure to disclose this in your work and cite the information used in the text and reference list. You can use the following format: Declaration of using Generative AI technologies: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication. Artificial intelligence is not an author; therefore, text generated by artificial intelligence must be attributed to its original authors, and the student assumes full ethical responsibility in this regard. Remember, you bear full ethical responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of your work, and failure to adhere to these guidelines may subject you to disciplinary action by the college administration.