Building Engineering Program
International Undergraduate ICHEP
Building Engineering Program
In addition to the competences for Graduates from Ain Shams University and all Engineering Programs, the Building Engineering Program graduate must be able to:
- Select appropriate and sustainable technologies for construction of buildings; using either numerical techniques or physical measurements and/or testing by applying a full range of civil engineering concepts and techniques of: Structural Analysis and Mechanics, Properties and Strength of Materials, Surveying, Soil Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics.
- Achieve an optimum design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures, Foundations and Earth Retaining Structures; and Transportation and Traffic.
- Plan and manage construction processes; address construction defects, instability and quality issues; and maintain safety measures in construction and materials.
- Deal with biddings, contracts and financial issues including project insurance and guarantees; and assess environmental impacts of civil engineering projects.
- Produce designs that meet building users’ requirements through understanding the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment; and the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale.
- Generate ecologically responsible, environmental conservation and rehabilitation designs; through understanding of: structural design, construction, technology and engineering problems associated with building designs.
- Apply computer applications to design and manage building construction projects.