Landscape Architecture Program
International Undergraduate ICHEP
Landscape Architecture Program
In addition to the competences for Graduates from Ain Shams University and all Engineering Programs, the Landscape Architecture Program graduate must be able to:
- Create architectural, urban and landscape designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements, using adequate knowledge of history and theory, related fine arts, local culture and heritage, technologies and human sciences.
- Integrate relationship of structure, energy systems, landscape materials, and construction elements into design process in different scales.
- Discuss, search and formulate informed opinions appropriate at specific context and circumstances affecting landscape architecture profession and practice.
- Judge landscape architecture decisions considering balanced costs, benefits, safety, quality, reliability, and environmental impact.
- Propose creative and innovative solution for problems facing landscape architecture projects.
- Professionally merge the engineering knowledge and landscape architecture, understanding, and feedback to improve design, products and/or services.
- Deal with sensitive spaces and locations using the required understanding for human needs and socio-economic dynamics.
- Use and apply information technology and contemporary computer applications while dealing with landscape architecture issues.
- Prepare design project briefs and documents; and understand the context of the landscape architect in the construction industry, including the architect’s role in the processes of bidding, procurement of architectural services and building production.
- Generate ecologically responsible, environmental conservation and rehabilitation designs; through understanding of: structural design, construction, technology and engineering problems associated with architectural landscape designs