Mechanical Power Engineering Program
Specialized Undergraduate SCHEP
Mechanical Power Engineering Program
In addition to the competences for Graduates from Ain Shams University and all Engineering Programs, the Mechanical Power Engineering Program graduate must be able to:
- Model, analyse and design physical systems applicable to the specific discipline by applying the concepts of: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, solid Mechanics, Material Processing, Material Properties, Measurements, Instrumentation, Control Theory and Systems, Mechanical Design and Analysis, Dynamics and Vibrations.
- Plan, manage and carry out designs of mechanical systems and machine elements using appropriate materials both traditional means and computer-aided tools and software contemporary to the mechanical engineering field.
- Select conventional mechanical equipment according to the required performance.
- Adopt suitable national and international standards and codes to: design, build, operate, inspect and maintain mechanical equipment and systems.
- Apply knowledge of engineering principles and transport phenomena to the solution of complex problems in the broader energy domain and its associated services, processes, and products.
- Select and apply analytical and computational techniques to analyze and/or model complex problems to reach substantiated conclusions using engineering principles, while recognizing the limitations of the technique employed.
- Design integrated solutions for complex mechanical power engineering problems and their associated services, products, and processes that meet a combination of societal, user, business, and customer needs as appropriate. This will involve consideration of applicable health and safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental, and commercial matters, codes of practice, and industry standards.
- Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems in the energy domain and minimize their adverse impacts.
- Use practical laboratory and workshop skills to investigate combustion, heat engine, turbomachinery, and refrigeration problems, which involve a variety of factors that may impose conflicting constraints, but can be solved by the application of engineering science
- and well-proven analysis techniques.
- Select and apply appropriate materials, equipment, engineering technologies, and processes that concern combustion, heat engine, turbomachinery, and refrigeration problems and their associated services, products, and processes.
- Apply knowledge of engineering management principles, commercial context, and project management related to the mechanical power engineering field.
- Identify and assess energy conversion, energy storage, energy efficiency, and their associated processes and control to achieve affordable and clean energy, clean water, and Industry Innovation.