Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa Elsayed

Teacher Assistant at Electronics Engineering and Electrical Communications

Career Information

Teacher Assistant at : 2020-08-24
Demonstrator at : 2016-12-05

Academic Information

M.Sc. : 2020-07-09 From جامعة عين شمس
Graduation : may / 2014 From Faculty of Engineering , Ain Shams University


  1. Moustafa Mohamed; Bassant Abdelhamid; Salwa El-Ramly, " Rate Adaptive Precoder Design for Massive MIMO Cognitive Radio System ", IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM), 2019
  2. Yasser M Sabry, Amr O Ghoname, Mohamed Kelany, Moustafa Mohamed, Ahmed Mostafa, Amgad Khalifa, Sherif Okda, Mazen Erfan, Momen Anwar, Omar S Sakr, Ahmed M Othman, Bassam Saadany, Diaa Khalil, " Rapid and low-cost detection of human corona virus using MEMS ATR-FTIR spectroscopy ", Photonic Diagnosis, Monitoring, Prevention, and Treatment of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases, 2023
  3. Moustafa Mohamed, Salwa El-Ramly, Bassant Abdelhamid, " Robust precoder design with transmit antenna selection for overlay cognitive radio massive MIMO system ", Digital Signal Processing, 2023