What is new in this Curriculum?

This curriculum emphasizes the importance of student’s self-directed learning. We implement new educational approaches such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and make use of the growing advancements in educational technology, e.g. distance education and remote learning. In addition, we move from discipline-oriented curricula to integrated curricula. The following concepts are the bases of the design of this curriculum:

  1. Excellence demands extraordinary education, it follows that we need to:
  • Switch from Education to Learning.
  • Recognize the student as the core of the teaching process.
  • Provide students with best environment to succeed in their studies.
  • Focus on practical applications in Engineering.
  1. One Campus, one curricula, one standard quality of education throughout the campus.
  2. The Faculty is divided into Programs and all Programs follow the Credit-Hour system.
  3. Combining bylaws, curricula and regulations of the previous semester-based education system (previously known as mainstream), and the Credit-Hour Engineering Programs (previously known as New Programs).
  4. Unifying different processes related to Education and Students’ Affairs for all programs and students.
  • Same Pool of Courses.
  • Same Quality Standards.
  • Same Start / End of Semester.
  • Same Study Slots during the day.
  • Same Student Information System (SIS).
  • Same Examination Papers Control Procedures.
  1. Common courses have same Code/ILO/Content/Delivery methods/Assessment Criteria.
  2. Student evaluation depends on the course nature, and therefore can be different from course to course.
  3. Tendency to reduce the number of simultaneous courses per semester to increase the student’s learning process.
  4. Before preparing our Programs, similar programs were reviewed in top Universities in USA and Europe.
  5. Compliance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in order to facilitate student mobility with European Universities.
  6. Our target is to have every program partnered with an international university.
  7. Introduce the concept of Student Scholarship.
  8. Redefine the relationship between Programs and Departments.
  9. Introduce a new organizational structure for the Education and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Engineering.
