
About The Library

The library at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, which contains around 44500 books and 9750 theses that serve both the students and faculty staff, is a scientific, cultural and educational pillar that collects, organizes, retrieves and presents it to the beneficiaries of students and researchers by providing a range of traditional services such as lending, photocopying, and digital research provided by qualified scientific and technical competencies in the field of library and information sciences.

The Library Hierarchy

Mission and Goals

The library provides appropriate services to the needs of researchers and faculty members at the university, by providing, making available and organizing information sources and facilitating ways to fulfill developing research skills, supporting self-learning by providing sources of knowledge, and providing the appropriate environment for participation and teamwork.

Facilities and Infrastructure

The library facilities are consisting of Sources of references and books, Masters and PhD theses, and search service using electronic Library database. The library infrastructure mainly consists of five halls: Student library hall, Scientific theses hall, Digital library hall, Staff library hall, and Donated books hall. All halls are covered with suitable environment for frequented by good furniture, ventilation, and Wi-Fi.

Services and Instructions

The library services are classified into:

  • Service of looking at books and scientific theses using available hardcopies  or through using available software versions on the private database of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, which is classified into departments and then arranged by title and the date of publication or Federation of Egyptian Universities Libraries: (eulc.edu.eg) (See Appendix A to deal with this site) or Egyptian Knowledge Bank: (ekb.eg) (See Appendix B to deal with this site).
  • Borrowing books service.
  • Copying and printing service for digital theses and previous exams for students.

Instructions for visiting the  library (working from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM):