Hassan Hossam ElDeeb

Hassan Hossam ElDeeb

Teacher Assistant at Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Career Information

Teacher Assistant at : 2016-08-09
Demonstrator at : 2012-01-12

Academic Information

Graduation : 2011 From Faculty of Engineering , Ain shams University


Dr. Eldeeb (Senior Member, IEEE) received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Florida International University (FIU), Miami, Florida, USA.
Dr. Eldeeb is an industrial technical expert in the model-based controls development of e-Machines and power electronics for Tier-1 and Tier-2 automotive suppliers in North America and Europe.
He has over 12 years of industrial and academic experience in model-based controls and fault diagnosis of power inverters, Interior permanent magnet machines (IPM), brush-less DC (BLDC) machines, and induction machines (IM) for automotive industrial applications.
He is a Senior Engineer II, Motor Controls Innovations and Platform with BorgWarner Inc., Noblesville, IN, USA. In his role he was responsible for designing, implementing, testing, and validating model-based controls functions for high-power high-voltage traction inverters and e-motors.

He is the author/ co-author of over 60 peer-reviewed IEEE-published journal articles and conference papers and holds 1 patent issued by the US patents office, with other pending patents. His research work was cited over 560 times (according to google scholar). Dr. Eldeeb was the keynote speaker at the IEEE IAS annual meeting 2022, Detroit, MI. He has been a technical topic chair at the IEEE Energy Conversion Expo and Conference (ECCE) in electric machines and industrial drives topics since 2020, and technical topic chair at the Industrial Electronics Society Annual conference (IECON) 2024. Since 2020, Dr. Eldeeb has been an active member of the of the IEEE IAS Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) Standards sub-committee in the P-2943 team responsible for developing the “Energy Efficiency Test Methods for Three-Phase Variable Frequency Drives” IEEE standard.

He is the recipient of the 2nd place award at the “Best Ph.D. Thesis Contest” by the IEEE IAS in 2021. He is the recipient of the “Best research paper” award at the IEEE Applied power electronics conference (APEC) 2019, Anaheim, CA, and the “Best research poster” award at the IEEE Industry Application Society annual meeting (IAS) 2018, Portland, OR. He is the recipient of the “IEEE Plaque of Honors” from the IEEE section of Miami, FL, USA in 2021.
Dr. Eldeeb was elected as a Senior member of IEEE in 2023 owing to his technical achievements. Owing to his technical achievements and contributions, Dr. Eldeeb was spotlighted at Pathways column of the IEEE IAS magazine in March 2023


1 2nd Place Award at the “Best Ph.D. Theis Contest” of the IEEE Industry Applcation Society (IEEE IAS), Vancouver, BC, Canada 2021
2 Best Paper Award at the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (IEEE APEC) 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA 2019
3 Best Student Poster Award at IEEE the Industry Applications Society (IEEE IAS) Annual Meeting 2018, OR, USA 2018
4 3rd place Award at the Students Poster Competition of the FIU College of Engineering & Computing Graduate School Appreciation Week (FIU GSAW) contest April 2019, Miami, FL, USA 2019
5 Recepient of the “Plaque of Acknowledgement” from IEEE Miami section for the year 2021 for professional volunteering services and research efforts 2021
6 Outstanding Reviewer Award from the IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy for the year 2020 2020
7 Recipient of the student travel award provided by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and Power sources Manufacturer Associations to present at the IEEE Applied Power electronics conference (IEEE APEC) in New Orleans, LA, 2020 2020
8 Recipient of the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Travel Grant Program to attend and present at the IEEE IAS AM in Baltimore, MD, 2019 2019
9 Recipient of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Student Travel Award to attend and present at the IEEE Power and Energy Society general meeting (PES GM) in Atlanta, GA, 2019 2019
10 Recipient of the Myron-Zucker student Travel grant to attend and present at the IEEE IAS annual meeting in Portland, OR, 2018 2018


 Issued Patents
[P1] H. H. Eldeeb, A. Berzoy, A.A. Saad, and O. Mohammed “Condition monitoring and fault detection in induction motors” U.S 10,686,394 B1, Issued June 16, 2020

 Published Journal Articles (16 Journal Articles)
[J1] H. H. Eldeeb, H. Zhao and O. A. Mohammed, "Detection of TTF in Induction Motor Vector Drives for EV Applications via Ostu’s- Based DDWE," in IEEE Trans on Transportation Electrification, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 114-132, March 2021
[J2] H. H. Eldeeb, A. Berzoy, A. A. Saad, H. Zhao, and O. A. Mohammed, "Differential Mathematical Morphological Based On-line Diagnosis of Stator Inter-Turn Failures in Direct Torque Control Drive Systems," in IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 6272-6285, Nov.-Dec. 2020
[J3] H. H. Eldeeb, A. Berzoy and O. Mohammed, "Stator Fault Detection on DTC-Driven IM via Magnetic Signatures Aided by 2-D FEA Co-Simulation," in IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1-5, June 2019
[J4] H. H. Eldeeb, A. T. Elsayed, C. R. Lashway and O. Mohammed, "Hybrid Energy Storage Sizing and Power Splitting Optimization for Plug-In Electric Vehicles," in IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 2252-2262, May 2019.
[J5] H. H. Eldeeb, S. Faddel, O. A. Mohammed, ”Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for the Operation of Grid-tied PV Powered EV Charging Station”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.164, 2018, PP. 201-211
[J6] H. H. Eldeeb, H. Zhao, O. Mohammed, “Effect of Stator Insulation Failure on the Motor Drive System Performance” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol 35, no. 11, pp. 1370-1371, Nov. 2020
[J7] H. Zhao, H. H. Eldeeb, Y. Zhang, D. Zhang, Y, Zhan, G. Xu and O. A. Mohammed, "An Improved Core Loss Model of Ferromagnetic Materials Considering High-Frequency and Non-Sinusoidal Supply," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 4336-4346, July-Aug. 2021
[J8] H. Zhao, H. H. Eldeeb, J. Kang, Y. Zhan, G. Xu, and O. Mohammed, “Parameter Identification Based On-line Non-invasive Estimation of Rotor Temperature in Induction Motors” IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 417-426, Jan.-Feb. 2021
[J9] H. Zhao, H. H. Eldeeb, Yang Zhan, Z. Ren, G. Xu, and O A. Mohammed, “Robust Electromagnetic Design of Double-Canned IM for Submergible Rim Driven Thrusters to Reduce Losses and Vibration”, in IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 2045-2055, Dec. 2020
[J10] A. Berzoy, H. H. Eldeeb and O. A. Mohammed, "Online Detection of Stator Faults in DTC-Driven IM Using SC Impedance Matrix Off-Diagonal Term," in IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 5906-5915, Nov.-Dec. 2019
[J11] Y. Wang, H. H. Eldeeb, H. Zhao and O. A. Mohammed, "Sectional Variable Frequency and Voltage Regulation Control Strategy for Energy Saving in Beam Pumping Motor Systems," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 92456-92464, July 2019
[J12] J. Ge, H. H. Eldeeb, K. Liu, J. Kang, H. Zhao, and O. Mohammed, “Optimal Range of Coupling Coefficient of Loosely Coupled Transformer Considering System Resistance”, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 1368-1369, Nov. 2020
[J13] H. Zhao, Y. Wang, H. H. Eldeeb, J. Ge, J. Kang, O. A. Mohammed, “Determining the Optimal Range of Coupling Coefficient to Suppress Decline in WPTS Efficiency Due to Increased Resistance With Temperature Rise,” IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, vol. 1, pp. 148-156, 2020
[J14] H. Zhao, C. Chu, H. H. Eldeeb, Y. Zhan, G. Xu, and O. A. Mohammed, "Optimal Design of High-speed Solid Rotor Cage Induction Motors Considering Ferromagnetic Materials Behavior and Manufacturing Process," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 4345-4355, July-Aug. 2020
[J15] H. Zhao, X. Guo, X. Dai, H. H. Eldeeb, Y. Zhan, G. Xu, J. Kang, and O. Mohammed, "Improved Rotor Bar Shape in High-Voltage Large-Power Induction Motors to Eliminate Hotspot and Avoid Broken Bars," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 4606-4616, Sept.-Oct. 2021
[J16] H. Zhao, K. Liu, S. Li, F. Yang, S. Ceng, H. H. Eldeeb, J. Kang and G. Xu, “Shielding Optimization of IPT System Based on Genetic Algorithm for Efficiency Promotion in EV Wireless Charging Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications [Early Access]


  1. Jinping Kang, Yubo Wang, Liangchen Li, Pengfei Chen, Jiaqi Chen, Xueying Zhang, Shaoyu Cheng, Fuyao Yang, Guorui Xu, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Haisen Zhao, " Misalignment Tolerance of Inductive Power Transfer Coupler With Low Loss and High Magnetic Induction Ferromagnetic Materials ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023
  2. Liancheng Zhang, Zihan Tian, Zhaoxuan Li, Shaoyu Cheng, Yilong Wang, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Guorui Xu, Haisen Zhao, " Parallel Contactless Transmission of Power and Rotor Temperature of Electrical Machines via Magnetically-Coupled Resonance and Capacitive Radio Frequency ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023
  3. Haisen Zhao, Xueying Zhang, Yubo Wang, Kun Liu, Zihan Tian, Shaoyu Cheng, Fuyao Yang, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Jinping Kang, Guorui Xu, " Comprehensive Investigation on the Influence of Magnetic Materials on the Weight and Performance of Onboard WPT Systems ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022
  4. Haisen Zhao, Kun Liu, Song Li, Fuyao Yang, Shaoyu Cheng, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Jinping Kang, Guorui Xu, " Shielding Optimization of IPT System Based on Genetic Algorithm for Efficiency Promotion in EV Wireless Charging Applications ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022
  5. Haisen Zhao, Xinglan Guo, Xin Dai, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, Jinping Kang, Osama A. Mohammed, " Improved Rotor Bar Shape in High-Voltage Large-Power Induction Motors to Eliminate Hotspot and Avoid Broken Bars ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021
  6. Haisen Zhao, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yanli Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, Osama A. Mohammed, " An Improved Core Loss Model of Ferromagnetic Materials Considering High-Frequency and Nonsinusoidal Supply ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021
  7. Hassan H. Eldeeb, Haisen Zhao, Osama A. Mohammed, " Detection of TTF in Induction Motor Vector Drives for EV Applications via Ostu’s-Based DDWE ", IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2021
  8. Haisen Zhao, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Jinyu Wang, Jinping Kang, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, Osama A. Mohammed, " Parameter Identification Based Online Noninvasive Estimation of Rotor Temperature in Induction Motors ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021
  9. Hassan H. Eldeeb, Alberto Berzoy, Ahmed A. Saad, Haisen Zhao, Osama A. Mohammed, " Differential Mathematical Morphological-Based Online Diagnosis of Stator Interturn Failures in Direct Torque Control Drive Systems ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020
  10. , " Determining the Optimal Coupling Coefficient Range to Suppress Decline in WPTS Efficiency Due to Increased Resistance with Temperature Rise ", IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2020
  11. , " Optimal Design of High-speed Solid Rotor Cage Induction Motors Considering Ferromagnetic Materials Behavior and Manufacturing Process ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020
  12. Haisen Zhao, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yang Zhan, Ziyan Ren, Guorui Xu, Osama A. Mohammed, " Robust Electromagnetic Design of Double-Canned IM for Submergible Rim Driven Thrusters to Reduce Losses and Vibration ", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2020
  13. Alberto Berzoy, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Osama A. Mohammed, " On-Line Detection of Stator Faults in DTC-Driven IM Using SC Impedance Matrix Off-Diagonal Term ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019
  14. , " Sectional Variable Frequency and Voltage Regulation Control Strategy for Energy Saving in Beam Pumping Motor Systems ", IEEE Access, 2019
  15. Hassan H. Eldeeb, Alberto Berzoy, Osama Mohammed, " Stator Fault Detection on DTC-Driven IM via Magnetic Signatures Aided by 2-D FEA Co-Simulation ", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019
  16. Hassan H. Eldeeb, Ahmed T. Elsayed, Christopher R. Lashway, Osama A. Mohammed, " Hybrid Energy Storage Sizing and Power Splitting Optimization for Plug-in Electric Vehicles ", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019
  17. Eldeeb, H.H., Berzoy, A., Saad, A.A., Mohammed, O.A., " On-line monitoring of stator inter-turn failures in DTC driven asynchronous motors using mathematical morphological gradient ", Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2019
  18. Eldeeb, H.H., Berzoy, A., Mohammed, O., " Radiated em Flux Based Diagnostic Approach for Stator Insulation Failures in Inverter Fed Motors ", 2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium in Miami, ACES-Miami 2019, 2019
  19. Eldeeb, H.H., Berzoy, A., Mohammed, O., " Comprehensive Investigation of Harmonic Signatures Resulting from Inter- Tum Short-Circuit Faults in DTC Driven im Operating in Harsh Environments ", Proceedings - 2018 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2018, 2018
  20. Eldeeb, H.H., Mohammed, O.A., " Control and Voltage Stability of A Medium Voltage DC Micro-Grid Involving Pulsed Load ", Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, 2018
  21. Eldeeb, H.H., Elsayed, A.T., Lashway, C.R., Mohammed, O., " Hybrid energy storage sizing and power splitting optimization for plug-in electric vehicles ", 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2018, 2018
  22. Eldeeb, H.H., Faddel, S., Mohammed, O.A., " Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for the Operation of Grid tied PV Powered EV Charging Station ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2018
  23. Berzoy, A., Eldeeb, H.H., Mohammed, O., " Online fault detection of stator winding faults in im driven by DTC using the off-diagonal term of the symmetrical component impedance matrix ", Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2018
  24. Eldeeb, H.H., Mohammed, O.A., " Coordinated Power Management for the Integration of Active Distribution Networks with High PV Penetration into the Medium Voltage Grid ", IEEE Green Technologies Conference, 2017
  25. Eldeeb, H.H., Hariri, A.O., Mohammed, O.A., " Coordinated control for the integration of a large scale electric vehicle park with PV into the MV grid ", Conference Proceedings - 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 1st IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2017, 2017
  26. Eldeeb, H.H., Hariri, A.O., Lashway, C.R., Mohammed, O.A., " Optimal sizing of inverters and energy storage for power oscillation limiting in grid connected large scale Electric Vehicle park with renewable energy ", 2017 IEEE Transportation and Electrification Conference and Expo, ITEC 2017, 2017

Research Projects

Energy Systems Research Laboratory, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA (Aug. 2016-April 2021)
Writing funding proposals and progress reports to National and Foreign Funding Agencies
1) Office of Naval Research (ONR) in code 33-division331;
2) NSF- Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems- EPCN
3) US DOE- Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and Office of Energy Efficiency & Ren. Energy (EERE)
4) Research and Development Office in the Ministry of Education, KSA
sals and progress reports to the funding agencies