Abdelrahman Abdul Allah Abdel Rahman abdul Allah
Abdelrahman Abdul Allah Abdel Rahman abdul Allah
Teacher Assistant at Structural Engineering
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Master’s thesis is entitled '' Behavior and design of precast circular column-base pocket connections with smooth and rough interface for R.C. bridges "
The main purpose of research is to introduce a connection between a precast column and a precast or cast in place foundation that is fast, cheap and easy to construct with good quality connection. The estimated savings in the construction time of this method can be up to 60% if compared to cast in place connections. My research focuses on; firstly, evaluating the behavior of two different types of pocket connections (external pocket, partially embedded pocket) with 2 different embedded depths each with smooth and rough surface interface between column and pocket, tested under vertical and horizontal simultaneous loads and compared to a tested cast in place reference specimen. Secondly, evaluating the effect of the variation of the embedded depth on the behavior of the connection. Thirdly, developing of a Strut and Tie Model to simulate the behavior of the connection based method on the experimental study which can introduce design aids for construction practice.