Hossam Eldin Abdalla Talaat

Hossam Eldin Abdalla Talaat

Emeritus Professor at Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Career Information

Emeritus at : 2014-08-01
Professor at : 2000-03-27
Assistant Professor at : 1994-11-25
Teacher at : 1987-01-26
Teacher Assistant at : 1980-06-18
Demonstrator at : 1975-10-19

Academic Information

Graduation : june / 1975 From Faculty of Engineering , Ain shams University


Dr. Hossam Talaat is currently a Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department at Future Univerity in Egypt. He was the former Head of the Electrical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He received his B.Sc. And M.Sc. degrees from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt in 1975 and 1980 respectively, and his Ph.D. degree from University of Grenoble, France in 1986.
He has supervised many Ph.D. and M.Sc. theses in the field of power system operation, control, stability and protection. He has taught many undergraduate and graduate courses in this field. He is interested in many research areas such as: Distributed Generation and Microgrids, Application of artificial intelligence techniques ( Neural Networks, Knowledge-Based systems, Genetic Algorithms, and Fuzzy Logic) to Power System analysis, control, and protection; Real time applications to electrical power systems and machines; Application of optimal and adaptive control techniques for the enhancement of power system stability. He has authored and co-authored more than 80 technical papers and reports. He has accomplished several research projects as PI and as investigator. He was a member of the Electrical Technical Committee of the Saudi Building Code. He was the Chairman of 2 IEC committees (49&93) and was a member of the Egyptian National board of Electricity and Energy Researches– Scientific Research and Technology Academy, 1999-2001. He is a reviewer of many international journals (IEEE, IET, Electric Power System Research, Electrical power and Energy systems, ..). He was the reviewer of a number of academic undergraduate and postgraduate programs for Egyptian and Arabic Universities.


1) Amr M. Ibrahim, Noha M. Bastawy, Hossam E. Talaat, " An Adaptive Hybrid Approach for Protection of Transmission Line Compensated with UPFC", Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 07 (01), 2016, pp. 034-049.
2) A.M. Ibrahima, W. El-Khattama, M. ElMesallamyb, H.E.A. Talaat, "Adaptive protection coordination scheme for distribution networkwith distributed generation using ABC", , Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, 3, 2016, pp. 320–332
3) NMA Ibrahim, HEM Attia, H.E.A Talaat, AHK Alaboudy, "Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Based Proportional-Derivative Power System Stabilizer", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), Vol. 7 (3), 2015, 62-76.
4) Noha M. Bastawy, Hossam E.A. Talaat, Amr M. Ibrahim, "Fault Detection and Classification Based on DWT and Modern Approaches for T.L Compensated with FACTS", American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2013, pp. 149-155.
5) Hossam E.A. Talaat and Essam Al-Ammar, “Allocation and Sizing of Distributed Generation Units for Minimizing Distribution Network Losses Using Genetic Algorithms”, Int. Journal on Power System Optimization, January-June 2012, Volume 4, No. 1, pp. 1– 7, International Science Press.
6) Hossam E.A. Talaat, A. Alsulaiman and A. Abdennour, “Design and Experimental Investigation of a Decentralized GA-Optimized Neuro-Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 32, Issue 7, Sept. 2010, pp. 751-759.
7) E.A. Mohamed, Hossam E.A. Talaat, E.A. Khamis, “Fault diagnosis system for tapped power transmission lines”, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 80, Issue 5, May 2010, pp. 599-613.
8) AA Hajjar, MM Mansour, HA Talaat, "High-phase order power transmission lines relaying approach based on the wavelet analysis of the fault generated traveling waves", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 32 (7), pp. 751-759.
9) E.A. Mohamed, Hossam E.A. Talaat and E.A. Khamis, “An ANN Based Fault Diagnosis System for Tapped HV/EHV Power Transmission Lines”, JKAU: Eng. Sci., Vol. 20 No.1, pp: 3-28, 2009.
10) Hossam E.A. Talaat, A. Alsulaiman and A. Abdennour, “A GA-Optimized Neuro-Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer for Multi-Machine System”, Paper#952, Journal of King Saud University (Engineering Sciences), Sept. 2009.
11) A.Y. Abdelaziz, A.M. Ibrahim, M.M. Mansour and Hossam E.A. Talaat, “Modern Approaches for Protection of Series Compensated Transmission Lines”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 75, 2005, pp. 85-98.
12) A.Y. Abdelaziz, Y.G. Mostafa, A.M. Ibrahim, M.M. Mansour and Hossam E.A. Talaat, “Protection of Series Compensated Transmission Lines using Travelling wave”, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Vol. 39, No. 1, March 2004.
13) Hossam Attia, F. Hashiesh, M.M. Mansour, Hossam E.A. Talaat, H. Mashaly, “A fault location estimation approach using synchronized sampling”, Ain Shams University Scientific Bulletin, Sept. 30th, 2003.
14) M.M. Mansour, Hossam E.A. Talaat, and Ammar A. Hajjar, “Ultra High Speed Relaying Approach for Six-Phase Transmission Lines,” IEEE Power Engineering Review, September 2002, pp 50-51.
15) A.Y. Abdelaziz, Hossam E.A. Talaat, A.I. Nosseir, Ammar A. Hajjar, An adaptive protection scheme for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 61, No. 1, 2002, pp. 1-9.
16) Ammar A. Hajjar, M.M. Mansour, and Hossam E.A. Talaat, “Signal processing using wavelet transform for power transmission lines protection,” The 1st IEEE ISSPIT Symposium, Dec. 28-30. 2001, Cairo, Egypt.
17) Hossam E.A. Talaat, “ Adaptive Load Frequency Control Using Neural Network-Based Inverse Controller”, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 34, No. 4, Dec. 1999, part II.
18) Hossam E.A. Talaat, A.Y. Abdelaziz, A.I. Nosseir, A.A. Hajjar, “ Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Using Linear Programming: An Enhanced Formulation”, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 34, No. 4, Dec. 1999, part II.
19) Hossam E.A. Talaat, M.A. El-Sharkawy, H.E. Moustafa, K. Yassin, “ Robust Load-Frequency Control Based on H∞ - Optimal Control”, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ., , Vol. 34, No. 2, June 1999, part II, pp.201-214.
20) Hossam E.A. Talaat, "Predictive Out-of-Step Relaying Using Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.48, No.3, 1998, pp. 143-149.
21) A.M. Sharaf, R.M. El-Sharkawy, Hossam E.A. Talaat, M.A.L. Badr, "Fault Detection on Radial and Meshed Transmission Systems Using Hilbert Transform", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 41, 1997,pp. 185-190.
22) Hossam E.A. Talaat, R.M. El-Sharkawy, M.M. Mansour, M.A.L. Badr, "A Knowledge-Based System for the Coordination of Distance Relays in Meshed Power Systems", Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ., , Vol. 32, No. 4, Dec. 1997, part II, pp. 479-493.
23) A.M. El-Arabaty, Hossam E.A. Talaat, M.M. Mansour, and A.Y. Abd-Elaziz, "Out- Of- Step Detection Based On Pattern Recognition", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.16, No.4, August 1994.
24) Hossam E.A. Talaat, and A.D. El-Koshairy, "Analysis and Practical Aspects of Neutralizing Rotor Leakage and Magnetizing Reactances of a 3-phase Induction Motor", Dirasat Hundasia, Faculty of Engineering, United Arab Emirates Univ., Vol.6, No.6, Al-Ain, UAE, December 1993.
25) Hossam E.A. Talaat, and M.M. Mansour, "A Pattern Recognition Clustering Technique for Transient Stability Assessment", Ain Shams Univ., Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.1, pp.267-284, Cairo, Mars 1992.
26) Hossam E.A. Talaat, "Design of Discrete Controller for Turbo-generator Through Numerical Determination of Performance Index", Ain Shams Univ., Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.2, pp.268-280, Cairo, August 1990.
27) K. Rashid, Hossam E.A. Talaat, R. Moret, "Optimal Output Local Control of Multimachine Power Systems", Electric Machines and Power Systems, No.11, pp.89-103, 1986.


  1. Sorial, R.R., Soliman, M.H., Hasanien, H.M., Talaat, H.A., " A Vector Controlled Drive System for Electrically Power Assisted Steering Using Hall-Effect Sensors ", IEEE Access, 2021
  2. Eltohamy, M.S., Moteleb, M.S.A., Talaat, H., Mekhemar, S.F., Omran, W.A., " A novel approach for the power ramping metrics ", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2021
  3. Sadek, S.M., Omran, W.A., Hassan, M.A.M., Talaat, H.E.A., " Adaptive robust energy management for isolated microgrids considering reactive power capabilities of distributed energy resources and reactive power costs ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2021
  4. EL-Azab, M., Omran, W.A., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., " Congestion management of power systems by optimizing grid topology and using dynamic thermal rating ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2021
  5. Sadek, S.M., Omran, W.A., Hassan, M.A.M., Talaat, H.E.A., " Data Driven Stochastic Energy Management for Isolated Microgrids Based on Generative Adversarial Networks Considering Reactive Power Capabilities of Distributed Energy Resources and Reactive Power Costs ", IEEE Access, 2021
  6. Elroby, M.M.H., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., Moustafa Hassan, M.A., " FACTS allocation considering loads uncertainty, steady state operation constraints, and dynamic operation constraints ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021
  7. Eltohamy, M.S., Moteleb, M.S.A., Talaat, H., Mekhemer, S.F., Omran, W., " Power System Flexibility Metrics Evaluation and Power Ramping Analysis for High Variable Renewable Generation Shares ", EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web, 2021
  8. Soliman, M.H., Talaat, H.E.A., Attia, M.A., " Power system frequency control enhancement by optimization of wind energy control system ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
  9. EL-Azab, M., Omran, W.A., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., " A probabilistic multi-objective approach for FACTS devices allocation with different levels of wind penetration under uncertainties and load correlation ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020
  10. El-Azab, M., Omran, W.A., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., " Allocation of FACTS devices using a probabilistic multi-objective approach incorporating various sources of uncertainty and dynamic line rating ", IEEE Access, 2020
  11. Elroby, M.M.H., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., Moustafa. Hassan, M.A., " Generalized optimal placement of PMUs considering power system observability, communication infrastructure, and quality of service requirements ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020
  12. Elroby, M.M.H., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., Moustafa. Hassan, M.A., " Population based optimization algorithms improvement using the predictive particles ", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020
  13. Hemade, B.A., Ibrahim, H.A., Talaat, H.E.A., " Steady-state security assessment based on k-means clustering algorithm and phasor measurement units ", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020
  14. Saber Eltohamy, M., Said Abdel Moteleb, M., Talaat, H., Fouad Mekhemar, S., Omran, W., " Wind power ramps analysis for high shares of variable renewable generation in power systems ", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020
  15. Salem, A.A., Alaboudy, A.H.K., Abdelsalam, A.A., Talaat, H.E.A., " Incorporating Switched Modulated Power Filter Compensator to Enhance Microgrid Stability Under Fault Provoked Islanding Conditions ", Electric Power Components and Systems, 2019
  16. Ibrahim, N.M.A., Elnaghi, B.E., Ibrahem, H.A., Talaat, H.E.A., " Modified particle swarm optimization based on lead-lag power system stabilizer for improve stability in multi-machine power system ", International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2019
  17. Elroby, M.M.H., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., Hassan, M.A.M., " Optimal placement of phasor measurement units considering islanding contingency, communication infrastructure, and quality of service ", Heliyon, 2019
  18. Shaheen, M.A.M., Hasanien, H.M., Mekhamer, S.F., Talaat, H.E.A., " Optimal power flow of power systems including distributed generation units using sunflower optimization algorithm ", IEEE Access, 2019
  19. Talaat, H.E.A., Al-Ammar, E., " Optimal allocation and sizing of distributed generation in distribution networks using genetic algorithms ", Proceeding of the International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, EPQU, 2011
  20. Talaat, H.E.A., Abdennour, A., Al-Sulaiman, A.A., " A GA-optimized Neuro-fuzzy Power System Stabilizer for Multi-machine System ", Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 2010
  21. Talaat, H.E.A., Abdennour, A., Al-Sulaiman, A.A., " Design and experimental investigation of a decentralized GA-optimized neuro-fuzzy power system stabilizer ", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2010
  22. Mohamed, E.A., Talaat, H.A., Khamis, E.A., " Fault diagnosis system for tapped power transmission lines ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2010
  23. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Ibrahim, A.M., Mansour, M.M., Talaat, H.E., " Modern approaches for protection of series compensated transmission lines ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2005
  24. Abdelaziz, A.Y., Talaat, H.E.A., Nosseir, A.I., Hajjar, A.A., " An adaptive protection scheme for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays ", Electric Power Systems Research, 2002
  25. Hajjar, A.A., Mansour, M.M., Talaat, H.E.A., Faried, S.O., " Distance protection for six-phase transmission lines based on fault induced high frequency transients and wavelets ", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2002
  26. Mansour, M.M., Talaat, H.E., Hajjar, A.A., " Ultra high speed relaying approach for six-phase transmission lines ", IEEE Power Engineering Review, 2002
  27. Talaat, H.E.A., " Predictive out-of-step relaying using fuzzy rule-based classification ", Electric Power Systems Research, 1999
  28. Sharaf, A.M., El-Sharkawy, R.M., Talaat, H.E.A., Badr, M.A.L., " Fault detection on radial and meshed transmission systems using fast Hilbert transform ", Electric Power Systems Research, 1997
  29. Sharaf, A.M., El-Sharkawy, R.M., Talaat, H.E.A., Badr, M.A.L., " Novel alpha - transform distance relaying scheme ", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1996
  30. El-Arabaty, A.M., Talaat, H.A., Mansour, M.M., Abd-Elaziz, A.Y., " Out-of-step detection based on pattern recognition ", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1994
  31. Rashid, K., Talaat, H., Moret, R., " Optimal output local control of multimachine power systems ", Electric Machines and Power Systems, 1986

Research Projects

74) Hossam E.A. Talaat and Essam Al-Ammar, “Impact of Distributed Generation on Reliability and Power Quality of Distribution Systems”, Final Report, Project#4, Saudi Aramco Chair in Electrical Power, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Feb. 2012.
75) Yasin Khan and Hossam E.A. Talaat, “Downed Conductors Detection”, Final Report, Project#1, Saudi Aramco Chair in Electrical Power, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Feb. 2012.
76) M. El-Kady, Hossam Talaat and A. Al-Ohaly, ”Integrated economy-security assessment of power systems”, Final Report, Research project of the Saudi Electricity Company # S0302, March 2005.
77) Hossam Talaat, A. Alsulaiman and A. Abdennour, “Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Stabilizer for Improving Power System Stability”, Final Report, National research project # AR40, King Saud University, June 2007.
78) Hossam Talaat, “Adaptive Coordination of Overcurrent Relays”, Final Report, Research Grant# 2/427, Research Center of the College of Engineeing, King Saud University, Jan. 2008.
79) Hossam Talaat, “Microcontroller-Based Intelligent Transmission Line Fault locator”, Final Report, Research Grant# 38/422, Research Center of the College of Engineeing, King Saud Unversity, June 2005.
80) S. Al-Ghwainam and Hossam Talaat, “Effects of Electrical Supply Voltage Dips in Process Industry Applications”, Final Report, Research Grant# 12/425, Research Center of the College of Engineeing, King Saud Unversity, June 2007.