Operational Performance Analysis of Unconventional Arterial Intersection Designs (UAIDs)
The use of Unconventional Arterial Intersection Designs (UAIDs) has been advocated as a novel solution that can efficiently enhance the operational and safety performance of at-grade signalized intersections. Several studies suggest that UAIDs can lead to higher capacity, lower delays, and fewer crashes. As well, these “Non-traditional” designs are cost-effective as only minor geometric modifications are usually required. This research aimed to evaluate and compare the operational performance of many unconventional intersection schemes. The results of this research provided guidance on choosing among alternative unconventional designs according to the prevailing traffic conditions at an intersection.
Research Team
Related Journal Publication List
- El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Analysis of Unconventional Arterial Intersection Designs (UAIDs): State-of-the-art Methodologies and Future Research Directions. In Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol. (9), No. (10), 2013.
- Autey, J., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M. Operational Performance Comparison of Four Unconventional Intersection Designs Using Micro-simulation. In Advanced Transportation, Vol. (47), Issue (5), pp. 536-552, 2013.
- El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Operational Performance Analysis of the Unconventional Median U-turn Design Using Micro-simulation. In Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. (38), Issue (11), pp. 1249-1261, October 2011.
- El Esawey, M. and Sayed, T. Comparison of Two Unconventional Intersection Schemes: Crossover Displaced Left-Turn and Upstream Signalized Crossover Intersections. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2023, pp. 10-19, 2007.