Methods for Estimating Daily Bicycle Volumes on Cycling Networks

In light of the international and the national direction toward a sustainable development in every aspect of modern life, sustainable transportation comes as one of the fundamental foundations of such development. Nowadays, motorized travel represents the major share of trips in most cities, both in developed and developing countries. A modal shift can be achieved if appropriate polices are set in place to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transportation such as bicycles and walking. The first part of the research presented in this application focused on promoting the use of bicycles as one of the most sustainable modes of travel. The aim is to improve bicycle facility and network designs through better modeling of bicycle demand. The research made use of a huge dataset of cycling count data collected over a period of three years in the City of Vancouver, Canada. Modern statistical parametric and non-parametric models, as well as other types of models such as geostatistical techniques were used to explain the relationship between cycling demand and other factors such as weather conditions and time factors. The spatial and temporal volume variations of bicycle counts were also analyzed. As well, the impact of data gaps on the accuracy of annual and monthly average daily bicycle volume calculation at permanent count stations was studied. Different types of multiple imputation models were applied in order to fill-in data gaps when the data collection counters were down due to vandalism or malfunction. Despite the fact that this research was based on data collected from Canada; it is still applicable to cities in other countries including Egypt once a cycling road network becomes available.

Research Team

  1. Mohamed Elfaramawy El Esawey

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