Inspection tour for Spring 2024 exams

Under the supervision of Professor Omar Elhusseiny, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Professor Ahmed Moneeb Elsabbagh, Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, and in cooperation with various departments and units, the students of the Faculty of Engineering at Ain Shams University for bachelor’s degree of Specialized and International Credit Hours Engineering Programs continue their spring 2024 examinations which began on Saturday, May 18, 2024, until Thursday, June 27, 2024. The committees were organized to be divided into three periods per day, through the week, and a number of 36 halls with a capacity of 3016 students. 

During an inspection tour, Professor Ahmed Moneeb Elsabbagh \ Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, Professor Mohamed Abdel Moaty \ Director of Specialized Programs, Associate Professor Waleed Zein \ Vice Director of Specialized Programs, Associate Professor Mohamed Abdel Aziz \ Vice Rapporteur for Study and Examinations Office, Associate Professor Mohamed Ezzat \ representative of the Examinations Department, representatives of various departments, inspect the committees and verify the procedures followed to enter students, ensure that all procedures are implemented, and provide the right environment for students' comfort and readiness of medical staff. Wishing students success and repayment.