Article (18): Terms of Course Registration

  • The student may register courses in the main semesters with a maximum total Credit Hours according to the following rules (after approval of the Academic Advisor):
    • Up to 21 Credit Hours or 7 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA larger than or equal to 3.0
    • Up to 18 Credit Hours or 6 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA larger than or equal to 2.0, but less than 3.0
    • Up to 14 Credit Hours or 5 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA less than 2.0
  • The student may register courses in the Summer semester in a maximum total Credit Hours according to the following rules (after approval of the Academic Advisor):
    • Up to 9 Credit Hours or 3 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA larger than or equal to 3.0
    • Up to 8 Credit Hours or 2 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA less than 3.0
  • The student may register one additional course to the above limits if this will lead to his graduation after the approval of the academic advisor, if this course is offered in his program. For Inter-Disciplinary Programs, the course will be offered even if it is not normally offered in this academic semester.
  • Late registration is not final unless there is a vacancy in the course, and the student should pay additional administrative fees equal to 1 Credit Hour, if applicable, in accordance with the recommendations of the Education and Students Affairs Committee and approval of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering regarding this issue.
  • It is allowed that Non-Degree students can register courses provided that they pay the applicable regular tuition fees related to these courses. The student will be given a transcript of the courses he has joined, showing his grades as per these regulations.
  • Degree and Non-Degree students can register courses as audit in some courses provided that there is a vacancy in these courses, and after paying the applicable academic service fee, which is three fourth of the course regular tuition fees. Audit students are not eligible to enter the course final exam.
