Article (12): Enrolment to Programs

  • The Council of the Faculty of Engineering establishes general rules for admission to the programs considering the student preferences and the principle of equal opportunities as the basis for the admission of students to these programs, taking into consideration the available capacity.
  • Free Education students who are enrolled in the Specialized Programs can join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs provided that they achieve a minimum GPA of 3.85 without paying the extra fees associated with the Inter-Disciplinary Programs. They can keep this scholarship as long as they maintain the minimum GPA of 3.85.
  • Students enrolled in the Inter-Disciplinary Programs can join the Specialized Programs provided that they achieve a minimum GPA of 3.7. The Programs Administration Board can lower this limit based on the available capacity of the Specialized Programs.

Students enrolled to the Inter-Disciplinary Programs enjoy the following advantages:

  • Can transfer to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University if his High School Grade qualifies him to join any Faculty of Engineering at a Public University regardless of the rules of the Geographical Region Distribution.
  • Access to new and modern Programs which are needed nowadays in the job market.
  • Program Selection on Admission to the Faculty.
  • Possibility to join the Specialized Programs of their choice according to the rules set yearly by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering.
  • Guaranteed a maximum number of 80 students in the lecture rooms and 40 students in the tutorial classes.
  • Possibility to register courses in the summer semester.
