Home > 2018 Bylaw, Architectural Engineering Requirements
Architectural Engineering Requirements
In addition to the Competencies for all Engineering Programs the Basic Architectural Engineering graduate must be able to (B-Level):
B1: Create architectural, urban and planning designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements, using adequate knowledge of: history and theory, related fine arts, local culture and heritage, technologies and human sciences.
B2: Produce designs that meet building users’ requirements through understanding the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment; and the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale.
B3: Generate ecologically responsible, environmental conservation and rehabilitation designs; through understanding of: structural design, construction, technology and engineering problems associated with building designs.
B4: Transform design concepts into buildings and integrate plans into overall planning within the constraints of: project financing, project management, cost control and methods of project delivery; while having adequate knowledge of industries, organizations, regulations and procedures involved.
B5: Prepare design project briefs and documents; and understand the context of the architect in the construction industry, including the architect’s role in the processes of bidding, procurement of architectural services and building production.
To achieve these Intended Learning Outcomes, a set of courses must be completed as a Basic Architectural Engineering Requirement.
Table 13 List of Basic Architectural Engineering Requirements courses.