2018 Bylaw,
Part A: Introduction
The history of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University goes back to 1839. It was first known as the School of Technical Operations. In 1932, it was further developed to the School of Applied Engineering. In 1946, it was announced as the High Institute of Engineering by a Ministerial Decree. In 1950, Law 93 established Ibrahim Pasha University and the High Institute of Engineering was the base of the Faculty of Engineering. In 1954, Law 493 changed the name of Ibrahim Pasha University to Ain Shams University. It is called Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University thereafter.
Vision and Mission of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
The Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University seeks to be a distinguished national and regional centre in engineering education, scientific research and innovation in engineering sciences in order to achieve the sustainable development of the society.
The Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University is a nationally and regionally renowned institution in graduating talented engineers capable of innovating and keeping abreast of the global development at engineering disciplines to meet the needs of regional and international employment markets and entrepreneurship. It also develops scientific and engineering knowledge to meet the needs of society and sustainable development goals.
What is new in this Curriculum?
This curriculum emphasizes the importance of student’s self-directed learning. We implement new educational approaches such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and make use of the growing advancements in educational technology, e.g. distance education and remote learning. In addition, we move from discipline-oriented curricula to integrated curricula. The following concepts are the bases of the design of this curriculum:
- Excellence demands extraordinary education, it follows that we need to:
- Switch from Education to Learning.
- Recognize the student as the core of the teaching process.
- Provide students with best environment to succeed in their studies.
- Focus on practical applications in Engineering.
- Standardization and integration have been applied to reach one standard quality of education throughout the campus. One Campus, one curriculum.
- The Faculty is divided into Programs and all Programs follow the Credit-Hour system.
- Combining bylaws, curricula and regulations of the previous semester-based education system (previously known as mainstream), and the Credit-Hour Engineering Programs (previously known as New Programs).
- Unifying different processes related to Education and Students’ Affairs for all programs and students.
- Same Pool of Courses.
- Same Quality Standards.
- Same Start / End of Semester.
- Same Study Slots during the day.
- Same Student Information System (SIS).
- Same Examination Papers Control Procedures.
- Common courses have same Code/ILO/Content/Delivery methods/Assessment Criteria.
- Student evaluation depends on the course nature, and therefore can be different from course to course.
- Tendency to reduce the number of simultaneous courses per semester to increase the student’s learning process.
- Before preparing our Programs, similar programs were reviewed in top Universities in USA and Europe.
- Compliance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in order to facilitate student mobility with European Universities.
- Our target is to have every program partnered with an international university.
- Introduce the concept of Student Scholarship.
- Redefine the relationship between Programs and Departments.
- Introduce a new organizational structure for the Education and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Engineering.
Article (1): Offered Programs
The Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University offers a variety of Engineering Programs. Each Program is administrated by a Program Steering Committee. The programs are divided into Specialized and Inter-Disciplinary Programs. They are carefully selected to satisfy the needs of the National Industry, as well as the needs of the Regional Industry, which recruits many graduates from Egyptian Universities.
Table 1 List of Undergraduate Programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
Engineering Programs | Specialized Programs | Mechanical Engineering | 1 | Design and Production Engineering Program | |
2 | Mechanical Power Engineering Program | ||||
3 | Automotive Engineering Program | ||||
4 | Mechatronics Engineering Program | ||||
Architectural Engineering | 5 | Architectural Engineering Program | |||
Electrical Engineering | 6 | Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Program | |||
7 | Electronics and Communications Engineering Program | ||||
8 | Computer and Systems Engineering Program | ||||
Civil Engineering | 9 | Structural Engineering Program | |||
10 | Water Engineering and Hydraulic Structures Program | ||||
11 | Utilities and Infrastructure Program | ||||
Inter-Disciplinary Programs | 12 | Materials Engineering Program | |||
13 | Manufacturing Engineering Program | ||||
14 | Mechatronics Engineering and Automation Program | ||||
15 | Landscape Architecture Program | ||||
16 | Environmental Architecture and Urbanism Program | ||||
17 | Housing Architecture and Urban Development Program | ||||
18 | Communication Systems Engineering Program | ||||
19 | Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering Program | ||||
20 | Computer Engineering and Software Systems Program | ||||
21 | Building Engineering Program | ||||
22 | Civil Infrastructure Engineering Program |
Ain Shams University awards, based on the request of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering, the Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering as follows:
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Design and Production Engineering Program
- Mechanical Power Engineering Program
- Automotive Engineering Program
- Mechatronics Engineering Program
- Materials Engineering Program
- Manufacturing Engineering Program
- Mechatronics Engineering and Automation Program
- Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering
- Architectural Engineering Program
- Landscape Architecture Program
- Environmental Architecture and Urbanism Program
- Housing Architecture and Urban Development Program
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Program
- Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Program
- Computer and Systems Engineering Program
- Communication Systems Engineering Program
- Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering Program
- Computer Engineering and Software Systems Program
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Structural Engineering Program
- Water Engineering and Hydraulic Structures Program
- Utilities and Infrastructure Program
- Building Engineering Program
- Civil Infrastructure Engineering Program
Article (2): Agreements with other Universities
Some of our programs are partnered with other universities, either by offering double degrees, or through cooperating in several teaching activities. It is possible to make agreements with other International Universities to cover other programs.
Article (3): Faculty Departments
The courses at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University are offered by 13 different departments.
Table 2 List of Departments at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
Field | # | Department | Acronym |
Basic Science | 1 | Engineering Physics and Mathematics Department | PHM |
Mechanical Engineering | 2 | Design and Production Engineering Department | MDP |
3 | Mechanical Power Engineering Department | MEP | |
4 | Automotive Engineering Department | MEA | |
5 | Mechatronics Engineering Department | MCT | |
Architectural Engineering | 6 | Architectural Engineering Department | ARC |
7 | Urban Design and Planning Department | UPL | |
Electrical Engineering | 8 | Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Department | EPM |
9 | Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Department | ECE | |
10 | Computer and Systems Engineering Department | CSE | |
Civil Engineering | 11 | Structural Engineering Department | CES |
12 | Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering Department | CEI | |
13 | Public Works Engineering Department | CEP |
A Faculty Department is responsible for scientific research, and teaching courses to all programs, which need courses in the specialization of the department and holding the department code. The department is responsible for the scientific content of the course and the nomination of instructors to each course, either from the department, from another department, or from outside the faculty. The assignment of instructors from outside the faculty is subject to the approval of the Education and Students’ Affairs Committee. Additionally, the department is responsible for the continuous development of teaching methodologies and scientific content throughout the courses.
The following subjects are assigned to the relevant department to teach and to carry out research work:
- Engineering Physics and Mathematics Department: Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry.
- Design and Production Engineering Department: Casting and Welding Technology, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Measurements, Mechanics of Machines and Automatic Control, Design and Engineering Drawing, Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Mechatronics.
- Mechanical Power Engineering Department: Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Combustion, Thermal Power Systems, Internal Combustion Engines, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Automatic Control and Measurements.
- Automotive Engineering Department: Automotive Engines, Automotive Design, Systems and Programs of Maintenance, Vehicle Repair, Control Systems in Vehicles, Electronic Systems in Vehicles, Automotive Technology.
- Mechatronics Engineering Department: Automation and Control, Embedded Design, Mechatronics Design and Manufacturing, Robotics and Mechatronics Applications
- Architectural Engineering Department: Architectural Design, Theory of Architecture, History of Architecture, Computer Applications in Architecture, Working Drawings, Building Technology, Legislations and Project Management, Building Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage.
- Urban Design and Planning Department: Urban Design, Urban Planning, city planning, Landscaping, Environmental Studies, Sociology Urban Geography, Urban Economy, Housing, Geographic Information systems, urban renewal and rehabilitation of historic and heritage sites.
- Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Department: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines, Electric Power Systems, High Voltage Engineering, Power Electronics, Protection and Switchgear Engineering, Electrical Measurements and Testing, Control of Power Systems.
- Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Department: Electrical Materials, Electronic Measurements, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Circuits, Communications, Electromagnetic Waves, Electrical Testing, Integrated Circuits.
- Computer and Systems Engineering Department: Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Digital Security, Computer Organization, Digital Circuit Design, Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Multimedia Processing, Systems Engineering, and Computer Applications.
- Structural Engineering Department: Structural Analysis, Design of Concrete Structures, Design of Steel Structures, Properties Testing and Strength of Materials and Quality Control, Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, and Construction Engineering and Project Management.
- Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering Department: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Water Structures Design, Inland Navigation and Harbour Engineering, Engineering Hydrology, Water Resources Engineering and Water Management, Dams and Tunnels Engineering.
- Public Works Engineering Department: Surveying and Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Traffic Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Planning, Highway and Airport Engineering, Railway Engineering.
Article (4): Teacher Support and Development Centre, Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University
The mission of the Teacher Support and Development Centre (TSDC) is to produce education didactics modules, adopt the most advanced technological tools to satisfy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and commit to continuous growth in a challenging environment. TSDC aims to make the most out of the available resources and uncover potential capabilities. Our academic teachers are keen to abide by the highest levels of cultural values and ethical priorities and boost creativity and innovation of academic teachers while respecting a sense of belonging.
The Teacher Support and Development Centre is responsible for:
- Doing research on the teaching and learning process in different programs at the faculty.
- Encouraging teachers to adopt new teaching technologies and strategies such as CDIO (Conceive, Develop, Implement and Operate).
- Providing support to include Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the curricula of different programs.
- Providing support in the implementation of other Engineering skills such as team working, communication skills, critical thinking, etc.
- Developing and maintaining several teacher manuals, such as code of conduct, manual for different activities during the teaching process.
- Organizing training for continuous development.
- Developing administration staff involved with the students.
- Teaching the general courses to the faculty students.
Article (5): Program Steering Committee
The Program Steering Committee is assigned for one academic year by the Faculty Council after the recommendation of the Concerned Department for Specialized Programs or the Concerned Departments for the Inter-Disciplinary Programs.
The Program Steering Committee is responsible for:
- All administration aspects concerned with the program students.
- Following up the academic advising for the program students.
- Following the study plan for each student until completing the program requirements.
- Administration of the course equivalence for students transferred from other programs or from other faculties. The decision of the course equivalence is done by the concerned department teaching this course.
- Following the educational process in cooperation with the Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance Unit inside the Faculty and reviewing the reports on the instructors.
- Planning course offering in the beginning of every semester.
- Holding collegial Meetings with representatives from the departments teaching courses for the program.
Article (6): Education and Student Affairs Committee
The Education and Students Affairs Committee is responsible for studying all issues related to students, such as:
- Investigating individual students’ requests, and excuses for study periods or exams.
- Investigating individual students’ complaints.
- Investigating students’ admission cases and rules.
- Investigating students’ transfer requests from other universities.
- Approving students’ requests for inter-program transfers.
- Students’ affairs processes and procedures.
- Promoting students’ activities.
- Coordinating students’ Field Training.
- Any other related issues to students’ affairs.
All recommendations of the Education and Students’ Affairs Committee are presented to the Council of the Faculty of Engineering for final approval.
The issues related to students’ affairs are escalated to the University level in two tracks:
- Ain Shams University Education and Students’ Affairs Committee for students enrolled in the Specialized Programs.
- Ain Shams University Programs Board for students enrolled in the Inter-Disciplinary Programs.
Article (7): Programs Administration Board
The Programs Administration Board is responsible for:
- Strategic Planning of the Programs.
- Marketing activities for the Programs.
- Conducting feasibility studies of opening and freezing Academic Programs.
- All financial issues related to the operation of the Programs.
- Academic Development of the Programs.
- Any exception to the rules in the Faculty Bylaws and Regulations.
- International Cooperation with other universities.
- Suggesting policies to maintain the teaching and learning quality in the Programs.
- Reviewing reports of the Programs Steering Committees, and reports of the Education and Student Affairs Committee.
- Handling general appeals from students regarding specific courses.
- Any other issues related to the operation of the programs.
All recommendations of the Programs Administration Board are presented to the Council of the Faculty of Engineering for final approval.
Article (8): Procedure to add/freeze Programs
- Any Department at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University can propose a New Specialized Program within the Discipline of this department. More than one department can jointly propose new Inter-Disciplinary Program.
- Any group of 3 faculty members including at least one Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University can also submit a proposal for a new program.
- The Program proposal should be submitted including all program information as in these bylaws in addition to a feasibility study of the industry and society need for the graduates of the new program. The proposal should also include a review of the available resources inside Ain Shams University to run this program.
- All proposals should be submitted to the Programs Administration Board which studies the proposal and submits a recommendation to the Faculty Council.
- Once approved by the Faculty Council, it is forwarded to the Supreme Council of Universities through Ain Shams University and then added to these bylaws.
- The Faculty Council can, based on the recommendation of the Programs Administration Board, freeze a Program temporarily or permanently if necessary.
Part B: Admission Regulations
Article (9): Enrolment Requirements and Scholarship System
- The Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University is a Public University. It offers Higher Education in Specialized Programs for Free (Scholarship from the Government) based on the Egyptian Constitution. The students who benefit from this Free Education are those who have completed The Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma) or equivalent, and enrolled to the Faculty of Engineering through the National Coordination Office in the same year of achieving this Diploma or equivalent. The student keeps his Free Education as long as he fulfils the conditions mandated by the Egyptian Laws for Universities and these Bylaws.
- All Programs in these Bylaws are offered with the Credit-Hour System.
- Programs in these Bylaws are divided into two categories: Specialized and Inter-Disciplinary. The Free Education students are allowed to be enrolled in the Specialized Programs, whereas the Inter-Disciplinary Programs (previously known as New Programs) have separate Tuition Fees decided by the Faculty Council every year.
- Students who are not enrolled directly to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, through the National Coordination Office, but has achieved the minimum Engineering Sector requirement, can join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs paying the separate Tuition Fees decided by the Faculty Council every year.
- Students who are enrolled directly to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, through the National Coordination Office, can join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs paying the separate Tuition Fees.
- The Council of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University can award extra scholarships for students who have achieved a minimum GPA, or students with limited financial abilities, according to the rules announced by the Council every year.
- The top Thirty students in the Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma – Mathematics Section), are fully exempted from paying any tuition fees if they join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs students. To maintain this exemption in the following semesters, the student should maintain a minimum GPA of 3.3 in every semester, otherwise the student will lose this privilege and the other rules will apply.
- If the Free Education student fails to achieve a minimum Semester GPA of 2.0 for 4 consecutive main semesters, he can be exceptionally allowed to register courses for 2 more semesters paying the separate Tuition Fees decided by the Faculty Council at the year of registering the course.
- If a student enrolled in any of the Specialized Programs fails a course two times, he is allowed to register this course again for 4 more times paying the separate Tuition Fees decided by the Faculty Council every year at the year of registering the course.
- Free Education students are allowed to register in the required courses to achieve the degree awarding requirements for his program. Any registered Credit Hours beyond the Program required Credit Hours for any reason is charged the separate Tuition Fees decided by the Faculty Council every year at the year of registering the course.
- Free Education students can only register courses in the main semesters. However, they can register courses in the summer semester paying the separate Tuition Fees decided by the Faculty Council every year at the year of registering the course.
- Free Education students have to register a minimum of 12 Credit hours every main semester.
- Any student not enrolled to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University can register any number of courses paying the separate Tuition Fees decided by the Council of Ain Shams University every year at the year of registering the course. This student is given a Transcript of the courses he has registered in, showing his grades. By any means, he is not awarded a Bachelor Degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
Article (10): Placement Tests to newly admitted students.
The study at the Faculty of Engineering is in English and Mathematics is the basis of Engineering Sciences; therefore, the faculty has the right to test the candidates to check their English and mathematics proficiency. The Faculty Council can organize a placement test for the students enrolled to the Faculty in English and Mathematics. The Faculty Council can ask the students who fail these tests to take zero credit courses in order to have equal opportunity with other students.
A placement test in Mathematics will be organized for all accepted students except students with an Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma), IGCSE Certificate, STEM Schools or Nile Schools. A placement test in English will be organized for all accepted students except students with an Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma), IGCSE Certificate, American Diploma, STEM Schools or Nile Schools. The Education and Student Affairs Committee can study any changes in these rules according to the study needs.
Article (11): Tuition Fees for Inter-Disciplinary Programs
- Tuition fees, set per Credit Hour, are specified yearly by the Faculty Council based on the announced Inflation rate. The Faculty Council has to announce these fees before the start of the Academic year.
- The tuition fees are paid every semester (the first and second main semesters) based on the number of credit hours registered by the student, with a minimum of the correspondence of educational service fees of 12 CH each semester, unless the number of credit hours remaining for the fulfilment of the degree is less than that, in which case the student should pay the actual number of registered credit hours.
- The student pays a fee equivalent to 1 CH every main semester for the extracurricular activities inside the campus.
- The educational service fees for the Summer semester are determined based on the actual number of credit hours registered by the student.
- Course Registration is not final until the student pays the educational service fees for the semester.
Article (12): Enrolment to Programs
- The Council of the Faculty of Engineering establishes general rules for admission to the programs considering the student preferences and the principle of equal opportunities as the basis for the admission of students to these programs, taking into consideration the available capacity.
- Free Education students who are enrolled in the Specialized Programs can join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs provided that they achieve a minimum GPA of 3.85 without paying the extra fees associated with the Inter-Disciplinary Programs. They can keep this scholarship as long as they maintain the minimum GPA of 3.85.
- Students enrolled in the Inter-Disciplinary Programs can join the Specialized Programs provided that they achieve a minimum GPA of 3.7. The Programs Administration Board can lower this limit based on the available capacity of the Specialized Programs.
- Students enrolled to the Inter-Disciplinary Programs enjoy the following advantages:
- Can transfer to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University if his High School Grade qualifies him to join any Faculty of Engineering at a Public University regardless of the rules of the Geographical Region Distribution.
- Access to new and modern Programs which are needed nowadays in the job market.
- Program Selection on Admission to the Faculty.
- Possibility to join the Specialized Programs of their choice according to the rules set yearly by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering.
- Guaranteed a maximum number of 80 students in the lecture rooms and 40 students in the tutorial classes.
- Possibility to register courses in the summer semester.
Article (13): Student Transfers from other Universities
Students enrolled in a Faculty of Engineering at another Public university are allowed to be transferred to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, if they fulfil the following conditions:
- The student must be transferring to Level 1 only from another equivalent level. It is not allowed to transfer students from higher levels to Level 1.
- The student must have a minimum GPA of 2.3 in the Freshman Year if he is transferred from a Credit-Hour System or a minimum Grade of “Good” if he is transferred from a Semester-Based System.
- It is not allowed to transfer students who are dismissed from their Faculty because of exceeding the maximum number of academic probation or failures.
- Transfer requests are processed at Ain Shams University Administration.
The Education and Student Affairs Committee can study any changes in these rules according to the study needs.
Transfers to Specialized Programs
- Student transferred to Specialized Programs must be registered in the mainstream system in his home university.
- The student must have been awarded the Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma) from a school within the Geographical Area of Ain Shams University.
- The student place of accommodation lies within the Geographical Area of Ain Shams University. This has to be recorded in the student National ID and it has to be more than 12 months old.
- The student is not allowed to change his place of accommodation to another address outside the Geographical Area of Ain Shams University for the next 12 months following his enrolment at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
- It is not allowed to transfer students from another University in Greater Cairo (Cairo, Shoubra, Helwan, Matareya).
- The student is not allowed to use the University Accommodation City as long as he is a student enrolled at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
- Maximum number of transferred students to Level 1 is not more than 5% of the total number of students in the same level at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
- The applying students are ranked in a descending order based on their grades in the Freshman year or marks in the preparatory year. If two students are equal, then the High School Diploma mark is considered.
- To join a certain program, the student grade must be more than the minimum grade of this program for the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University students.
- The students are distributed among different programs based on a special coordination provided that the maximum number of transferred students is not than 5% of the total number of students in the same level in this program.
- The student maintains his right of Free Education throughout the rest of his study complying with the other articles in this Bylaws.
Transfers to Inter-Disciplinary Programs
- It is possible to transfer students from any Faculty of Engineering at a public university to the Inter-Disciplinary Programs and pay the applicable Fees, approved by the Faculty at the enrolment year.
- It is possible to transfer students from higher levels to Level 1, but with a maximum of 68 CH or their equivalence from the Semester-Based System.
- The student can be accepted if his Cumulative GPA exceeds 2.0 after performing equivalence to his previous courses.
- The student pays equivalence fees of Two Credit Hours as administration fees to process the equivalence request.
Transfers from the Military Technical College
- The student must have resigned or dismissed for medical reasons only.
- To transfer to Freshman Year, the student must have achieved the National Coordination Office minimum limit for the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University to join the Specialized Programs, and minimum limit of Public Faculty of Engineering to join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs on the same year that he has obtained the Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma).
- To transfer to a higher level, an equivalence is performed for his courses.
Transfers from Non-Engineering Faculties
- The student must have achieved the National Coordination Office minimum limit for the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University to join the Specialized Programs, and the minimum limit of Public Faculty of Engineering to join the Inter-Disciplinary Programs on the same year that he has obtained the Egyptian High School Diploma (Thanaweya Amma).
Acceptance of students who hold an Undergraduate Degree
- The High School Certificate should be obtained within the last 10 years.
- The High School Certificate should be Mathematics Major or equivalent.
- The undergraduate degree should be obtained from any University certified by the Supreme Council of Universities.
- The student can be only admitted to the Interdisciplinary Programs and cannot transfer to the Specialized Programs.
Part C: Study Regulations based on Credit Hour System
The articles in this Part regulates the course teaching, learning and assessment throughout the programs. These articles are based on the 2014 Terms of Reference for the design of Credit-Hour Programs for undergraduate level published by the Engineering Sector Committee, Supreme Council of Universities on 3rd of May 2014.
Article (14): Programs’ System
- The official teaching Language is English, and the Faculty of Engineering will ascertain the student's English Language proficiency. Textbooks, assignments, and examinations are all in English.
- The Programs follow the Credit-Hour (CH) system. This is a measure of the contact hours between the teachers and the student per semester. One Credit Hour is equivalent to the course Contact Hours as follows:
- One Hour weekly lecture for a semester of 15 weeks.
- Two Hours weekly tutorial for a semester of 15 weeks.
- Three Hours weekly Laboratory work for a semester of 15 weeks.
- One Contact Hour is divided into 50 minutes actual teaching and 10 minutes break.
- For each course and Program in this curriculum, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is given as a numerical descriptive value of qualification expressed in terms of Student Work Load (SWL). It is defined as “the number of working hours typically required to complete the learning activities of course units in order to achieve their expected learning outcomes”. This system was adopted through the Bologna declaration in 1999 at the University of Bologna in Italy to facilitate the mobility of students through Europe.
- The total SWL comprises two components:
- The structured SWL which is the scheduled teacher-contact hours interventions.
- The unstructured SWL (USWL) which is the time spent by students in their own self-study, completing course assignments, and preparing for all types of exams, e.g. assessment workload.
- It has been considered as an essential description of the educational qualification recommended in the European Higher Education Area as a key element of the Bologna and Europeans Framework Qualifications in terms of total SWL.
- One ECTS credit corresponds to 25 hours of total student working, and each 15-weeks academic semester should meet 30 ECTS. As an agreed requirement, 750 hours of total SWL are necessary in a full academic semester, or about 50 hours of total SWL/per week.
- Expected values for each semester:
- 16-19 CH
- 25-28 Contact hours per week for 15 weeks
- 750 hours of total student work load
- 30 ECTS
The distribution of marks is left to course designer to decide. It depends on the nature of the course. Some courses are theoretical, and therefore give more marks to the exams, and some courses are more practical and therefore give more marks to the projects, assignments and labs.
Article (15): Study Levels
Whenever the student completes 20% of the Program requirements (34 Credit Hours), he will be transferred from one level to the next (Level 0 to Level 4). The following Table shows the student status based on the completed number of achieved Credit Hours.
Table 3 Study Levels and relation to the achieved Credit Hours.
Study Level | Student Status | Achieved Credit Hours |
0 | Freshman | 0 CH to less than 34 CH |
1 | Sophomore | 35 CH to less than 68 CH |
2 | Junior | 69 CH to less than 102 CH |
3 | Senior-1 | 103 CH to less than 136 CH |
4 | Senior-2 | 137 CH to less than 170 CH |
Article (16): Academic Semesters and Course Registration
- The academic year comprises two main semesters, and one summer semester:
- First main semester (Fall): Begins on Saturday of the third week of September and lasts for 15 weeks of teaching followed by 3 weeks of examinations. Course registration takes place within 3 weeks before the starting day of the semester.
- Second main semester (Spring): Begins in February and lasts for 15 weeks followed by 3 weeks of examination. Course registration takes place within 1 week before the starting day of the semester.
- Summer semester: Begins late June or early July and lasts for 7 weeks followed by 1 week of examination. Course registration takes place within 1 week before the starting day of the semester.
Figure 1 Academic Calendar.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 |
Semester 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exam | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Break | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R | Semester 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exam | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Break | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teaching Weeks | R | Summer Sem. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Examination Weeks | Ex | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Semester Break | Break | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course Registration | R |
- Registration is not final until the full tuition fees of the semester are paid.
- New students' enrolment in the programs takes place all year long, after fulfilling all the programs requirements and paying the enrolment fees, per the student status.
- Registration in the Summer semester is optional.
Article (17): Program Study Duration
- The minimum allowed study duration is nine main semesters.
- The maximum allowed study duration is twenty main semesters (ten years), which does not include frozen semesters for reasons accepted by the Faculty of Engineering Council, after which the student is dismissed from the programs.
Article (18): Terms of Course Registration
- The student may register courses in the main semesters with a maximum total Credit Hours according to the following rules (after approval of the Academic Advisor):
- Up to 21 Credit Hours or 7 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA larger than or equal to 3.0
- Up to 18 Credit Hours or 6 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA larger than or equal to 2.0, but less than 3.0
- Up to 14 Credit Hours or 5 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA less than 2.0
- The student may register courses in the Summer semester in a maximum total Credit Hours according to the following rules (after approval of the Academic Advisor):
- Up to 9 Credit Hours or 3 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA larger than or equal to 3.0
- Up to 8 Credit Hours or 2 courses, whichever is greater for a student with a Cumulative GPA less than 3.0
- The student may register one additional course to the above limits if this will lead to his graduation after the approval of the academic advisor, if this course is offered in his program. For Inter-Disciplinary Programs, the course will be offered even if it is not normally offered in this academic semester.
- Late registration is not final unless there is a vacancy in the course, and the student should pay additional administrative fees equal to 1 Credit Hour, if applicable, in accordance with the recommendations of the Education and Students Affairs Committee and approval of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering regarding this issue.
- It is allowed that Non-Degree students can register courses provided that they pay the applicable regular tuition fees related to these courses. The student will be given a transcript of the courses he has joined, showing his grades as per these regulations.
- Degree and Non-Degree students can register courses as audit in some courses provided that there is a vacancy in these courses, and after paying the applicable academic service fee, which is three fourth of the course regular tuition fees. Audit students are not eligible to enter the course final exam.
Article (19): Degree Awarding Requirements
- To obtain the Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering, the student must successfully complete the required Credit Hours in one of the programs according to the requirements stipulated in Part D, with a GPA at graduation of at least 2.0.
- The student must pass all zero-credit courses in his Program.
- A graduation project is an essential part of all the programs requirements for graduation. The graduation project may be completed over two successive semesters, as per the program requirement, and the student will not graduate unless he fulfils the project pass requirements. The student must earn at least 130 Credit Hours to register for the graduation project. If the project is divided along two semesters, the student must register them in their order.
- The student must perform Field Training for 12 weeks during his study duration.
- The student can study a number of courses in another University which has a cooperation agreement with Ain Shams University regarding the transfer of Credits. This requires prior approval from the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. The Credit Hours of these courses are included in the student's graduation requirements, provided that the total Credit Hours of these courses do not exceed 68 Credit Hours.
Article (20): Field Training
- The student must perform Field Training for 12 weeks in an industrial or service facility related to the student's program and must be under the full supervision of the faculty. It is also possible to perform the training inside the faculty in a similar environment.
- The training follow-up will be handled by the academic advisor assigned by the Program Steering Committee.
- Identifying a company official contact person.
- The student must submit a technical report to his academic advisor at the end of the training period.
- The company should submit a student's training evaluation form to the academic advisor at the end of the training period.
- The training is divided into periods of 4 weeks at the end of the first, second, and third levels. (Can be in the fourth level as well – open during the semester)
- Training for a period 6 weeks is allowed for only one time during the study duration.
- The field training is evaluated on pass / fail basis and does not count in the cumulative GPA calculation.
- The student should pay the supervision fees for the field training at a rate of 2 Credit Hours, if applicable, each academic year during which he is performing Field Training.
Article (21): Adding and Dropping a course
- The student may add courses in the first week of the main semesters, or the first three days of the summer semester.
- The student can drop courses with refundable fees, if applicable, until the end of the second week of the main semesters or the end of the first week of the summer semester.
- Adding or Dropping course(s) should not violate the minimum and maximum number of Credit Hours registered per semester.
Article (22): Withdrawal from a course
- The student may withdraw from any course within the first ten weeks of the main semesters or the first five weeks for the Summer semester.
- The student does not fail the withdrawn course, provided that the withdrawal application and approval are finalized within the time limit mentioned in the previous point.
- The student gets a (W) grade for the withdrawn course and is allowed to register that course (full attendance and performing all activities including examinations) in a following semester.
- For elective courses, the student is allowed to change it in a following semester if he fails to pass it or withdraws from it. This is subject to the approval of the academic advisor and the requirements of his program.
- For non-scholarship students, the tuition fees for this course will not be refunded for withdrawn courses. The next time the student registers this course, he will have to pay its fees in full. The student, who withdraws from a whole semester without registering any course must pay the minimum tuition fees which is equivalent to 12 CH.
- For scholarship students, the Credit Hours of the withdrawn course are deducted from his scholarship. The student will be allowed to register this course one more time for free.
Article (23): Incomplete course
- If a student does not attend the final exam of the course in a semester with an excuse that is accepted by the Student Affairs Committee and approved by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering, the course is considered Incomplete.
- The student will get a grade (I) in the course until the exam is carried out in that course. If the student fails to attend the final exam at the next available date, the student will get a grade (F) in that course. Grade (I) will not count in the student’s cumulative GPA.
- At the next available examination date, the student takes the exam, after paying a re-examination fees equivalent to one Credit Hour, if applicable. The marks of this final exam are added to the semester-work marks to calculate the overall grade of this course.
Article (24): Student Evaluation
- The marks of each course are distributed as percentages of the total mark, divided into Course Activities, Mid-Term Exam, Practical Exam, and Final Exam.
- The student must attend at least 75% of all course contact hours to be allowed to attend the course final examination.
- For the student to pass a course, the minimum mark that must be earned in the final exam is 30% of the total exam marks, otherwise the student will fail the course irrespective of the total marks he earned in the course and he will get an F grade in this course. This clause does not apply to the courses with no final exam.
- The student fails the course if he obtains an F grade (less than 60% of the course marks) or was not allowed to attend the final examination because of exceeding the absence percentage or cheating … etc. or did not attend the final examination without submitting a prior excuse that is accepted by the Education and Student Affairs Committee and approved by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering.
- Zero-Credit courses are marked as Pass or Fail. The student gets a grade but does not contribute to the cumulative GPA. To pass the course, the student should get at least 60% of the course total marks.
Article (25): Course Grades
The GPA of each course is calculated based on the marks a student collects during his study of this course (Student Activities – Mid Term Exam – Practical Exam – Final Exam). The following table shows how to calculate the GPA based on the collected marks. The student must get a minimum Grade D in order to pass the course and be considered in the calculation of the Cumulative GPA.
The distribution of the marks among different assessment criteria is determined in the course description of this Bylaw. However, the Faculty Council can modify the distribution for a course upon agreement with the concerned Department and announce to the students before the beginning of the semester.
Table 4 Course grades and equivalent GPA.
Marks % Collected | Grade | Points |
More than 97% | A+ | 4.0 |
93% to less than 97% | A | |
89% to less than 93% | A- | 3.7 |
84% to less than 89% | B+ | 3.3 |
80% to less than 84% | B | 3.0 |
76% to less than 80% | B- | 2.7 |
73% to less than 76% | C+ | 2.3 |
70% to less than 73% | C | 2.0 |
67% to less than 70% | C- | 1.7 |
64% to less than 67% | D+ | 1.3 |
60% to less than 64% | D | 1.0 |
Less than 60% | F | 0.0 |
For other courses where the student is registered as a listener (audit), or is only required to pass (zero credit courses), are not included in the cumulative GPA, the course grades will be as follows:
Table 5 Grades of zero credit courses.
Grade | Explanation |
AU | Listener (Audit) |
P | Pass |
F | Fail |
W | Withdrawn |
I | Incomplete |
Article (26): Course Repeating
- The student can repeat a course for improvement if his grade satisfies the minimum passing requirement, according to the following rules:
- The student gets the higher grade of the course after repeating. This grade is the one that will be accounted for in the cumulative GPA, on condition that the improvement should be shown in the student's transcript.
- The maximum number of times that the student can repeat for repeating is five times during his study duration, except for improving courses with the purpose of getting out of the academic probation or satisfying the graduation requirements.
- The student should pay the full credit hours fees for the improving course.
- If the student fails a course (gets F grade), he should repeat the course (full attendance and performing all activities including examinations), according to the following rules:
- The maximum grade of the repeated course is B+.
- The student gets the grade of the course after repeating. This grade is the one that will be accounted for in the cumulative GPA, on condition that the repeating should be shown in the student's transcript.
- The student should pay the full credit hours fees for the repeated course.
- If a student repeats a course, he is required to repeat all course assessment criteria and will be completely re-evaluated. The course grade is calculated from scratch.
Article (27): Study Dismissal and Academic Probation
- A student gets an academic probation if his Semester GPA at any main semester is less than 2.0.
- A student will be dismissed from the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University if he gets Semester GPA less than 2.0 in six consecutive semesters excluding Summer Semesters. If the student’s Semester GPA exceeds 2.0 in any semester, then the number of consecutive academic probation is reset.
- The student will be dismissed from the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University if he fails to achieve the graduation requirements during the maximum study duration, which is ten years.
- The student who is exposed to study dismissal due to his inability to raise his GPA to at least 2.0 will be offered an additional and final chance to register in 2 consecutive main semesters and a summer semester to raise his GPA to at least 2.0 and achieves the graduation requirements, provided that he has successfully completed at least 80% of the total number of credit hours required for graduation and there is a chance for the student to raise his GPA to at least 2.0.
Article (28): Calculation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Course points achieved by the student are calculated as the number of Credit Hours of this course multiplied by the course grade points according to Table 4 in Article (25).
- In any semester, the total points earned by the student are calculated as equal to the sum of the courses points the student earned in this semester.
- The Cumulative GPA at the end of any semester is calculated as the total points achieved by the student in all courses studied divided by the total number of Credit Hours of these courses, taking into consideration the rules relevant to the repeated and improved courses.
Cumulative GPA= CoursesGrade Points*Credit HoursCoursesCredit Hours
- The Semester GPA is calculated as the total points achieved by the student in his courses of this semester divided by the total number of Credit Hours of these courses.
- The Graduation Cumulative GPA is the Cumulative GPA at Graduation, after fulfilling all the graduation requirements. The student cannot get the degree unless he achieves at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0.
- The ranking of the graduate is determined based on the Graduation Cumulative GPA. In case of equal Graduation Cumulative GPA between two or more students, the ranking will be based on their total accumulative marks, taking into consideration the rules relevant to the repeated and improved courses.
- The student's Transcript should include all registered courses during the study duration, including these he failed, withdrew from, or improved.
Article (29): Declaration of Honour
- For a student to achieve the declaration of homer, he has to fulfil the following conditions:
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.3 throughout his study at the Program and any semester GPA should be higher than or equal 3.3.
- Does not fail any course throughout his study at the Program.
- Did not get any penalty throughout his study at the Faculty
Article (30): Minimum Number of Students for Course Opening
- The minimum number of students required to open a course is 10 students, or 75% of the number of students registered in this program level, whichever is less.
- The minimum number of students required to open an elective course is 5 students or 25% of the number of students in this program level, whichever is less.
- Course opening is subject to the availability of teaching staff and the proper allocation of facilities.
- The Programs Administration Board may provide exceptions to these limits if there is a necessity.
Article (31): Academic Advisor
- Every student is assigned an Academic Advisor who follows-up the student academic progress and assists him in selecting the courses each semester.
- There can be more than one Academic Advisor in the Program based on the number of students enrolled in the Program.
- The Program Academic Advisor is responsible for:
- Helping the student to choose his academic path and helps him to select courses each semester.
- Helping the student with the choice of the Field Training.
- Helping the student with the choice of concentration and graduation project.
- The Academic Advisor may ask the student to repeat courses which he has already passed or ask him to register in additional courses to raise his cumulative GPA to that required for graduation.
Article (32): Appeals
- The student can submit an appeal to review his course marks within a week from grades announcement, and after paying the required fees in accordance with the faculty regulations regarding this issue.
- In case of general complaint from a course result, the concerned committee reviews the students’ marks and give a decision regarding the marks of this course.
Article (33): Student Transfer between Credit Hour System and Semester-Based System
- It is possible to transfer students from another Engineering program with semester-based system (either inside or outside the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University) to any of the programs in these regulations, according to the admission regulations in Part B.
- Course equivalence will be performed between the courses already the student passed in the Semester-Based program and the equivalent courses in the programs offered here.
- The following table is used to calculate the equivalent grades when transferring the student from the Semester-Based system to the Credit-Hour system.
Table 6 Equivalent grades when moving from Semester Based System to Credit Hour System.
From | To | |
Semester Based System | Credit-Hour System | |
Equivalent Percentage | Points | Grade |
More than 95% | 4.0 | A+ |
90% to less than 95% | A | |
85% to less than 90% | 3.7 | A- |
80% to less than 85% | 3.3 | B+ |
75% to less than 80% | 3.0 | B |
71% to less than 75% | 2.7 | B- |
68% to less than 71% | 2.3 | C+ |
65% to less than 68% | 2.0 | C |
60% to less than 65% | 1.7 | C- |
55% to less than 60% | 1.3 | D+ |
50% to less than 55% | 1.0 | D |
Less than 50% | 0.0 | F |
Article (34): General Provisions
- These regulations apply to the newly admitted students to the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University starting Fall 2018 semester.
- Current students at the Faculty of Engineering can join these Programs and an equivalence can be made for the courses they have already passed.
- For any topic not covered by these regulations, the applicable Law of Universities and its amendments are taken as a reference, and if not covered by the Law, then it should be presented to the Programs Administration Board to take the appropriate recommendation(s) for presentation to the Council of the Faculty of Engineering for approval before submission to the University Council.
Part D: Details of the Offered Programs
Ain Shams University, upon the request of the Faculty of Engineering Council, awards the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Degree in one of the Programs listed in Table 7, which are the Programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. The programs are divided into Specialized and Inter-Disciplinary programs.
Table 7 List of Undergraduate Programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
Engineering Programs | Specialized Programs | Mechanical Engineering | 1 | Design and Production Engineering Program | |
2 | Mechanical Power Engineering Program | ||||
3 | Automotive Engineering Program | ||||
4 | Mechatronics Engineering Program | ||||
Architectural Engineering | 5 | Architectural Engineering Program | |||
Electrical Engineering | 6 | Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Program | |||
7 | Electronics and Communications Engineering Program | ||||
8 | Computer and Systems Engineering Program | ||||
Civil Engineering | 9 | Structural Engineering Program | |||
10 | Water Engineering and Hydraulic Structures Program | ||||
11 | Utilities and Infrastructure Program | ||||
Inter-Disciplinary Programs | 12 | Materials Engineering Program | |||
13 | Manufacturing Engineering Program | ||||
14 | Mechatronics Engineering and Automation Program | ||||
15 | Landscape Architecture Program | ||||
16 | Environmental Architecture and Urbanism Program | ||||
17 | Housing Architecture and Urban Development Program | ||||
18 | Communication Systems Engineering Program | ||||
19 | Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering Program | ||||
20 | Computer Engineering and Software Systems Program | ||||
21 | Building Engineering Program | ||||
22 | Civil Infrastructure Engineering Program |
According to the Supreme Council of Universities Terms of Reference for Undergraduate Engineering Programs, the courses in any program are divided into the following categories:
- University requirements.
- Faculty requirements.
- Discipline requirements.
- Program requirements.
Table 8 shows the distribution of Credit Hours among different requirements for both Specialized and Inter-Disciplinary programs. For Inter-Disciplinary Programs, the 114 Credit Hours are divided between the different disciplines constituting this Program.
Table 8 Division of Credit Hours among the four requirements.
University requirements | Faculty requirements | Discipline requirements | Program requirements | |
Specialized Programs | 14 CH 8.5% |
42 CH 24% |
63 – 80 CH 37.5% – 47.5% |
51 – 34 CH 30% – 20% |
Inter-Disciplinary Programs | 114 CH 67.5% |
Figure 2 shows the different levels of competences as published in National Academic Reference Standards (NARS-2018). These Levels of competences determine the allocation of courses in different competency level with respect to the level requirements.
Figure 2 Different Levels of Competences as per NARS 2018, as published by NAQAAE.
Table 9 summarizes the overall data about the programs included in these bylaws. The rest of this Part D will show the list of standards for each level and the courses required to achieve these standards for each program.
Table 9 List of overall data about the programs.
NC | Total number of Courses | UR | University Requirement | SS | Social Sciences and Humanities |
CH | Credit Hour | FR | Faculty Requirement | BM | Business Management |
ECTS | European Credit Transfer System | DR | Discipline Requirement | BS | Mathematics and Basic Sciences |
SWL | Student Work Load | PR | Program Requirement | EK | Engineering Knowledge |
Lec | Lectures | BE | Basic Engineering Sciences | ||
Tut | Tutorials | EA | Engineering Applications and Design | ||
Lab | Laboratory | PT | Project and Training | ||
TT | Total |
In th following section following requirements will be explained in details.
- General Requiremnets
- University Requirements
- Faculty Requirements
- Discipline Requirements: According to the National Academic Reference Standards (NARS-2018), each discipline graduate (Mechanical – Architectural – Electrical – Civil), has to meet specific competences.
- Mechanical Engineering Requirements
- Architectural Engineering Requirements
- Electrical Engineering Requirements
- Civil Engineering Requirements