Samy Jimmy Samy Ebeid

Samy Jimmy Samy Ebeid

Emeritus Professor at Design and Production Engineering

Career Information

Emeritus at : 2007-08-01
Professor at : 1986-06-30
Assistant Professor at : 1981-05-31
Teacher at : 1975-12-29
Teacher Assistant at : 1972-12-04
Demonstrator at : 1968-10-29

Academic Information

Ph.D. : 1975-10-28 From Ain Shams University
M.Sc. : 1972-03-06 From Ain Shams University
Graduation : 1968 From Faculty of Engineering , Ain Shams University


Samy J. Ebeid, Ph.D is an Emeritus Professor at the “Design and Production Engineering” Department of Ain Shams University in Cairo – Egypt. The main research interests lie in the fields of Recent Manufacturing Processes (ECM – EDM – LASER – AM …etc), Machine Design and Stress Analysis. Samy J. Ebeid has around 60 local and international publications covering the mentioned fields. Samy J. Ebeid is also a referee for international journals in addition was a member of the Egyptian scientific committee for the promotion of professors and a member of the Egyptian national committee for welding technology.


1. Mechanical and Electrical Drawing, Fac. of Eng., Ain Shams Univ.
2. Machine Design Notes.
3. رسم فني للصف الثاني بالمدارس الفنية الصناعية المتقدمة
نظام السنوات الخمس
تخصص: آلات ومعدات كهربية - نقل وتوزيع الطاقة الكهربية


1 Prediction Of ECM Shapes By Complex Functions, The Bulletin of the Fac. of Engg., Ain Shams Univ., No. 8, 1978.
2 The Effect of Electro-Spark Hardening on the Wear Resistance of High Speed Steel, WEAR, 71, 1981.
3 Beneficial Effect of Air-Electrolyte Mixtures in Stationary ECM, Precision Engineering, 0141-6359/81/040, 1981.
4 High Speed Electrochemical Boring, Precision Engineering, Vol. 10. No. 2, 1988.
5 Flexible Feed Control System for Producing Predefined Shapes by ECM, The Bulletin of the Fac. of Engg., Ain Shams Univ., Vol.30, No. 4, Dec., 1995.
6 The State-of-the-Art of Micro-Wire Electrical Discharge Machining, Proc. of MDP-8, Cairo University on Mechanical Design and Production, Egypt, 4-6 Jan. 2004.
7 Towards higher accuracy for ECM hybridized with low-frequency vibrations using the response surface methodology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 149, Issues 1-3 , pp 432-438, June, 2004,.
8 Mathematical Modeling for Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Aluminum-Silicon Carbide Composites, Proc. of the 34th Int. MATADOR Conference, Manchester, UK., 7-9 July, 2004.
9 Surface Improvement through Hybridization of Electrochemical Turning and Roller Burnishing based on the Taguchi Technique, Proc., IMechE Vol. 219 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture, 2005.
10 Modeling the Performance of ECM Assisted by Low Frequency Vibrations, 7th International Conference on Production Engineering for Design and Development PEDD 7, Cairo, Egypt, 7-9 February, 2006. Also accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2007, (PROTECH 10649 1-7).
11 Mathematical Modeling for Sculpture Shaping by ECM using a Simple Spherical Tool, The Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp 1053-1067, Sep. 2007
12 A New Approach towards ECM Sculpture Shaping using the Taguchi Technique, The Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, 2007
13 Analysis of the Draping Behaviour of Multi-Layer Textiles using Digital Image Processing, Polymers and Polymer Composites, Vol. 20 (9), pp. 837-844., 2012.
14 Comparison of Picture Frame and Normalized Tensile Tests for the Determination of the Shear Lock Angle in Natural Fiber Woven Fabrics, (under publication)
15 Description of Draping Behaviour of Woven Fabrics Over Single Curvatures by Image Processing and Simulation Techniques", Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012.
16 Prediction of Draping Behaviour of Woven Fabrics over Double-Curvature Moulds using Finite Element Techniques", Vol.1 No.2 of the International Journal of Material and Mechanical Engineering (IJMME), 1 25-31, 2012.
17 Comparison of picture frame and bias-extension tests for the characterization of shear behaviour in natural fibre woven fabrics, Fibers and Polymers, 14 (2013) 338-344, 2013.
18 Prediction of Abrasive Water Jet Plain Milling Process Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Machinery Manufacturing and Automation, Sept. 2014, Vol. 3 Iss. 3, PP. 56-73.
19 Finite Element Analysis of Non Parallel Face Flanges under Thermal and Mechanical Combined Loading, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 9, November 2014.
20 Shakedown and limit load of pipe bends with local wall thinning under combined internal pressure and cyclic in-plane bending moment, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 10, December 2014.
21 Improved energy efficiency in troughed belt conveyors: Selected factors and effects, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015.
22 Strain Sensing Behaviour of 3D Printed Carbon Black Filled ABS, (under publication).
23 Mechanical Design Aspects of Single Screw Extruders using Finite Element Analysis, IJETR/03/2622, 2015.
24 Effect of Geometry and Rotational Speed on the Axial Pressure Profile of a Single Screw Extrusion, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, vol. 2, pp. 82-88, 2015.
25 Mechanical behaviour of ABS: An experimental study using FDM and injection moulding techniques, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, M. Dawoud et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Processes 21 (2016) 39–45و Michael Dawoud∗, Iman Taha, Samy J. Ebeid
26 Effect of processing parameters and graphite content
on the tribological behaviour of 3D printed acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene Einfluss von Prozessparametern und Graphitgehalt auf das tribologische Verhalten von 3D-Druck Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol
M. Dawoud, I. Taha, S. J. Ebeid, Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2015, 46, No. 12
27 Control of natural fibre-thermoplastic composite performance by adequate selection of processing parameters. Menna A. Saleh, Iman Taha, Samy J. Ebeid (submitted for publication)


  1. S. J. Ebeid1, M. R. A. Atia2, M. M. Sayed3, " Prediction of Abrasive Water Jet Plain Milling Process Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks ", Journal of Machinery Manufacturing and Automation, 2014
  2. S. J. Ebeid1, M. R. A. Atia2, M. M. Sayed3, " Effect of Process Parameters on Abrasive Water Jet Plain Milling ", AEIC, 2014
  3. and Mostafa M. Sayed 1 , Sami J. Ebeid *1 R, " Printing Parameters and Material Characteristics Affecting Mechanical Properties of FDM Printed Parts ", ENGINEERING RESEARCH JOURNAL (ERJ), 2024