Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed ElBanna

Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed ElBanna

Professor at Engineering Physics and Mathematics

Career Information

Professor at : 2024-02-26
Assistant Professor at : 2019-03-25
Teacher at : 2011-07-27
Teacher Assistant at : 2006-05-30
Demonstrator at : 1998-12-31

Academic Information

Ph.D. : 2011-06-29 From كلية الهندسة - جامعة عين شمس
M.Sc. : 2006-04-08 From كلية الهندسة - جامعة عين شمس
Graduation : may / 1998 From كلية الهندسة - , جامعة عين شمس



  1. Ahmed Shaker, Islam Sayed, Mohamed Abouelatta, Wael Fikry, S. Marwa Salem, Mohamed El-Banna, " Role of Quasi-Fermi potential in modeling III-V TFETs: InAs as a case study ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2023
  2. A. Ellakany, A. Zekry, M. Abouelatta, A. Shaker, M. ElBanna, " Performance Evaluation of X-Ray Nanowire Photoconductor Detector ", 2023 40th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 2023
  3. Abdelhady Ellakany, abdelhalim zekry, Mohamed Abouelatta, Ahmed Shaker, Gihan T. Sayah, Mohammed M. El-Banna, " Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Nanowire Transistor X-ray Detector ", Materials, 2023
  4. A. Salah, M. El Banna, A. Shaker, M. Ossaimee, " Impact of gate misalignment on the performance of CNTFET: TFET vs MOSFET ", Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023
  5. Marwa S. Salem, Abdelhalim Zekry, Ahmed Shaker, Mohamed Abouelatta, Tariq S. Almurayziq, Mohammad T. Alshammari, Mohamed M. El-Banna, " Performance Improvement of npn Solar Cell Microstructure by TCAD Simulation: Role of Emitter Contact and ARC ", Energies, 2022
  6. Marwa S. Salem, abdelhalim zekry, Ahmed Shaker, Mohamed Abouelatta, Mohamed M. ElBanna, Tariq S. Almurayziq, Rabie A. Ramadan, Mohammad T. Alshammari, " Performance Investigation of a Proposed Flipped npn Microstructure Silicon Solar Cell Using TCAD Simulation ", Crystals, 2022
  7. Yasmin Yahia, Marwa. S. Salem, A. Shaker, H. Kamel, M. Abouelatta, M. ElBanna, " A modified pseudo 2D physically-based model for double-gate TFETs: Role of precise calculations of drain and source depletion regions ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2022
  8. Marwa S. Salem, Mohamed El-Banna, Mohamed Abouelatta, Ahmed Saeed, Ahmed Shaker, " A Comparative Simulation Study of DG-MOSFETs: PCMS Approach in FETMOSS vs. CMS in Silvaco TCAD ", 2021 3rd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES), 2021
  9. A. Shaker, Marwa S. Salem, A. Zekry, M. El-Banna, G.T. Sayah, M. Abouelatta, " Identification of power PIN diode design parameters: Circuit and device-based simulation approach ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
  10. Ahmed Salah, Ahmed Shaker, Mohamed El-Banna, Mahmoud Ossaimee, " Impact of source doping profile on the performance of CNT TFETs and MOSFETs: design aspects for fabrication tolerance ", Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2021
  11. Mohammed M. El-Banna, Adel Helmy Phillips, Ahmed Saeed Abdelrazek Bayoumi, " Spin-valley thermoelectric characteristics of ferromagnetic silicene superlattice ", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
  12. Mohammed M. El-Banna, Adel Helmy Phillips, Ahmed Saeed Abdelrazek Bayoumi, " Ferromagnetic Silicene Superlattice Based Thermoelectric Flexible Renewable Energy Generator Device ", IEEE Access, 2021
  13. Yasmin Morgan, Mohamed Abouelatta, Mohamed El-Banna, Ahmed Shaker, " Tapered-Shape Channel Engineering for Suppression of Ambipolar Current in TFET ", 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM), 2020
  14. Abouelatta, M., Salem, M.S., Shaker, A., Elbanna, M., Zekry, A., Gontrand, C., " Parasitic Suppression in 2D Smart Power ICs Using Deep Trench Isolation: A Simulation Study ", National Academy Science Letters, 2019
  15. Marwa S. Salem, Abdullah J. Alzahrani, Rabie A. Ramadan, Adwan Alanazi, Ahmed Shaker, Mohamed Abouelatta, Christian Gontrand, Mohammed Elbanna, Abdelhalim Zekry, " Physically Based Analytical Model of Heavily Doped Silicon Wafers Based Proposed Solar Cell Microstructure ", IEEE Access, 2020
  16. Shaker, A., ElSabbagh, M., El-Banna, M.M., " Impact of nonuniform gate oxide shape on TFET performance: A reliability issue ", Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2019
  17. Morsy, K.A., Abouelatta, M.A., El-Banna, M.M., Elsaid, M.K., " Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic module for space applications using Simulink/MATLAB ", Proceedings of IWDRL 2018: 2018 1st International Workshop on Deep and Representation Learning, 2018
  18. Abdelhady A. Ellakany, Mohamed Abouelatta, Ahmed Shaker, Gihan T. Sayah, Mohammed El‐Banna, " TCAD simulation of a proposed 3D CdZnTe detector ", The Journal of Engineering, 2017
  19. , " A Physically-Based Analytical Model For Reduced Surface Field Laterally Double Diffused Mosfets ", Zenodo, 2017
  20. Shaker, A., El Sabbagh, M., El-Banna, M.M., " Influence of Drain Doping Engineering on the Ambipolar Conduction and High-Frequency Performance of TFETs ", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017
  21. Shaker, A., Abouelatta, M., El-Banna, M., Ossaimee, M., Zekry, A., " Full electrothermal physically-based modeling of the power diode using PSPICE ", Solid-State Electronics, 2016
  22. Abdelrazek, A.S., El-Banna, M.M., Phillips, A.H., " Photon-spin coherent manipulation of piezotronic nanodevice ", Micro and Nano Letters, 2016
  23. El-Banna, M.M., Sabry, Y.M., Fikry, W., Abdolkader, T.M., Omar, O.A., " Simulation of quantum transport in double gate MOSFETs: Coupled-mode space versus real space ", International Conference on Engineering and Technology, ICET 2012 - Conference Booklet, 2012
  24. El-Banna, M.M., Sabry, Y.M., Fikry, W., Omar, O.A., " Partial-Coupled Mode Space for quantum transport simulation in nanoscale double-gate MOSFETs ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM, 2010