Mohamed Elfaramawy El Esawey

Professor at Public Works

Career Information

Professor at : 2022-09-26
Assistant Professor at : 2017-03-30
Teacher at : 2011-11-02
Teacher Assistant at : 2005-07-25
Demonstrator at : 2002-11-25

Academic Information

Ph.D. : 2010-11-25 From جامعة بريتش كولومبيا بكندا
M.Sc. : 2005-06-25 From كلية الهندسة جامعه عين شمس
Graduation : june / 2002 From Faculty of Engineering , Ain shams University


Dr. El Esawey is the lead professor in transportation engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He pursued his Ph.D. degree in transportation engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 2010. In addition, he holds a minor in Engineering Management from the same university. He has over 22 years of experience that combines research/academic knowledge and practical experience. His areas of expertise include traffic safety, sustainable mobility plan, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), design of non-traditional intersections, micro-simulation modelling, advanced data algorithms & imputation and real-time travel time estimation. Dr. El Esawey authored and co-authored many refereed journal and conference papers and attended major transportation conferences. Moreover, he participated in several projects in Canada, the UAE, the KSA, Sudan, and Egypt. He is a registered Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in British Columbia, Canada since 2011 and he served as the Senior Highway Safety Engineer at British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (BC MOTI) between 2016 and 2018.


 Academic Excellence Scholarship, Ain Shams University, 1997-2002
 Academic Excellence Graduation Award, Ain Shams University, 2003
 Mavis Johnson Scholarship, Several Institutions (3M Canada, BC MoT, CITE), 2006
 Ph.D. Tuition Fee Award, University of British Columbia, 2005-2008
 Second Place Winner, UBC ITE Industry Night, UBC ITE Student Chapter, 2006
 First Place Winner, UBC ITE Industry Night, UBC ITE Student Chapter, 2009
 Michel Van Aerde Memorial Scholarship, ITS Canada, 2009
 TAC Canada Scholarship, TAC Canada, 3M Canada Company, 2009
 Best paper award, TAC Student Paper Competition, TAC Canada, 2009 Annual Conference
 CN Scholarship, CTRF Canada, 2010
 Soliman Abdel Hai Award in Transportation and Communications, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, 2014
 National Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, 2019


El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Travel Time Estimation in Urban Networks: An Innovative Approach Using Limited Real-time Probes Data and Historical Travel Time Relationships. DM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011, ISBN: 978-3639324143.


Referred Journal Papers
1. Telima, M., El Esawey, M., El-Basyouny, K., Osama, A. The use of crowdsourcing data for analyzing pedestrian safety in urban areas. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Volume (14), Issue (6), 2023.
2. El Esawey, M., Abo-Bakr, S., and Osama, A. Safety Performance of Alternative Intersection Designs: Techniques, Current Findings, and Research Gaps. In Advances in Transportation Studies- an International Journal, Volume (59), pp. 17- 40, April 2023.
3. El Esawey, M. Examination of the Temporal Stability of Daily and Monthly Adjustment Factors of Bicycle Traffic. In Transportation Research Record, Volume (2677), Issue (3), pp. 1185-1193, 2023.
4. El Esawey, M. An Approach for Detecting Data Anomalies at Permanent Cycling Count Stations. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, ASCE, Volume (149), Issue (1), January 2023.
5. Abdel-Wahed, T., El Esawey, M., Adham, S. A Simultaneous System Model to Estimate Temperature of Pavement Layers: Development and Validation. JES. Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume (50), Issue (2), pp. 59-74, March 2022.
6. Abo-Bakr, S., El Esawey, M., and Osama, A. Operational and Safety Performance Evaluation of Parallel Flow Intersection. In Transportation Research Record, Volume (2676), Issue (6), pp. 61-74, 2022.
7. El Masry, H., El Esawey, M., El-Araby, K. and Osama, A. Operational Impact of Microcars on Urban and Suburban Road Corridors. In Transportation Research Record, Volume (2676), Issue (6), pp. 488-502, 2022.
8. El Esawey, M., Sengupta, J., Babineau, J.E., and Takyi, E. Safety Evaluation of Variable Speed Limit System in British Columbia. In Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Volume (14), Issue (10), pp. 1776-1797, July 2022.
9. El Esawey, M., Hardy, J., Babineau, J.E., Sengupta, J., and Ludwar, K. Improving Variable Speed Limit Systems: Investigation of the Impact of Weather and Pavement Conditions on Operating Speed. In Advances in Transportation Studies- an International Journal, Issue (55), pp. 137-152, November 2021.
10. El Esawey, M. Using Spatio-temporal Data for Estimating Missing Cycling Counts: A Multiple Imputation Approach. In Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. Volume (16), Issue (1): Spatiotemporal Big Data Analytics for Transportation Applications, pp 5-22, 2020.
11. El Esawey, M., Nasr, K. Link Speed Estimation Using GPS Data: An Empirical Investigation of Some Issues. In the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. (47), Number (1), pp. 37-49, January 2020.
12. El Esawey, M., Walker, S., Sowers, C., and Sengupta, J. Safety Assessment of the Integration of Road Weather Information Systems (RWISs) and Variable Message Signs (VMSs) in British Columbia. In Transportation Research Record, Volume (2673), Issue (4), pp. 305-313, 2019.
13. El Esawey, M. Sowers, C., Sengupta, J., and Jain, R. Safety Evaluation of Cable Barriers Installation on Rural Highways in British Columbia. In Traffic Injury Prevention, Volume (20), Issue (2), pp. 220-225. April 2019.
14. El Esawey, M. Impact of Data Gaps on the Accuracy of Annual and Monthly Average Daily Bicycle Volume Calculation at Permanent Count Stations. In Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, Volume (70), pp. 125-137, July 2018.
15. El Esawey, M. Daily Bicycle Traffic Volume Estimation: Comparison of Historical Average and Count Models. In Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, Volume (144), Issue (2), June 2018.
16. El Esawey, M. Estimation of Daily Bicycle Traffic Volumes using Spatiotemporal Relationships. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, ASCE, Volume (143), Issue (11), November 2017.
17. El Esawey, M. Directional Distribution Factors for Bicycle Traffic: Development and Applications. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Volume (142), Issue (10), 2016.
18. El Esawey, M. Toward a Better Estimation of the Annual Average Daily Bicycle Traffic: A Comparison of Different Methods for Calculating Daily Adjustment Factors. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2593, pp. 28-36, 2016.
19. El Esawey, M., Lim, C., and Sayed, T. Development of a Cycling Data Model: City of Vancouver Case Study. In the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume (42), pp. 1000-1010, October 2015.
20. El Esawey, M., Mosa, A., Nasr, K. Estimation of Daily Bicycle Traffic Volumes Using Sparse Data. In Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, Volume (54), pp. 195-203, 2015.
21. Zaki, M., Sayed, T. and El Esawey, M. A Mixed Urban Traffic Road-users Classification based on Automated Video Data Analysis. In Advances in Transportation Studies- an International Journal, XXXV Issue, Section A35, pp. 55-70, April 2015.
22. El Esawey, M., and Mosa, A. Determination and Application of Standard K Factors for Bicycle Traffic. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2527, pp. 58-68, 2015.
23. El Esawey, M. Estimation of Annual Average Daily Bicycle Traffic with Adjustment Factors. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2443, pp. 106-114, 2014.
24. Mosa, A., and El Esawey, M. Design and Implementation of an Internet-based Household Activity Scheduling Survey in Cairo, Egypt. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, Vol. (140), Issue (4), 2014.
25. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Analysis of Unconventional Arterial Intersection Designs (UAIDs): State-of-the-art Methodologies and Future Research Directions. In Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol. (9), No. (10), 2013.
26. El Esawey, M., Lim, C., Sayed, T., and Mosa, A. Development of Daily Adjustment Factors For Bicycle Traffic. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. (139), Issue (8), pp. 859–871, 2013.
27. Mosa, A., and El Esawey, M. Modelling Individuals' Attitudes towards Joint out-of-home Activity Participation with Household Members. In Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. (5), Number (4), pp. 213-228, October 2013.
28. Mosa, A., and El Esawey, M. An Investigation of Household Interactions in Daily In-Home and Out-of-home Maintenance Activity Participation and Social Behaviour in Cairo, Egypt. In Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. (5), Number (4), pp. 201-212, October 2013.
29. Autey, J., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M. Operational Performance Comparison of Four Unconventional Intersection Designs Using Micro-simulation. In Advanced Transportation, Vol. (47), Issue (5), pp. 536-552, 2013.
30. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Neighbour Corridors Travel Time Estimation: Concept and a Case Study. In Advances in Transportation Studies- an International Journal, XXVIII Issue, Section B 28, pp. 81-96, November 2012.
31. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Evaluating Safety Risk of Locating above Ground Utility Structures in the Highway Right-of-Way. In Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. (49), pp. 419-428, 2012.
32. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. A Framework for Neighbour Links Travel Time Estimation in an Urban Network. In Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. (35), Issue (3), pp. 281-301, April 2012.
33. El-Basyouny, K., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., and Pump, J. Investigating Effect of Collision Aggregation on Safety Evaluations with Models of Multivariate Linear Intervention: Case Study of Program to Upgrade Signal Heads . In Transportation Research Record No. 2280, pp 110–117, 2012.
34. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Operational Performance Analysis of the Unconventional Median U-turn Design Using Micro-simulation. In Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. (38), Issue (11), pp. 1249-1261, October 2011.
35. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Using Buses as Probes for Neighbour Links Travel Time Estimation in an Urban Network. In Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. (3), Number (4), pp. 279-292, October 2011.
36. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Calibration and Validation of Simulation Models of Medium-Size Networks. In Advances in Transportation Studies- an International Journal, XXIV Issue, Section B 24, pp. 57-76, July 2011.
37. El Esawey, M., and Sayed, T. Travel Time Estimation in Urban Networks Using Limited Probes Data. In Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. (38), Issue (3), pp. 305-318, February 2011.
38. El Esawey, M. and Sayed, T. Unconventional USC Intersection Corridors: Evaluation of Potential Implementation in Doha, Qatar. In Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. (45), Issue (1), pp. 38-53, 2011.
39. Ekeila, W., Sayed, T., and El Esawey, M. Development of a Dynamic Transit Signal Priority Strategy. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2111, pp. 1-9, 2009.
40. Sayed, T., El Esawey, M. and Pump, J. Evaluating Impact on Safety of Improved Signal Visibility at Urban Signalized Intersections. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2019, pp. 51-56, 2007.
41. El Esawey, M. and Sayed, T. Comparison of Two Unconventional Intersection Schemes: Crossover Displaced Left-Turn and Upstream Signalized Crossover Intersections. In Transportation Research Record, No. 2023, pp. 10-19, 2007.


  1. , " Identification and Ranking of Dangerous Violation Types: Abu Dhabi Case Study ", 18th World Road Meeting, 2017
  2. El Esawey, M., " Using spatio-temporal data for estimating missing cycling counts: a multiple imputation approach ", Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2018
  3. El Esawey, M., Walker, S., Sowers, C., Sengupta, J., " Safety Assessment of the Integration of Road Weather Information Systems and Variable Message Signs in British Columbia ", Transportation Research Record, 2019
  4. El Esawey, M., Sowers, C., Sengupta, J., Jain, R., " Safety evaluation of cable barriers installation on rural highways in British Columbia ", Traffic Injury Prevention, 2019
  5. Esawey, M.E., " Daily bicycle traffic volume estimation: Comparison of historical average and count models ", Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2018
  6. El Esawey, M., " Impact of data gaps on the accuracy of annual and monthly average daily bicycle volume calculation at permanent count stations ", Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2018
  7. El Esawey, M., " Estimation of daily bicycle traffic volumes using spatiotemporal relationships ", Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 2017
  8. El Esawey, M., " Directional distribution factors for bicycle traffic: Development and applications ", Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2016
  9. El Esawey, M., " Toward a better estimation of annual average daily bicycle traffic: Comparison of methods for calculating daily adjustment factors ", Transportation Research Record, 2016
  10. El Esawey, M., Mosa, A.I., " Determination and application of standard K factors for bicycle traffic ", Transportation Research Record, 2015
  11. Zaki, M.H., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., " A mixed urban traffic road-users classification based on automated video data analysis ", Advances in Transportation Studies, 2015
  12. El Esawey, M., Lim, C., Sayed, T., " Development of a cycling data model: City of vancouver case study ", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015
  13. El Esawey, M., Mosa, A.I., Nasr, K., " Estimation of daily bicycle traffic volumes using sparse data ", Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2015
  14. Mosa, A.I., El Esawey, M., " Design and implementation of an internet-based household activity scheduling survey in Cairo, Egypt ", Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2014
  15. El Esawey, M., " Estimation of annual average daily bicycle traffic with adjustment factors ", Transportation Research Record, 2014
  16. Esawey, M.E., Lim, C., Sayed, T., Mosa, A.I., " Development of daily adjustment factors for bicycle traffic ", Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2013
  17. Mosa, A.I., El Esawey, M., " An investigation of household interactions in daily in-home and out-of-home maintenance activity participation and social behavior in Cairo, Egypt ", Transportation Letters, 2013
  18. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Analysis of unconventional arterial intersection designs (UAIDs): state-of-the-art methodologies and future research directions ", Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2013
  19. Mosa, A.I., El Esawey, M., " Modeling individuals' attitudes toward joint out-of-home activity participation with household members ", Transportation Letters, 2013
  20. Autey, J., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., " Operational performance comparison of four unconventional intersection designs using micro-simulation ", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2013
  21. Esawey, M.E., Sayed, T., " A framework for neighbour links travel time estimation in an urban network ", Transportation Planning and Technology, 2012
  22. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Evaluating safety risk of locating above ground utility structures in the highway right-of-way ", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012
  23. El-Basyouny, K., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., Pump, J., " Investigating effect of collision aggregation on safety evaluations with models of multivariate linear intervention ", Transportation Research Record, 2012
  24. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Neighbour corridors travel time estimation: Concept and a case study ", Advances in Transportation Studies, 2012
  25. Esawey, M.E., Sayed, T., " Unconventional USC intersection corridors: Evaluation of potential implementation in Doha, Qatar ", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2011
  26. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Calibration and validation of micro-simulation models of medium-size networks ", Advances in Transportation Studies, 2011
  27. el Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Operational performance analysis of the unconventional median u-turn intersection design ", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2011
  28. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Travel time estimation in urban networks using limited probes data ", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2011
  29. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Using buses as probes for neighbor links travel time estimation in an urban network ", Transportation Letters, 2011
  30. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Travel time estimation in Urban networks using buses as probes ", TAC/ATC 2010 - 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Adjusting to New Realities, 2010
  31. Ekeila, W., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., " Development of a Dynamic Transit Signal Priority Strategy ", TAC/ATC 2009 - 2009 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation in a Climate of Change, 2009
  32. Ekeila, W., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., " Development of dynamic transit signal priority strategy ", Transportation Research Record, 2009
  33. Ekeila, W., Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., " Development and comparison of dynamic transit signal priority strategies ", Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems: Characterization, Mechanisms, Simulation, and Modeling - Proceedings of the 4th International Gulf Conference on Roads, 2008
  34. El Esawey, M., Sayed, T., " Comparison of two unconventional intersection schemes: Crossover displaced left-turn and upstream signalized crossover intersections ", Transportation Research Record, 2007
  35. Sayed, T., El Esawey, M., Pump, J., " Evaluating impact on safety of improved signal visibility at urban signalized intersections ", Transportation Research Record, 2007
  36. Mohamed El Esawey, " An Approach for Detecting Data Anomalies at Permanent Cycling Count Stations ", Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2023
  37. Mohamed El Esawey, Joy Sengupta, John E. Babineau, Emmanuel Takyi, " Safety evaluation of variable speed limit system in British Columbia ", Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2022
  38. Hesham El Masry, Mohamed El Esawey, Khaled El-Araby, Ahmed Osama, " Operational Impact of Microcars on Urban and Suburban Road Corridors ", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2022
  39. Salma Abo-Bakr, Mohamed El Esawey, Ahmed Osama, " Operational and Safety Performance Evaluation of Parallel Flow Intersection ", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2022
  40. Mohamed El Esawey, " Using spatio-temporal data for estimating missing cycling counts: a multiple imputation approach ", Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2020
  41. Mohamed El Esawey, " Estimation of Daily Bicycle Traffic Volumes Using Spatiotemporal Relationships ", Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2017
  42. Mohamed El Esawey, " Toward a Better Estimation of Annual Average Daily Bicycle Traffic ", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2016
  43. Mohamed El Esawey, Ahmed Ibrahem Mosa, " Determination and Application of StandardKFactors for Bicycle Traffic ", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015
  44. Mohamed El Esawey, " Estimation of Annual Average Daily Bicycle Traffic with Adjustment Factors ", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2014
  45. Mohamed Attwa, Mohamed El Esawey, Ahmed Osama, " Impacts of Smartphones’ Distraction on Driving Behavior: Naturalistic Data Collection Using A Smartphone Application ", IEEE ICCTA International Conference on Computer Theory & Applications, 2023
  46. Mohamed El Esawey, " Examination of the Temporal Stability of Daily and Monthly Adjustment Factors of Bicycle Traffic ", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2023

Research Projects

 eNAV: Integrated Real Time Navigation and Management System for Heavy Vehicles. (Ongoing Research Project).
 Evaluating safety risk of locating above ground utility structures in the highway right-of-way. The aim was to identify the relationship between the safety level and the location of above-ground utility poles within the highway right of way.
 Evaluation of the safety impacts of improved signal visibility at urban signalized intersections as part of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia's Road Improvement Program using the Empirical Bayes analysis approach.
 Evaluation of the Road Improvement Program (RIP) of Insurance Corporation of BC, 2006. The objective of this project was to conduct a time-series (before to after) evaluation of the safety performance of locations that have been improved under the ICBC’s Road Improvement Program (RIP). The effectiveness of the Road Improvement Program (RIP) can be determined by quantifying the program costs versus the benefits that accrue as a result of collision reduction after an improvement has been implemented.
 Development of the Collision Prediction Models for British Columbia. The objective of this project was to develop the Collision Prediction Models (CPM), known now as Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) for British Columbia using the BC highway collision data. These models can be used to estimate the safety performance of major types of provincial highway segments and intersections in British Columbia. Models were developed for nine different types of highway segments and four different types of intersections. Within each category, two models were developed, including a Property Damage Only model (PDO) and a severe collision model (i.e. fatal + injury). Stop controlled intersections have a total model (i.e. PDO + Injury + fatal).
 Comparison of two unconventional intersection schemes crossover displaced left-turn and upstream signalized crossover intersections. The objective of this project was to compare the performance and operations of two unconventional intersection schemes, namely, the XDL and the USC intersections. The comparison was made in relation to average vehicle delay and potential capacity.
 Evaluation of potential implementation of unconventional USC intersection corridors in Doha, Qatar. One of the newly developed unconventional intersection schemes is the Upstream Signalized Crossover (USC) intersection. The Ministry of Public Works of Qatar was considering the implementation of the USC intersection on three signalized intersections along a major urban corridor in Doha City, Qatar. The potential improvements associated with the USC implementation were investigated in this project.
 Operational Performance Comparison of Four Unconventional Intersection Designs. This project was an extension to a previous project that compared two unconventional intersection schemes; the Crossover Displaced Left-Turn (XDL) intersection and the Upstream Signalized Crossover (USC) intersection. In this project, the comparison was extended to include two more designs: the Half USC and the Median U-turn (MUT).
 Impact of Rumble Strips on Collision Reduction on Highways in British Columbia: Comprehensive Before-and-After Safety. This was a before and after cross sectional safety study was carried out to determine the safety impacts that are associated with the application of shoulder and centerline rumble strips on British Columbia (BC) Highways. An Empirical Bayes safety study that aimed at quantifying the safety improvements (in terms of collision reductions) that can be gained after the implementation of shoulder and centerline rumble strips.
 2010 Winter Olympic Games Transportation Monitoring (OGTM) Project. To quantify the observed changes in travel behaviour during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games using in-the-field data collection. The study collected two different data components: a 24-hour Downtown Vancouver Modal Screen-line, and venue intercept surveys outside of Olympic Venues.
 Development and Operation of UBC’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Laboratory. The primary goal of the project was to establish an ITS test laboratory equipped with ITS technologies that can be used for the learning, testing, evaluation, and research of their operations and benefits. The laboratory was used both for the purposes of consulting and for providing engineering students with hands-on learning (Civil and Electrical).
 Comparison of Augmented and Non-Augmented GPS Receivers for Transportation Applications: Field Survey and Analysis. A preliminary analysis to compare GPS receivers without augmentation (corrections) to those supported by augmentation systems. The purpose was to investigate the potential accuracy of each technology in vehicle tracking.
 An analysis of individuals’ mode choice behavior in Greater Cairo Region (GCR) by calibrating a group of Multinomial Logit (MNL) mode choice models. The used data were collected through two surveys undertaken as a part of Cairo Regional Area Transportation Study (CREATS). Four mode choice models were calibrated: a general model (i.e. non-purpose specific), and three models for work, education and other trips.