Article (26): Course Repeating

  • The student can repeat a course for improvement if his grade satisfies the minimum passing requirement, according to the following rules:
    • The student gets the higher grade of the course after repeating. This grade is the one that will be accounted for in the cumulative GPA, on condition that the improvement should be shown in the student's transcript.
    • The maximum number of times that the student can repeat for repeating is five times during his study duration, except for improving courses with the purpose of getting out of the academic probation or satisfying the graduation requirements.
    • The student should pay the full credit hours fees for the improving course.
  • If the student fails a course (gets F grade), he should repeat the course (full attendance and performing all activities including examinations), according to the following rules:
    • The maximum grade of the repeated course is B+.
    • The student gets the grade of the course after repeating. This grade is the one that will be accounted for in the cumulative GPA, on condition that the repeating should be shown in the student's transcript.
    • The student should pay the full credit hours fees for the repeated course.
  • If a student repeats a course, he is required to repeat all course assessment criteria and will be completely re-evaluated. The course grade is calculated from scratch.
