Article (4): Teacher Support and Development Centre, Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University

The mission of the Teacher Support and Development Centre (TSDC) is to produce education didactics modules, adopt the most advanced technological tools to satisfy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and commit to continuous growth in a challenging environment. TSDC aims to make the most out of the available resources and uncover potential capabilities. Our academic teachers are keen to abide by the highest levels of cultural values and ethical priorities and boost creativity and innovation of academic teachers while respecting a sense of belonging.

The Teacher Support and Development Centre is responsible for:

  1. Doing research on the teaching and learning process in different programs at the faculty.
  2. Encouraging teachers to adopt new teaching technologies and strategies such as CDIO (Conceive, Develop, Implement and Operate).
  3. Providing support to include Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the curricula of different programs.
  4. Providing support in the implementation of other Engineering skills such as team working, communication skills, critical thinking, etc.
  5. Developing and maintaining several teacher manuals, such as code of conduct, manual for different activities during the teaching process.
  6. Organizing training for continuous development.
  7. Developing administration staff involved with the students.
  8. Teaching the general courses to the faculty students.
