Article (3): Faculty Departments

The courses at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University are offered by 13 different departments.

A Faculty Department is responsible for scientific research, and teaching courses to all programs, which need courses in the specialization of the department and holding the department code. The department is responsible for the scientific content of the course and the nomination of instructors to each course, either from the department, from another department, or from outside the faculty. The assignment of instructors from outside the faculty is subject to the approval of the Education and Students’ Affairs Committee. Additionally, the department is responsible for the continuous development of teaching methodologies and scientific content throughout the courses.

The following subjects are assigned to the relevant department to teach and to carry out research work:

  1. Engineering Physics and Mathematics Department

Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry.

  1. Design and Production Engineering Department

Casting and Welding Technology, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Measurements, Mechanics of Machines and Automatic Control, Design and Engineering Drawing, Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Mechatronics.

  1. Mechanical Power Engineering Department

Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Combustion, Thermal Power Systems, Internal Combustion Engines, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Automatic Control and Measurements.

  1. Automotive Engineering Department

Automotive Engines, Automotive Design, Systems and Programs of Maintenance, Vehicle Repair, Control Systems in Vehicles, Electronic Systems in Vehicles, Automotive Technology.

  1. Mechatronics Engineering Department

Automation and Control, Embedded Design, Mechatronics Design and Manufacturing, Robotics and Mechatronics Applications.

  1. Architectural Engineering Department

Architectural Design, Theory of Architecture, History of Architecture, Computer Applications in Architecture, Working Drawings, Building Technology, Legislations and Project Management, Building Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage.

  1. Urban Design and Planning Department

Urban Design, Urban Planning, city planning, Landscaping, Environmental Studies, Sociology Urban Geography, Urban Economy, Housing, Geographic Information systems, urban renewal and rehabilitation of historic and heritage sites.

  1. Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Department

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines, Electric Power Systems, High Voltage Engineering, Power Electronics, Protection and Switchgear Engineering, Electrical Measurements and Testing, Control of Power Systems.

  1. Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Electrical Materials, Electronic Measurements, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Circuits, Communications, Electromagnetic Waves, Electrical Testing, Integrated Circuits.

  1. Computer and Systems Engineering Department

Computer Organization, Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Computer Applications, Industrial Measurements and Testing, Systems Engineering, Automatic Control, Artificial Intelligence and Applications.

  1. Structural Engineering Department

Structural Analysis, Design of Concrete Structures, Design of Steel Structures, Properties Testing and Strength of Materials and Quality Control, Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, Construction Engineering and Project Management.

  1. Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering Department

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Water Structures Design, Inland Navigation and Harbour Engineering, Engineering Hydrology, Water Resources Engineering and Water Management, Dams and Tunnels Engineering.

  1. Public Works Engineering Department

Surveying and Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Traffic Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Planning, Highway and Airport Engineering, Railway Engineering.
