3-2 Engine Management and Fault Diagnosis

This training focuses on the 4-stroke manifold injection, gasoline engine operation, management system, maintenance and repair. This training is a good opportunity for Engineers who are interested in maintenance, fault diagnosis and repair.


This course aims at providing the trainees with the technical skills to:

  1. Diagnose the root of the fault using many diagnostic techniques and tools to quantify the improper operation or signal shape for certain part.
  2. Understand the theory of operation for all the components of the engine management to be able to perform diagnosis.
  3. Be familiar with on-board diagnostics for passenger cars.
  4. Test sensors and actuators with multimeter and oscilloscope.

Prior knowledge

Trainee should have a passion to automotive field, and basic background on internal combustion engine operation.


The course covers the following contents:

  • Session 1: Engine operation, maintenance, and repair.
  • Session 2: Diagnostic techniques and tools.
  • Session 3: Sensors, actuators and oscilloscope diagnostics.
  • Session 4: On-board diagnostics (OBD).
  • Session 5: Engine sub-systems fault diagnosis 1
  • Session 6: Engine sub-systems fault diagnosis 2


  • Two weeks – 30 hours
  • (Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday)


  • 2300 EGP

Number of trainees

  • 12 - 16


  • Dr. Fady Ibrahim