
New Courses Summer 2024

Luban Workshops at Ain Shams University announces PRACTICAL training courses for engineering and technology students and graduates in the fields of CNC machines operation and maintenance, Renewable Energy Installations and Operations, and Automotive Inspection and Maintenance. The courses will be held at the unique facilities of Luban Workshops at the Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University.

Visit our Courses Page for more information.

Apply by selecting the course you need:

  • 1.1 CNC Hardware Connections and Operation - Apply Now
  • 1.3 Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robot (MicroMouse) -  Apply Now
  • 2.2 Wind/Solar Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance - Apply Now
  • 3.3 Automotives Maintenance - Apply Now

Download the announcement.

About ASU Luban Workshop

Luban Workshop has been established in 2020 at Ain Shams University (ASU) as a means of collaboration between Egypt and China in the field of Technology Education.

The ASU Luban Workshop aims at providing students and graduates from different engineering and technological disciplines hands on experience and practical application in three main fields:

  • CNC machines installation and maintenance,
  • Renewable Energy Installations and Operations, and
  • Automotive Inspection and Maintenance.
  • Autonomous robots (micromouse)

The ASU Luban Workshop seeks to eliminate the need gap in these fields corresponding to the increasing industrial need in the region especially in the partner Chinese companies.

16.4 MEGP are utilized for providing state-of-the-art didactic equipment specifically designed to provide trainees with the necessary skills to operate, maintain and troubleshoot equipment and systems in the three fields. The workshop is funded by Tianjin Light Industry Vocational Technical College in the fields of energy and CNC machining, while automobile field by Tianjin Transportation Technical College.


  • Provide practical application for undergraduate and post graduate circula.
  • Professional training for faculty students, engineering vocational students inside and outside Egypt, in addition to graduates.

New Training Courses

  • The ASU Luban Workshop announces a new series of training courses.  
  • For registration, please use the Apply NOW link in each course page or send an email to luban@eng.asu.edu.eg.

Offered Courses

  • 1.1 CNC Hardware Connections and Operation
  • 1.2 CNC Maintenance (Intermediate Level)
  • 1.3 Introduction to MicroMouse
  • 2.1 Installation, Design, and Operation of Photovoltaic Systems
  • 2.2 Photovoltaic & Wind Energy Conversion Systems
  • 2.3 Wind Power Generation
  • 3.1 Fault Diagnosis and Elimination of Automobile Electrical System
  • 3.2 Engine Management and fault diagnosis:
  • 3.3 Automotive Engines Maintenance
  • 3.4 Maintenance of Mechanical System in Automobile Engine
  • 3.5 Basic Engine Training
  • 3.6 Basic Electric Training

Download the announcement.