Program #13: Manufacturing Engineering Program

Program Description

Nowadays there are rising needs to modernize manufacturing industry to cope with the global challenges of producing cost effective products, competing at international markets and adapting to rapidly changing technologies for modern industry. Manufacturing Engineering is a complex discipline that requires a great deal of diverse and specialized knowledge. Manufacturing engineers are required by companies involved in manufacturing any kind of products, ranging from machines, equipment and robotics to all consumer products. The Program provides a broad technical background for students, in addition to proficiency in engineering methods, problem-solving and decision-making skills to a variety of manufacturing engineering issues. The aim of the program is to graduate manufacturing engineers who will be responsible for the design, selection of materials, specifications and the improvement of production processes and equipment. Responsibility for design and enhance of manufacturing systems, production management and control, as well as plant maintenance are also required by manufacturing engineers.

Career Prospects

Manufacturing Engineering Program Graduates may seek jobs at companies involved in manufacturing any kind of products, ranging from machines, equipment and robotics to all consumer products. They often have their choice of challenging positions such as manufacturing engineer, production manager, design engineer, quality specialist, process analyst, maintenance engineer, operations manager, continuous improvement engineer, or technical sales engineer.

Program Concentrations

The Manufacturing Engineering Program offers two concentrations. Each concentration is offered through a pool of 6 courses, from which students should select 4 courses (12 Credit Hours), 2 from pool A and 2 from pool B, in addition to the graduation project (1) and (2) which represent additional 6 Credit Hours; i.e. the concentration will be 18 Credit Hours. Two additional elective courses, one from each pool, are offered that students choose from the other concentration. The offered concentrations are as follows:

  1. Advanced Manufacturing Systems: in this concentration the modern techniques used in manufacturing process, automation and some special topics related to the manufacturing processes will be covered.
  2. Manufacturing Management: All topics related to how to manage the manufacturing systems, evaluate it performance and/or propose improvement enhancing its competitiveness are covered by this concentration.

Agreements with another University

The program is in partnership with the University of East London (UEL), United Kingdom for a Bachelor Dual Degree. Students joining this agreement will pay an additional fee, to substitute expenses for the external Quality Audits/Moderation Boards that will take place in Egypt. The Graduates should receive two B.Sc. certificates, one from the University of East London, and one from Ain Shams University. Students are allowed to study a full year or more in London with a 10% reduction in the UK tuition fees.

Program Competences

In addition to the competences for all Engineering Programs (A-Level), the Manufacturing Engineering Program graduate must be able to (D-Level):

  • Understand and Operate physical systems applicable to the specific discipline by applying the concepts of: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Instrumentation and Control Theory and Systems.
  • Model and analyse physical systems applicable to the specific discipline by applying the concepts of: Material Properties, solid Mechanics, Material Processing, Measurements, and Mechanical Design.
  • Design mechanical systems and machine elements using appropriate materials both traditional means and computer-aided tools and software contemporary to the mechanical engineering field.
  • Understand, select and plan various materials processing technologies to produce different types of products.
  • Design products, process and the equipment, tooling and environment necessary for their manufacture to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
  • Apply knowledge, problem solving techniques, and hands-on skills in assessment of design, operation and continuous improvement of manufacturing systems, including automated manufacturing processes, process controls, manufacturing operations management, and systems integration.
  • Understanding of the creation of competitive advantage through manufacturing planning, strategy, and control.
  • Adopt suitable national and international standards and codes to: design, build, operate, inspect and maintain industrial equipment and systems.
  • For each concentration the following competences are achieved:


Graduate attributes

Advanced Manufacturing systems

9a. Understand automated manufacturing processes and their impact on the manufacturing system.

10a. Outline basic ideas of industrial automation in modern manufacturing including Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Robotics, and CIM.

11a. Apply advanced methods to the analysis, synthesis and control of automated systems.

Manufacturing Management

9b. Understand the analysis, synthesis, and control of manufacturing operations using statistical and calculus-based methods, simulation and information technology.

10b. Create competitive advantage through manufacturing planning, strategy, quality and control.

11b. Improve cost, quality, time, and flexibility goals using world class management methodologies.

Required Courses

In order to get a Bachelor of Science Degree in this program, and to satisfy the Program Competences, the following set of courses need to be completed.
