Fatma Abdel-Karim Kamel Newagy

Professor at Electronics Engineering and Electrical Communications

Career Information

Professor at : 2022-06-27
Assistant Professor at : 2017-02-16
Teacher at : 2011-12-29

Academic Information


She is a Professor of Communications Engineering in Ain Shams University. Dr. Newagy is a member of Communications and Information Technology ICT National committee – Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). She is a member of Space Research and Remote Sensing Scientific Council, Specialized Scientific Councils – ASRT. She is the supervisor of Space Technology Lab in ASU – funded by Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA). She participated in different ASRT activities as "Future Jobs in Egypt", Updating the "National strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation STI-EGY 2030" and Suggestions for "Sustainable Development Strategy – Egypt 2030". She judged Mega Projects and Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF 2019). She is a Steering Committee member in MIT – ASU Center of Excellence – Energy founded by USAID (2018 – 2021). She is also a member of Arab Foundation of Young Scientists.
Dr. Newagy is an editorial board member in many international journals as Ain Shams Engineering Journal (ASEJ), Elsevier. She is an author/ co-author of over 70 publications worldwide in the field of Communications and Information Technology in refereed international journals and conference proceedings. She has got many best paper awards in International Conferences. She is also an editor of BOOK SERIES - Big Data for Industry 4.0: Challenges and Applications - "Microgrids: Design, Challenges, and Prospects", CRC Press, 2021.
Dr Newagy obtained her BSc, MSc, and PhD in Electronics and Communications Engineering. She has more than 24 years of experience in Communications and Information Technology. Throughout her career, she held several positions, either academic or managerial in several universities and organizations. To mention a few, Ain Shams University, Cairo University, the American University in Cairo, the German University in Cairo and the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport. Her areas of Research and Lectures include but are not limited to: Smart grids, Energy Efficiency, Electrical vehicles, Satellite Communications, UAVs, AI, Smart City, Security, 6G.


• Best paper award in 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques “ICEECCOT-2021”, December 2021, India.
• First Place and EgSA shield in Egyptian Space Agency summer competition 2021.
• Research International Papers Reward, Ain Shams University 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
• Research paper award, Cairo University 2008.
• Appreciation Certificate, Vodafone Egypt 2010.
• Ph. D. Fellowship award Cairo University 2004, Ph.D. award 2008.
• Master Fellowship award Cairo University 1999, Master award 2002.
• Cairo University Excellence award during five years of study in the faculty of Engineering 1998.


BOOK SERIES - Big Data for Industry 4.0: Challenges and Applications - "Microgrids: Design, Challenges, and Prospects", Edited By Ghous Bakhsh Narejo, Biswaranjan Acharya, Ranjit Singh Sarban Singh Ranjit Singh Sarban Singh, Fatma Newagy – October 2021 https://www.routledge.com/Big-Data-for-Industry-40/book-series/CRCBDICA - CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group -ISBN 978-0-367-48795-9

Book Chapter
Maha A Maged, Ahmed Youssef, Fatma Newagy, … "Utilizing Vias and Machine Learning for Design and Optimization of X-band Antenna with Isoflux Pattern for Nanosatellites", Business Intelligence and Information Technology, Edited by Aboul Ella Hassanien, Yaoqun Xu, Zhijie Zhao, Sabah Mohammed, Zhipeng Fan – December 2021, Springer Nature - ISBN 978-3-030-92631-1


1. Nour el-dein Safwat, Ismail Hafez, Fatma Newagy, "3D placement of a new tethered UAV to UAV relay system for coverage maximization", Electronics, 11(3), 385; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11030385, Jan 2022.

2. Mohamed Mostafa, Fatma Newagy, Ismail Hafez, "Complex Regularized Zero Forcing Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems" Wireless Personal Communication https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08482-4, April 2021.
3. Nour el-dein Safwat, Fatma Newagy, Ismail Hafez, "Path loss data for UAV channel modeling", Data, DOI: 10.17632/z97wrdk75y.2 – License CC BY 4.0, Mach 2021

4. Nour el-dein Safwat, Fatma Newagy, Ismail Hafez, "Air-to-Ground channel model for UAVs in Dense Urban Environments" IET Communications 14(6), April 2020.
5. Yara Ashraf, Fatma Newagy, Ismail Hafez, "Performance evaluation of cooperative and non-cooperative MIMO cognitive radio networks" IET Communications 13(20), 3588 – 3594, December 2019.
6. Abdallah Fathy, Fatma Newagy, Wagdy Anis, "Performance Evaluation of UWB Massive MIMO Channels With Favorable Propagation Features" IEEE Access (7), 147010 – 147020, October 2019.
7. Imad A Shaheen, Abdelhalim Zekry, Fatma Newagy, Reem Ibrahim, "Performance evaluation of PAPR reduction in FBMC system using nonlinear companding transform," ICT Express, Elsevier 5(1), 41-46, March 2019.
8. Imad A Shaheen, Abdelhalim Zekry, Fatma Newagy, Reem Ibrahim, "PAPR reduction using combination of SAS preprocessed and WHT precoding for MIMO system of FBMC/OQAM transceiver" International Journal of Engineering & Technology - Science Publishing Corporation SPC 7(4), 3803-3809, Dec. 2018.
9. Mohamed El-Barbary, Fatma Newagy, Ismail Hafez, "A Novel IDFT/DFT Based Transceiver for Faster than Nyquist Signaling Optimization" Wireless Personal Communications, Springer US 97(4), 5643-5656, Nov. 2017.
10. I Shaheen, A zekry, F Newagy, R Ibrahim; "PAPR reduction for FBMC/OQAM using hybrid scheme of different Precoding transform and mu-law companding" International Journal of Engineering & Technology - Science Publishing Corporation SPC 6(4), 154-162, Nov. 2017.
11. Dina M. Hussein, Abdelhalim Zekry, Said Baioumy, Fatma Newagy, "Implementation of a standard inner convolutional codec for DVB-T system using VHDL" International Journal of Engineering & Technology - Science Publishing Corporation SPC, (6)4, 131-140, Oct. 2017.
12. Imad A Shaheen, Abdelhalim Zekry, Fatma Newagy, Reem Ibrahim, "Combined DHT Precoding and A-Law Companding for PAPR Reduction in FBMC/OQAM signals" International J Computer Advanced Research - UAE, (6)2, 31-39, April 2017.
13. Imad A Shaheen, Abdelhalim Zekry, Fatma Newagy, Reem Ibrahim, "Proposed New Schemes to Reduce PAPR for STBC MIMO FBMC systems" Communications on Applied Electronics (6) 9, 27-33, April 2017.
14. Fatma Newagy, "Global Energy-Efficiency Metric for Coordinated Cognitive Radio Networks" IEEE Access Journal (4), 6733 - 6738, Oct. 2016.
15. Mohamed Mostafa, Fatma Newagy, Ismail Hafez, "Joint complex regularised zero-forcing equalisation and CFO compensation for MIMO SC-FDMA systems" IET Communications (10) 16, 2245-2251, Nov. 2016.
16. Refaat Mohamed, Mahmoud H Ismail, Fatma Newagy, Heba M Mourad, "Closed-form capacity expressions for the α-μ fading channel with SC diversity under different adaptive transmission strategies" Frequenz - De Gruyter (67) 3-4, 127-137, March 2013.
17. Ahmad Mohammad, Fatma Newagy, Abd El-Haleem Zekry, "Influence of utilizing the selective mapping technique for PAPR reduction in SC-FDMA systems" International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA - Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), (48) 25, July 2012.
18. Fatma A Newagy, Yasmine A Fahmy, Magdi El-Soudani, "A Novel Design technique for LDPC codes" Frequenz - De Gruyter (61)11-12, 270-278, Dec. 2007.
19. Fatma A Newagy, Yasmine A Fahmy, Magdi El-Soudani, "NOVEL CONSTRUCTION OF SHORT LENGTH LDPC CODES FOR SIMPLE DECODING" Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology - libraries of EBSCO Publishing USA (3) 3, May 2007.
20. Emad K Al-Hussaini, Hebat-Allah M Mourad, Fatma A Newagy, "A MC-CDMA mobile communication system employing Pre-RAKE and transmit diversity" Wireless Personal Communications - Kluwer Academic Publishers (31) 3-4, 131-148, Dec. 2004.


  1. Mahmoud Ahmed Elghorab, Mohamed Rihan El-meligy, Muhamed Mostafa, Fatma, " Energy-Efficient User Pairing for Downlink NOMA in Massive MIMO Networks ", Applied Sciences, 2022
  2. Rana Kamel, Mehaseb Ahmed, Fatma, " Resource Allocation in Uplink NOMA-IoT Based UAV for URLLC Applications ", Sensors, 2022
  3. Nour El-Din Safwat, Ismail Mohammed Hafez, Fatma, " 3D Placement of a New Tethered UAV to UAV Relay System for Coverage Maximization ", Electronics, 2022
  4. Mostafa, M., Abdelhamed, M.A., Newagy, F., Hafez, I., " MIMO SC-FDMA System Performance Investigation under Realistic Channel Models ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2019
  5. Shaheen, I.A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., Ibrahim, R., " Modified Alternating Signal (AS) Scheme for Reducing PAPR of FBMC/OQAM Signal ", Proceedings - 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2018, 2019
  6. Shaheen, I.A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., Ibrahim, R., " Performance evaluation of PAPR reduction in FBMC system using nonlinear companding transform ", ICT Express, 2019
  7. El-Mohamady, M., Newagy, F., Hafez, I., " Implementation issues for multiple cognitive radio systems sharing satellite Ka-band ", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite, COMNETSAT 2017 - Proceedings, 2018
  8. Kamel, Y.A., Newagy, F., Hafez, I., Mahmoud, M., " Interference Minimization with Power-Capacity Constraints for Cognitive Radio Networks ", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2018, 2018
  9. Shaheen, I.A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., Ibrahim, R., " PAPR reduction using combination of SAS preprocessed and WHT precoding for MIMO system of FBMC/OQAM transceiver ", International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 2018
  10. El-Barbary, M., Newagy, F., Hafez, I., " A Novel IDFT/DFT Based Transceiver for Faster than Nyquist Signaling Optimization ", Wireless Personal Communications, 2017
  11. Shaheen, I.A.A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., Ibrahim, R., " Absolute Exponential Companding to Reduced PAPR for FBMC/OQAM ", Proceedings - 2017 Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, PICICT 2017, 2017
  12. Soliman, S., Newagy, F., Hafez, I., " Complexity reduction for GPS acquisition algorithms using Sparse Fourier Transform ", National Radio Science Conference, NRSC, Proceedings, 2017
  13. Hussein, D.M., Zekry, A., Baioumy, S., El-Newagy, F., " Implementation of a standard inner convolutional codec for DVB-T system using VHDL ", International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 2017
  14. Shaheen, I.A.A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., Ibrahim, R., " Modified Square Rooting Companding Technique to Reduced PAPR for FBMC/OQAM ", Proceedings - 2017 Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, PICICT 2017, 2017
  15. Shaheen, I.A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., Ibrahim, R., " PAPR reduction of FBMC/OQAM systems based on combination of DST precoding and A-law nonlinear companding technique ", Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Promising Electronic Technologies, ICPET 2017, 2017
  16. Mohamed, M.M., Newagy, F.A., Zekry, A., " Energy efficient cooperation scheme for self-organized femtocells ", Proceedings - 2015 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2015, 2016
  17. Newagy, F., " Global Energy-Efficiency Metric for Coordinated Cognitive Radio Networks ", IEEE Access, 2016
  18. Mostafa, M., Newagy, F., Hafez, I., " Joint complex regularised zero-forcing equalisation and CFO compensation for MIMO SC-FDMA systems ", IET Communications, 2016
  19. El-Barbary, M.G., Newagy, F.A., Hafez, I.M., " Performance of simplified Faster-than-Nyquist tranceiver ", 2016 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, ICICS 2016, 2016
  20. Mohammad, A.S., Zekry, A.H., Newagy, F., " A combined PTS-SLM scheme for PAPR reduction in multicarrier systems ", 2013 IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics, GHTCE 2013, 2013
  21. Mohamed, R., Ismail, M.H., Newagy, F., Mourad, H.M., " Closed-form capacity expressions for the α-μ Fading channel with SC diversity under different adaptive transmission strategies ", Frequenz, 2013
  22. Mohamed, R., Ismail, M.H., Newagy, F.A., Mourad, H.-A.M., " Probability of error and ergodic capacity of switch-and-examine combining diversity over the α-μ Fading channel ", Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2013
  23. Mohammad, A., Zekry, A., Newagy, F., " A time domain SLM for PAPR reduction in SC-FDMA systems ", 2012 IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics, GHTCE 2012, 2012
  24. Mohamed, R., Ismail, M.H., Newagy, F.A., Mourad, H.-A.M., " Capacity of the alpha-mu fading channel with SC diversity under adaptive transmission techniques ", 2012 19th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2012, 2012
  25. Newagy, F.A., Elramly, S.H., " Novel technique for scaling down LDPC code lengths in DVB-T2 standard ", 2012 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, TEMU 2012, 2012
  26. Yousry, H., Elezabi, A., Newagy, F., Elramly, S., " Improved periodogram-based spectrum sensing technique for FM wireless microphone signals ", 2011 18th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2011, 2011
  27. Elramly, S., Newagy, F., Yousry, H., Elezabi, A., " Novel modified energy detection spectrum sensing technique for FM wireless microphone signals ", 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2011, 2011
  28. Newagy, F.A., Fahmy, Y.A., El-Soudani, M.M.S., " A NOVEL design technique for LDPC codes ", Frequenz, 2007
  29. Newagy, F.A., Fahmy, Y.A., El-Soudani, M.M.S., " Designing near Shannon limit LDPC codes using particle swarm optimization algorithm ", Proceeding - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC 2007, 2007
  30. Al-Hussaini, E.K., Mourad, H.-A.M., Newagy, F.A., " A MC-CDMA mobile communication system employing pre-rake and transmit diversity ", Wireless Personal Communications, 2004

Research Projects

1- "Space Technology Lab" Supervisor Funded by EgSA – Egyptian Space Agency & Egyptian ASRT

2- "Space Technology as a Cross Cutting for Egypt's Strategy for Sustainable Development Plan 2030" Funded by Academy of Scientific Research and Technology –ASRT

3- “Enhancement Proposals for DVB-T2 Systems and Cognitive Radio Networks Sharing the Same Frequency Band” - Activity: Responsible of Channel Coding (LDPC) part. 2011 - 2013, Funded by NTRA Egypt.

4- "Wireless Evolution in Mobile Technology in Egypt Second, and Third Generations" - - Activity: Responsible of UMTS part. 2002 - 2003, Funded by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology